List of geographic designations for History major requirements
... HIST 471: Britain in the Industrial Revolution: 1714-1848 HIST 472: Victorian Britain HIST 473: Twentieth-Century Britain: The Age of Decline HIST 477: History of China to 1644 HIST 478: History of China 1644-1912 ...
... HIST 471: Britain in the Industrial Revolution: 1714-1848 HIST 472: Victorian Britain HIST 473: Twentieth-Century Britain: The Age of Decline HIST 477: History of China to 1644 HIST 478: History of China 1644-1912 ...
Electives for B.A. in History
... History Elective by Concentration Take five courses (including a minimum of one 4000 level course) from one area: US HISTORY HIST 3110 America to 1789 HIST 3115 (Jefferson’s and Jackson’s America) HIST 3120 (Civil War and Reconstruction) HIST 3125 (America in the Gilded Age & Progressive Era) HIST 3 ...
... History Elective by Concentration Take five courses (including a minimum of one 4000 level course) from one area: US HISTORY HIST 3110 America to 1789 HIST 3115 (Jefferson’s and Jackson’s America) HIST 3120 (Civil War and Reconstruction) HIST 3125 (America in the Gilded Age & Progressive Era) HIST 3 ...
history 110b - California State University, Fullerton
... Course Learning Goals and a Discussion of Why Study History? Many students ask the question, “why do I have to take a world history course”? This is a good question. There are many answers. The most important is that in order to understand the world we live in today, one must understand how develop ...
... Course Learning Goals and a Discussion of Why Study History? Many students ask the question, “why do I have to take a world history course”? This is a good question. There are many answers. The most important is that in order to understand the world we live in today, one must understand how develop ...
College of Micronesia-FSM P. O. Box 159 Kolonia, Pohnpei FM
... Explain the Alliance plans for the postwar period as developed in wartime conferences. Explain the problems of making peace with Germany and show how they were related to the beginning of the Cold War. Trace the development of specific policies and organizations employed in the Cold War. Describe th ...
... Explain the Alliance plans for the postwar period as developed in wartime conferences. Explain the problems of making peace with Germany and show how they were related to the beginning of the Cold War. Trace the development of specific policies and organizations employed in the Cold War. Describe th ...
... America was the only region to out-produce Japan.8 Attman estimated American silver production at more than 300 metric tons per year during the seventeenth century, compared with Japanese production of at least 200 metric tons per year early in the 17th century.9 Much of world silver production – Ja ...
... America was the only region to out-produce Japan.8 Attman estimated American silver production at more than 300 metric tons per year during the seventeenth century, compared with Japanese production of at least 200 metric tons per year early in the 17th century.9 Much of world silver production – Ja ...
“A World of History in Your Cup”: Teaching Coffee as Global
... programs extant in the United States at the time, Bentley and I had been assigned to teach multiple sections of History 151 and 152, surveys of world history to and from the year 1500. The intent of these courses, which all students at the University of Hawaii were required to complete, involved fos ...
... programs extant in the United States at the time, Bentley and I had been assigned to teach multiple sections of History 151 and 152, surveys of world history to and from the year 1500. The intent of these courses, which all students at the University of Hawaii were required to complete, involved fos ...
World History
... c. Explain the major decisions made in the Versailles Treaty; include German reparations and the mandate system that replaced Ottoman control. d. Analyze the destabilization of Europe in the collapse of the great empires; include the Romanov and Hapsburg dynasties. ...
... c. Explain the major decisions made in the Versailles Treaty; include German reparations and the mandate system that replaced Ottoman control. d. Analyze the destabilization of Europe in the collapse of the great empires; include the Romanov and Hapsburg dynasties. ...
Slide 1 - White Plains Public Schools
... Spanish crown, it is logical to suspect an Asian power shift as a result of the inter-Asian trade in silver The Tokugawa shogunate gained control over Japanese silver mines and sold to China Flynn (1991) has argued that profits from silver mines financed the defeat of hundreds of rival feudal lo ...
... Spanish crown, it is logical to suspect an Asian power shift as a result of the inter-Asian trade in silver The Tokugawa shogunate gained control over Japanese silver mines and sold to China Flynn (1991) has argued that profits from silver mines financed the defeat of hundreds of rival feudal lo ...
A-level History Exemplar topics HIS4X - Historical Enquiry
... The Chinese Revolution of 1911 and its impact on relations with the West Japan and China, 1919–1931 Japan & China as victorious powers at the Paris peace conference The League of Nations and the ‘racial equality clause’ The rise of Chiang Kai Shek and the Kuomintang The rise of Communism in China an ...
... The Chinese Revolution of 1911 and its impact on relations with the West Japan and China, 1919–1931 Japan & China as victorious powers at the Paris peace conference The League of Nations and the ‘racial equality clause’ The rise of Chiang Kai Shek and the Kuomintang The rise of Communism in China an ...
Cultural Perspectives (Spring 2006)
... Cultural Perspectives – Fall 2015 Undergraduate education should provide students with the opportunity to develop an appreciation of the similarities and differences among cultures around the world. This requirement should engage students in the study of ideas, histories and cultures of countries be ...
... Cultural Perspectives – Fall 2015 Undergraduate education should provide students with the opportunity to develop an appreciation of the similarities and differences among cultures around the world. This requirement should engage students in the study of ideas, histories and cultures of countries be ...
... Fundamental changes happened a decade later with the beginning of the Meiji period3. ...
... Fundamental changes happened a decade later with the beginning of the Meiji period3. ...
World History II - Walch Education
... As you learned in Lesson 6, Japan remained isolated from other countries for centuries. This began to change in the mid-1500s with the arrival of European traders. The first to arrive were the Portuguese. Many Japanese noblemen, called daimyos, welcomed the Portuguese traders. Here was a chance for ...
... As you learned in Lesson 6, Japan remained isolated from other countries for centuries. This began to change in the mid-1500s with the arrival of European traders. The first to arrive were the Portuguese. Many Japanese noblemen, called daimyos, welcomed the Portuguese traders. Here was a chance for ...
world history since 1914
... This paper explores the history of the interconnected twentieth century. It moves from the climax and decline of Europe’s older imperial systems during the first half of the twentieth century, to the emergence of new forms of imperial power, and the making of the global South. Central to the paper a ...
... This paper explores the history of the interconnected twentieth century. It moves from the climax and decline of Europe’s older imperial systems during the first half of the twentieth century, to the emergence of new forms of imperial power, and the making of the global South. Central to the paper a ...
Criterion for Assessing the Big Civilization
... He says next on Japan: "Japan is clearly peripheral since it has borrowed from China its style of writing, many of its art-styles and the Chinese form of the Buddhist religion. In the last century there has also been extensive borrowing from Western Europe. Nevertheless, in some respects Japanese ci ...
... He says next on Japan: "Japan is clearly peripheral since it has borrowed from China its style of writing, many of its art-styles and the Chinese form of the Buddhist religion. In the last century there has also been extensive borrowing from Western Europe. Nevertheless, in some respects Japanese ci ...
... c. Explain the major decisions made in the Versailles Treaty; include German reparations and the mandate system that replaced Ottoman control. d. Analyze the destabilization of Europe in the collapse of the great empires; include the Romanov and Hapsburg dynasties. SSWH17 The student will be able to ...
... c. Explain the major decisions made in the Versailles Treaty; include German reparations and the mandate system that replaced Ottoman control. d. Analyze the destabilization of Europe in the collapse of the great empires; include the Romanov and Hapsburg dynasties. SSWH17 The student will be able to ...
AP World History
... 1. World War I a. For one of the most studied events of the twentieth century, what do you consider to be the primary causes? b. Why is it known widely as “The Great War”? c. In view of it being known as a “literary war”, who were the war poets and what was poignant and memorable about their poetry? ...
... 1. World War I a. For one of the most studied events of the twentieth century, what do you consider to be the primary causes? b. Why is it known widely as “The Great War”? c. In view of it being known as a “literary war”, who were the war poets and what was poignant and memorable about their poetry? ...
world history 2nd Semester Final Review 2015
... What are the differences and similarities between communism and fascism? Why did totalitarian governments gain power in Europe? World War II: 15.4 & 16.1-5 Why did Germany, Italy and Japan want territory? What did Japan use to justify empire building? Explain Japan’s foreign policy of 1930s What was ...
... What are the differences and similarities between communism and fascism? Why did totalitarian governments gain power in Europe? World War II: 15.4 & 16.1-5 Why did Germany, Italy and Japan want territory? What did Japan use to justify empire building? Explain Japan’s foreign policy of 1930s What was ...
World History Connections to Today
... • How did Siam maintain its independence? • How did imperialism spread to the Philippines and other Pacific islands? ...
... • How did Siam maintain its independence? • How did imperialism spread to the Philippines and other Pacific islands? ...
First Nine Weeks - Laurens County Schools
... demonstrate an understanding of the global political, economic and social impact of World War II. 18a: describe the major conflicts and outcomes including Pearl harbor, ElAlamein, Stalingrad, D-Day, Guadalcanal, the Philippines, and the end of the war in Europe and Asia 18b: Identify Nazi ideology, ...
... demonstrate an understanding of the global political, economic and social impact of World War II. 18a: describe the major conflicts and outcomes including Pearl harbor, ElAlamein, Stalingrad, D-Day, Guadalcanal, the Philippines, and the end of the war in Europe and Asia 18b: Identify Nazi ideology, ...
Where is East Asia
... as assimilable. Ironically, it was the British, Japanese and Russian overtures in Inner Asia, threatening China’s territorial integrity and national security, that prompted China to take a proactive interest in the region, and to emphasize the affinity between these peoples and the Chinese, demarcat ...
... as assimilable. Ironically, it was the British, Japanese and Russian overtures in Inner Asia, threatening China’s territorial integrity and national security, that prompted China to take a proactive interest in the region, and to emphasize the affinity between these peoples and the Chinese, demarcat ...
Section 1
... calendar, gained great power with imperial court Qing rulers became suspicious, fearful of Jesuits’ intentions ...
... calendar, gained great power with imperial court Qing rulers became suspicious, fearful of Jesuits’ intentions ...
Recentring Asia - University of Otago
... New Zealand, long ago recentred Asian identities to the Pacific. Despite hardship and opposition, they played an important role in the formation of modern nations in the region. Ironically, issues of nationhood and belonging also precipitated later diasporas, such as the flow of IndoFijians to New Z ...
... New Zealand, long ago recentred Asian identities to the Pacific. Despite hardship and opposition, they played an important role in the formation of modern nations in the region. Ironically, issues of nationhood and belonging also precipitated later diasporas, such as the flow of IndoFijians to New Z ...
READING LIST 2015-2016
... shaped colonial societies, economies and cultures. The notion of a ‘Third World’ emerged very much as the legacy of these shaping influences, popularised in the debates of the 1960s and 1970s when the world’s states and economies seemed to be very clearly divided between those of the advanced ‘West’ ...
... shaped colonial societies, economies and cultures. The notion of a ‘Third World’ emerged very much as the legacy of these shaping influences, popularised in the debates of the 1960s and 1970s when the world’s states and economies seemed to be very clearly divided between those of the advanced ‘West’ ...
View Outline
... Beckmann, George M. The Modernization of China & Japan. New York: Harper & Row & Tokyo: John Weatherhill, 1962. Chan, Wing-tsit. A Source Book in Chinese Philosophy. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University, 1963. Chen, Kenneth K. S. The Chinese Transformation of Buddhism. Princeton: Princeton Universit ...
... Beckmann, George M. The Modernization of China & Japan. New York: Harper & Row & Tokyo: John Weatherhill, 1962. Chan, Wing-tsit. A Source Book in Chinese Philosophy. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University, 1963. Chen, Kenneth K. S. The Chinese Transformation of Buddhism. Princeton: Princeton Universit ...
Daphne Pang How did the Industrial Revolution of the 19th century
... our world and contribute to what it is today? There were positive and negative industrial, revolutionary, and imperial changes. Some of the changes and their impacts will be examined and compared. Some industrial changes include technological advancement in the machinery and medical fields. Some rev ...
... our world and contribute to what it is today? There were positive and negative industrial, revolutionary, and imperial changes. Some of the changes and their impacts will be examined and compared. Some industrial changes include technological advancement in the machinery and medical fields. Some rev ...
Taishō period

The Taishō period (大正時代, Taishō jidai), or Taishō era, is a period in the history of Japan dating from July 30, 1912, to December 25, 1926, coinciding with the reign of the Emperor Taishō. The new emperor was a sickly man, which prompted the shift in political power from the old oligarchic group of elder statesmen (or genrō) to the Diet of Japan and the democratic parties. Thus, the era is considered the time of the liberal movement known as the ""Taishō democracy"" in Japan; it is usually distinguished from the preceding chaotic Meiji period and the following militarism-driven first part of the Shōwa period.