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Rome Study Guide
Test Date:
Essential Question: How did government & religion adapt &
change as Rome expanded & became more diverse?
Civic Virtue
Pax Romana
Bread & Circus
Julius Caesar
Pontius Pilate
What do you need to be able to do?
 explain the bolded terms, people, and places in your own words
 use the bolded words to do the things listed below
How did the ways leaders gained, maintained, and lost
legitimacy change as Rome grew & became more diverse?
What is a republic?
Describe how the Roman Republic worked using consul, senate, tribune, legions, and
the Twelve Tables.
Describe the roles of social groups: plebeians, patricians, women, slaves
Why was civic virtue important to maintaining a functioning republic?
How did expansion through the Punic Wars cause problems and lead to change?
How did Julius Caesar and Augustus contribute to the fall of the republic and creation
of the empire?
What is the Pax Romana and how did Augustus help establish it?
How did emperors, including Augustus, use autocracy and Bread & Circus to maintain
Why did Diocletian divide the empire and why did Constantine move the capital?
What were the political, economic, and social reasons for the collapse of the Western
Roman Empire?
Compare the problems of the Republic and the Empire
Describe the location and importance of the city of Constantinople
What was the importance of Justinian’s Code?
Evaluate whether the Byzantine Empire was the “New Rome”
How did Religions adapt and change as the empire expanded?
How did Roman religion change as it expanded?
Define monotheism, polytheism, and pagan.
How are the terms covenant, Torah, and Abraham related to Jewish beliefs?
What caused the destruction of the Temple and the Jewish Diaspora?
How did Judaism change and adapt as a result of these changes?
What was the role of Jesus, Paul, Pax Romana, and Constantine in the spread of
How did the Romans treat early Christians?
What was the appeal of Christianity? Why did so many people risk converting?
Place major events from Roman history on a time line
Constantine accepts Christianity
Abraham makes a covenant with God.
Rome fights the Punic Wars
Rome overthrows the last King & creates Republic.
Augustus named Emperor
Pliny executes Christians
Romans destroy Temple in Jerusalem
Jesus is crucified
Moses receives 10 Commandments
Western Rome falls.
Diocletian divides Empire
Justinian’s Code created
Open Response Questions
Essential Question: How did government & religion adapt & change as Rome
grew & became more diverse?
You need to be prepared to answer all the questions below. These questions break down
the Essential Question from this unit and will help you prepare for this test by preparing
evidence and analysis for these questions. Notice they don’t have a right answer, but your
opinions must be supported with evidence from the unit.
Was life better for poor citizens
during the republic or during the
The Roman government transformed
many times over its history. Were
these changes mostly positive or
mostly negative?
Did the Roman Empire change the
Roman religion in a mostly positive
or mostly negative way?
Which was more important to the
spread of Christianity in the Roman
Empire: political factors or social
Did the Roman Empire affect
Judaism in a mostly positive or
mostly negative way?
How to Study
Step 1. Get Organized!
Organize the handouts you received
Review your notes and the Goals for each day
Step 2: Make flash cards or a two-column list
Write the bolded terms on one side and your own explanation on the other
Your own explanations are more helpful than dictionary definitions.
You will not be asked for definitions. You will be asked to use the terms.
Step 3: Make more flash cards or another two-column list
Re-state the bullets above on one side and write your answer on the other
You can cut and paste the bullets into your own document. This study guide is posted on the class
Step 4: Use your flash cards or list to quiz yourself
If these steps don’t work for you, try this:
Re-read the hand-outs and the textbook pages listed below
After you read each one, write a paragraph summarizing what you read
Need More Help?
Check back to the following pages in the textbook
p. 141-145 Romans Create a Republic
p. 146-152 Roman Empire Brings Changes
p. 153-157 Rise of Christianity
p. 158-163 Decline of Roman Empire
p. 164-167 Roots of Western Civilization
p. 72-77
Origins of Judaism
p. 269-271 Byzantium Becomes New Rome
Come to a review session in Room 244: X block or Z block (2:30-3:00)