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Chapter 1
1. Define Marketing.:
Marketing is the process by which companies create value for
customers and build strong customer relationships in order to
capture value from customers in return.
Marketing – A social and managerial process by which individuals
and groups obtain what they need and want through creating and
exchanging products and value with others.
2. Explain the marketing Process.
Business to Business marketing – (B2B)- Professional organizations
exchange products of value to each other.
Business to Consumer marketing –(B2C) –Marketing is not an exchange
between similar individuals and groups.
3. How is a customer – driven strategy designed?
To design a winning marketing strategy, the marketing manager must answer 2 important questions:
- What customers will we serve (what's our target market)
- How can we serve these customers best(what’s our value proposition)
1.Selecting customers to serve
The company must first decide who it will serve , it douse this by dividing
the market into segments of customers ( market segmentation ) and
selecting which segment will go after ( Target Marketing ) , some
people think of marketing management as finding as many
customers as possible and increasing demand , But marketing
managers know that they can not serve all customers in every way
2.Choosing a value proposition
The company must also decide how it will serve target customers , how
it will differentiate and position itself in the marketplace , a
company's value proposition is the set of benefits or values it
promises to deliver to customers to satisfy their needs , Such value
proposition differentiate one brand from another they answer the
customer's Question “ why should i buy your brand rather than a
competitor's ?
3.Marketing management orientation
Marketing managers wants to design stratgies that will build profitable relationships with
target customers
To design a winning marketing
Chapter 2:
1. What are the actions citizen and public undertake to regulate
The 2 main movements here are :
Consumerism -An organized movement of citizens and government
agencies to improve the rights and power of buyers in relation to
 The traditional sellers rights :
1- The right to introduce any product at any size and style
2- The right to charge any price for the product
3- the right to spend any amount to promote the product use any
product me
4- The right to use any product message
 Traditional buyer rights :
1- The rigth not to buy a product that is offered for sale
2- The right to expect the product to be safe
3- The right to expect the product to perform as claimed
Environmentalism – An organized movement of concerned citizens
and government agencies to protect and improve people’s living
The first wave of modern environmentalism was driven by fringe
environmental groups, such as Greenpeace and concerned consumers
in 1960’s and 1970.
The second wave was driven by governments, which passed laws
and regulations during the 1970’s and 1980’s governing industrial
practices impacting the environment.
A third and stronger wave has emerged known as
Environmental sustainability – A management approach that
involves developing strategies that both sustain the environment
and produce profits for the company.
-------------2. What is sustainable marketing?
A principle of marketing that holds that an organisation should meet
the needs of its present consumers without compromising the ability of
future generations to fulfill their own needs.
3. What are the different types of goods that cause harm?
1- Shoddy or defective goods :
The marketing of shoddy defective goods is not sustainable
because customers are likely to find out , stop bauing and pass
the informations to there friends , many companies make living
by fulfilling customer needs throug the mis-selling or selling
shoddy goods
2- Intrinsically harmful goods :
Some products , such as red wine , are harmful to customers if
consumed to excess ‫ تجاوز‬, Others like cigarets are harmful in
any Quantity
3- Socially harmful goods :
In this case the product fulfill needs for the buyer while
imposing cost on others , these can be called thired person cost ,
negative externality , Secondary smoking is another example of a
negative externality , But not all externalities are negative , Where
more than one in three people instal a anti- theft vehicle traker
system in there car , a postive externality accrues when the
overall car crime rates goes down
Environmentally harmful consumption
Chapter 3:
1. Explain in detail the different components of a strategic
The strategic plan contains several components:
1- The mission
The Mission Statement – A statement of the organisation’s purpose –
what it wants to accomplish in the wider environment.
Mission statements show dimensions of marketing orientations like,
What business are we in?
Who are our customers?
What are we in business for?
What sort of business are we?
A mission should be Realistic, Specific, Based on distinctive
competencies and Motivating
Firms often start with a clear mission held within the mind of their
founder , A mission may be clear but forgoton by som managers
The company’s mission needs to be turned to strategic objectives to
guide management.Each manager should have objectives and be
responsible for reaching them.The mission leads to hierarchy of
objectives, including business objectives and marketing objectives.
The mission states the philosophy and direction of a company, whereas
the strategic objectives are measurable goals.
2- The strategic Audit :
It is the intelligence used to build the detailed objectives and strategy of
a business.
It has 2 parts: External Audit and Internal Audit
External Audit: A detailed examination of the markets, competition ,
business and economic environment in which the organization
Internal Audit: An evaluation of the firm’s entire value chain.
3- SWOT Analysis:
A distillation of the findings of the internal and external audits which
draws attention to the critical organisational strengths and
weaknesses and the opportunities and threats facing the company.
3- Portfolio Analysis :
The business portfolio is the collection of businesses and products that
make up the company. It is a link between the overall strategy of a
company and those of its parts.The best business portfolio is the one
that fits the company’s strengths and weaknesses to opportunities in
the environment.
The company must :1.analyse its current business portfolio and decide which businesses
should receive more, less or no investment.
2.develop growth strategies for adding new products or businesses to the
5 - Objectives And Strategies
All of these feed from and feed into marketing plans.
Portfolio analyzing
Portfolio Analysis -A tool by which management identifies and evaluates
the various businesses that make up the company.
Management’s first step is to identify the key businesses making up the
company .These are strategic business units.
SBU –A unit of the company that has a separate mission and objectives
and that can be planned independently from other company
businesses. An SBU can be a company division , a product line within
a division, or sometimes just a single product or brand.
---------2. Explain BCG.Why do the companies divide the products in such a way.
Using the Boston Consulting Group approach, a company classifies all its
SBU’s according to the growth – share matrix.
Stars – High – growth , high share businesses or products that often
require heavy investment to finance their rapid growth.
Cash cows -Low growth , high share businesses or products ;established
and successful units that generate cash that the company uses to
pay its bills and support other business units that need investment.
Question Marks –Low –share business units in high growth markets that
require a lot of cash in order to hold their share or become stars.
Dogs – Low –growth , low – share businesses and products that may
generate enough cash to maintain themselves, but do not promise to
be large sources of cash.
This would help the company to determine what role each will play in
the future
3. Explain the different growth Strategies.
The product/market expansion grid is a useful device for identifying
growth opportunities. It shows 4 routes:
Market Penetration – A strategy for company growth by increasing sales
of current products to current market segments without changing the
Product Development – A strategy for company growth by offering
modified new products to current market segments.
Market development – A strategy for company growth by identifying and
developing new market segments for current company products.
Diversification – A strategy for company growth through starting up or
acquiring businesses outside the company’s current products and markets.
Chapter 4:
1.What is Marketing Environment?
Marketing Environment :
Consists of factors outside Marketing that affect marketing management’s ability to
develop and maintain successful relationships with its target customers.
Think of change as opportunity.
Marketing environment consists of Micro environment and Macro environment.
2. Explain the company’s microenvironment and macro environment.
Micro environment
(diagram book p180 )
The company: Top Managers set the company’s mission, Objectives, broad strategies
and policies. Marketing managers make decisions within these strategies and
All functions must “ think customer” and should work in harmony to provide superior
customer value
Suppliers: Managers to check supply availability, price trends, supply shortages and
labour strikes as they can damage customer satisfaction.
Marketing Intermediaries: Firms that help the company to promote, sell, and distribute
its goods to final buyers,eg.resellers, marketing services agencies and financial
Macro environment.
Demographic Environment:
Population growth trends
Changing age structure
Pressures for migration
Changing household
Increasing Diversity
Economic Environment:
EU enlargement
Change in purchasing power: marketers should pay attention to income distribution.
Changing consumer spending Patterns
Natural Environment:
Shortage of Raw materials: Renewable resources vs. non renewable resources
Increased Cost of energy:
Pollutants in soil and food supply and climate Change: Global temperatures expected to
increase by 3 degrees centigrade.
Govt Intervention of natural Resources management:
Technological Environment: has released wonders like robotic surgeries, laptops,
internet, smart chips.
Fast pace of technological Change: Technological life cycles are getting shorter.
Photocopiers have killed the carbon paper industry.
Political Environment: Consists of laws, government agencies and pressure groups
that influence and limit various orgs and individuals in a society.
Legislations regulating Business: Business legislations enacted to protect companies
from each other (prevent unfair competition) and to protect the
consumers.(invasion of consumer privacy, deception through packaging, pricing)
and protect interest of society.
Socially Responsible Actions: Cause related marketing
Cultural Environment: Institutions that affect society’s basic values, perception and
Persistence of Culture Value: Core Beliefs (working, getting married, being honest,
charity) Vs Secondary Beliefs are more open to change(to get married early in
Peoples Views of themselves: Some people seek personal pleasure, fun, escape other
in pursuit of personal career goals. People use products, brands and services as means
of self expression and buy products/ brands that match their views of themselves.
People’s Views of Others: Observers have noted several shifts in people’s
attitude towards others. “cocooning”, “Nesting"
People’s Views of Organisation:1980s saw a sharp decrease in confidence
and loyalty towards businesses.
Companies need to review various activities by linking themselves to
worthwhile causes
People’s Views of society: Consumers aspire to achieve the high living
standards and life styles.
People’s Views of Nature: Consumers seek out “Natural , Organic and
nutritional products”. “Wellness life style”
Chapter 5:
1. Explain the different types of buying decision behavior?
Consumer Buying Behaviour :
refers to the buying behaviour of the final consumer– individuals
and house holds who buy goods and services for personal
consumption. All these final consumers combined make up
the Consumer Market.
Complex Buying Behaviour:
customers under take this behavior when the product is expensive
, risky and highly self – expressive , The customer has much to
learn about the product catogry , so the buyer will pass through a
learning prosess
 Buyer develops beliefs about the product
 Develops attitudes about the product
 Makes thoughtful choice
The marketer needs to develop strategies that assist the buyer in learning about the
products attributes and their relative importance
Dissonance Reducing Buyer Behaviour
 A high involvement decision but sees little difference in brands.
 Buys quickly, usually responds to good price and purchasing convenience.
 Alert to the information that support his decision.
Variety Seeking Buyer Behavior :
 Low involvement but significant brand differences
 Consumers do a lot of brand switching
 Brand switching occurs for the sake of variety rather than dissatisfaction
 The marketer will encourage habitual buying behavior by dominating shelf
space, avoiding out of stock conditions and sponsoring frequent reminder
Habitual Buying Behaviour:
 Low involvement and absence of significant brand differences, out of
habit, no strong brand loyalty
 Consumers are passive recipients of TV and print ads
 Ad Repetition creates brand familiarity rather than conviction
Marketers find it effective to use price and sales promotion to stimulate produce trial
What are the different stages of the buyer decision process? Explain.
Need Recognition: The first stage of buyer decision process in which the consumer
recognises a problem or a need.
Information Search: in which the consumer is aroused to search for more information
a) Personal Source: family, friends, neighbours
b) Commercial Source: advertising, sales people, internet
c) Public Source: Mass media, consumer- rating.
d) Experimental Source: Handling, examining, using the product
Evaluation of Alternatives: The stage where the consumer uses information to evaluate alternative
brands in choice set.
Purchase Decision: The stage where the consumer actually buys the product.
Post Purchase Decision: stage where the consumer takes further action after purchase based on
their satisfaction or dissatisfaction.
Chapter 6:
1. What are the major types of buying situations?
( diagram book p 295 )
There are 3 major types of buying situations. At one extreme is the
straight rebuy, which is a fairly routine decision.
At the other extreme is the new task, which may call for thorough
In the middle is the modified rebuy , which requires some research.
Straight rebuy : A business buying situation in which the buyer routinely
reorders something without any modifications.
Modified rebuy : A business buying situation in which the buyer wants to
modify product specification , prices, terms of suppliers.
New Task : A business buying situation in which the buyer purchases a
product or service for the first time.
2. What are the different stages of the business buying process?
The decision making unit of a buying organisation is called its buying
Buying Centre – All the individuals and units that play a role in the
business purchase decision making process.
The buying centre includes all members of the organisation who play any
5 roles in the purchase decision process.
Users : Members 0f the organisation who will use the product or service;
users often initiate the buying proposal and help define product
Influencers: A person whose views or advice carry some weight in making a
final decision. They help define specifications and also provide
information for evaluating alternatives. Technical personnel are
particularly important influencers.
Buyers: have formal authority to select the supplier and arrange the terms
of purchase. They may help shape product specifications. Their
major role is in selecting vendors and and negotiating.
Deciders: have formal or informal power to select or approve the final
suppliers. In routine buying, the buyers are often the deciders, or at
least the approvers.
Gatekeepers: control the flow of information to others.
Problem Recognition – The first stage of the business buying process
in which someone in the company recognises a problem or needs
that can be met by acquiring a good or a service.
General Need Recognition – The stage in the business buying process in
which the company describes the general characteristics and quantity of
a needed item.
Product Specification – The stage of the business buying process in
which the buying organisation decides on and specifies the best
technical product characteristics' for a needed item.
Value Analysis –An approach to cost reduction in which components are
studied carefully to determine whether they can be redesigned,
standardised or made by less costly methods of production.
Supplier Search – The stage of the business buying process in which
the buyer tries to find the best vendors.
Proposal Solicitation – The stage of the business buying process in which
the buyer invites qualified suppliers to submit proposals.
Supplier Selection –The stage of the business buying process in which the
buyer reviews proposals and selects a supplier or suppliers.
Order routine specification – The stage of the business buying process in
which the buyer writes the final order with the chosen supplier(s),
listing the technical specifications, quantity needed ,expected time
of delivery, return policies and warranties.
Performance review –This the stage in which the buyer rates its satisfaction
with suppliers, deciding whether to continue, modify or drop them.
Chapter 11:
1. What are the different levels of a product?
There are 3 levels of a product.
Core Product – The core problem solving services or benefits that
consumers are really buying when they obtain a product.
Actual Product – A product’s parts, quality level ,features ,design,
brand name, packaging and other attributes that combine to deliver
core product benefits.
Augmented product –Additional consumer services and benefits built
around the core and actual products.
( diagram book p507 )
2. What do you mean by brand equity?
Brand Equity – The positive differential effect that knowing the
brand name has on customer response to the product or service.
A brand with strong brand equity is a valuable asset. Companies try to
put a value on their brands. Brand valuation is the process of
estimating the total financial value of a brand.
What are the major stages in formulating brand strategy
decisions to help build strong brands?
1.Brand positioning :
1. Attributes – At the lowest level, a company can position the brand
on product attributes. For e.g. Mercedes suggests such attributes as
‘well engineered’, well built…
2. Benefits –A brand can be better positioned by associating its name
with a desirable benefit. Hence attributes must be translated into
functional and emotional benefits.
3.Belief and Values – The strongest brand goes beyond attributes and
benefits. They are positioned on strong beliefs and values. For e.g.
Body Shop
4. Personality – A brand also projects a personality. Consumers might
visualise a Mercedes car as being wealthy, middle aged business
2. Brand selecting :
Desirable qualities of a brand name include the following:
1- It should suggest something about the product’s benefits and
2- It should be easy to remember, pronounce, distinctive.
3- It should be extendable.
4- The name should translate easily into foreign languages.
5- It should be capable of registration and legal protection.
Once chosen, the brand name should be protected. Many firms try to
build brand names that will identify with the product. For e.g.
Kleenex, Hoover , Scotch Tape etc
3. Brand sponsorship :
Manufacturer’s brand ( or national brand) – A brand created and
owned by the producer of a product or service.
Private Brand –(or middlemen, retailer, distributor or store brand)- A
brand created and owned by a reseller of a product or service.
Licensed Brand – A product or service using a brand name offered by
the brand owner to the licensee for an agreed fee or royalty.
Corporate brand licensing – A form of licensing whereby a firm rents
corporate trademark or logo made famous in one product or service
category and uses it in a related category.
Co-Brand – The practice of using the established brand names of two
different companies on the same product.
4. Brand development :
A company has 4 choices when it comes to developing brands . It can
introduce line extensions , brand extensions , multibrands or
new brands
Line extension – Extending an existing brand name to new forms ,
colours, sizes, ingredients or flavours of an existing product category.
Brand extension – Extending an existing brand name to new
Multibrand Strategy –A brand strategy under which a seller develops 2
or more brands in the same category. There is also Range
BrandingStrategy, Corporate Branding Strategy and
Company and Individual branding Strategy.
New Brands – A company might believe that the power of its existing
brands is waning and a new brand name is needed.
5. Managing brands :
companies must manage their brands carefully
Chapter 16:
1. What is advertising?
Advertising –Any paid form of non personal presentation and promotion
of ideas , goods or services by an identified sponsor
2. What are the important decisions a company has to take when
developing an advertising program?
1. Setting Advertising Objectives :
Advertising Objective –A specific communication task to be
accomplished with a specific target audience during a specific period of
Informative Advertising – Advertising used to inform consumers about a
new product or feature and to build primary demand.
Persuasive Advertising – Advertising used to build selective demand for a
brand by persuading consumers that it offers the best quality for their
Comparison Advertising (or knocking copy)- Advertising that compares
one brand directly or indirectly to one or more other brands.
Reminder Advertising – Advertising used to maintain customer
relationships and keep consumers thinking about a product.
2. Setting the advertising budget :
After determining the advertising objectives, the company next sets its
advertising budget for each product. Some factors that need to be
considered while setting the advertising budget:
Stage in the product life cycle – A brand’s advertising budget often
depends on its stage in the product life cycle. New products require
large advertising budgets to build awareness and to gain customer
trial. In contrast, mature brands usually require lower budgets as ratio
of sales.
Market Share – also impacts the amount of advertising needed. Because
building the market or taking market share from competitors requires
larger advertising spending than does simply maintaining current
Competition and Clutter –In a market with many competitors and high
advertising clutter, a brand must be advertised more heavily to be
noticed above the noise in the market.
Product Differentiation –Undifferentiated brands – those that closely
resemble other brands in the product class ( coffee, chewing gum) –
may require heavy advertising to set them apart. When the product
differs greatly from those of competitors, advertising can be used to
point out the differences to consumers.
3 .Developing Advertising Strategy :
Advertising Strategy covers 2 major elements: creating the advertising
messages and selecting the advertising media. In past, companies
viewed media planning as secondary to the desired target audiences.
Increasingly, companies are realizing the benefits of planning these 2
important activities jointly.
3. What are the different steps in developing an advertising strategy?
Advertising Strategy covers 2 major elements: creating the advertising
messages and selecting the advertising media. In past, companies
viewed media planning as secondary to the desired target audiences.
Increasingly, companies are realizing the benefits of planning these 2
important activities jointly.
1.Creating the Advertising Message:
No matter how big the budget, advertising can succeed only if
commercials gain attention and communicate well.
The changing message environment:
Good Advertising messages are especially important in today’s costly and
cluttered advertising environment. Earlier , people use to get only 2
or 3 channels in each household, today there are numerous TV
channels, radio stations ,catalogues, direct mail, internet, email,
online ads and out of home media. Consumers are bombarded with
different ads everywhere. So, today’s advertising messages must be
better planned , more imaginative, more entertaining and more
rewarding to consumers. By getting it right, consumers would want to
see the ads again and again. Creative Strategy, therefore plays an
increasingly important role in helping advertisers break through the
clutter and gain attention for their products.
Message Strategy :
The first step in creating effective advertising messages is to plan the
message strategy. Developing an effective message strategy usually
begins with identifying target customer benefits that can be used as
advertising appeals. The advertiser must have a creative concept.
Creative Concept – The compelling ‘big idea’ that will bring the
advertising message strategy to life in a distinctive and memorable
Advertising appeals should have 3 characteristics. First, they should be
meaningful , pointing out the benefits that make the product more
interesting or desirable to the target audience. Second, appeals must
be believable – consumers must believe that the product or service
will deliver the promised benefit. Thirdly , appeals should also be
distinctive in terms of telling consumers how the product is different
or better than competing brands.
Message Execution :
The impact of the message depends not only on what is said, but also on
how it is said. The creative people must find the best style, tone , words
and format for executing the message. Any message can be presented
in different execution styles, such as:
Slice of life
Mood or image
Personality Symbol
Technical Expertise
Scientific Evidence
Testimonial Evidence or Endorsement
2. Selecting advertising media
The advertiser must next decide upon the media to carry the message.
The main steps in advertising media selection are :
1.Deciding on reach, frequency and impact
to select the advertising media the advertiser must decide what reach and
frequency are needed to achieve advertising objective
Advertising Media –The vehicle through which advertising messages
are delivered to their intended audiences.
Reach – The percentage of people in the target market exposed to an ad
campaign during a given period.
Frequency – The number of times the average person in the target
market is exposed to an advertising message during a given period.
But advertisers want to do more than just reach a given number of
consumers a specific number of times. The advertiser must also
decide on the desired media impact.
Media Impact – The qualitative value of an exposure through a given
2.Choosing among chief media types :
the media planner has to know the impact of each major media type , The
major media types are : nw , TV , direct mail , radio , outdoor and the
internet , where each media has advantages and limitations :
NW (news paper )
advantage : flexible , local market coverage
Disadvantage : Short life
TV :
Advantages : good mass , appealing to the senses
Disadvantage : less audience selectivity , high absolute cost
Radio :
Advantages : High demographic and geographic selectivity , low cost
Disadvantage : Low attention
Magazines :
Advantages : High demographic and geographic selectivity , long life ,
good pass
Disadvantage : high cost
Direct mail :
Advantages : flixblity , no ad competition within the sam medium
Disadvantage : Junk mail image
Out door :
Advantages : flixble , good postion selectivity , low cost
Disadvantage : creative limitations
Internet :
Advantages : high selectivity , low cost
Disadvantage : relatively low impact
3.Selecting specific media vehicles
The media planner must now choose the best media vehicles.
Media Vehicles – Specific media within each general media type, such as
specific magazines , television shows or radio programmes.
4.Deciding on media timing
4. Define PR.What are the tools of PR? What are the major PR
decisions one has to take?
PR- Building good relations with the company’s various
publics by obtaining favourable publicity, building up a good
corporate image, and handling or heading off unfavourable
rumors, stories and events. Major PR functions include press
relations, product publicity, public affairs, lobbying, investor
relations and development.
PR professional use several tools.
 News
 Speeches
 Special Events
 Written Material
 Audio Visual Materials
 Corporate Identity Materials
 Public Service Activities
 Sponsorship
What are the major PR decisions one has to take
1. Setting Public Relations Objectives
The objectives for public relation are usually defended in relation to the
tpes of news story to be communicated
2.Choosing Public Relations Messages and Vehicles
some times the choice of PR massage and tools will be clear , At other
time the organization has to create the news rather than find it by
sponsoring events
3.Implementing The Public Relations Plan,
the PR copagin must be implemented with care e,g : a great story is easy
to place but unfortunately mot stories are not earth sharing and would
not get pass bisy editors
4.Evaluating Public Relations Results
PR result are different PR is used with other promotion tools and its
impact is often indirect , However the company should meaure the
change in producy awareness , Knowledge and attitude resulting from
the publicity campaign
Chapter 18:
1. What is direct Marketing and what are the different forms of direct
Direct Marketing – Direct communications with carefully targeted
individual customers to both obtain an immediate response and cultivate
lasting customer relationships.
1-Direct – Mail Marketing : sending an offer to a person at a practicular
address , Its the largest direct marketing medium , Direct marketing is
strong in countries with efficient and relatively in expensive postal
system ( e.g UK , Sweden ) and weak where the post is slow and delivry
unreliable (e.g Spain , Italy )
2- Catalogue Marketing :
Catalogue Shopping one started almost explosively as the internet , No
need to struggle to the store
3- Telephone Marketing :
Telemarketing uses the telephone to sell directly to customers , also b2b
Marketers use Telemarketing extensively , Marketers use telemarketing
to sell directly to the customer , it also include calls fore testing ,
research , database
4- Direct response TV Marketing :
this takes one of tow major forms The first is : Direct response TV
advertising , Direct marketers air TV 60 or 120 sec. which describe the
feautrs of the product and give the customer a tell Number or website to
order , The second is Informercials , Here TV views for 15 or 30 min
advertising program for a single product .
5- Kiosk Marketing :
you can find Kiosk on airport stores they are popping up everywhere , instore Kodak ,
Kiosk let customers transfer pictures from memory stick ,
Edit theme and make high Quality color prints , Kiosk in hilton hotels
lobbies let guests view their reservation
6- New digital direct marketing Technologies :
today , and thank to new Digital technologies , direct marketers can
reach and interact with customers just about anywhere , at anytime
about almost any thing .
7- On-line Marketing :
Company efforts to market products and services and build customer
relationships over the Internet.
2. What is online marketing? Explain the 4 major online marketing
Online Marketing – Company efforts to market products and services
build customer relationships over the Internet.
Online Marketing Domains
Business to Consumer ( B2C)
Business to Business (B2B)
Consumer to Consumer (C2C)
Consumer to Business ( C2B)