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Review list Junior High First Quarter
Religion: Chapters 1-7
Know all Scripture quotes learned
Look at all diagrams, especially those about knowing God and creation.
Know all Old Testament figures and events that prefigure Jesus and New
Testament events. Be able to discuss why they are prefigurements.
Study particularly the Passover meal and the Mass/Eucharist
Know the major and minor prophets
Vocabulary: Units 1-3
Composition: The format of a friendly and a business letter.
7th grade –Prepositions and prepositional phrases,
Subject, direct object, indirect object, compound subjects and objects
To + infinitive
Subject of an imperative sentence
Preposition or adverb
Contractions and verb phrases (auxiliary verbs)
Past and past participles of Irregular verbs, troublesome verbs
8th grade Troublesome prepositions
Multi-word prepositions
Preposition or adverb
Prepositional phrases as adjectives, nouns and adverbs
Irregular verbs
Troublesome verbs
Both grades: the period and the comma
Types of poems including characteristics of the traditional ballad
The poet’s technique and style be able to recognize alliteration, assonance and
Be able to match the poet to the poem
Be able to compare and contrast:
The Wreck of the Hesperus and The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
The Highwayman and Lochinvar
The Lonely Street and School’s Out
The Irish Airman Foresees His Death, The Charge of the Light Brigade, Anthem for
Doomed Youth
Know why Longfellow wrote The Song of Hiawatha
Know details of the main characters, especially Hiawatha and his friends.
Be able to describe in detail key events: Hiawatha’s first hunt; Hiawatha’s fasting
and search for his ‘manitou’; Hiawatha’s fight with his father; the death of
Minnehaha; Hiawatha’s departure.
What do we learn of the Native American way of life and beliefs from the poem.