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Pathogenic Role of Cardiac Mast Cell Activation/Degranulation, TNF-α, and
Cell Death in Sudden Cardiac Death
Research program from the Department of Forensic Medicine1 and Forensic Genetics2, National
Board of Forensic Medicine, Linköping Division.
Applicant: Nasrin Perskvist, PhD
Fellow applicant: Erik Edston, MD, PhD
This application is aimed to apply grant for the project with the same title, which is the research
project part D of this investigation
Research group:
Erik Edston1, MD, PhD
Nasrin Perskvist1, PhD
Monica Lindman2, MSc
Johan Ahlner 1, 2, MD, PhD
Gunilla Holmlund2, PhD
Andreas Karlson2, MSc
Sudden Cardiac Death (SCD) is usually unexpected death from arrhythmia or acute ventricular
failure. This can happen to an individual with or without known pre-existing heart disease. Cardiac
arrest occurs after a while when the heart’s output is absent or inadequate and is followed by
circulatory collapse. The brain, the heart and other vital organs quickly become deprived of their
vital oxygen supply and consequently the person loses consciousness and sudden death will ensue.
This lethal process can be due to myocardial infarction, cardiac hypertrophy, myocarditis,
cardiomyopathies, and disturbances of the conduction system. In patients < 21 years old the most
frequent cardiac abnormalities have been reported to be myocarditis, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy,
aortic valve stenosis and coronary arterial abnormalities (1). Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is an
excessive thickening of the heart muscle of unknown cause but there is evidence for a genetic
predisposition (2). Less information is available on the frequencies of cardiac abnormalities in
sudden unexpected death in infants < 1 years age. Approx. 19% of sudden natural death in children
between 1 and 13 years are of cardiac origin, whereas in the 14-21 years age it is 30% (3). In the
adult population the most common cause of sudden death is coronary heart disease.
The goal of our investigation is to identify the genetical or biochemical reasons underlying the
SCD. To reach our aim, we divided this investigation in three research projects as following:
A- Differential accumulation of cardiac mast cell-subsets and eosinophils between fatal
anaphylaxis and asthma death. In this project we investigate the SCD due to the anaphylaxis and
asthmatic attack To understand how the heart react under these critical situations. We already
published the outcome of our attempt in this project, Forensic Sci Int. 2007 Jun 14;169(1):43-9.
This project has been developed and we are working on it.
B- The Impact of genetic variations of TNF- and IL-10, and infiltration of inflammatory cells in
the heart of infancy. In this project we already investigated the infiltration of T-cells, Macrophages
and Neutrophils in the heart of infancy. The aim of this study is to investigate the cytokine
polymorphisms and the reaction of heart. We also analysis the eventual virus infection in the heart
sections of these cases by PCR technique. Part of the results of this project is now submitted for
C- Sudden Cardiac Death due to Defects in Calcium Ion Channel proteins and Gap Junctions. In
this Project we have investigated Ryanodine2 (Ryr2), a structure protein of cardiac calcium channel
and FKBP12.6, an associated and vital protein monitoring the release of calcium, Conexins, the
structure proteins of Gap junctions in the heart. We utilizing the Genetic technique to investigate
and analysis the eventual mutation of Ryanodine2. With the Histochemical method we examine
Ryr2 in the cardiac sections in a protein and molecular level. This project is granted of “Stina och
Birger Johanssons Stiftelse” by 70000 kr in 2006-10-18. We appreciate this grant that gave us the
possibility of developing this project.
D- Pathogenic Role of Cardiac Mast Cell Activation/Degranulation, TNF-α, and Cell Death
in Sudden Cardiac Death.
Intravenous injection of narcotic stimulants affects many cellular functions relevant for the
pathophysiological mechanisms of heart failure that results in sudden Cardiac Death (SCD). The
question is why and how, what happens in the heart of these victims as a result of drug injection.
The outcome of this project will give us a better understanding of heart defenses and the cardiac
functions in the acute situation and thus could leads to a better strategy of treatment in the case of
heart failure.
Possible roles of cardiac mast cells (MCs), has been suggested in mediating injury in myocardial
ischemia (Kovanen et al 1995; Somasundaram et al 2005) and involvement in regulating fibrous
tissue deposition and scar formation in healing infarcts (Frangogiannis et al 2002; Somasundaram et
al 2005). MCs are being divided in three different types according to the content of tryptase (T) and
Chymase (C); MCTC (mostly in connective tissue), MCT (in mucosal), and MCC that contains only
chymase (Irani et al 1989; Yao et al 2003). Histochemical studies indicate rapid mast cell
degranulation and mediator release after myocardial ischemia (Edston 1997). MCs are identified as
the only source of preformed and immunologically induced tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-α, a
proinflammatory mediator (Gordon et al 1990). MC degranulation appears to be confined to the
ischemic area and results in rapid release of TNF-α and subsequent induction of an inflammatory
cascade crucial for the pathophysiological mechanisms of cardiac arrest (Blancke et al 2005).
Preliminary findings show that patient with heart failure have increased level of TNF-α compared to
healthy controls (Levine et al 1990) and this is associated with the severity of cardiac malfunction
(Levine et al 1990; Anker et al 1997). However, to date there is no direct evidence that increased
level of TNF-α is due to the overproduction of cardiac myocytes.
The two major form of cell death: apoptosis which is the physiologic form of cell death and
necrosis, an accidental form of cell death, are both induced by the action of TNF-α. The evidence
for a TNF-derived mast cell-mediated myocardial apoptosis in patient with heart failure supports
the involvement of apoptosis in the pathophysiology of heart failure (Rossig et al 2000; Zheng et al
2006). As potent sympathetic and/or parasympathetic stimulants, narcotic drugs are known to cause
a broad range of long-term cardiac effects and/or acute cardiac arrest (Tong et al 2004; Lessa et al
2006). The aim of this study is to investigate the pathological changes in the heart of acute drugrelated fatalities with focus on the intervention of cardiac MCs, TNF-α and myocytic cell death
compared to selected cases who died a sudden natural death (SND).
Materials and methods
Study subjects
A total number of 50 cases were already studied in a retrospective case-control study: 30 drug
fatalities in whom toxicological investigation had revealed multiple drug intoxication and 20 cases
of SND revealed by autopsy or by witnesses and other circumstances. Sudden death was defined
according to the WHO criteria, i.e. death within 24h of onset of symptoms. Before the final
diagnoses were determined, the death scene circumstances as well as the autopsy, histological, and
toxicological findings were evaluated. Infectious disease, asthma and other immunologically
compromising conditions were excluded. The time lapse after death until autopsy varied between 1
and 5 days during which time the bodies were stored at 4C. In all cases toxicological analysis for
alcohol and therapeutic drugs (screening test) were performed at the National Forensic Chemistry
Laboratory Linköping, Sweden. Four autopsied individuals who died in a traffic accident, with no
cardiac lesions as judged by histological examination were included as negative controls for the
source of myocardial TNF-α.
The autopsies were done at the departments of Forensic Medicine in Linköping and Stockholm,
Sweden. In all cases femoral and heart blood were sampled at autopsy. Histological sections from
the brain, myocardium, lungs, liver, kidneys, proximal coronary arteries from the three main
branches, and laryngeal wall were stained with hematoxylin-erythrosin-saffron and Mallory´s
PTAH. In drug victims, additional sections from the thyroid, adrenals, and spleen were also
We also measured tryptase postmortem in serum from femoral vein blood and in order to
investigate its association to the number of infiltrated MCs the drug-related fatalities were divided
into two groups according to their level of blood tryptase. One group included 13 cases with
elevated concentrations of femoral mast cell tryptase (α+ tryptase) with cut-off value set at 45 g/l
(HLT) (Edston et al 2006). The cut off value is based on statistical calculations of tryptase values in
a larger control group. A value above 45 g/l render a 5 % chance of being falsely positive. The
other group contained 17 individuals with low levels of tryptase (LLT), ranging between 5-27 g/l.
with a mean of 13.4 ( 1.3 SEM). The tryptase concentrations in the SND cases ranged between 3
and 21 g/l with a mean of 11.6 ( 1.1 SEM).
Determination of tryptase, specific- and total-IgE
We already measured the tryptase concentration of all cases.
Femoral blood was sampled in test tubes without additives. They were centrifuged, and the serum
was frozen at -20ºC until analysis. Alpha and -tryptase were measured with Tryptase FEIA. To
enable exclusion of any possible immunological complications in drug addicts and SND cases, total
serum-IgE was measured with Pharmacia CAP-system IgE-FEIA and morphine-specific IgE with
Pharmacia CAP system specific IgE-FEIA.
Immunohistochemical analysis
For sequential double labelling with anti-tryptase monoclonal antibody (mab) and anti-chymase
mab, will be used to display differentially stained MC subsets in the same tissue sections. Sections
labelle with the antibodies will be successively stained with the appropriate chromogens to
distinguish tryptase and/or chymase containing cells by developing different colours. Exclusion of
streptoavidine and substitution of this step with a secondary antibody that directly conjugated to
poly-peroxidase molecule improve the staining. Using this technique we are able to differentiate
between MCTC, MCT, and MCC among the subtypes of MCs.
For each case, four sequential heart-sections from the anterior and posterior walls of the left
ventricle and the right ventricle, and the septum, along with four lung specimens of both lungs, will
be fixed in 4 % phosphate-buffered formalin, embedded in paraffin, and cut into sections of 4m.
All slides will be deparaffinized and dehydrate with graded alcohols and finally in distilled water.
Then they incubate with 3% H2O2 in Phosphate-buffer saline (PBS) for 10 min at room temperature
(RT) and investigate with a retrieval technique: will be pre-treated 20 min at RT with trypsine
digestion (0.3%, pH 7.8) in the case of staining with anti-tryptase, and -chymase, while 10mM
citrate buffer (pH 6.00) is going to be used to reveal the epitope of TNF and laminB1, (a nuclear
envelope protein). This step is following by 30 min incubation of slides with blocking solution (5%
bovine serum albumin in PBS) to block unspecific bindings. Necrosis will be visualized with an
antibody against the terminal complement complex, i.e. C9, in a dilution of 1:50. All slides are
going to incubate at RT for 60 min in a moist chamber. After rinsing in PBS, a peroxidase
conjugated-mouse IgG as secondary antibody will be applies at RT for 30 min. The peroxidase
activity in tissue sections visualize by utilizing a variety of chromogens. Diaminobenzidine (DAB)
produces reddish brown precipitate in the sections. This will be use to detect intracellular chymase,
TNF-, and laminB1 localization. Vector SG substrate developing a blue-black reaction product
will be use to visualise tryptase in the cell sections. Vector VIP peroxidase substrate, which
produces an intense purple precipitate, is going to apply to distinguish C9 cell-attachment. The
sections will be counter-stain with Light green in the case of MCs subtypes and C9, or Mayer’s
Haematoxylin, for TNF- and laminB1 staining. Sections without primary antibodies serve as
negative controls. To confirm the positive staining of MCs, TNF- and laminB1, sections of spleen,
lung, and human tonsil is going to process in a similar manner as the respective experimental
To verify the results from immunohistochemical labelling of MCs, the tissues will be
simultaneously stain with Toluidine blue for counting mast cells. To confirm the results of
immunohistochemical labelling of TNF-, immunofluorescence staining of parallel sections will be
perform in an Avidin-Biotin system, and the results will be evaluate in the same manner.
Detection of apoptotic cardiomyocytes
The ApopTag in situ apoptosis detection kit will be use. Apoptotic cells are visualize
by means of an anti-digoxigenin antibody conjugated to a peroxidase reporter molecule. Utilizing
DAB as chromogen substrate, we will be able to localize the bound peroxidase antibody and
counter-stain these slides with a combination of methyl green in 0.1 M sodium acetate. The
numbers of apoptotic nuclei of cardiomyocytes from the same tissue sections as for
immunohistochemical analysis will be determine in a sequence of high power field (HPF, X 400)
covering an entire area of one square cm transverse section selected randomly prior to the
microscopical examination on each slide, and these numbers report as apoptotic nuclei per HPF.
Considering the strength of the heart to adapt and modify a function or structure to tolerate different
incidents and their consequences, among them cell death, we are going to define a limit based on
clinical observations and microscopical examination of myocardial apoptosis and necrosis.
Since nuclear Lamin B is fragmented as a consequence of apoptosis, immunological
staining of Lamin B1 (Freude et al 2000) will be perform to validate the result of ApopTag analysis.
Cardiomyocyte nuclei negative for Lamin B1 will be count and calculat similarly as for ApopTag.
In each case, two independent observers are going to examine all tissue sections blindly.
Histomorphometry Analysis of immunostaining
Fifty visual fields per each myocardial section in magnification x 400 are going to randomly select,
and all MCTC, MCT, MCC (immunopositive stained cells) count by Planophotometry (DP-Soft
Imaging System GmbH). The total numbers of immunopositive MCs throughout the entire heart
sections will be express as numbers of cells per 3 square millimetres. To estimate the cardiac
production of TNF-, four sequential sections of the heart of each case will be examine using the
same software. In each case, two independent observers are going to examine all sections in a
blinded manner.
The expected results and Significance
We expect to discover how cardiomyocytes react against toxic substances. We look forward to
uncover whether the cardiac cells are able to synthesize and release the TNF-, in spite of the
controversial results in this field. We expect to reveal the impact of infiltration of mast cells
containing chymase as it showed that this substances may react as a converting enzyme to
Angiotensin. Through the understanding of the impact of the injected drugs on the function of
human heart, and through the investigation of the action of cardiacmyocytes to adapt and/or defense
to this substances, we would be able to develop an anti-cytokine therapies that would have a
beneficial effect on the cardiac effects and thus of morbidity and mortality.
Ethical Statement
The study was approved by the Local Board of Medical Ethics no M116-05.
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