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Exploration (Unit 10)
I. Exploration
3 names that are all the same between the period of 1450-1650
1. Age of _____________ (advances in geographical knowledge &
technology)- Trial and Era
2. Age of _____________ (Exploration of a empty area especially for
military>outline of Earth)
3. Age of _____________(Migration of Europeans to other parts of
the world)
a. Why Exploration now in the mid 15C?
14thC Europe began trading w Asian people in lands such as China or
India. Brought back silk, spices, and other luxuries.
1. Italy controlled the _________________ Sea
If wanted to go to Asia, must pay the Italian tax. Needed to find a
new way. Land was too dangerous, long, and expensive with tolls.
Wanted to eliminate the middle man- Cheaper to go to the source.
2. _________& the Crusades encouraged Europeans to look
beyond the Old World.
3. Scientific Progress
-_____________ Larger
-New inventions to help journeys (_________) came from
the Arabs or Chinese.
Before this, sailors used to set course by Sun or stars.
4. The Three-G’s -------_________, God, and __________.
b. Early Exploration
1. _______________: 800-1000
Fierce warriors from Norway, Sweden, and Denmark that terrorized
the People of Europe. Came from where the weather was cold and
the soil was poor. Attacked Villages for loot not murder.
-Settled in _____________ and Greenland
-Finest shipbuilders of the time (swift, light boats that could travel far)
-Leif ____________ (Eric the Red’s son) first European to reach the
coast of N. America- Called Vineland > many grapes growing there—
really berries
-Known for their conquests but were farmers, merchants and crafts
Europeans settled into Feudalism, which helped protect them from
Viking attacks
Europeans were afraid of the Atlantic Ocean: Refereed to as the
Sea of Darkness or the Green Sea of Doom.
2. Marco Polo (1254-1324)
Born in ____________, Italy and was a great traveler
His travels to Asia made him famous as he saw things that no one
in Europe ever saw. It was detailed in his book, The Travels of
Marco Polo.
-Rock that burned longer then ___________ (Europeans did not
discover coal yet).
-Great ocean to the _____________ of China (know one in Europe
knew about the Pacific Ocean).
People thought they were fairy tales—what he saw during his
lifetime must have shocked Marco.
Asia in the 13th C was far ahead of Europe
-Street sewers
-_________ along broad, __________ highways
-Chinese used paper ___________
-Police patrols at ______________
-Government stable and well-run
Marco Polo was in China when the grandson of Genghis Khan was
ruler __________ ____________, they were good friends
C. Explorers before Columbus
1. Prince ___________ the Navigator (1394-1460)
He was from Portugal and he heard of tales of Africa and
wanted to go.
He wanted to increase Portuguese power and spread
Christian faith.
African Coast:
Traded European goods for gold and ivory
Set up _________________ trading post
Hoped to reach Asia by rounding Africa.
Never took that voyage but trained sailors—had only the
2. Bartholomeu ___________
He was from __________
Reached the Southern tip of ___________(Cape of Good Hope)
Proved there was an all water route to Asia
His men refused to go further and he was forced to turn
D) Christopher Columbus changes the world
At this time the Atlantic Ocean was known as Ocean Sea
Columbus was ____________ but did not take his plan to Italy.
1. Plan- Sail west across the Atlantic
-First went to ___________ w/ his plan in 1484 called the
“Enterprise of the Indies.” –Sail _________ across the Atlantic
-Thought it would be a shorter trip then around the Atlantic (Not
the first to come up with that theory--Aristotle)
-Needed money and supplies and had to shop his idea
-Portugal said _______ because they already found a water route
to China by going around Africa (did not need another)
2. Spain- Next stop
-Queen Isabella eventually supported the trip for two reasons
a. Competition w/ _____________
b. Wanted to spread _____________
Just got rid of the Moors
3. Ships
a. Santa Maria
Left in August of 1492
b. ___________ (Spotted land)
c. Nina
4. Land
- twice they thought they spotted land and it was false
- talk of Mutiny
- Spotted land in October 12
- Landed in the ______________ (San Salvador)
- Thought he reached the _____________ (called the people
- Thought he was close to China and Japan but really found Cuba
and Hispaniola
5. Colony
Set up a colony there. Very cruel to natives
Made 4 total trips to “New” world
Died never knowing he never got to Asia
Named after ___________ _______________
6. Result
1. Destroyed Native __________________
2. New set of Nations on the Western Hemisphere
3. Opened the door to ___________ in the new world
4. Colonies were set up that Europe would fight over.
Why he is credited and not Erickson?
-Not widespread, no proof
-CC bigger impact
-News spread fast
e. Rivalry between Spain v Portugal
Pope _______ an imaginary line running north to south through the
Atlantic Ocean.
1. All new discoveries _____ of the line would belong to ______.
2. All new discoveries ____ of the line would belong to _______.
Line of ____________
Protest the line, moved it west (allowing Portugal to claim Brazil)
It was called the Treaty of ______________ ---1494
The explorers of England, France, & the Dutch ignored the line.
f. Renaissance Explores after Columbus
1. Vasco __________________
1498, Portugal First European to reach ___________ by sea
by going around the Cape of Good Hope. He helped make
Portugal a world power. He took 4 ships and only 2
returned with half of the men. It opened East Asia to
Europe’s other sea powers (Eng./Spain)
2. Pedro ____________________
He was also from Portugal.
King Manual I wanted more and sent a bigger fleet.
He wanted to repeat Da Gama but was blown off course and
went into ___________________.
3. Ferdinand ___________ (1480-1521)
The king of Portugal had no interest in the Western world.
First voyage around the world for the _____________ Flag.
Named the Pacific Ocean which means ______________
Problems with trip:
1. Some people did not like being under a
2. People were marooned
3. Drinking water—Green with slime
4. Biscuit barrel crawling with rats
5. Some ate ship’s leather ropes and the lucky ones
ate rats
Magellan did not complete the voyage and was ________in the
Philippine islands.
Started with 5 ships and only one returned. Started with
265 men and only 17 weak men returned
Elcano finished the voyage. Other nations got involved and staked
claims in the New World and other places
Unification of Italy
a. Giuseppe _____________ discovers his duty
Italy did not appear on the map as a country. Italy was just
considered a peninsula, which was divided into several major states.
Lacked ___________- loyalty or devotion to one’s country
Did not see themselves as Italians, felt they belonged to a particular
b. Unification through Revolution
Mazzini felt Italy should be unified only if there was revolution
-Wrote articles to newspapers and joined revolutionary groups
-Forced out of Italy; exiled and went to France
-Formed a group in France called _____________ (told to think of
themselves as Italians.
-Moved to England and set up a school for poor Italians boys
(Taught them Italian history and to love it)
-1848; ______________ in Italy but it failed
(Mazzini could stir emotions but was no leader)
c. Cavour puts Italy on the map
_____________ wanted unification but his ideas clashed w/ Mazzini
Noble and wealthy
Mazzini wanted a Democratic Republic and Cavour wanted to form
a limited Constitutional Monarchy like England.
d. United Italy
1852, Cavour becomes ______________ of Sardinia.
Through wars and politics, Cavour enlarged the kingdom. One after
another the another the Italian States united w/ Sardinia (Venice and
Rome was 9 years later)
Mazzini- Dream
Cavour- Skill
When did the HRE end? Fearful of Napoleon annexing the title.
The last HRE emperor (Francis II) dissolved it and established Empire
of Austria 8/6/ 1806
First Reich—962-1808
Second Reich—1871-1918
Third Reich ----1934-1945