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Chapter 6 Vocabulary – Changes Over Time
Name _____________________________
Use your science textbook to define each term. Review these terms any night that you do not
have written homework in science.
6.1 terms
1 adaptation
2 evolution
3 fossil
4 natural selection
5 scientific theory
6 species
7 variation
6.2 terms
8 homologous
9 branching tree
Name ____________________________
Reading Assignment 6.1, pp.172-179
Period 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Date _________________
Science of Heredity
Darwin’s Theory
I. Before you read skim the section title, topics within the title, and subtopics. Look at the visuals
and read the captions. What will you read about?
II. After you have read complete the following questions.
How old was Charles Darwin when he set sail on the Beagle? ______________
What year was it? ___________
How old was he when the ship returned to England? ______________________
Charles Darwin became the ship’s _____________________. What was his job?
After leaving South America, where did the Beagle go? ________________ ___________
What year did it get there? ____________
Darwin was amazed by the tremendous __________________ of living things he saw on
his trip.
Circle the letter of each sentence that is true about Darwin’s observations.
a. Many Galápagos organisms were similar to organisms on mainland South America.
b. Iguanas on the Galápagos Islands had small claws for climbing trees.
c. Darwin thought the ancestors of Galápagos animals and plants came from mainland
South America.
d. All tortoises living in the Galápagos Islands looked exactly the same.
Darwin noticed many differences among similar ________________________ as he
traveled from one Galápagos island to the next.
Circle the letter of each sentence that is true about Darwin’s conclusions.
a. Darwin understood immediately why Galápagos organisms had many different
b. Darwin thought that Galápagos organisms gradually changed over many generations.
c. Darwin believed that evolution had occurred on the Galápagos Islands.
d. Selective breeding helped Darwin understand how evolution might occur.
In his book The Origin of Species, Darwin explained that evolution occurs by means of
________________________ ____________________________. According to this
theory, individuals with ___________________________ that make them better adapted to
their environment will survive.
Vocabulary – Match the term to its definition.
____ 9. A well-tested concept that explains many observations
a. evolution
____ 10. Effect caused by limited food and other resources.
b. species
____ 11. Differences between individuals of the same species
c. overproduction
____ 12. Effect caused by species producing more offspring than d. natural selection
can survive.
____ 13. The process by which individuals that are better
adapted to their environment are more likely to
survive and reproduce than other members of the
same species
e. competition
____ 14. The gradual change in a species over time
f. theory
____ 15. A group of similar organisms that can mate with each
other and produce fertile offspring.
g. variations
Name _____________________________
Darwin’s Theory - Review + Reinforce 6.1, pp.172-179
Period 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Date _________________
Understanding Main Ideas - Answer the following questions using complete sentences.
1. Who was Charles Darwin, and what did he do on the Beagle’s voyage?
2. What is evolution?
3. Explain how the shape of a finch’s beak is an example of an adaptation.
4. When members of a species compete, what do they compete for?
5. What happens when species overproduce offspring?
6. Why can only traits controlled by genes be acted upon by natural selection?
7. How do helpful variations accumulate in a species over time?
Building Vocabulary – Use your vocabulary terms to fill in the blank to complete each statement.
A(n) ___________________ is a group of similar organisms that can mate with each other
and produce fertile offspring.
A(n) ___________________ is a trait that helps an organism survive and reproduce.
10. A scientific ___________________ is a well-tested concept that explains a wide range of
11. The process by which individuals that are better adapted to their environment are more likely
to survive and reproduce is called _________________________.
12. That some newly hatched turtles can swim faster than others of the same species is
evidence of __________________________ within the species.
Name _____________________________________
Skills – Read for Facts & Details
Period 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Charles Darwin
Part A - Read the following article. Underline important facts and details. Facts and details usually answer the
following questions “Who? What? When? and Where?”
Charles Darwin was a naturalist who was born in
followed by long periods during which the earth settled.
Shrewsbury, England, in 1809. He began studying
Much of the earth’s formation took place over these long
medicine in 1825 at the University of Edinburgh. In 1828
periods of settling. During this time, the earth was
he entered Cambridge University, where he studied
shaped by such factors as wind and rain. Darwin
theology. Darwin’s book The Origin of Species was
supported Lyell’s theory.
published in 1859. This book described Darwin’s theory
of natural selection.
While studying the Cape Verde Islands, Darwin found
a white layer of rock that ran horizontally along the cliffs.
Charles Darwin began gathering evidence about
This white layer contained many fossils from the ancient
evolution while on a famous sea voyage that began in
seafloor. After studying other landmasses on the island,
1831. The name of the ship that Darwin traveled on was
Darwin concluded that lava had flowed over the seafloor.
the Beagle. Many of Darwin’s ideas about how
The seafloor had gradually risen up and exposed the
organisms evolved took shape while he was on this
layer that contained the fossils. His observations of the
Cape Verde Islands proved to Darwin that land
Darwin’s ideas about the evolution of organisms were
influenced by the work of geologists of his time. In the
1830s, most geologists thought the earth was formed by
formations changed dramatically over long periods of
Many of the rock samples Darwin collected during this
violent volcanic eruptions and earthquakes strong
voyage contained centuries-old fossils that were similar
enough to flood continents and create mountain ranges.
to living species. By comparing fossils with living
One geologist, Charles Lyell, had another theory. He
species, Darwin gathered evidence to support his ideas
stated that volcanic eruptions and earthquakes were
about evolution.
Part B - Answer the following questions. Pay special attention the facts that you underlined.
1. Where was Charles Darwin born? _____________________ When was he born? _________
2. What was the name of the ship on which Darwin took his famous sea voyage? _____________
3. What did Darwin study at Cambridge University? _____________________ When? _______
4. Where did Darwin study medicine? ___________________________ When? _______
5. Where did Darwin discover a layer of rock along some cliffs? __________________________
6. When was Darwin’s book published? _______________
7. What is the name of his book that describes the theory of natural selection? ______________
Adapted from Addison-Wesley Publishing
Name __________________________________
Nature at Work – Pages 180-181
Period 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Date ______________________
Collecting Data
Part 1 – White Sand Environment
Generation Number
Number of Mice Born
Number of Mice that Die
Generation Death Rate
Part 2 – Forest Floor Environment
Generation Number
Number of Mice Born
Number of Mice that Die
Generation Death Rate
To calculate the death rate for each generation in your part of the activity, divide the number of
white/brown mice that died by the total number of white/brown mice, then multiply by 100%.
Interview a group that did the other part & record their Death Rate Data on your paper.
If these events actually occurred in nature, how would the color of mice change over time?
How do the death rates in Part 2 differ from those in Part 1?
What would be the reason for this difference?
Making Models
How would it affect your model if you increased the number of “C” cards?
What would happen if you decreased the number of “C” cards?
Name _____________________________
Reading Assignment 6.2, pp. 182-187
Period 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Date _________________
Evidence of Evolution
I. Before you read skim the section title, topics within the title, and subtopics. Look at the visuals
and read the captions. What will you read about?
II. After you have read complete the following questions.
1. Similar body structures that related species have inherited from a common ancestor are
called ________________________.
2. What similarities in development lead scientists to infer that opossums, chickens, salamanders, and
fish share a common ancestor?
3. Why do scientists classify fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals together in one group?
4. T or F? The more closely related species are, the more similar their DNA sequences.
5. What have scientists learned about the elephant shrew based on DNA evidence?
6. Circle the letter of each sentence that is true about evolutionary relationships of organisms.
DNA comparisons show that dogs are more similar to coyotes than to wolves.
Scientists can compare protein structure to determine how closely two species are related.
A branching tree shows how scientists think different groups of organisms are related.
DNA evidence shows that giant pandas are more closely related to raccoons than to bears.
7. T or F? When a group of individuals remains isolated from the rest of its species long enough to
evolve different traits, a new species can form.
8. What are three ways that isolation can occur?
Complete the graphic organizer with the evidence that supports the theory of evolution.
Name ______________________________________
Period 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Changes Over Time ■ Enrich
Two Theories of Evolution
If you had been a biologist in the 1800s, you would have had to decide between two main theories
about how evolution occurred. Consider the long neck of a giraffe. How did that evolve? Read the
two explanations below, and then answer the questions that follow.
Theory 1
The ancestors of giraffes had short necks, and there was great competition for the plant food near
the ground. Some of the giraffes kept trying to stretch their necks to reach leaves higher in the
trees. As they stretched and stretched, their necks became longer. As their necks became longer,
they were able to reach more food. Those ancestral giraffes survived to reproduce, while the
giraffes that had not stretched their necks died. The offspring of giraffes with stretched necks
inherited the longer necks. This process continued for generation after generation. In this way,
giraffes evolved with longer and longer necks.
Theory 2
The ancestors of giraffes had short necks, and there was great competition for the plant food near
the ground. Some of the ancestral giraffes naturally had slightly longer necks than others. The
individuals with longer necks could reach leaves higher up in trees, and therefore could eat more
food. Because those ancestral giraffes ate more food, they survived to produce offspring while the
individuals with shorter necks did not. The offspring of giraffes with longer necks inherited the
longer necks. This process continued for generation after generation. In this way, giraffes evolved
with longer and longer necks.
1. In Theory 1, what caused the giraffe neck to become longer?
2. In Theory 2, what caused the giraffe neck to become longer?
3. According to what scientists now know about genes, could the giraffes’ offspring have inherited
longer necks as described in Theory 1? Use complete sentences to explain your answer.
4. According to what scientists now know about genes, could the giraffes’ offspring have inherited
longer necks as described in Theory 2? Use complete sentences to explain your answer.
5. Which of the two theories matches Darwin’s theory of evolution? Use complete sentences to
explain your answer.
Chapter 6 Vocabulary
Name ________________________________ PD _____
7. a well-tested concept that explains a wide range of observations
8. the gradual change in a species over time
9. body parts that are structurally similar in related species & that provide evidence for a common ancestor
1. a behavior or physical characteristic that allows an organism to survive or reproduce in its environment
2. any difference between individuals of the same species
3. a diagram that shows how scientists think different groups of organisms are related
4. the preserved remains or traces of an organism that lived in the past
5. a group of organisms that are physically similar & can mate with each other & produce offspring that can also mate
& reproduce
6. a process by which individuals that are better adapted to their environment are more likely to survive & reproduce
than others of the same species
Name __________________________________
Bird Beaks & Feet
Period 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Date ______________________
Bird Beaks and Feet
Introduction: A bird's beak and feet can tell us much about their habitat and lifestyle. Most birds are even classified
according to structural similarities between their beaks and feet. In this exercise, you will look at pictures of birds and
make inferences about their lifestyles.
short & rounded
multipurpose, eating insects and seeds
spear shaped
spearing fish
chisel shaped, flat & pointed
drilling for insects
flat and square-shaped
straining algae
long and fat, like a scoop
scooping up fish
catching and tearing prey
long and tubular
sucking nectar from flowers
long muscular legs
long skinny legs
short legs with blunt claws
scratching, ground walking
three toes in front, one behind
large hooklike claws (talons)
grasping prey
tiny short legs
two toes in front, two behind
Data Table 1
Type of Feet
Type of Beak
Probable Diet
Probable Habitat
Examine the images of birds. Make inferences about what the bird eats and where it lives. Images are NOT to scale.
Analysis – Answer the following questions using complete sentences. Use additional paper if needed.
1. What features of a hummingbird make it adapted for its style of feeding?
2. Imagine an ideal flying predator. What type of beak and feet would it have?
3. Different birds may have similar beaks and diets. Herons and kingfishers, for instance, have long, sharp, pointed
beaks for spearing fish. Their feet, however, are quite different. Describe how the heron and kingfisher differ in the
method by which they hunt for fish (using their feet to help you answer).
4. Owls have large eyes that enable it to see well at night. Both the hawk and the owl hunt similar things: small
rodents or snakes. How do the hawk and the owl avoid competing with each other?
Name __________________________________
Period 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Date _________________
An adaptation is a special feature or behavior that helps an organism survive or reproduce in its particular
environment. Below are some examples of adaptations. Match the correct animal or group of animals to
its adaptation.
_____1. teeth slope backward to aid the retention of the prey during
A. carnivores (such as dogs & lions)
_____2. have two rows of teeth that point backward to hold prey; also,
teeth are replaced frequently throughout an animal’s lifespan
B. toothed whales (dolphins & porpoises)
_____3. usually only have teeth on the bottom to catch prey, which they
swallow whole
C. elephants
_____4. have hundreds of thin plates called baleen, which they use to
filter plankton from the water
D. sharks
_____5. pointed “canine” teeth specialize in ripping and tearing food
and large molars crush bones
E. herbivores (such as deer & horses)
_____6. incisors clip off grass and large, flat molars grind food
F. humans
_____7. incisors are specialized to chisel, usually do not have canine
G. snakes
_____8. incisor teeth that have grown to be used for attack and
defense, and for rooting food from the ground and for breaking
H. baleen whales (such as blue whales)
_____9. these omnivores have several kinds of teeth to perform many
functions; tearing, chiseling and grinding
I. rodents (such as beavers & mice)
_____1. eyes at the top of their heads
A. animals that live in water such as
alligators, frogs; also fish that live on the
bottom of the ocean floor
_____2. very large eyes that provide better night vision & better overall
B. predators and tree dwellers
_____3. eyes set on both sides of their heads provide a panoramic
view to watch for predators
C. nocturnal animals
_____4. stereoscopic vision provides for greater accuracy in
determining distance
D. grazing animals such as deer, gazelles,
Chapter 6 Review
Name ________________________________ PD ____
Use your textbook review (pages 199-201) to complete the chapter review. You may refer to your
notes or to any pages from the chapter as you complete this assignment. Answer using complete
sentences where appropriate.
Reviewing Key Terms – page 199
1. _____
2. _____
3. _____
True & False – page 199
6. ____________________
7. ____________________
8. ____________________
Checking Concepts – page 200
11. ___________________________________________________________________________
12. ___________________________________________________________________________
13. ___________________________________________________________________________
14. ___________________________________________________________________________
Thinking Critically – page 200
18. ___________________________________________________________________________
19. ___________________________________________________________________________
21. ___________________________________________________________________________
Standardized Test Prep – page 201
1. _____
2. _____
3. _____
4. _____
5. _____