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AP Psychology: Name Hall of Fame
Socrates and Plato
Contribution(s) to Psychology
Rene Descartes
Sir Francis Bacon
John Locke
Tabula Rasa:
Wilhelm Wundt*
“Father of Psychology”: WHY?
E.B. Titchener*
William James*
James-Lange theory of emotion:
Charles Darwin*
Evolutionary psychology:
Natural Selection:
Mary Whiton Calkins*
Margaret Floy Washburn*
Ivan Pavlov*
Classical Conditioning:
* Name specifically mentioned in AP Standards. Most names will be used as cues in questions and not straight recall of their names. But it’s a
good idea to associate the name with their contributions.
AP Psychology: Name Hall of Fame
Spontaneous Recovery:
Sigmund Freud*
Free association:
Defense Mechanisms:
Psychosexual stages:
* Name specifically mentioned in AP Standards. Most names will be used as cues in questions and not straight recall of their names. But it’s a
good idea to associate the name with their contributions.
AP Psychology: Name Hall of Fame
Dream interpretation:
Manifest content:
Latent content:
Jean Piaget*
Cognitive development:
Sensorimotor stage:
Object permanence:
Preoperational stage:
Concrete operational:
Formal operational:
John B. Watson*
“Little Albert” experiment:
* Name specifically mentioned in AP Standards. Most names will be used as cues in questions and not straight recall of their names. But it’s a
good idea to associate the name with their contributions.
AP Psychology: Name Hall of Fame
B. F. Skinner*
Operant Conditioning:
“Skinner Box”:
Appetitive stimulus:
Aversive stimulus:
Positive reinforcement:
Negative reinforcement:
Primary vs. secondary reinforcers:
Schedules of reinforcement:
Fixed interval:
Variable interval:
Skinner’s theory of language acquisition:
Behavioral perspective of personality:
Response tendencies:
* Name specifically mentioned in AP Standards. Most names will be used as cues in questions and not straight recall of their names. But it’s a
good idea to associate the name with their contributions.
AP Psychology: Name Hall of Fame
Carl Rogers*
Humanistic psychology:
Client-centered therapy:
Unconditional positive regard:
Self-concept: (and incongruence of)
Abraham Maslow*
Humanistic psychology:
Hierarchy of needs: (know the stages)
Dorothea Dix*
G. Stanley Hall*
1st President of the APA (American Psychological Association)
Franz Gall
Creator of phrenology:
Phineas Gage
What did we discover from his accident?
Paul Broca*
Broca’s Area:
Carl Wernicke*
Wernicke’s Area:
Roger Sperry and Michael
Split-brain researchers: What were their general findings?
Gustav Fechner*
Absolute thresholds:
* Name specifically mentioned in AP Standards. Most names will be used as cues in questions and not straight recall of their names. But it’s a
good idea to associate the name with their contributions.
AP Psychology: Name Hall of Fame
Ernst Weber*
Weber’s Law:
David Hubel and Torsten
Feature detectors of the visual cortex:
Herman von Helmholtz
and Thomas Young
Gestalt psychologists
Young-Helmholtz trichromatic theory of vision:
Gestalt principles:
1. similarity:
2. connectedness:
3. proximity:
4. continuity:
5. closure:
Eleanor Gibson and
Creators of the visual cliff:
Richard Walk
J. Allan Hobson and Robert Activation synthesis theory of dreaming:
Ernest Hilgard*
Divided-consciousness theory of hypnosis:
Robert Rescorla*
Contingency in classical conditioning:
Edward Thorndike*
Law of effect:
Albert Bandura*
Observational learning:
* Name specifically mentioned in AP Standards. Most names will be used as cues in questions and not straight recall of their names. But it’s a
good idea to associate the name with their contributions.
AP Psychology: Name Hall of Fame
Reciprocal determinism:
Martin Seligman*
Learned helplessness:
Positive psychology:
Explanatory style (optimistic and pessimistic):
John Garcia*
Taste aversion:
Edward Tolman*
Latent learning:
Cognitive maps:
Wolfgang Kohler*
Insight learning in animals:
David Premack
Premack principle: What serves as a reinforcer for one individual could actually be a punishment to another.
Elizabeth Loftus*
Misinformation effect:
Know her role in the debate over eye-witness testimony.
Noam Chomsky*
Chomsky’s theory of language acquisition:
Herman Ebbinghaus*
Forgetting curve:
George Miller*
7 +/- 2 “Magical Number”:
* Name specifically mentioned in AP Standards. Most names will be used as cues in questions and not straight recall of their names. But it’s a
good idea to associate the name with their contributions.
AP Psychology: Name Hall of Fame
Alfred Kinsey*
Stanley Schacter*
Schacter two factory theory of emotion:
Spillover effect:
Hans Selye*
General Adaptation Syndrome: (Alarm, resistance and exhaustion)
Mary Ainsworth*
Strange situation:
Attachment styles:
1. avoidant:
2. secure:
3. resistant/ambivalent/anxious:
Diana Baumrind*
Parenting styles:
1. authoritarian:
2. authoritative:
3. permissive:
Erik Erikson*
Stages of psycho-social development:
1. trust v. mistrust:
2. autonomy vs. shame and doubt
3. initiative vs. guilt:
4. industry vs. inferiority:
* Name specifically mentioned in AP Standards. Most names will be used as cues in questions and not straight recall of their names. But it’s a
good idea to associate the name with their contributions.
AP Psychology: Name Hall of Fame
5. identity vs. role confusion:
6. intimacy vs. isolation:
7. generavity vs. stagnation:
8. integrity vs. despair:
Carol Gilligan*
Critic of Kohlberg; said his model of moral development was too general and only applied to males.
Harry Harlow*
Research using monkeys that showed tactile (touch) characteristics of the mother were most important to an
infant’s feelings of security.
Lawrence Kohlberg*
Moral development:
1. preconventional:
2. conventional:
3. postconventional:
Konrad Lorenz*
Lev Vygotsky*
Socio-cultural factors in cognitive development:
ZPD (zone of proximal development):
Alfred Adler*
Inferiority complex:
* Name specifically mentioned in AP Standards. Most names will be used as cues in questions and not straight recall of their names. But it’s a
good idea to associate the name with their contributions.
AP Psychology: Name Hall of Fame
Paul Costa and Robert
Carl Jung*
Big Five Traits:
Collective unconscious:
Alfred Binet*
Sir Francis Galton*
Howard Gardner*
Multiple Intelligences:
General intelligence (“g” factor):
Charles Spearman*
Robert Sternberg*
Louis Terman*
Triarchic theory of intelligence:
1. creative
2. analytical
3. practical
Stanford-Binet intelligence test:
Gifted children case study:
* Name specifically mentioned in AP Standards. Most names will be used as cues in questions and not straight recall of their names. But it’s a
good idea to associate the name with their contributions.
AP Psychology: Name Hall of Fame
David Wechsler*
David Rosenhan*
“Thud Experiment”:
Aaron Beck*
Cognitive therapy:
Albert Ellis*
Rational-emotive behavior therapy:
A-B-C Model:
Mary Cover Jones*
Joseph Wolpe*
Systematic desensitization:
Soloman Asch*
Conformity experiment:
Leon Festinger*
Cognitive dissonance:
Stanley Milgram*
Milgram obedience experiment:
Phillip Zimbardo*
Zimbardo’s Stanford Prison experiment:
* Name specifically mentioned in AP Standards. Most names will be used as cues in questions and not straight recall of their names. But it’s a
good idea to associate the name with their contributions.
AP Psychology: Name Hall of Fame
Richard Atkinson and
Richard Shiffrin
“Genie” case study
Atkinson-Shiffrin Model of Memory:
Benjamin Whorf
Linguistic determinism: (may also be cited as relative linguistic hypothesis)
Victor, the wild child of
Feral child case study:
Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
5 Stages of Dying:
Cannon-Bard Theory of emotion:
Walter Cannon
Feral child case study:
Fight or flight response:
Gordon Allport
Trait theory of personality:
1. cardinal traits
2. central traits
3. secondary traits
Raymond Cattell
Factor analysis:
* Name specifically mentioned in AP Standards. Most names will be used as cues in questions and not straight recall of their names. But it’s a
good idea to associate the name with their contributions.
AP Psychology: Name Hall of Fame
Hans Eysenck
Personality determined by genes:
Julian Rotter
Extraversion, neuroticism, psychoticism
Internal locus of control:
External locus of control:
Karen Horney
Penis envy:
Basic anxiety:
Womb envy:
Louis Thurstone
8 primary mental abilities
Thomas Szasz
Disbelief in psychiatric “labels”.
Phillipe Pinel
Walter Mischel
Person-situation controversy:
* Name specifically mentioned in AP Standards. Most names will be used as cues in questions and not straight recall of their names. But it’s a
good idea to associate the name with their contributions.