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Exam 3 Practice Test
** Make sure you know WHY the answer is correct and WHY the other answer choices
are not correct**
1. What separates the upper and lower respiratory tracts?
a. Larynx
b. Diaphragm
c. Tonsils
d. Epiglottis
2. True or False: The respiratory surface in humans is the lungs.
3. The epithelial cells on mucus membranes...
a. Are ciliated to help trap small particles in the mucus
b. Are triple layered to allow for protection
c. Are a special type of epithelial cell called Eustachian cells
d. Get irritated easily, which is why you sneeze
4. Some viruses are latent. This means...
a. They increase substantially over time
b. They are dormant for periods of time
c. They live outside of host cells
d. They reproduce asexually
5. Prions...
a. Are mistaken by other proteins because of their similar folding
b. Can cause spongiform encephalopathy
c. Contain RNA but do not contain DNA
d. Are easily degradable
6. The amount of air you breathe in a normal breath is called...
a. Tidal volume
b. Vital capacity
c. Residual volume
d. Inspiration volume
7. The diaphragm contracts
a. On inhalation
b. On exhalation
c. Both exhalation and inhalation
d. The diaphragm does not contract
8. True or False: Your sense of smell comes from your auditory cells.
9. Which of the following is NOT a vector?
a. Mosquitoes for Malaria
b. Deer ticks for Lyme Disease
c. Rocky Mountain Spotted fever
d. All of the above are vectors
10. Which of the following can collect and crystallize in the joints causing gout?
a. Uric Acid
b. Ammonia
c. Urea
d. Amino Acids
11. True or False: Genital Warts are caused by HPV (Human Papilloma Virus)
12. Which of the following is NOT a part of the pharynx
a. Nasopharynx
b. Oropharynx
c. Europharynx
d. Laryngopharynx
e. All of the above are parts of the pharynx
13. Otitis media means?
a. Wax buildup in the ear canal
b. Infection of the mucus membranes
c. Tensing of the vocal folds
d. Middle ear infection
14. What is the structure called that surrounds and protects the glottis?
a. Epiglottis
b. Larynx
c. Thyroid
d. Vocal Fold
15. Each kidney filters about how much blood daily?
a. 1 liter
b. 5-6 liters
c. 1,000 liters
d. 85 million liters
16. Who is more prone to urinary tract infections?
a. Males
b. Females
c. Males with prostate issues
d. Individuals with high protein levels in their blood
e. C & D
17. True or False: Urination is voluntarily controlled by the external urethral
18. True or False: Urination is a negative feedback loop.
19. How is loudness of spoken voice determined?
a. How fast the vocal cords vibrate
b. By the volume of air – the lower volume the louder it is
c. By how large the vocal folds are of an individual
d. All of the above
20. True or False: The pleural membrane is made up of a single layer.
21. External Respiration is...
a. Gas exchange between the environment and an organism
b. The act of breathing
c. Exchange between the circulatory and respiratory systems
d. The exchange of air between non-humans
22. Diaphragm contracts in response to
a. Carbon dioxide levels
b. Oxygen levels
c. Protein levels
d. Erythrocyte count
23. Environmental tobacco smoke is another name for
a. Mainstream smoke
b. Sidestream smoke
c. Bothe mainstream and sidestream smoke
d. None of the above
24. Which of the following is not a task of the excretory system?
a. Water balance in blood
b. Recycling usable materials such as amino acids
c. Level of leukocytes in the blood
d. Removal of waste products from the body
25. True or False: Bacteria are living organisms.
26. A microscopic organism such as bacteria, protistans, yeasts or viruses is a...
a. Pathogen
b. Parasite
c. Microbe
d. Plasmid
27. Which is true of a prokaryotic cell?
a. Includes DNA
b. Has a nucleus
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above
28. The organ that filters and cleanses the blood is
a. The Liver
b. The Kidneys
c. The Ureters
d. The Heart
29. True or False: Most bacteria are harmful and should be avoided.
30. True or False: Viruses are living organisms.
31. The outer layer of the kidney is the...
a. Renal Cortex
b. Renal Medulla
c. Renal Pelvis
d. Renal Nephron
32. Which of the following is a viral STI?
a. Hepatitis B
b. Herpes
c. HPV
d. All of the above
33. True or False: Prions are a naturally occurring protein in the brain.
34. Eukaryotic organisms cause which of the following STIs?
a. Pubic Lice
b. Trichomoniasis
c. Syphillis
d. A & B
e. All of the above
35. The suffix –itis means?
a. Acute
b. Mucus-producing
c. Inflammation
d. It is
36. Your Nasopharyx includes...
a. Nasal cavity
b. Eustacian tubes
c. Tonsils
d. All of the above
37. True or False: The AIDS virus rapidly makes copies of T4 cells which lead to
immune deficiency.
38. How does urine get a yellow color?
a. Degraded hemoglobin
b. Urobilins
c. Bilirubin
d. All of the above
39. Three phases of processing waste by the kidney, in order, are...
a. Tubular secretion, Tubular reabsorption, Glomerular filtration
b. Glomerular filtration, Tubular reabsorption, Tubular secretion
c. Tubular reabsorption, Tubular secretion, Golmerular filtration
d. Tubular secretion, Glomerular filtration, Tubular reabsorption
40. True or False: Cells and proteins left in the glomerulus leave via efferent
41. The upper respiratory tract contains which of the following?
a. Larynx
b. Pharynx
c. Nasal cavity
d. Alveoli
42. Which is the correct path of air beginning with an inhale?
a. Pharynx, Alveoli, Bronchi, Bronchioles
b. Pharynx, Bronchi, Bronchioles, Alveoli
c. Alveoli, Pharynx, Bronchioles, Bronchi
d. Alveoli, Bronchi, Bronchioles, Pharynx
e. None of the above
43. ADH does NOT do which of the following?
a. Increases permeability of collecting ducts to water
b. Increases water retention in kidneys
c. Creates more water in the bloodstream
d. ADH does all of the above things
44. Infectious agents can be
a. Living or non-living
b. Bacteria, Viruses, Prions, Fungi or Parasites
c. Single celled or multi celled
d. A & B
e. All of the above
45. True or False: Bacteria, through asexual reproduction, produce identical copies
of the bacterial cell.
46. Which is FALSE about viruses?
a. They contain no ribosomes
b. They cannot make their own protein
c. They cannot replicate without a host
d. They do not have enzymes for metabolism
e. All of the above are true
47. The nasal conchae does not do which of the following?
a. Increases surface area
b. Humidifies air
c. Warms or cools incoming air
d. Equalizes pressure
e. The nasal conchae does all of the above functions
48. True or False: There is no immune response to prions.
49. True or False: The first line of defense is the skin.
50. Which of the following is NOT a bacterial STD
a. Chlamydia
b. Gonorrhea
c. HIV
d. PID