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History Friday Test Study Guide
AD: Anno Domini “In the year of our Lord” BC: before Christ There is no year zero 0
Ice Bridge, dogs domesticated: Hunters & gatherers who many believe came from Asia (ice bridge [Bering strait])-they were following the animals such as
the mammoths and hunted them with Atlatl (device for throwing a spear-could throw spear 60mph the length of football field)-dangerous Saber tooth tigers (500lbs)
3,100 – 2,200 Stonehenge (Druids)
2,600 Egypt (Pyramids- Khufu)
1,000 gunpowder in China
753 City of Rome founded (Remus and Romulus)
587 Nebuchadnezzar (Babylon) & destruction of Solomon’s Temple In 538 Babylon was conquered by Persia -Cyrus II (he conquers Babylon)
500 – 300 Greeks (Golden Age) had the city states of Athens & Sparta - Greeks-Led to democracy that we know today
490 Battle of Marathon (26 miles, Nike) / Persians (Iran) Empire –King Xerxes/ Used ships as a bridge to cross from Turkey to Greece
Greeks have to keep trying to turn back the invasion of the Persians
480 Thermopylae the three-hundred (300) king Leonidas at same time the Greek navy fights and wins
431 the Peloponnesian Wars begin: Sparta vs. Athens: Fight amongst themselves-leads to decline of Greece
384-322 BC Aristotle –He was philosopher and teacher of Alexander the Great 333-323 Alexander the great= defeats Persia- By the age of thirty, he had created one of the largest empires of the ancient world, stretching from the Greece to the Northern India
264-201 Rome vs. Carthage (North Africa) / Hannibal (247-183)
Hannibal (247-183) was a Carthaginian military commander, generally considered one of the greatest military commanders in history. His father, Hamilcar Barca, was the leading Carthaginian
commander during the First Punic War. Hannibal lived during a period of great tension in the Mediterranean, when the Roman Republic established its supremacy over other great powers such as
Carthage One of his most famous achievements was at the outbreak of the Second Punic War, when he marched an army, which included war elephants, from Spain over the Alps into northern
Italy. In his first few years in Italy, he won three dramatic victories—Trebia, Trasimene, and Cannae, in which he distinguished himself for his ability to determine his and his opponent's strengths
and weaknesses, and to play the battle to his strengths and the enemy's weaknesses—and won over many allies of Rome. Hannibal occupied much of Italy for 15 years, but a Roman counterinvasion of North Africa forced him to return to Carthage, where he was decisively defeated by Scipio at the Battle of Zama. Scipio had studied Hannibal's tactics and brilliantly devised some of his
own, and finally defeated Rome's nemesis at Zama.
206 Han Dynasty in China (becomes a Confucian state). It opens trading routes to the west: Silk
214 Great Wall of China (1,500 miles and 25 feet high)
146 Roman conquest of Greece
73BC-Spartacus-former Gladiator who led revolt against Rome. He was later captured and crucified.
60 BC Julies Caesar (killed in 44BC by Brutus) and is the end of the Roman Republic and beginning of the Roman Empire
Julius Caesar was a general who with the leaders Pompey and Crassus bring peace to Rome who had been experiencing civil wars. They form the 1st triumvirate. He was given command in Gaul
where he was victorious in battle. He became powerful with a loyal army. When Crassus dies Pompey tells Caesar to disband his army, but instead Caesar marches to Rome and Pompey flees. They
finally meet in battle in Greece where Pompey’s Army is crushed. He then goes to Egypt and makes an alliance with Cleopatra (who had been deposed as queen). Caesar restores her as Queen. Many
resented his power and so on March 15 Brutus and others stabbed him to death as a traitor to the Roman Republic. This led to another civil war. His heir Octavian joined Marc Antony to form a
second triumvirate to rule Rome and fight the armies of Brutus. Later Antony splits from Octavian after Antony was given control of the eastern part o of the roman provinces. He meets Cleopatra
falls in love and eventually battles Octavian’s Roman forces where he loses and flees with Cleopatra to Egypt. Pursued by Octavian they commit suicide.
Rome’s Empire: 100 BC to 476 AD /Roads/slaves, soldiers
Roman (Italy) emperors: Octavian[Augustus] (27BC-14AD)/ Tiberius 14- 37 / Caligula[insane] 37-41/ Claudius 41-54 AD / Nero 54-68 burns Rome?
Caligula[insane] 37-41: Caligula means “little boots” got the name as a child while with his father at roman soldier camps. He was the great grandson of Julies Caesar. He is example of absolute
power corrupting absolutely. Tiberius feared his father Germanicus (Roman General) who was very popular, so he had him killed along with Caligula’s older brothers and sisters. He spared
Caligula and later brought him to his place of residence. Later Calig. Bribes Marco (leader of the Praetorian Guard) to support him, which he does. The Praetorian were soldiers whose job was to
protect the Emperor. While Tiberius was sick Calig. smothers him to death and the Praetorians march Calig. along the Appian Way (road to Rome) and declare him Emperor of Rome. The senate
supports this. Under Tiberius the senate had been through Treason Trials were many had been killed. Calig. promises to end this and Calig. bribes the people with gifts of money. He becomes very
popular and the senate declares him the “father of the country”. Calig. gets sick and almost dies. During this time he discovers that Marco begins to support Gemellus (Calig’s 14 year old cousin) as
heir to the throne. Calig. has his cousin killed along with Marco. Calig. becomes brutal and power mad. He is a big fan of gladiator fights (trained to fight for the amusement of the people). The
people love the gladiator fights. He has animals from around the empire imported and has mismatched fights as well. He also loves theater and horse racing at the Circus Maximus. He spends
money like no one before him. He orders a huge ship built to carry an obelisk (300 tons) from Egypt to Rome. [It is at the modern day site of St. Peters Basilica [Vatican City]]. The senate gets sick of
Calig.s spending on feasts and parties. He wants to rule without the senate and breaks his promise and begins to start holding Treason Trials. He also mocks them. They cower to him. He has many
killed and takes there property and money. He even tries to have his favorite horse Incatatus made Consul (head of the senate). His horse wore the chest plate from Alexander the Great’s horse.
This was humiliating to the senate. Calig. would say: “Let them hate so long as they fear me”. When the senate sees him he makes them prostrate to him (bow). All this leads to conspiracy. Some
Senators, his brother-in-law, and his 2 sisters plot his murder. He finds out. He has his brother-in-law killed and banishes his sisters. He has killed a general of the legions (in Germanic territory near
the Rhine) killed. Calig. then goes north (wants to expand his empire). His plan is to invade England as J. Caesar once did. They make it to the shores of northern France and he orders his soldiers to
cross the English Channel under the water. They don’t so he punishes them by making them collect seas shells. This was to humiliate them. The trip was a flop. When he returns To Rome he wants
a Triumph Procession (put on by the Senate) but this doesn’t happen. So he goes to Baiae (the Martha’s Vineyard of the day) and has a parade there. Later (20 miles south of Rome) he has two
massive barges built (each the size of a football field) on lake Nemi. These are for the purpose of having parties. He then goes back to Rome and begins to kill his decreed enemies. He no longer
trusts anyone and surrounds himself with former slaves (servants) and becomes like a king. He also wants to be worshiped like a God and hangs out at the Temple of Jupiter. He then announces
that he is moving the capital of Rome to Alexandria (Egypt). The senators are not allowed to go there. The senate now decides it is time to kill Calig. The Praetorian Guard is not happy with Calig
either. Their leader Chaerea has been made of and mocked by Calig. on many occasions. So one day on Palatine Hill: Chaerea’s and some senators catch Calig. in the halls (a passage) and stab him
to death. The senate then convenes and plan on returning Rome back to a republic, but the Praetorian Guard get Calig.s uncle Claudius and put him in charge and declare him emperor. They do
this so they can retain their power.
122 Hadrian’s Wall (separates England from Scotland) to protect from the “barbarians”/ 180-192 Commodus (emperor who fought as gladiator)
285 Rome splits between East and West
313 Constantine- Christian Popes & Catholicism 325 1st Council of Nicaea
434 Attila the Hun- was the ruler of the Huns from 434 until his death in 453. During his reign he was one of the most feared enemies of the Western and Eastern
Roman Empires. He crossed the Danube twice and plundered the Balkans, but was unable to take Constantinople. He also attempted to conquer Roman Gaul (modern
France), crossing the Rhine in 451 and marching as far as Aurelianum (Orléans) before being defeated at the Battle of the Catalaunian Plains.Subsequently he invaded Italy,
devastating the northern provinces, but was unable to take Rome. He planned for further campaigns against the Romans but died in 453.
Vandals (Germanic Tribes) who conquered Rome
476 Fall of Rome / East becomes the Byzantine Empire / Dark Ages or Medieval Times
The Byzantine Empire was the predominantly Greek speaking continuation of the Roman Empire during the Middle Ages. Its capital city was
Constantinople (modern-day Istanbul) originally known as Byzantium, it survived the 5th century fragmentation and collapse of the Western Roman
Empire and continued to thrive, existing for an additional thousand years until it fell to the Ottoman Turks in 1453.
------------------------------Middle Ages 476-1500 AD (800 to 1400 age of feudalism-Knights)-------------------------------------------
521 king Arthur- many believe based in fact
600 Islam established
732-767 Frankish Kingdom (Charles Martel) beat Muslims-leads to Papacy
768- 814 Charlemagne: his kingdom is recognized by the papacy as the largest since the fall of Rome
Charlemagne- He sought to restore education, art, and introduced feudalism in his reign. Which was a system based on granting of rights to lands (fiefs)
in return for certain considerations. Thus, a feudal lord granted lands to his vassal (a lesser noble) in return for an oath of loyalty and commitment to
supply a number of warriors for the lord’s armies. At the bottom are the Serfs who farm the land.
843 Charlemagne’s Empire is split and leads to founding of the Holy Roman Empire
800-1000 Vikings (Norsemen)-sought plunder and new lands. They conquered parts of England and Northern France. (Normandy)
962 Holy Roman Empire was a multi-ethnic and complex union of territories in Central Europe existing from 962 to 1806. It was ruled by an emperor
who was elected by powerful princes. How much power the Emperor had versus the princes, bishops and the pope was a highly controversial issue.
Century by century the Emperor lost power until Napoleon abolished the empire.
1000 Leaf Erickson- was a Norse explorer regarded as the first European to land in North America nearly 500 years before Christopher Columbus.
1066 William the Conqueror / king John 1215 Magna Carter / 1077 Tower of London / 1171 Henry II claims Ireland
1200 -1227 Genghis Khan- He came to power by uniting many of the nomadic tribes of northeast Asia. After founding the Mongol Empire and being
proclaimed "Genghis Khan", he started the Mongol invasions that resulted in the conquest of most of Eurasia. By the end of his life, the Mongol
Empire occupied a substantial portion of Central Asia and China.
1088 Crusades: Pope Urban issues them to capture the Holy Land
1118 Knights Templar founded to protect Jerusalem and European Pilgrims.
1187 Saladin recaptures Jerusalem
1299-1900’s Ottoman Empire
1254-1324 Marco Polo: In 1298 he publishes his tales on China and leads to TRADE WITH CHINA
1325 Aztecs found the city of Tenochtitlan
1337 100 years’ war: England vs. France. They struggle for dominance of Western Europe
1347 Black Death (some say up to 50% of population died in Europe)/ Venice (rats and fleas)
1314 William Wallace - was a Scottish landowner who became one of the main leaders during the Wars of Scottish Independence. Wallace defeated an
English army at the Battle of Stirling Bridge in 1297, and was Guardian of Scotland, serving until his defeat at the Battle of Falkirk in July 1298. In 1305,
Wallace was captured in near Glasgow and handed over to King Edward I of England, who had him hanged, drawn, and quartered for high treason and
crimes against English civilians.
1346 Long Bow
1412 Joan of Arc- Claiming divine guidance, she led the French army to several important victories during the Hundred Years' War against England.
1453Constantinople (fall of the Byzantine Empire) Mehmed leads the Muslims. Istanbul
-Need new trade route which leads to Columbus
1439 Gutenberg: Printing Press
1492 New World –Columbus (Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria)
1500’s rise of Spanish power: Gold / Pirates
Ponce de Leon (Florida) / conquistadors/ missionaries/ Aztecs (Montezuma-1470-1520)/Cortes
1519 Magellan-Portugal- sailed around the world. Died before he made it. First circumnavigation of the Earth
1452- 1519 Leonardo Da Vinci-Mona Lisa, painter, sculptor, architect, musician, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, geologist, and even had a
design for a flying machine.
1500’s Henry the 8 (England) and protestant reformation (Calvin and Luther) Broke away from Catholic Church. Wanted a son.
*Henry 8 : Divorced, Beheaded, Died, Divorced, Beheaded, Survived
1588 Spanish Armada Defeated by English and a storm
1600’s-1700’s Settlement in the new world (north America-France and England)/ slave trade
1776-1780s American Revolution –King George vs. George Washington
1790s French Revolution: Napoleon /Marie Antoinette / Mozart
1800’s trains / industrial revolution from farms to cities/ Civil War/ Alexander Graham Bell (phone)/ Edison and light bulb
1900’s Cars / planes (Wright Brothers) / Ford (mass production of cars) / Oil (Arabian countries & Texas)
1914-1919 WWI Germans
1929-1930’s Great Depression / Hitler (Germany) /
Einstein / nuclear bombs- Manhattan Project
1940’s WWII / concentration camps (Jewish) Holocaust/ Japan & Pearl Harbor/ Churchill (Eng.)/ FDR(USA)/ Stalin (Russia)/ America Rises in Power
Beginning of cold war with Russia “Soviets”
1950’s TV/Korea (communism in north spreading to south)/ Elvis “King of Rock and Roll”
1960’s Space race with Soviets/ hippies, Vietnam (Ho chi Minh) / Kennedy (Cuba Missiles) (assassinated in Dallas by Lee Harvey Oswald)/ Nixon/ moon
landing (1969)/Beatles (music) / Civil rights movement (MLK)/
1970’s Disco / Nixon (Watergate Hotel)/ end of Vietnam /High gas prices (Arabian Oil) / wage freezes/
1980’s USA beats Soviet Hockey team at Olympics/ “best music”/ Berlin Wall (in Germany)/ Reagan (USA)/ Thatcher(Eng)/ Gorbachev (USSR)/ high
inflation/ space shuttle explodes/ end of “cold war”
1990’s Persian Gulf War: Iraq: Saddam Hussein invades Kuwait (George Bush)/ Internet/ impeachment of Clinton
2000’s 911 / IPad/ Technology/ Rise of China as superpower? / 1 African American president (Obama)/Fight against terrorism/seeking alt. energy sources