MSL Prep 1 - Northside Middle School
... c. Aristophanes b. Sophocles d. Euripides ____ 40. Greek murals or wall paintings often a. realistically portrayed daily life. b. showed scenes from the Iliad and the Odyssey. c. illustrated the daily news. d. used Christian imagery. ____ 41. “What is truth?” is a question associated with a. Socrate ...
... c. Aristophanes b. Sophocles d. Euripides ____ 40. Greek murals or wall paintings often a. realistically portrayed daily life. b. showed scenes from the Iliad and the Odyssey. c. illustrated the daily news. d. used Christian imagery. ____ 41. “What is truth?” is a question associated with a. Socrate ...
Christianity and Craft Guilds in Late Medieval England: A Rational
... economy, and while the paucity of evidence ensures that disagreement will persist for the foreseeable future, the broad outlines are known. This section begins by describing those functions. The description draws on a wide variety of secondary sources including recent research by this and other auth ...
... economy, and while the paucity of evidence ensures that disagreement will persist for the foreseeable future, the broad outlines are known. This section begins by describing those functions. The description draws on a wide variety of secondary sources including recent research by this and other auth ...
Knight Hospitaller (1)
... It already existed, but the way in which the Order then evolved from a charitable organisation into one of the most effective fighting forces of the Middle Ages was a consequence of the crusading movement. In the process the Hospitallers became recognised experts in the military capabilities of oppo ...
... It already existed, but the way in which the Order then evolved from a charitable organisation into one of the most effective fighting forces of the Middle Ages was a consequence of the crusading movement. In the process the Hospitallers became recognised experts in the military capabilities of oppo ...
Thinking about how you have learned
... Give two reasons for their eventual collapse. a ................................................................. b ................................................................................... ...
... Give two reasons for their eventual collapse. a ................................................................. b ................................................................................... ...
Middle ages powerpoint project
... Slide 28: Parliament (pg. 307) Slide 29: Henry II & English Common Law (pg. 306-307) Slide 30: Hundred’s Years War Slide 31: Middle Ages France Slide 32: Middle Ages Spain Slide 33: Middle Ages Russia Slide 34: The Black Death Slide 35: The Black Death ...
... Slide 28: Parliament (pg. 307) Slide 29: Henry II & English Common Law (pg. 306-307) Slide 30: Hundred’s Years War Slide 31: Middle Ages France Slide 32: Middle Ages Spain Slide 33: Middle Ages Russia Slide 34: The Black Death Slide 35: The Black Death ...
... SS.HMW.50 Medieval Africa This unit discusses the kingdoms and societies of early West Africa, including Ghana, Mali, Songhai. Also this unit discusses the rise of Ghana as a trading empire, the influence of Islam on West Africa, and the cultural legacy of West Africa. SS.HMW.50.01 Summarize the im ...
... SS.HMW.50 Medieval Africa This unit discusses the kingdoms and societies of early West Africa, including Ghana, Mali, Songhai. Also this unit discusses the rise of Ghana as a trading empire, the influence of Islam on West Africa, and the cultural legacy of West Africa. SS.HMW.50.01 Summarize the im ...
... Athens and Sparta Warm-Up Get ready for the lesson. Instruction How did Athens and Sparta use their strengths to defeat the Persians? Summary Review and connect what you learned. Assignment Write a real estate listing for Athens. Quiz Answers Greece's Golden Age Warm-Up Get ready for the lesson. Ins ...
... Athens and Sparta Warm-Up Get ready for the lesson. Instruction How did Athens and Sparta use their strengths to defeat the Persians? Summary Review and connect what you learned. Assignment Write a real estate listing for Athens. Quiz Answers Greece's Golden Age Warm-Up Get ready for the lesson. Ins ...
Aristocratic Landscape
... based on the common concept of chivalry. A closer look also reveals that it is possible to detect similarities in how aristocrats from different parts of Europe acted regarding their built environment, castles and manor houses and in the landscape at large. This is so far, however, a rather untold s ...
... based on the common concept of chivalry. A closer look also reveals that it is possible to detect similarities in how aristocrats from different parts of Europe acted regarding their built environment, castles and manor houses and in the landscape at large. This is so far, however, a rather untold s ...
Introduction - Beck-Shop
... in fact, indulgences were significant in English pre-Reformation religion; the English were indeed keen on them. It will be impossible to rehabilitate indulgences in what follows – and that is not the intention – but they do merit more attention than they have received. They must be included in any f ...
... in fact, indulgences were significant in English pre-Reformation religion; the English were indeed keen on them. It will be impossible to rehabilitate indulgences in what follows – and that is not the intention – but they do merit more attention than they have received. They must be included in any f ...
An Amazingly Cool Charlemagne Project
... Objective: This project is intended to help you become more familiar with the life and achievements of Charlemagne. Complete each part of the project below as directed. Part I Read “The Life and Times of Charlemagne” Handout. You may need a dictionary to help you. Part II Answer Reading Questions fo ...
... Objective: This project is intended to help you become more familiar with the life and achievements of Charlemagne. Complete each part of the project below as directed. Part I Read “The Life and Times of Charlemagne” Handout. You may need a dictionary to help you. Part II Answer Reading Questions fo ...
History: Primary Documents - Trinity Western University
... Jewish & Early Christian Church History Assyria, Babylonia Egypt Greece Rome Asia Middle Ages (Europe 500-1500AD) General / Collections of Readings Gender Crusades Religion (including Witchcraft) Individuals & Special Topics Early Modern Era (1500-1789) General / Collections of Readings Reformation ...
... Jewish & Early Christian Church History Assyria, Babylonia Egypt Greece Rome Asia Middle Ages (Europe 500-1500AD) General / Collections of Readings Gender Crusades Religion (including Witchcraft) Individuals & Special Topics Early Modern Era (1500-1789) General / Collections of Readings Reformation ...
Round 6 - Collegiate Quiz Bowl Packet
... “great dissenter”. Massachusetts governor Levi Lincoln became his Attorney General but was later replaced by Ceasar Rodney. As Commander-in-Chief he sent Commodore Edward Preble to fight the Battle of Derne. Events during the reign of this former Chairman of the Committee of Five include the violati ...
... “great dissenter”. Massachusetts governor Levi Lincoln became his Attorney General but was later replaced by Ceasar Rodney. As Commander-in-Chief he sent Commodore Edward Preble to fight the Battle of Derne. Events during the reign of this former Chairman of the Committee of Five include the violati ...
Ferrante of Naples the Statecraft of a Renaissance Prince
... legitimacy of Ferrante's claim to the throne, and in the constant attempts of French princes to assert their own right to the kingdom of Naples, culminating in the celebrated descent into Italy by Charles VIII of France in 1494, and the fall of Naples itself in February, 1495. The French chronicler ...
... legitimacy of Ferrante's claim to the throne, and in the constant attempts of French princes to assert their own right to the kingdom of Naples, culminating in the celebrated descent into Italy by Charles VIII of France in 1494, and the fall of Naples itself in February, 1495. The French chronicler ...
Online Library of Liberty: The Holy Roman Empire
... careers of Arnold of Brescia and Cola di Rienzo have been somewhat more fully described. An entirely new chapter has been inserted dealing with the East Roman or Byzantine Empire, a topic inadequately handled in previous editions. A concluding chapter, sketching the constitution of the new German Em ...
... careers of Arnold of Brescia and Cola di Rienzo have been somewhat more fully described. An entirely new chapter has been inserted dealing with the East Roman or Byzantine Empire, a topic inadequately handled in previous editions. A concluding chapter, sketching the constitution of the new German Em ...
- Christian History Institute
... lacking. Shortage of labor hastened economic changes and social unrest. Substitution of wages for services accelerated. Distinction between classes became less rigid. The arts reflected the melancholy and morbid. Exaggerated forms of religious mysticism developed. Lack of educated clergy reduced the ...
... lacking. Shortage of labor hastened economic changes and social unrest. Substitution of wages for services accelerated. Distinction between classes became less rigid. The arts reflected the melancholy and morbid. Exaggerated forms of religious mysticism developed. Lack of educated clergy reduced the ...
Course Name: World History HS Unit Title: (1) The Greco
... • The political, social, and cultural the Pillars of Islam, Islamic law, and advances of Islam have had an impact the relationship between government on the modern world. and religion in Islam. ...
... • The political, social, and cultural the Pillars of Islam, Islamic law, and advances of Islam have had an impact the relationship between government on the modern world. and religion in Islam. ...
[38] Coupland S. Carolingian Coinage and the Vikings (Aldershot
... childbirth of the last of which killed her. Unsentimentally the king immediately married Fastrada, winning the allegiance of the eastern Franks at a time when he was waging war beyond their border with the Saxons. He continued this pattern after Fastrada died in 794, renewing his alliance with the A ...
... childbirth of the last of which killed her. Unsentimentally the king immediately married Fastrada, winning the allegiance of the eastern Franks at a time when he was waging war beyond their border with the Saxons. He continued this pattern after Fastrada died in 794, renewing his alliance with the A ...
2019 Specimen Mark Scheme Paper 21
... How far were Justinian’s problems of his own making? AO1 – Candidates may discuss the problems which Justinian faced, from the Nika riots to the expansion and defence of his Empire. Religious and administrative problems could also be considered. AO2 – Candidates are likely to conclude that Justinian ...
... How far were Justinian’s problems of his own making? AO1 – Candidates may discuss the problems which Justinian faced, from the Nika riots to the expansion and defence of his Empire. Religious and administrative problems could also be considered. AO2 – Candidates are likely to conclude that Justinian ...
Empires, bureaucracy and the paradox of power
... assists us in locating the vulnerabilities and contradictions in the very nature of imperial rule, rather than seeking them at the penumbra. It compels us to reconsider formal empire and then account for its weaknesses. Renewed emphasis on formal empire might well be interpreted as a return to funda ...
... assists us in locating the vulnerabilities and contradictions in the very nature of imperial rule, rather than seeking them at the penumbra. It compels us to reconsider formal empire and then account for its weaknesses. Renewed emphasis on formal empire might well be interpreted as a return to funda ...
CHY4U (9e) Test Chapters 17-19 Review Questions 1. The
... 44. Habsburg Emperor Joseph II abolished serfdom in the Austrian Empire in 1781. What was the outcome of this reform? (page reference __________) A) After Joseph II's death in 1790 serfdom was more or less reinstated. B) Some peasants accumulated wealth rapidly and entered the elite of the Empire. C ...
... 44. Habsburg Emperor Joseph II abolished serfdom in the Austrian Empire in 1781. What was the outcome of this reform? (page reference __________) A) After Joseph II's death in 1790 serfdom was more or less reinstated. B) Some peasants accumulated wealth rapidly and entered the elite of the Empire. C ...
Late Middle Ages

The Late Middle Ages or Late Medieval Period was the period of European history generally comprising the 14th and 15th centuries (c. 1301–1500). The Late Middle Ages followed the High Middle Ages and preceded the onset of the early modern era (and, in much of Europe, the Renaissance).Around 1300, centuries of prosperity and growth in Europe came to a halt. A series of famines and plagues, such as the Great Famine of 1315–1317 and the Black Death, reduced the population to around half of what it was before the calamities. Along with depopulation came social unrest and endemic warfare. France and England experienced serious peasant uprisings: the Jacquerie, the Peasants' Revolt, as well as over a century of intermittent conflict in the Hundred Years' War. To add to the many problems of the period, the unity of the Catholic Church was shattered by the Western Schism. Collectively these events are sometimes called the Crisis of the Late Middle Ages.Despite these crises, the 14th century was also a time of great progress within the arts and sciences. Following a renewed interest in ancient Greek and Roman texts that took root in the High Middle Ages, the Italian Renaissance began. The absorption of Latin texts had started before the Renaissance of the 12th century through contact with Arabs during the Crusades, but the availability of important Greek texts accelerated with the capture of Constantinople by the Ottoman Turks, when many Byzantine scholars had to seek refuge in the West, particularly Italy.Combined with this influx of classical ideas was the invention of printing which facilitated dissemination of the printed word and democratized learning. These two things would later lead to the Protestant Reformation. Toward the end of the period, an era of discovery began (Age of Discovery). The growth of the Ottoman Empire, culminating in the Fall of Constantinople in 1453, eroded the last remnants of the Byzantine Empire and cut off trading possibilities with the east. Europeans were forced to discover new trading routes, as was the case with Columbus’s travel to the Americas in 1492, and Vasco da Gama’s circumnavigation of India and Africa in 1498. Their discoveries strengthened the economy and power of European nations.The changes brought about by these developments have caused many scholars to see it as leading to the end of the Middle Ages, and the beginning of modern history and early modern Europe. However, the division will always be a somewhat artificial one for scholars, since ancient learning was never entirely absent from European society. As such there was developmental continuity between the ancient age (via classical antiquity) and the modern age. Some historians, particularly in Italy, prefer not to speak of late Middle Ages at all, but rather see the high period of the Middle Ages transitioning to the Renaissance and the modern era.