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BIOS 1710 SI Week 11 Session 3
Tuesday 7:05-8:05 Morton 326
Thursday 7:05-8:05 Morton 218
1. The unit of evolutionary time when studying macroevolutionary processes in vertebrate
animal populations is ____________.
a. Thousands of years
b. Hours
c. Millions of years
d. Generations
e. Hundreds of years
2. Mating between individuals with similar phenotypic attributes is called (e.g. humans
choosing partners that are similar in nose shape) ____________.
a. Bottleneck
b. Racism
c. Independent
d. Assortative
e. Rejection
3. Charles Darwin earned is BA and MA at Cambridge University to prepare for a career as
a/an ___________.
a. Botanist
b. Zoologist
c. Clergy Member
d. Geologist
e. Medical Doctor
4. Cystic fibrosis is a genetic disorder in homozygous recessive (ff) individuals that typically
causes the death of people before they are adults (major medications can extend life for
those who have access). Overtime, we would expect the “f” allele frequency for this trait
in small, isolated, inbreeding human populations to:
a. Fluctuate
b. Be unpredictable
c. Decrease to zero
d. Increase
e. Remain the same
5. Before Darwin, it was understood by scientists that:
a. The earth was very old
b. Fossil forms were similar to extant forms
c. Adaptation happens
d. Extinction had occurred
e. All of the above
6. In a lab study using small populations of normal and forked bristle fruit flies, allele
frequencies went from 0.5 for each allele to the fixation or loss of each allele in most
populations after 16 generations. This was the result of:
a. Genetic drift
b. Directional selection
c. Hybridization
d. Sexual selection
e. Disruptive selection
7. Which is a scientific predictions of the hypothesis: eating chicken noodle soup is an
effective treatment for colds?
a. Consuming chicken noodle soup causes people to sneeze out their viruses
b. People who eat chicken noodle soup feel healthier than people who don’t eat
the soup
c. People who eat chicken noodle soup have shorter lasting colds than people who
do not eat the soup
d. Cold viruses cannot live in chicken noodle soup
e. People who don’t eat the soup experience unusually severe colds
8. Which of the following statements is written as a scientific hypothesis, both testable and
a. Cincinnati Bengals are better football players than the Chicago Bears
b. Pittsburgh Steeler defenders create more sacks and interceptions than do the
Kansas City Chiefs
c. Cincinnati Bengals have more potential at playing football than Chicago Bears
d. Cleveland Browns fans are more loyal than New England Patriots fans
e. All of the above
9. Natural Selection is best defined as:
a. Reproduction of the fittest individuals
b. Evolutions of new species over time
c. Survivorship of the fittest, i.e. those who live the longest
d. Differences in the survival and reproduction of individuals of a population from
generation to generation
e. Adaptations that a species have
10. Homo sapiens has been a unique species for nearly 200,000 years, but nearly went
extinct about _____________ years ago because of a huge volcanic explosion of Mount
Toba on Sumatra that causes a lot of extinctions because of hundreds of years of cold
climate. This selection bottle-neck may have reduced the human population to only
10,000 individuals in Africa.
a. 17,000
b. 7,000
c. 47,000
d. 70,000
e. 107,000
11. Malthus wrote a book before Darwin was born concerning the overcrowding of people
undergoing the industrial revolution. Malthus’ observations gave Darwin the insight of
a. Speciation
b. Struggle for resources
c. Reproductive fitness
d. Source of adaptations
e. Inheritance of characteristics
12. What type of selection occurs when individuals representing the average characteristic
coded by a gene contribute relatively few offspring to the next generation, as compared
to the extreme (hi and lo) characteristics of the members of the populations?
a. Disruptive
b. Random
c. Stabilizing
d. Mutational
e. Directional
13. Over a hundred years, birds were classified as a class of terrestrial vertebrates separate
of the reptiles (turtles, lizards, dinosaurs, crocodiles). However, today we realize the
folly of this because that made the Class Reptile a ______________ group.
a. Monophyletic
b. Heterophyletic
c. Paraphyletic
d. Polyphyletic
14. You have “created” a population in the laboratory by selecting all heterozygotes for the
gene PARK (alleles X and x). You start off with 1000 heterozygotes. Previous analyses of
the original population from which you have selected the new population have shown
that all 5 assumptions of Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium have been met. If you allow these
heterozygotes to mate, what will the frequency of the genotype Xx be?
a. 0.50
b. 0.75
c. 0
d. 0.25
e. 1
15. Concerning the figure below showing four trees, which tree would you choose as most
likely to be true?
16. Which of the following is not a prezygotic isolating mechanism?
a. Shape of genetalia
b. Season of mating behavior
c. Sterility
d. Ecological habitat
e. Behavioral signals
17. Which of the following is not one of the four observations that led Charles Darwin and
Alfred Wallace to reach that eureka moment of understanding the process of natural
selection in evolution?
a. Phenotypic variation is heritable, that is, passed on to the offspring of those
having the traits
b. Individuals within species populations very in their phenotypic traits
c. Populations of animals and plants always produce more offspring each
generation than can possibly survive
d. Living species are descended from ancestral populations represented by fossil
e. Survivorship and reproduction are not random or equal, that is some individuals
have higher evolutionary fitness
18. Classifying dolphins and whales with Tuna fish and Cod fish in a taxonomic family would
be an example of:
a. Polyphyly
b. Homophyly
c. Paraphyly
d. Monophyly
19. The best definition of a scientific hypothesis is:
a. An educated opinion or guess
b. A theory proposed by a scientist
c. A proposed explanation for observations which in turn can be tested for validity
and accuracy
d. An explanation that can easily be proven true
e. A fact or piece of evidence
20. Which cladogram (see below) does not match the branching pattern of tree A?