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The Plant Cell
English scientist Robert Hooke was the first person to
describe cells in 1665.
Hooke examined the microscopic structure of cork
and found that it was organized into small units which
resembled the cubicles in monasteries where monks
slept. These rooms were called "cells."
He gave that name to the little compartments in cork
and the term was eventually applied to mean the
basic unit of life.
Although the cork cells were not living, Hooke later
looked at living plants and described cells there also.
Cell Theory
In the mid-nineteenth century, scientists
firmly established the Cell Theory
which is one of the major principles in
biology. Cell Theory recognizes
 The
cell as the basic unit of life.
 All organisms are composed of cells and
 All cells arise from pre-existing cells.
All plants are composed of cells.
 Angiosperms are complex multicellular
organisms composed of many different
types of cells.
Cell Wall
Found surrounding plants cells not animal
Surrounds all the other parts of the cell
(other parts called the protoplast)
Plant cell walls may consist of one or two
layers called primary and secondary wall
Middle Lamella is a layer of sticky material
between walls of adjacent cells
Primary Wall
The first wall layer is the primary wall
 It is formed early in the life of a plant cell
 Composed of cellulose and other
Wall Strucuture
The cellulose is in the form of fibrils,
extremely fine fibers, which can only be
seen with an electron microscope.
 The fibrils are embedded in a matrix of
other polysaccharides.
Secondary Wall
The secondary wall develops internal to
the primary wall in some cells.
 Only cells that are specialized for
support, protection, or water conduction
have secondary walls.
 Lignin is a major component of the
secondary wall in addition to the
cellulose and other polysaccharides.
Complex organic molecule that is very
difficult to break down
Provides support to plant cells and gives
wood its characteristic strength
Provides protection against attack by
pathogens and consumption by herbivores.
Only one group of wood rotting fungi are
able to decompose lignin
Cell Wall Components
component of
worldwide biomass
Because of all the
plant material in the
 Cellulose
is the most
abundant organic
compound on Earth
 Lignin is a close
Wooden artifacts from ancient
•Throne from tomb of Tutankamen
~ 3300 yrs old
•Funeary barge for Khufu at Giza
~ 4600 yrs old
Wall Openings
Cell wall is not a solid structure.
 Minute pores exist called pits
 Some pits are large enough to be seen
with the light microscope.
 Pits allow for the transfer of materials
from cell to cell through cytoplasmic
connections called plasmodesmata.
The Protoplast
All of the plant cell enclosed by the cell
 It consists of the nucleus plus the
 Cytoplasm contains a variety of
organelles - each with a specific
The Plant Cell
Cell Wall
Cell Structures and Functions
Cell Wall -- Support and protection
Plasma Membrane -- Regulates passage of
materials into and out of cell
Nucleus -- Control center of cell, directs
protein synthesis and cell reproduction
Nucleolus -- Ribosome formation
Ribosomes -- Protein synthesis
Endoplasmic Reticulum -- Transport and
protein synthesis (rough ER)
Cell Structures and Functions
Golgi apparatus -- Processing and packaging of
proteins, secretion
Mitochondrion -- Cellular respiration
Chloroplast -- Photosynthesis
Leucoplast -- Storage, especially starch
Chromoplast -- Imparts color
Central Vacuole -- Storage of various
Cytoskeleton -- Cell support and shape
Plasmadesma -- Movement of materials
between cells
Plasma membrane
The outermost layer of the protoplast
 Composed of lipids (phospholipids) and
 Acts as a permeability barrier allowing
some molecules to pass but not others
Fluid Mosaic Model
Lipid bilayer
Diffusion and Osmosis
How things move in and out of cells
Cells constantly exchange materials
with their environment. One way this
occurs is by diffusion.
 Diffusion is the movement of particles or
molecules from areas of higher
concentration to lower concentration.
Diffusion also occurs within living
organisms, but the membranes present
barriers to this movement of molecules.
 Membranes are differentially
permeable. They permit the diffusion of
some molecules, but present a barrier to
the passage of other molecules.
The diffusion of water across cell
membranes is called osmosis.
 Water can move freely through
 The direction the water molecules move
is dependent upon the relative
concentrations of substances on either
side of the membrane, moving from high
concentration to low
If you place a cell in a
highly concentrated
solution of salt or
sugar, water will leave
the cell.
The water is actually
diffusing from an area
of high concentration
to an area of lower
Hypertonic solution
If a cell is left in a hypertonic solution, for
any length of time, so much water will leave
that the protoplast actually shrinks away
from the cell wall.
 When this happens the cell is said to be
plasmolyzed. In a wilted leaf many of the
cells would be plasmolyzed.
On the other hand, if
you place a cell in
distilled water, water
will enter the cell.
Again the water is
moving from higher
(outside the cell) to
lower concentration
Hypotonic Solution
When a plant cell is in a hypotonic,
solution, water will enter until the vacuole is
fully extended pushing the cytoplasm up
against the cell wall. Such cells look plump,
or turgid; this is the normal appearance of
cells in a well-watered plant.
When the cell is
placed in a solution
of the same
isotonic, there is no
net movement of
water and the cell is
not turgid.
Membrane Transport
Diffusion take place when molecules
move along a concentration gradient.
 Cells can also move substances against
a concentration gradient
 Called
active transport
 Requires energy by the cell
 Membrane proteins transport these
substances across the membrane
Summary I - Cells
All living organisms are composed of cells
- cells are the basic unit of life.
Plant cells are eukaryotic having an
organized nucleus and membrane bound
Substances can move in and out of cells
by diffusion and osmosis or be carried in
or out by active transport.
The Cell Cycle
The life of an actively
dividing cell can be
described in terms
of a cycle which is
the time from the
beginning of one
division to the
beginning of the
Cell Division
The time between successive divisions is known
as interphase and consists of 3 phases:
• The G1 Phase or first gap phase. The cell is
actively growing
• The S or synthesis phase when DNA is
duplicated; other chromosomal components are
also synthesized
• The G2 or second gap phase where the final
preparations for cell division take place
Appearance of an
Interphase Nucleus
Chromatin consists of
DNA and protein,
Prominent in the
nucleus of interphase
Chromatin appears
Duplicated during the
S phase prior to
Cell Division
Mitosis - two exact copies of the
nucleus result from a process known as
 Cytokinesis, the division of the
cytoplasm, usually occurs during the
later stages of mitosis.
Mitosis Consists of
Four Intergrading stages
 Metaphase
 Anaphase
 Telophase
Nucleus changes dramatically.
Chromatin begins to condense and thicken, coiling up
into bodies referred to as chromosomes.
Each chromosome is composed of two chromatids.
By the end of prophase the chromosomes are fully
Nuclear membrane and the nucleoli disperse into the
cytoplasm and are no longer visible.
This leaves the chromosomes free in the cytoplasm.
Mid to Late Prophase
Each chromosome
is composed of two
identical chromatids.
The chromatids are
joined at the
The chromosomes arrange themselves
across the center of the cell
 The spindle, composed of microtubles is
 Spindle fibers stretch from each pole of the
cell to the centromeres of the chromosomes
 Other spindle fibers stretch from pole-topole
Late Metaphase to
Early Anaphase
Chromatids of each chromosome separate,
pulled by the spindle fibers to opposite ends
of the cell.
 This divides the genetic material into two
identical sets each with the same number of
 At the end of anaphase the spindle is no
longer visible.
During telophase the chromatin reappears
as the chromosomes, at each end of the cell,
begin to unwind and lengthen.
 At each pole a nuclear membrane reappears
around the chromatin.
 Two distinct nuclei become evident.
 Within each nucleus, nucleoli become
Early Telophase
The division of the cytoplasm separates the
two identical nuclei into two cells.
 Cytokinesis begins during the latter part of
anaphase and is completed by the end of
 The cell plate forms and becomes the cell
walls separating the newly formed daughter
Cell Division and
Asexual Reproduction
The production of new cells through cell
division enables plants to grow, repair
wounds, and regenerate lost cells.
 Cell division can lead to the production
of new genetically identical individuals
or clones. This type of reproduction is
known as asexual reproduction.
 Many crops are propagated asexually
and are gentically identical
Summary II - Mitosis
Mitosis followed by cytokinesis, results
in two genetically identical daughter
 Growth, replacement of cells, and
asexual reproduction all depend on the
process of cell division