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TFSD Unwrapped Standard
Grade 10 - Biology
Power Standard (s) Reference: Standard 8 – Biological Evolution
State Standard:
Goal 1.3: Understand Constancy, Change, and Measurement
9-10.B.1.3.1 Measure changes that can occur in and among systems.
9-10.B.1.3.2 Analyze changes that can occur in and among systems.
Goal 1.4: Understand the Theory that Evolution is a Process that Relates to the Gradual
Changes in the Universe and of Equilibrium as a Physical State
Reference to 7.S.3.2.1
Goal 1.5: Understand Concepts of Form and Function
Goal 1.6: Understand Scientific Inquiry and Develop Critical Thinking Skills
9-10.B.1.6.1 Identify questions and concepts that guide scientific investigations.
9-10.B.1.6.4 Formulate scientific explanations and models using logic and evidence.
9-10.B.1.6.5 Analyze alternative explanations and models.
9-10.B.1.6.6 Communicate and defend a scientific argument.
Goal 3.1: Understand the Theory of Biological Evolution
9-10.B.3.1.1 Use the theory of evolution to explain how species change over time.
9-10.B.3.1.2 Explain how evolution is the consequence of interactions among the
potential of a species to increase its numbers, genetic variability, a finite
supply of resources, and the selection by the environment of those offspring
better able to survive and reproduce.
Standard 5: Personal and Social Perspectives; Technology
Students understand that science and technology interact and impact both society and the
environment. Students describe issues such as water and air quality, hazardous waste, renewable
and nonrenewable resources.
Goal 5.1: Understand Common Environmental Quality Issues, Both Natural and Human
9-10.B.5.1.1 Analyze environmental issues such as water and air quality, hazardous waste,
forest health, and agricultural production.
Goal 5.2: Understand the Relationship between Science and Technology
9-10.B.5.2.1 Explain how science advances technology.
9-10.B.5.2.2 Explain how technology advances science.
9-10.B.5.2.3 Explain how science and technology are pursued for different purposes.
National Standards:
C.3.a Species evolved over time
C.3.b The great diversity of organisms is the result of more than 3.5 billion years of evolution
that has filled every available niche with life forms.
C.3.c Natural selection and its evolutionary consequences provide a scientific explanation for the
fossil record of ancient life forms and for the striking molecular similarities observed among the
diverse species of living organisms.
C.3.d The millions of different species of plants, animals, and microorganisms that live on Earth
today are related by descent from common ancestors.
District Standard:
TFSD Power Standard:
Students will analyze the concepts of natural selection as it applies to the theory of evolution
Concepts: Need to know about (Nouns)
 Theory of evolution
 Scientific Theory
 Charles Darwin
 Beagle
 Patterns of Diversity
 Fossils
 Galapagos Islands
 Hutton and Geological Change and Lyell’s Principles of Geology
 Malthus
 Jean-Baptiste Lamarck
 Tendency Toward Perfection
 Use and Disuse
 Inheritance of Acquired Traits
 Publication of On the Origin of Species in 1859
 Inherited Variation and Artificial Selection
 Evolution by Natural Selection
 Survival of the Fittest
 Descent With Modification
 Evidence of Evolution
 Geographic Distribution of Living Species
 Homologous Body Structures
 Vestigial organs.
 Similarities in Embryology
Skills: Be able to do (Verb Phrases)
Describe the pattern Darwin observed among organisms of the Galapagos Islands
List events leading to Darwin’s publication of On the Origin of Species
Describe how natural variation is used in artificial selection
Explain how natural is related to species fitness
Identify evidence Darwin used to present his case for evolution
State Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection
Identifying Big Ideas from Unwrapped Standards:
1. Species change over time due to genetic variation
2. Species survival is affected by environmental pressures
3. Organisms that produce few offspring and have few variations are at greater risks to die off
when there are environmental changes.
Essential Questions from Big Ideas to Guide Instruction and Assessment:
1. How do species become more diverse?
2. How do some species survive environmental changes while others do not?
3. How do species become extinct?
Possible Topics or Context: (what you will use to teach the concepts and skills-particular
unit, lessons or activities)
- It is believed that the giraffe evolved from the horse. How could this happen?
Brainstorm possible answers or respond in essay form.
Formative Assessment
- Given a diagram of the anatomy of the limbs of a whale, bat, and human, what
conclusions can be drawn about their common ancestry?
- Cultural Creation Report
- Evolution Lab
- Given a diagram of DNA sequences resulting from gel electrophoresis, estimate the
degree of kinship among the organisms.
Summative Assessment
- Write a newsletter to a friend that has been absent during the unit. The newsletter
summarizes the key concepts within the unit.