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Created by Ms. Foglia, adapted by Ms Rhodes, with text from Campbell and Reece Biology
1. Define the two basic types of behavior.
2. Compare and contrast instincts and reflexes.
3. What is a fixed action pattern?
4. Describe the following behaviors:
Trial and Error
Associative Learning
Classical conditioning
Operant conditioning
Agonistic behavior
Dominance Hierarchy
Altruistic Behavior
5. What is adaptive value of “rituals” in animal behavior?
What is the adaptive value of “play”?
7. What are pheromones and why do mammals often use them for communication
but birds don’t?
8. How can altruistic behavior be explained as an adaptive behavior?
9. Explain the difference between proximate and ultimate causes.
10. List an advantage and a disadvantage of defending a territory.
11. What are circadian rhythms and how are they of adaptive value?
12. Explain the evolutionary adaptation of kin selection.
Word Roots
agon- = a contest (agonistic behavior: a type of behavior involving a contest of some kind that
determines which competitor gains access to some resource, such as food or mates)
andro- = a man (polyandry: a polygamous mating system involving one female and many
etho- = custom, habit (ethology: the study of animal behavior in natural conditions)
gyno- = a woman (polygyny: a polygamous mating system involving one male and many
kine- = move (kinesis: a change in activity rate in response to a stimulus)
mono- = one; -gamy = reproduction (monogamous: a type of relationship in which one male
mates with just one female)
poly- = many (polygamous: a type of relationship in which an individual of one sex mates
with several of the other sex)
socio- = a companion (sociobiology: the study of social behavior based on evolutionary
13. Pheasants do not feed their chicks. Immediately after hatching, a pheasant chick starts pecking
at seeds and insects on the ground. How might a behavioral ecologist explain the ultimate cause of
this behavior? (Concept 51.1E-Book) [Hint]
a. Pecking is a fixed action pattern (FAP).
b. Pheasants learned to peck, and their offspring inherited this behavior.
c. Pheasants that pecked survived and reproduced best.
d. Pecking is the result of imprinting during a critical period.
e. Pecking is an example of habituation.
14. Pheromones are examples of _____. (Concept 51.2E-Book) [Hint]
a. Hormones
b. chemical signals
c. visual signals
d. instinctive behavior
e. developmental homeostasis
15. When Drosophila were exposed to a particular odor and electric shock at the same time, they
started to avoid the odor. This is an example of _____. (Concept 51.3E-Book) [Hint]
a. classical conditioning
b. operant conditioning
c. reasoning
d. imprinting
e. habituation
16. Animals that exhibit which type of mating behavior are often so morphologically similar that it is
difficult to distinguish the sexes based on external characteristics?
a. Agnostic
b. Promiscuous
c. Monogamous
d. Polygamous
e. polygynous
17. Altruistic behavior _____.
a. never occurs in natural populations
b. is expected when the species as a whole benefits from it
c. occurs only when closely related individuals benefit from it
d. is expected when it increases the long-term inclusive fitness of the altruists
e. is expected when there are plentiful resources to share
18. Which one of the following statements best defines an altruistic act?
It immediately benefits both the performer and another individual.
It immediately benefits another individual at some cost to the performer.
It immediately benefits the performer and imposes a cost on another individual.
It imposes a cost on the performer and the other individual.
It imposes a cost on the performer without benefiting another individual.