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Vaughn Lawrence
Naturopath & Herbalist
Partnering with God in Health and Wellness Series
Class Seven
God’s Design – The Glandular System
A. A hormone (from Greek ὁρμή "impetus” meaning driving force, impulse or incentive) is a chemical released
by a cell or a gland in one part of the body that sends out messages that affect cells in other parts of the
organism. Only a small amount of hormone is required to alter cell metabolism. In essence, it is a chemical
messenger that transports a signal from one cell to another. All multicellular organisms produce hormones;
plant hormones are also called phytohormones. “Phyto” means from a plant.
B. Hormones are your get up and go. They are your life force. Hormones are your master switches and one of
the keys to longevity. Without good hormone health, many functions of the body will start to break down, since
hormones are critical to growth, development, energy, metabolism, energy, digestion and various other
C. The hormone system is comprised of the pineal gland, hypothalamus, pituitary, thyroid and parathyroid
glands, thymus, adrenal glands, ovaries, testes and prostate. All of these glands comprise what is known as your
endocrine system.
D. Is there a hormone problem in America? Some of the obvious signs include very irregular cycles in many
women, decreased sexual function, major issues with infertility increasing every year, increased rate of breast
cancers, increased rate of hypothyroid disorders and other endocrine related illnesses, and young girls going
through puberty as young as eight years old.
A. Thyroid comes from the Greek word “thyros” meaning shield, not only because of its shape, but its role in
protecting the body. Your thyroid gland (which only weighs about an ounce) shields you from the dangers of the
world such as toxic chemicals, radiation, poor diet, metals, plastics, pesticides, etc.
B. The thyroid gland (and related hormones) assists with many functions such as body temperature, metabolism
(rate at which we burn calories), fertility, digestion and energy levels. It also plays a role in controlling the
heartbeat, and many people with an imbalanced thyroid gland will have a rapid and/or abnormal heartbeat.
9341 W 75th St
Overland Park, KS 66204
C. Thyroid hormones interact with many other hormones like insulin, cortisol, estrogen, progesterone and
testosterone. All these hormones are tied together, like a symphony. When one gets out of whack, it affects
everything. Your thyroid produces two main hormones known as T3 and T4, mostly inactive T4. Thyroid
hormones help oxygen get into the cells which is why you may be tired all the time if you have poor thyroid
function, or poor T4 to T3 conversion. The liver converts inactive T4 into active T3, so your liver is critical to
thyroid function.
The pituitary makes TRH (Thyroid Releasing Hormone) and the Hypothalamus makes TSH (Thyroid Stimulating
Hormone). If all of these are in working order, you have plenty of T3 and T4, which controls the metabolism of
every cell in your body. T3 cranks up metabolism, and you need T3 to re-grow hair and stay lean and fit.
D. The thyroid works in unison with the ovaries. A problem with one creates problems with the other. The
ovaries support the entire hormonal system, and when missing, affects everything else. If ovaries are removed,
it is critical to support the sister glands, the adrenals and thyroid.
E. The adrenal glands are also critical for thyroid function and vice-versa. If the adrenals are weak, the thyroid
will try to compensate, therefore also weakening the thyroid gland.
A. Classic symptoms of low thyroid (hypothyroidism) include sluggishness, weight gain, cold body temperature,
poor quality hair, skin and nails, hair loss, and dry skin. It can also include brain fog (short-term memory
deficits), attention-deficit disorders, hypoglycemia, depression, dementia, emotional instability, high cholesterol,
low libido and infertility. The autoimmune form of hypothyroidism is known as Hashimoto’s. Hypothyroidism
causes poor circulation and impaired immune function with vulnerability to infections.
- Weight is stored in the front (abdomen and thighs) not in the buttocks
- Low basal body temperature of less than 97.6 degrees average over a 3-4 day period
B. To check basal body temperature you can buy a BBT thermometer for less than $10. Shake down the
thermometer to below 95. Place the thermometer by your bed. Immediately upon waking, put the
thermometer under your armpit for 10 minutes with minimal movement, stay still and do not get up. Record
the temperature for 3-4 straight days. Menstruating women do this days 2, 3 and 4 of monthly period. Postmenopausal, any time.
Average is 97.6 degrees to 98.6 degrees. Below 97.6 degrees is a strong indicator for an underactive thyroid.
This is much more accurate than any blood test and better indicator the TSH levels. However, we want an
overall picture. Just measuring TSH is inadequate. Here is what else you want to ask the doctor to check.
C. Even if all medical tests come back “normal” but you have multiple symptoms, you could still have an
underactive thyroid. Your body is telling you something is wrong, so we want to pay attention to that,
regardless of what any test tells you.
D. Overactive thyroid symptoms include feeling “wired” for no reason, rapid heartbeat, diarrhea, insomnia,
bulging eyes, light menstrual period, feeling warm and unexplained weight loss.
9341 W 75th St
Overland Park, KS 66204
A. Xenoestrogens. These are compounds that mimic estrogen, yet are much larger in size, damaging the
endocrine receptor sites. It’s like a movie theatre with 20 seats. If all 20 seats are all filled with synthetic
estrogens, there is no room for healthy estrogens. This blocks the production of thyroid hormone. Many men
and women in industrialized nations have estrogen dominance.
Xenoestrogens are found in plastics, pesticides, fuel exhausts, herbicides, birth control pills, BHA (common food
preservative), hormones in meat and dairy, PCB’s in paints and oils, commercial sunscreens, propylene glycol
and parabens in makeup and personal care products.
B. Antibiotics, chlorine from our water purification systems, fluoride, and NSAID drugs used for arthritis all kill
the healthy bacteria in the intestinal tract. This results in overgrowth in the intestines of candida, fungi,
mycoplasma, and anaerobic bacteria (yeast syndrome). These dangerous organisms release powerful
neurotoxic substances into the blood stream, resulting in multiple endocrine disorders including under-activity
of the thyroid gland.
C. Mercury released from our dental amalgams is toxic to the thyroid gland.
D. Fluoride and Chlorine in our water directly interferes with thyroid function.
E. Selenium deficiency is related to lack of trace minerals in our soil. The proper conversion of precursors into
thyroid hormone depends on a selenium containing enzyme which is lacking.
F. Lack of iodine in our soil and diet leads to decreased thyroid hormone production.
G. Diagnostic x-rays (dental, neck, spine, mammograms, etc.) injure the thyroid gland. This is why you are often
given the option to wear a thyroid shield. Be sure to ask for this.
H. Soy consumption is also strongly linked to thyroid disorders
A. This as an attempt to artificially replace what the thyroid gland is supposed to be doing naturally. The
isolated hormone approach, however, weakens the gland it is replacing and causes all other glands to fall out of
balance. If people’s symptoms disappear, they receive the false notion that they are better, but if your glands
are not working, how are you better? Synthetic hormones tell the gland to stop working.
* Note, if you have a severely damaged thyroid, or if your thyroid has been removed completely, synthetics are
important and necessary
B. Synthroid can cause extreme reactions in people such as insomnia, nervousness, anxiety, skipped heartbeats
and palpitations, and a rapid heartbeat. As with steroid hormones for the adrenals, this is a sign of EXCESS!
Your body has been given way more hormone than it will be able to use which irritates the entire system. The
hormone accumulates and symptoms will continue until you decrease your dosage.
As you begin to heal your thyroid naturally, pay attention to these symptoms. If you are taking products to
heal your thyroid naturally, and these symptoms occur, you know that you can decrease your medication. Find
a doctor who will work with you to get off synthetics.
9341 W 75th St
Overland Park, KS 66204
A. Food. Processed sugar is the #1 thing that will destroy your immune system and your glandular system.
Gluten containing grains, dairy, soy, peanuts and other common allergenic foods can cause auto-immune
reactions in the body leading to thyroid concerns such as Hashimoto’s. In addition, soy and peanuts block
thyroid function. Soy should be avoided at all costs. All Genetically Modified Foods must also be avoided! Foods
that heal the thyroid are salty foods such as sea vegetables, raw milk, quality lean meats (no hormones or
antibiotics), as well as good fats like butter, nut butters, nuts, seeds, coconut, olive oil and avocado.
Understand that caffeine will over-stimulate the glandular system. It is a “false stimulant.”
B. Electricity. Your body is electric; a giant ocean of electrical activity. You, therefore, are a conductor of
electricity. Your thyroid is electric, very electric.
The earth is an infinite supply of energy, of electricity. Disconnect from that earth alone can cause thyroid
problems. However, reconnecting to the earth can heal the thyroid. People have experienced reduction in
thyroid medication simply by grounding. What is grounding?
Through grounding mats, pads, bed sheets, car seats, etc. you can recharge and re-energize your thyroid. Not
only that, you will sleep better, normalize cortisol levels that affect stress and reduce pain and inflammation.
This is one of the best things you can invest in for your health, but specifically for your shield of protection, your
thyroid. Look at for research study information.
C. Detoxification. Your thyroid is negatively charged. In fact, it is the most vascularized and negatively charged
gland in your entire body. It is prone to contaminants because all contaminants are positively charged. This can
be heavy metals, fluoride in water, chlorine and a host of other invaders. A combination of the following can
detoxify and cleanse the thyroid gland: MSM, fulvic acid, zeolites, iodine, potassium iodide, chlorella,
homeopathics, etc.
D. Iodine and selenium. The thyroid should contain adequate iodine. However, if the thyroid is excessively
exhausted and weak, iodine may over-stimulate the thyroid and it may not heal. Black walnut is the richest
herbal source of iodine, which completely surrounds us here in Kansas City. Sea vegetables have some. Kelp is
the most bio-available. A supplement of iodine is critical for almost anyone, especially for women. It is
important for breast health, thyroid health and ovary health, as well as working to eliminate pathogens in the
body. Iodine functions include stabilization of metabolism and body weight, fertility, brain development in
children, hormone health and optimum functioning of your immune system
E. Selenium comes from Brazil Nuts and a few other foods. Taking a selenium supplement is always a good
idea. It is one of the most critical minerals and anti-oxidants in the body.
F. Coconut. This stimulates and heals the thyroid. It is a precursor for hormone production. You should eat it
and rub it on your neck in the area of your thyroid. Coconut oil is a very healthy saturated fat.
G. Herbs. Have an experienced herbalist make you a combination that is best for you. Best known herbs for
thyroid health include Ashwagandha, Black Walnut, Kelp, Stinging Nettle, Alfalfa, Horsetail and Bladderwrack.
Herbs can be strong and very medicinal, so check with your doctor. The above mentioned herbs are all quite
common and safe.
9341 W 75th St
Overland Park, KS 66204
H. Exercise and Sunshine. Sunshine feeds the entire glandular system! Sunglasses block the most important
energy to your overall health.
A. The adrenals are walnut-sized glands that sit on top of your kidneys. They are your battery pack. Without
them, you would not be able to function. They manage your stress response, fight or flight response, produce
more hormones than any other gland in your body, balance and manage salt and potassium levels, assist with
both blood pressure and blood sugar regulation and provide energy when needed.
B. Cortisol produced by the adrenals is needed to adapt to stress, improve digestion, and stimulate brain
function. Adrenaline is your fight or flight hormone. Adrenaline is produced by the adrenal glands using mainly
water and salt. This is why athletes, outdoor workers or anyone sweating excessively needs to replenish their
electrolyte minerals and have healthy adrenal glands.
C. The adrenals produce adrenaline, epinephrine, noradrenaline, aldosterone, corticosteroids, cortisol, DHEA,
testosterone, estrogen and at least 40 other hormones. They are critical to overall endocrine function!
A. Symptoms of adrenal fatigue include fatigue or even total exhaustion, weak muscles, mid-lower back pain,
uncontrollable sugar and/or salt cravings, mood swings, easily agitated, headaches, low blood pressure, low
blood sugars, weak pulse, irregular heartbeat, sluggish digestion, poor concentration, nervousness, irritability,
lack of mental focus and depression.
Other related disorders may include insomnia, asthma, allergies, stress and anxiety.
B. People with weak adrenal glands can’t cope with stress and may have terrible anxiety. They often find it
difficult to settle the mind and focus well. They are prone to depression, panic attacks, nervousness and
C. The main enemies of the adrenal glands are sugar, caffeine and stress. In other words, the typical American
lifestyle is causing an epidemic of adrenal exhaustion related problems.
D. Adrenal types are often sugar addicts, or caffeine addicts, or both. When refined sugar is consumed, the
adrenals are forced to deal with it by producing adrenal steroids. As the glands continue to produce steroids,
eventually they weaken and can no longer properly balance blood sugars. Then the person becomes dependant
on sugar for survival. If continued, the adrenals are completely drained of all vitality, a very dangerous situation.
A. Avoid stimulants. Coffee, energy drinks, and sugar are false and artificial stimulants. They burn out the
adrenals with long-term use. If you drink coffee, add a pinch of salt, maca, or shilajit to offset the negative
effect of caffeine. Stimulants can keep you going for a while. However, it’s like whipping a horse. Eventually,
the horse is going to drop (or bite you!). We can no longer take stimulants our entire lives and survive,
eventually we will crash.
B. Avoid processed white sugar. Sugar destroys everything, including your glandular system
9341 W 75th St
Overland Park, KS 66204
C. Adrenals run on water and salt. Don’t be afraid of salt, eat the best salt. Sea salt, Himalayan pink salt, etc.
Celtic sea salt or other quality sea salts are the best. If you are more active, or burnt out, you may need more
salt. Many people crave salt and for good reason. Throw away processed table salt and do not eat salt in
packaged foods or fast foods. This is why salt has a bad name! However, still use salt in moderation. America is
definitely a salt crazy nation.
D. The adrenal glands (and entire endocrine system) need healthy fats and quality proteins. Make sure they are
high quality. Coconut is one of the best fats because it is a hormone precursor. In other words, you cannot
produce healthy hormones without fat. You can also try flax, olive, fish, avocado, and a variety of nuts and
seeds. Also lean quality meats are beneficial, especially wild game. I would encourage you to refer to the heart
class about importance of healthy fats and the dangers of Statin drugs which block the production of hormones.
E. A good diet for adrenal fatigue should include high quality protein sources, good fats, beans, legumes, fruits
and veggies. Wheat, rye and corn are often difficult for adrenal types to handle. Wild rice and oats are better
F. Lie down. This shuts off the adrenals. Rest, rest, rest. If you can, sleep for 3-4 days straight. I mean lights
out, electronics off. Wake up to drink water and go to the restroom and then back to bed. Your body will tell
you when you’ve had enough rest. You should be alive and vibrant after just a couple days when your adrenal
batteries have recharged. Ideally, we should be flat or slightly inverted (legs slightly elevated) and not with a
pillow. When standing, our adrenals are “on” and when we lie flat or inverted they turn “off” and go into
resting, healing mode.
G. Get grounded. Earthing pads help to normalize cortisol levels
H. Feed the adrenals. Take vitamin C (quality like camu camu and amla berries, not cheap ascorbic acid) and
pantothenic acid (highest sources are bee pollen and royal jelly). Royal jelly, holy basil, licorice root, mucunua
pruriens, astragalus, ashwagandha, and ginsengs are all great for the adrenal glands. Maca is great also. Deer
antler is the #1 herb for straight adrenal energy power. Medicinal mushrooms also help such as cordyceps,
chaga and reishi.
I. Magnesium. The body burns magnesium as fuel and when stressed for prolonged periods of time, it becomes
depleted. Replenishing the magnesium reserves in the body will restore life force and reduce, if not eliminate,
stress and anxiety.
A. Because we have created a toxic environment and a dangerous food supply, women are unjustly suffering
from many hormone related issues. American women today are arguably the most nutritionally,
environmentally and emotionally stressed people in the history of the world.
B. The vast number of hormone imbalances is sadly making women question many things about their thoughts,
their bodies and their lives. Women start to feel like they are the problem when it is related to environment.
“An entire generation of women is being brainwashed. Most women’s trust in their own bodies is almost nonexistant.” - Christie Northrup, M.D.
9341 W 75th St
Overland Park, KS 66204
“By adolescence, a great many young girls have come to believe their bodies are the problem.” “This is creating
a complex in girls about their bodies from a young age. Pre-mature development, acne, irregular periods. So
confusing! - John Mcdougall, M.D.
C. Estrogen dominance is the main cause of hormone imbalance in modern society. The increase in estrogen
causing so many imbalances is due to poor diet, lack of exercise and xenoestrogens.
D. Going through menopause is inevitable for every woman. However, the symptoms of menopause are not
Progesterone or “pro-gestation” is produced only when a woman is still in her child-bearing years. Progesterone
balances estrogens and helps to offset the high levels of synthetic estrogen in the environment. However,
during menopause, the body stops producing progesterone and estrogen runs unopposed throughout the body
causing various symptoms we call “the change.”
A. God designed a body that should function well. We have created an environment in our world which greatly
disrupts the ability of our glandular system to operate optimally.
B. Hormone replacement therapies (HRT) have been popular for decades, but many women have unfortunately
experienced, and many more are starting to realize, the dangers of such therapies. HRT using synthetics like
progestin are linked to:
- Osteoporosis, blood clots, high blood pressure, vagina bleeding, rashes, acne, weight gain, breast cancer, hair
loss and heart attacks
In January 2005, the British Medical Journal linked synthetic HRT to ischemic stroke (or lack of blood flow to the
C. Menopause is not a disease! Dr. Joseph Mercola cited above calls it “a fake disease with a phony cure.”
Menopause is a natural condition, which is unfortunately exacerbated by a toxic environment. Women in many
other cultures go through “the change” without experiencing any negative symptoms.
D. What is the problem with synthetic hormones?
1. It is very hard to find the right balance. Hormone amounts needed are very minimal and it is a challenge to
find the proper ratio. These are molecular forms that God did not create. Not only is it too much for the body,
but it’s too weird. This disrupts the hormonal feedback loops and messages get fragmented and confused.
2. They tell the body to stop working. When using synthetics, the body does not need to produce hormones on
its own. This weakens the gland over time. The body becomes dependant on the hormone. This is why often
you see people increase their levels of Synthroid over time for example. Even when taking synthetic versions of
melatonin for sleep, you should take the lowest possible dose to get the effect, because it will tell your body to
stop producing melatonin naturally.
3. It’s not natural. The goal should be to remove the stressor and increase proper nutrition to heal the
glandular system naturally.
9341 W 75th St
Overland Park, KS 66204
A. The key is to remove the environmental stressors damaging the glandular system. This would include poor
diet, processed foods, processed dairy, soy products, bad fats (fried foods, trans fat, hydrogenated fats,
vegetable oils, etc.), and xenoesterogens as described above.
B. Natural progesterone creams have been a life-saver for millions of women. Vitex or Chaste Tree Berry helps
women to naturally increase progesterone levels in the body.
C. Healthy fats, particularly coconut oil, are critical for healthy hormone production. Rubbing coconut oil
directly on the thyroid and the rest of the body is a great option for women. A good quality fish oil, like
fermented cod liver oil, or krill oil, is also fantastic.
D. Cruciferous vegetables contain a nutrient called I3C that removes synthetic estrogens from the body. You
can also take an I3C supplement. Oats and the peels from lemons and limes also remove these bas estrogens.
E. Deer Antler, Maca, goji and noni are all known as secretagogues and help the glandular system produce
hormones properly.
F. The female hormone balancing smoothie: (tastes amazing)
- 2 cups almond milk and water if desired
- 1 cup blueberries
- 2 Tablespoons raw cacao (increases mood, high in iron and magnesium)
- ½ tsp of Royal Jelly (fed to the queen and contains pure reproductive power)
- 1-2 tsp chlorella and/or spirulina (blood builder to replenish lost iron and 40x higher chlorophyll than
wheatgrass and highest source of beta carotene)
- 1 tsp shatavari powder (incredible female tonic herb)
- 1 tsp camu camu powder (highest source of vitamin C, eases shedding of lining)
- 1 tsp chaste tree berry (increases progesterone levels naturally)
- 1 Tablespoon of raw honey (high in nutrients, protein, B-vitamins and minerals)
A. The #1 thing that will kill your sex drive is sugar (alcohol being the worst).
B. For men, to increase testosterone levels you can use two herbs: Tribulus and Tongkat Ali. Tongkat Ali has
been shown in studies to boost testosterone levels 3-4 times in men.
C. Neck pain, back pain and general pain running up and down the spine is often attributed to weakness in the
glandular system. For women, thyroid is usually the main culprit and for men, the prostate.
D. Men. For a healthy prostate, you must stop consuming alcohol, processed sugar and processed dairy
products. Increase your intake of pumpkin oil (magnesium, zinc and anti-inflammatory), and herbs like saw
palmetto, stinging nettle and deer antler.
E. To reduce xenoestrogens in your life, try to use glass containers, eliminate processed foods, buy organic fruits
and veggies and switch over to natural household cleaners, cosmetics and toiletries.
F. For female ovary health, avocadoes are wonderful. For ovarian cysts and abnormal lumps on the breast, try
applying liquid iodine daily. Systemic enzymes are excellent for dissolving cysts and fibroids.
9341 W 75th St
Overland Park, KS 66204