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Problem 1 (10 points). Mark each statement ‘T’ for true (meaning always true) or ‘F’ for
false (meaning sometimes false). You do NOT need to justify your answers to this problem.
T F “If every element of the group G1 is its own inverse, and G2 is
isomorphic to G1 , then every element of G2 is its own inverse.”
True. It is routine to show that this is a structural property. (Also,
it is equivalent to the property that square of every element is
the identity element, which we have already seen is a structural
T F “The set of all positive rational numbers forms a group under mul
tiplication.” True, by basic facts about the rational numbers.
T F “The set of all 2 × 2 real matrices of positive determinant is
closed under matrix multiplication.” True, because det(AB) =
det(A) det(B) and the product of two positive real numbers is positive.
F “The binary structure (S, max) has an identity element, where S =
T {x ∈ R : 0 < x < 1}.” False: for every x ∈ S we have x/2 ∈ S and
max(x, x/2) 6= x/2, so x is not an identity element for the structure.
F “The group (R∗ , ·) of nonzero real numbers under multiplication
T is isomorphic to the group (R+ , ·) of positive real numbers under
multiplication.” False, because the first group has an element of
order 2, namely −1, but every element of the second group has
order 1 or infinite order, and having an element of order 2 is a
structural property.
F “A binary operation on a set S is a function from S × S to S × S.”
T False: it is a function from S × S to S.
T F “There is a bijection from N to Q.” True: see Figure 0.15 on p. 5
of the textbook for an idea of how to prove this.
F “If H is a proper subgroup of G, then |H| < |G|.” False. For
T example, 2Z is a proper subgroup of Z, but there is a bijection
φ : Z → 2Z defined by φ(n) = 2n, so |2Z| = |Z|.
T F “Some element of the group (Z12 , +12 ) has order 4.” True: the
elements 3 and 9 have order 4 in Z12 .
F “Every abelian group is cyclic.” False. Some counterexamples are
T (Q, +), (R, +), and the Klein 4-group.
Problem 2 (4 points). Define the italicized terms:
(a) What does it mean for a binary operation ∗ on a set S to be commutative?
(b) What does it mean for a binary operation ∗ on a set S to be associative?
(a) a ∗ b = b ∗ a for all a, b ∈ S.
(b) (a ∗ b) ∗ c = a ∗ (b ∗ c) for all a, b, c ∈ S.
Problem 3 (4 points). Let (G, +) be an abelian group and define a function φ : G → G by
φ(a) = −a. Prove that φ is an isomorphism from (G, +) to (G, +).
φ is injective: Let a, b ∈ G. If φ(a) = φ(b), then −a = −b, so we have
a = −(−a) = −(−b) = b.
φ is surjective: Let b ∈ G. Then φ(−b) = −(−b) = b.
φ is a homomorphism: Let a, b ∈ G. Then φ(a + b) = −(a + b) = (−a) + (−b) =
φ(a) + φ(b).
Remark. The step −(a + b) = (−a) + (−b) can also be written as −(a + b) = −a − b, where
in general c − d is defined as c + (−d). In any case, this step uses the assumption that G
is abelian; otherwise all we could say (in multiplicative notation) would be (ab)−1 = b−1 a−1 ;
the order would be reversed. One reason that additive notation is not used for non-abelian
groups is that the equation −(a + b) = −a − b looks so natural and tempting.
Problem 4 (4 points). Consider the group
G = {a ∈ Q : a = 2n or a = −(2n ) for some n ∈ Z},
with the operation of multiplication. (You may assume that this is a group.)
Prove that G is not cyclic.
Solution. Let a ∈ G. We want to show that hai =
6 G.
Case 1: Assume a = 2 where n ∈ Z. Then
hai = {(2n )k : k ∈ Z}.1
Then −1 is in G but not in hai.
Case 2: Assume a = −(2n ) where n ∈ Z. Then
hai = {(−(2n ))k : k ∈ Z}.
If n = 0 then hai = h−1i = {−1, 1} 6= G. If n 6= 0 then −1 6= (−(2n ))k for all k ∈ Z
(consider k = 0 and k 6= 0 separately) so again hai =
6 G. (This case is a bit tricky to
write down.)
Problem 5 (4 points). For each part, make sure to justify your answer:
(a) Give an example of a subset of R that is closed under addition, but not closed under
(b) Give an example of a subset of R that is closed under multiplication, but not closed
under addition.
(a) Define the set S = {x ∈ R : x < 0}. This set is closed under addition because the sum of
two negative numbers is negative. It is not closed under multiplication because −1 ∈ S
but (−1)(−1) = 1 ∈
/ S (for example.)
(b) Define the set S = {1}. This set is closed under multiplication because 1 · 1 = 1. It is
not closed under addition because 1 + 1 = 2 ∈
/ S.
Solution (alternative).
(a) Define S = {n/2 : n ∈ Z}. This set is closed under addition because (m/2) + (n/2) =
(m + n)/2 (and if m and n are integers then so is m + n.) It is not closed under
multiplication because 1/2 ∈ S but (1/2)(1/2) = 1/4 ∈
/ S.
(b) Define S = {n : n ∈ N}. This set is closed under multiplcation because (m2 )(n2 ) =
(mn)2 (and if m and n are natural numbers then so is mn.) It is not closed under
addition because 1, 4 ∈ S but 1 + 4 = 5 ∈
/ S.
is not correct to say hai = {(2n )n : n ∈ Z}. The exponent that determines a is already fixed, but the
exponent in the definition of “cyclic subgroup generated by ...” is allowed to vary, so we must introduce a
new symbol for it.
Problem 6 (4 points). Let G be the group {1, 3, 7, 9} with the operation ·10 of multiplication
modulo 10. (You may assume this is a group.)
(a) List all of the subgroups of G.
How do you know that your list is complete?
(b) Draw the subgroup diagram of G.
(a) Start by computing the cyclic subgroups:
h1i = {1}
h3i = {1, 3, 9, 7}
h7i = {1, 7, 9, 3} = h3i
h9i = {1, 9}.
This must be all of the subgroups because G is cyclic (we have seen that 3 and 7 are
generators) and every subgroup of a cyclic group is cyclic. (Alternatively, one can show
that the subsets {1, 3}, {1, 7}, {1, 3, 7}, {1, 3, 9}, and {1, 7, 9} are not closed under the
(b) Here is one way to draw the subgroup diagram:
{1, 9}