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HighFour World History
Category C: Grades 9-10
Round 4
Tuesday, December 8, 2015
Answer #1:
Sepoy Rebellion
A "sepoy" was a native Indian soldier who was allied to a European power,
usually the United Kingdom. The rebellion proved to be an important
watershed in Indian history, because it led to the dissolution of the East
India Company in 1858 and forced Britain to reorganize the army, financial
system, and administration in India.
Answer #2:
They became important political powers at the beginning of the Tokugawa
period in Japan in the years 1603 to 1867, most power rested with the
shogun, not the emperor in Kyoto. They controlled foreign policy, the
military and feudal patronage. The role of the emperor was ceremonial only
during this period.
Answer #3:
Chinese Civil Service Exam
The exam later expanded into things such as military strategies, civil law,
revenue and taxation, agriculture and geography. The test was very
rigorous, sometimes lasting 24 to even 72 hours in isolated examination
rooms. The success rate was extremely small.
Answer #4:
It was believed European states that nationalism was necessary to
modernize economy and society. The French Revolution (1788-1804) is a
good example of nationalism. During this period French citizens banded
together with the desire of creating an improved nation.
Answer #5:
It was developed in Germany, France, Britain, Russia, and Scandinavia, but
the ideas created in this time were spread worldwide. New technology was
being developed throughout Europe. These new philosophical and
technological developments culminated into advancement in the realms of
education, trade, and warfare.
HighFour World History
Category C: Grades 9-10
Round 4
Tuesday, December 8, 2015
Answer #6:
Governments using the mercantilist system believe that they can increase
their economic resources by encouraging exports and discouraging imports.
Mercantilist ideas are important because they encouraged many wars in
Europe as the powers within the continent fought over trading politics.
Answer #7:
Their idea was sparked by the growing wealth of the bourgeoisie and the
simultaneously decreasing wealth of the proletariat during the time of the
Industrial Revolution. Marx and Engels stated in their well-known
document “The Communist Manifesto” (written in 1848) that over time,
society will naturally become classless.
Answer #8:
The term originated when the Spaniards were colonizing America. These
people were converted Catholics, but spoke Spanish.
Answer #9:
Taiping Rebellion
Hong Xiuquan tried to organize many reforms such as the abolition of foot
binding, separation of the sexes, and suppression of private trade. He also
wanted to replace Confucianism and other philosophies with Christianity.
Hong Xiuquan successfully established an area known as the Heavenly
Kingdom of Great Peace, which was made up of large parts of southern
Answer #10:
After they took down the Ming government, they founded the Qing dynasty
from 1644 to 1912. They created many policies toward the Han Chinese
(who were in power before) in order to make sure there were no people
higher in power than the Manchu. They translated important documents
and legislature into the Manchu language, so it was inaccessible to the
HighFour World History
Category C: Grades 9-10
Round 4
Tuesday, December 8, 2015
Answer #11:
The ancient land of Sumer was located above the Persian Gulf in the region
of modern southwestern Iraq. Although a desert region today, in postdiluvian times it had an abundance of wetlands and fertile soil capable of
producing vast amounts of grain.
Answer #12:
They brought a number of new elements of power into the Near East, the
most notable being the horse and chariot. They were disturbing Asia while
the Middle Kingdom was still in power and this external upset may have
been one of the factors which weakened the Twelfth Dynasty.
Answer #13:
In the olden days, village industry was based on the skills and craftsmanship
of artisans who have earned distinction for their products from age-old
times. They have produced goods with the inherent qualities which were
best examples for the perfection of art, look and durability.
Answer #14:
It bears strong influence of Sinhalese art of architecture, which originated
in this period at about the same time when Lankavong Theravada Buddhist
sect came to flourish in the Sukhothai Empire.
Answer #15:
One of the important factors related to the dysfunctional aspect of
bureaucracy is the formation of cliques and groupism. Thus the basis of
groupism is both dependent upon the external societal phenomena rooted
in wider social system as well as on the internal dynamics of bureaucracy.
HighFour World History
Category C: Grades 9-10
Round 4
Tuesday, December 8, 2015
Answer #16:
A ziggurat was a temple tower common in the land of Babylon about this
time. It marked the central place of worship for a city or region. Here the
people gathered to worship their gods and perform religious ceremonies.
Answer #17:
Osiris figures clearly as a god who has power over the dead and who is
therefore to be feared by them.
Answer #18:
Rosetta Stone
This fragment of fourteen broken lines, accompanied with its Greek
translation, remained the small portion of hieroglyphical writing upon
which our power of reading other inscriptions rested, until the late
discovery of the Decree of Canopus, which is also accompanied with a
Greek translation.
Answer #19:
Patriarchal System
It is male dominated in that positions of authority - political, economic,
legal, religious, educational, military, and domestic - are generally reserved
for men.
Answer #20:
The cuneiform characters have assumed the shapes which give them their
name owing to their having been inscribed on clay by a stylus of wood or
metal, which obliged the writer to substitute a series of wedge-like
indentations for curves and straight lines.