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Curriculum Map
French 2
Trimester 1
Trimester 2
Trimester 3
Bien Dit Chapters: 1, 2, 3
 Vocabulary: Vocabulary for family members;
describing personality and appearance; Social norms for
choosing formal or informal address; celebrations and
party preparation; asking for help and advice; to check if
things have been done; for wishing someone a good
time; Fruits, vegetables, and cooking; Food; Specialty
store; Town
 Grammar: Possessive adjectives; Full avoir and être
conjugations; Meaning and usage of conjugated forms;
Relationship between subject pronouns and verbs;
Circumstances when each verb is used; Regular and
irregular adjective agreements with nouns (m/f/s/p);
Correct word order; Indirect object pronouns
(me/m’/te/t’/lui/nous/vous/leur) ; Direct object pronouns
(me/te/le/la/l’/nous/vous/les) ; Structure of passé
compose; When to use avoir and être as helping verb;
Negation with the passé compose; Meanings of phrases
in the past tense; Ne…pas, ne…pas encore,
ne…jamais, ne…plus, ne…rien, ne…personne ;
L’épiphanie, le jour des rois, le 14 juillet, le carnaval,
Noël ; Question formation; Indefinite articles
(un/une/des) ; Partitive articles (du/de la/des) ; Question
sentence structure; Use of pronoun “y”; Use of pronoun
“en”; Contractions with “a” and “de”;
 Culture: Gestures for counting; Appropriate use of first
names and titles; Family nicknames; Sunday as a family
day; Moroccan family settings; Writing differences with
cursive and print; Writing utensil differences; age when
writing is taught; Gestures for greeting and leave taking,
kissing; Difference between formal and informal;
Traditional holiday dishes; Appropriate and
inappropriate gifts; The metric system; Traditional
Quebec specialties (caribou, cod, poutine, cretons) ;
Normal eating routines
Bien Dit Chapters: 4, 5, 6
 Vocabulary: Places in a school and various events;
Computer and computer accessory; School event;
morning routine; Internet webpage; Frustration;
Impatience expressions; daily routine; Frequency and
times of day; Recommendation and expressions;
childhood activities; childhood descriptions; describe past
events; country life
 Grammar: Expressions for what happened; Computer
vocabulary and question formation; Object pronouns in
the past tense; Correct use of quelqu’un, quelque chose ;
Correct use of ne…personne, ne…rien, and ne…que ;
Full conjugations in the present and past tense of
recevoir and suivre; Depuis, il y a, ça fait… ; Conjugation
and usage of reflexive verbs; Sequencing words;
Conjugations of reflexive verbs in the present and past
tense; Agreement with reflexive verbs in the past tense;
Tout/toute/tous/toutes; Se lever; S’appeler; Imperative
word order; Multiple verb word order and placement of
reflexive pronoun; Correct word order; The imparfait vs.
passé composé ; The imparfait vs. passé composé ;
Conjugations of regular and irregular verbs in the
imparfait; Adverb placement; The comparative with
adjectives and nouns; The superlative with adjectives;
Irregular comparatives and superlatives
 Culture: Website languages; The Diplôme d’études
collègiales in Quebec; The BAC in France; La ringuette;
Lunch eating time; Typical lunch foods; School hours;
Type of schedules; Train, Metro, Bike, Car; La faïence de
Quimper; La Bretagne; Influence of USA in France; Le
pain; Le goûter – Snacks for children; School and free
time activities; Discuss typical French children’s games
comic books, and songs; Comic Books Astérix, Tintin,
Lucky Luke, etc…; Discuss places to buy fresh products
outside of a city in France; Discuss responsibilities of an
au pair; City vs. Country benefits and disadvantages
Bien Dit Chapters: 7, 8 , 9
 Vocabulary: camping ; vocabulary to describe what
happened and describe circumstances; nature, animals,
and outdoor activities; Body parts; Vocabulary to describe
injuries and illnesses; Vocabulary to describe improving
one’s health; Vocabulary to complain about health and give
advice; expressing sympathy; Polite request vocabulary;
Types of movies and books; Information vocabulary;
Recommendation and advising vocabulary ; Preference
vocabulary; Television and music
 Grammar: Imparfait vs. passé composé ; Être en train de;
The future tense of regular and irregular verbs; The verb
courir in the present, passé composé and future;
Formations of regular verbs in the subjunctive tense;
Formation of select irregular verbs in the subjunctive tense;
Subjunctive expressions; Subjunctive vs. present tense;
Formation of regular verbs in the conditional tense;
Formation of sentences using si clauses; Formation of the
conditional tense; Superlatives (le plus/moins + adjective +
de and le + noun + le + plus/moins + adjective + de) ;
Comparatives (plus/aussi/moins + adjective + que) ;
Demonstrative pronouns (celui, celle, ceux, celles) ;
Interrogative pronouns (lequel, laquelle, lesquels,
lesquelles) ; Il/Elle est is used to describe someone followed
by a noun or adjective; C’est/Ce sont is used with a noun or
adjective to describe something in general to identify who or
what; Relative pronouns qui, que, and dont ; Formation of
present participles
 Culture: Camping; Nautical Sports; La pêche; National
parks; Health insurance & health care; Clinics and
medication; Roles of healthcare workers; Les clubs de
gym/les salles de fitness ; Typical foods (rice, fish, peanuts
and peanut products); Television Regulations; Doublés, en
version originale, version française-doublée ; TF1, France
2, France 3, France 5/Arte, M6 ; Commercials; TVA (taxe
sur la valeur ajoutée) ; Le Festival de Cannes ; La Palme