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Umeå Universitet, Fysik
Vitaly Bychkov
Prov i fysik, Electrodynamics, 2013-11-01, kl 9.00-15.00
Hjälpmedel: Students may use any book(s) including the compendium. Minor notes in
the books are also allowed. Good luck!
1) Consider a solenoid of length l , radius b and n  N / l turns per unit length. A square
loop of side a with current I  I 0 exp( it ) is placed inside the solenoid as shown in
Fig. 1. The loop is perpendicular to the solenoid axis. The solenoid is connected to a
resistor R . Find current in the resistor, I R (t ) . For that purpose: (a) Find mutual
inductance between the loop and the solenoid; (b) find self-inductance of the solenoid; (c)
consider the circuit consisting of the emf due to mutual inductance, the emf due to selfinductance and the resistance. You may leave the answer in complex numbers.
Fig. 1. A loop in a solenoid; the solenoid is connected into a circuit with a resistor.
2) Consider an infinitely long cylinder of radius R with the magnetic field inside
B  aˆ  B0 (r / R) 2 exp( it ) , where r is the distance from the cylinder axis and  is the
angle around the axis (in cylindrical coordinates). Find electric field E inside the
cylinder. Assume zero electric field at the axis.
(4 p)
3) An electron-positron plasma is a gas of free electrons and positrons (no ions), where a
positron has the same mass m as an electron and a positive charge  e . Electrons and
positrons have the same concentration n (number of particles per unit volume) to provide
Umeå Universitet, Fysik
Vitaly Bychkov
zero total charge density   0 . A planar electromagnetic wave propagating in the plasma
sets all particles in motion, which results in nonzero current density j determined by the
electric force (you may neglect the magnetic force Fm  qv  B in the 2nd Newton’s law).
Find the dispersion relation  (k ) for the electromagnetic wave.
(4 p)
4) Consider a wire of the shape shown in Fig. 2 with electric current I  0 for t  0 and
I  t for t  0 . Find the electric field in the coordinate origin for t  b / c .
(4 p)
Fig. 2
5) A dipole oscillating as P  aˆ z P0 exp( it ) is placed at height h above an infinitely
long perfectly conducting plane (yz-plane) parallel to the plane as shown in Fig. 3. Find
the resulting radiation (the electric field E ) in the direction of the x-axis in the radiation
zone x  h . In order to save time you may use the results derived for a single dipole.
For which distance h the radiation in x-direction will be damped completely? For which
distance h the power will be maximal? Hint: You can solve the problem either by using
the method of images, or taking into account reflection at a perfect conductor.
perfect conductor
Fig. 3
Umeå Universitet, Fysik
Vitaly Bychkov
Exam in physics, Electrodynamics, 2014-01-11, kl 9.00-15.00
Hjälpmedel: Students may use any book(s) including the compendium. Minor notes in
the books are also allowed. Good luck!
1) Consider a solenoid of radius b and finite length h with totally N loops, and a small
loop of radius a at the solenoid axis at the distance h from the closest solenoid end, with
a  b and a  h , see Fig. 1. The axes of the small loop and the solenoid coincide. Find
mutual inductance. Hint: Consider the solenoid as a combination of rings of small height
dz . Help: You may use the result for the magnetic field of a ring at z-axis, Eq. (5.38), and
the following formula of integral calculation (Beta, p. 156, Integral 111)
 (x
2 3/ 2
b )
b x2  b2
(4 p)
Fig. 1.
2) An infinitely long layer of width 2a is placed perpendicular to z-axis within
 a  z  a . The magnetic field inside the layer is B  aˆ x B0 ( z / a) 2 exp( it ) . Find the
electric filed inside the layer, assuming that the electric field on the centre-plane z  0 is
(4 p)
3) A planar linearly polarized wave of amplitude E 0 and frequency  is incident under
angle  from free space on a perfectly conducting material that is filling the region
z  0 , see Fig. 2. The magnetic field of the wave is parallel to the conducting surface.
Umeå Universitet, Fysik
Vitaly Bychkov
Determine the surface charge and current densities,  S and  S , at the conductor. To save
time, you do not have to show that the angle of reflection is equal the incident angle.
Fig. 2.
4) Consider a wire of the shape shown in Fig. 3 (consisting of a semi-circle and two semiinfinite lines) with electric current I  0 for t  0 and I  t for t  0 . Find the electric
field in the coordinate origin for t  b / c .
(4 p)
Fig. 3.
5) An electron rotates in an external magnetic field B with initial velocity v 0
perpendicular to the field direction. Find how radius of electron orbit reduces in time
because of radiation losses. For that purpose: 1) find how kinetic energy of the electron is
related to the orbit radius; 2) Find power loss per unit time due to radiation as a function
of the radius; 3) Write the differential equation of energy balance; 4) Solve the equation.
Assume that in one period of rotation the electron motion may be considered as
approximately circular.
Umeå Universitet, Fysik
Vitaly Bychkov
Prov i fysik, Electrodynamics, 2014-08-28, kl 9.00-15.00
Hjälpmedel: Students may use any book(s) including the compendium. Minor notes in
the books are also allowed.
Define your notations properly. Present arguments in details. Good luck!
1) Consider a solenoid of length l , radius b and n  N / l turns per unit length. A square
loop of side a with fixed current I is placed inside the solenoid as shown in Fig. 1. The
loop rotates around y-axis (perpendicular to the solenoid axis) with frequency  . The
solenoid is connected to a resistor R . Find current in the resistor, I R . Self-inductance of
the solenoid has to be also found and taken into account in the solution. You may leave
the answer in complex numbers.
Fig. 1.
2) Consider an infinitely long cylinder of radius R with the electrical field inside
E  aˆ  E0 (r / R) 2 exp( it ) , where r is the distance from the cylinder axis and  is the
angle around the axis (in cylindrical coordinates). By using Maxwell’s equations, find
the current density j inside the cylinder. Hint: First, find the magnetic field.
(4 p)
3) In order to understand skin-effect (minor penetration of altering em-fields) in
conductors, we may consider the approximation of the quasi-stationary Maxwell
equations (with neglected displacement current E / t  j ). Then, using Ohm’s law
Umeå Universitet, Fysik
Vitaly Bychkov
j  E , derive the equation for the magnetic field B assuming for simplicity uniform
parameters of the conducting medium  ,  ,  . Hint: The obtained equation will be of
parabolic type instead of a hyperbolic one typical for wave equations.
(4 p)
4) An infinite straight wire carries an electric current I  0 for t  0 and I  t for
t  0 . Find the vector potential at a distance r from the wire.
(4 p)
5) A plane electromagnetic wave of amplitude E 0 and frequency  propagating along
the z-axis is incident on a charge q with mass m , and makes it oscillate along the x-axis
(with v  c ) and hence radiate. The charge is bound by a spring with eigen-frequency of
intrinsic oscillations  0 , which produces the restoring force F  m02 x , as shown in
Fig. 2. Find the power P radiated by the charge.
Fig. 2.
(4 p)