Download Period 5 1750-1900 Industrial Revolution Greatest change in world

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Period 5 1750-1900
Industrial Revolution
Greatest change in world history since the Neolithic Revolution
Effects felt in the following areas:
Family life, communication, transportation, technology, environment, growth of cities,
populations, social classes, science, art.
Leads to: Imperialism, war, migration, political philosophies
Industrial Revolution in Great Britain
Why was Great Britain the first?
James Watt and his steam engine
Textile industry first
Transportation impacted (steamboat, locomotive)
1st Industrial Revolution was steam, coal and iron (1750 CE)
2nd Industrial Revolution was oil, electricity, chemicals and steel (1850 CE)
Spread of Industrial Revolution from Great Britain to western Europe, America, Russia and Japan
US and Russia both build transcontinental railroads
US most powerful industrial nation at the end of this time period
State sponsored Industrialization
Japan: Meiji Restoration
Egypt: Muhammed Ali
Russia: Sergei Witte and the transcontinental railroad
Other regions in the world become suppliers of goods and raw materials for the industrialized
Latin America (sugar, coffee, bananas, meat)
Africa (palm oil, rubber, diamonds)
Result of Industrial Revolution
Financial (stock market, gold standard)
Transnational businesses (United Fruit company)
Social Effects (gap between rich and poor dramatically increases, family life altered, child labor,
less kids than rural areas, cities become crowded and unsanitary)
Unions, reforms, and mandatory schooling is initiated
New Philosophies Grow
Adam Smith and Capitalism (Wealth of Nations 1776)
Karl Marx and Communism (Communist Manifesto 1848)
Feminism (Wollstonecraft, Stanton and Seneca Falls Convention)
Transportation and communication developments
Steamships and railroads
Telegraph to telephone
Canals (Suez)
Advances in medicine like smallpox and sterilization made for longer life expectancy in industrialized
Nationalism becomes a strong force
Napoleon, unification of Italy and Germany all contributed to intense pride
Austrian, Russian and Ottoman empires all very culturally diverse
British empire largest empire of all time
Causes of imperialism
Search for raw materials and markets from the Industrial Revolution
Nationalism and competition
Social Darwinism
White Man’s Burden
Cecil Rhodes
Imperialism in India
India the crown jewel of British empire
Sepoy Rebellion (1857) a reaction to British imperialism in India
British occupied the highest position in Indian society but brought railway and telegraph lines to
Eventually an educated class of Indians start the Indian National Congress (1885) to rid India of
British control
Imperialism in China
China was amassing silver in exchange for their goods of silk, porcelain and especially tea
Britain tried to reverse this imbalance of trade by selling opium to China which caused the
Opium war
Opium war was lost by China which resulted in unequal treaties and China being divided into
spheres of influence by Europeans
Reaction to Imperialism
White Lotus Rebellion, Taiping rebellion, Self-Strengthening Movement and Boxer
Eventually foreign intervention will bring about the end of the Qing dynasty in 1911
Imperialism in Japan
1853 Commodore Perry arrives
Japan decides to westernize with the Meiji Restoration
Rapid state sponsored Industrialization
Railways, western education, samurais abolished
Differing response compared to China
Japan becomes an imperial power at the end of this time period
Imperialism in Africa
Prior time period, Europeans stayed on the coast of Africa
Scramble for Africa
Berlin Conference (1884-85) set up the rules for European countries to claim African lands
Only nations to keep independence were Ethiopia and Liberia
Belgians under Leopold claim the Congo
European made boundaries ignorant of ethnic boundaries create future conflicts in Africa
Imperialism in Southeast Asia
French take over Indo China (Vietnam)
Siam remains independent
US becomes an imperialist power
Haitian revolution allows Louisiana to be sold to US
Spanish American war makes US an overseas empire
Russia tries to gain land in the Crimean War and loses
Russia loses to more industrialized Japan in Russo Japanese war (1904-05)
Enlightenment thought led to revolutions and the eventual elimination of slavery.
Voltaire, Rousseau, Locke and Montesquieu
American Revolution (elites still in power)
French Revolution
Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen similar to Declaration Independence
Much bloodier revolution than American
Led to rise of Napoleon
Napoleonic code
Haitian Revolution
Led by Toussaint L’Ouverture
Only successful slave revolt in the history of the world
1804: a free republic with a constitution was established
Latin American Independence (Spain and Portugal lose their empires)
Social pyramid consisted of peninsulares at the top, then creoles, mestizos, mulattoes,
indigenous and finally slaves
Latin American Revolutions replaced the peninsulares with the creoles
Simon Bolivar
Educated on enlightened ideas
Used military to free Gran Columbia (Columbia, Ecuador and Venezuela)
from Spanish rule
Saw himself as the George Washington of South America
Jose San Martin (Creole liberator of Argentina)
Pedro II
Declared Brazilian independence from Portugal
Mexican independence from Spanish in 1821
Reasons for migrations:
high population regions (China, India, Japan) to less populated regions
Revolutions, persecutions, famine (Irish potato), need for agricultural workers after
elimination of slavery (Sugar plantations in Caribbean), gold rushes (Australia and Alaska)
Seasonal workers
Italians in Argentina and Japanese in the Pacific
Effects of migrations:
America as a melting pot, Chinese culture in Southeast Asia, North and South America,
Italian culture in Argentina
Chinese Exclusion Act in America and White Australian Act of 1901
Spain and Portugal lose their empires
Ottoman Empire is “the sick man of Europe”
Tanzimat reforms (movement towards constitutional government, banks, railroad) ended in
Young Turks (western educated, sought nationalistic reform)
Qing dynasty resists change and falls (1911)
Africa and its resources are controlled, the West is aggressive, majority of the world is still rural,
elites remain in power