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Periodic Table of Elements
PA Standards
Assess and apply recurring patterns in natural and technological systems. (3.1.12 C.1)
Compare and contrast structure and function relationships as they relate to patterns (3.1.12 C.2)
Know and use on-going scientific processes to continually improve and better understand how things work (3.2.12 A.1)
Apply knowledge of complex physical models to interpret data and apply mathematical models. (3.1.12 B.2)
Examine and describe recurring patterns that form the basis of . . . chemical periodicity . . . . (3.1.10 C.1)
Compare and contrast scientific theories and beliefs. (3.2.10 A.1)
Explain how the forces that bind solids, liquids and gases affect their properties. (3.4.12 A.4)
 Explain the formation of compounds and their resulting properties using bonding theories. (ionic and covalent). (3.4.10 A.5)
 Explain the repeating pattern of chemical properties by using the atomic structure within the periodic table. (3.4.10 A.2)
5.1 Early History of the Periodic Table
When you go to the library to find a book, how do you locate it?
If it is a fiction book, you look by author since the fiction materials are filed by the author’s last name. If you are looking for a
non-fiction publication, you look in a catalog (most likely on a computer these days). The book you are looking for will have
a number by the title. This number refers to the Dewey Decimal system, developed by Melvil Dewey in 1876 and used in
over 200,000 libraries throughout the world. Another system in wide use is the Library of Congress approach, developed in
the late 1800s-early 1900s to organize the materials in the federal Library of Congress. This method is one of the most
widely used ways to organize libraries in the world. Both approaches organize information so that people can easily find
what they are looking for. Chemistry information also needs to be organized so we can see patterns of properties in
5.2 Mendeleev
Mendeleev ______________ of the Periodic Table
When a person is confronted with a large number of items, it is only natural to look for similarities
that can be used to develop a classification scheme. A person who collects baseball cards may
group his cards according to team or position. Biologists classify all living organisms in a fivekingdom classification system, based on similar characteristics. In 1869 Dmitri Mendeleev, a
Russian Chemist, published the first periodic table. It had eight columns and it contained blank
spaces for elements that Mendeleev predicted must exist, although they had not yet been
5.3 Periodic Law
A study of the periodic tables shows certain regularities in the properties of the elements. This
similarity occurs because the members of a group have the same number of valence electrons.
Valence electrons are how many electrons are in the outermost shell or period. Periodicity or
PERIODIC LAW _________________________________________________________________
For Example, Alkali metals all have similar properties; react with water and have 1 valence
5.4 Periods and Groups
Groups or Families
Unlike Mendeleev's table, the modern Periodic Table is arranged according to atomic
number. Remember that it is the atomic number, or nuclear charge, that determines the identity of the
element. The horizontal rows of elements on the periodic table are called periods. The vertical
columns are called groups or families. By looking at the column that an element is found in, you can
predict the valence shell configuration with a good deal of accuracy.
Solids Liquids and Gases
What are the only 2 liquids on the periodic table?______________________
5.5 Metals 5.6 Nonmetals 5.7 Metalloids The Line
5.8 Blocks
5.9 Hydrogen and Alkali Metals
List 3 facts of the Alkali Metal Family
5.10 Alkaline Earth Metals
List 3 facts of the Alkali Metal Family
5.11 Noble Gases
List 3 facts of the Noble Gas Family (Inert)
5.12 Halogens
List 3 facts of the Halogen Family
5.13 Transition Metals
List 3 facts of the Transition Metal Family
5.14 Daltons Atomic Theory
Dalton’s Atomic Theory (1804)
From his experiments and observations, as well as the work from peers of his time, Dalton proposed a
new theory of the atom . This later became known as Dalton’s atomic theory . The general tenets of
this theory were as follows:
All matter is composed of extremely small particles called atoms .
Atoms of a given element are identical in size, mass, and other properties. Atoms of different
elements differ in size, mass, and other properties.
Atoms cannot be subdivided, created, or destroyed.
Atoms of different elements can combine in simple whole number ratios to form chemical
compounds .
In chemical reactions , atoms are combined, separated, or rearranged
5.15 Thomson’s Atomic Theory
Tape Activity – Thomson Plum Pudding
Part 1 – Preparing the tapes - examining their behavior
1. Take a 15 cm piece of transparent tape and make a handle on the end by folding under the first cm of tape, sticky side to
sticky side. Place this tape on the lab table. This is the base tape.
2. Take a second 15 cm piece of transparent tape, make a handle as before, and place this tape on top of the base tape.
Label this tape “B” for bottom.
3. Attach a third similarly prepared strip of tape onto the bottom tape. Label this tape “T” for top.
4. Peel one set of T and B tapes from its base tape, keeping the T and B tapes together. Run your finger down the non-sticky
side, then quickly peel them apart.
5. Hang each strip next to the hanging paper and foil and variety of other objects.
Data Table
Top Tape
Bottom Tape
Al Can
Plastic bag
Aluminum Foil
Plastic hair comb
1st Model
2nd Model
Thomson did experiments on the beams of particles in his tube. They were attracted to a positive charge, so Thomson
correctly concluded that they must be negatively charged themselves. He called the tiny, negatively charged particles
electrons. But where had these tiny particles come from? Since they were so small, Thomson suggested that they could
only have come from inside atoms. So Dalton's idea of the indestructible atom had to be revised. Thomson's model of
atomic structure is often called the plum pudding model. He postulated that the negatively charged electrons, he had recently
discovered, were scattered throughout a cloud of positive charge, like the plums in plum pudding. The plum pudding model could not
however predict why atoms attract or repel each other.
5.16 Rutherford’s Atomic Theory
Gold Foil Activity - Rutherford
Activity 1 Choose an activity
Use rubber cement to attach the four plastic cups to each corner of the foam board.
Fasten the central object (representing the atom’s nucleus) to the center of the board.
Flip the model over so that the four plastic cups are supporting the card board.
Have students assemble in groups of four or five. Alternate rolling marbles under the foam board
while the other students observe and record the different directions and angles that the
marbles are deflected out.
Activity 2
5. Use tape to form a circle with an opening.
6. Place half a Styrofoam ball in center.
7. Alternate rolling marbles in circle, while the other students observe and record the different
directions and angles that the marbles are deflected out.
o marble
Activity 3
8. Use a circle dome to represent the nucleus.
9. Use a water gun to try and hit the gold foil.
10. Remove the dome and observe how wet it is. If it is dry then the water was deflected.
Pass Through
Deflected Back
Deflected at an angle
1. What does the center of the model represent?
2. What do the marbles represent?
3. When the particles deflect, what does that represent?
4. How does this change our current model?
5. Why do some of the marbles pass straight through, and others are deflected back? Explain
with respects to Rutherford’s experiment.
6. How does this experiment relate to Ernest Rutherford’s discovery of the nucleus of an atom?
2nd Model
1st Model
3rd Model
In 1911, Ernest Rutherford performed an experiment to test the plum pudding model. He fired energetic
positive [He2+] particles at a foil, and measured the deflection of the particles as they came out the
other side. From this he could deduce information about the structure of the foil. To understand how
this works, imagine shooting a rifle at a mound of loose snow: one expects some bullets to emerge
from the opposite side with a slight deflection and a bit of energy loss depending on how regularly the
pile is packed. If the mound were made of loose, powdery snow, the bullets would be deflected very
little; if the bullets were deflected wildly, we might guess that there was a brick of hard material inside.
Rutherford expected all of the particles to be deflected just a bit as they passed through the plum
pudding. He found that most of the positive he shot at the foil were not deflected at all. They passed
through the foil and emerged undisturbed. Occasionally, however, particles were scattered at huge
angles. Rutherford’s result lead him to believe that most of the foil was made of empty space, but had
extremely small, dense lumps of matter inside. With this experiment, Rutherford discovered the
5.16 Bohr’s Atomic Theory
Flame Tests Activity - Bohr
When elements are heated to high temperatures,
they may be
placed in an excited state. In an
excited state, the electrons move to
high energy
levels. As the electrons move back down to the
ground state, they emit light in a specific color.
The longer the
distance they move, the higher energy wave lengths get emitted. The
distance the electron moves, the lower the energy.
E= height
x frequency;
more height = more distance = more energy
Three of these elements give characteristic colors when heated in a flame:
Family I
Alkali Metals
Family II
Alkaline Metals
1 st
Evolution of Atomic Theory
evolve (ē välv′, -vôlv′; i-)
to develop by gradual changes; to produce or change by evolution; that how the model of the
atom originated and how our understanding of the atom has changed over the years
Evolution of the Atom
Bensalem High School
Dalton's Atomic Theory created in 1803
All elements are composed of indivisible particles
Atoms of the same element are exactly alike
Atoms of different elements are not alike
Compounds are formed by joining atoms of two or more
Thomson's Atomic Model Plum pudding in 1897
 Said that the atom consists of positively charged protons and negatively charged
 proved that an atom could be divided
 said the atom is neutral
Rutherford's Atomic Model in 1903
showed that the Atom has a nucleus
inside the nucleus are protons and neutrons
the nucleus's size can be compared to a bee in a stadium
outside the nucleus are the electrons in the electric cloud
 discovered this by shooting charged particles through a gold sheet and counting the number of particles that went through
Bohr's Atomic Model created in 1913
 Electrons orbit around the nucleus in a orbit
 proposed that electrons move in energy levels
5.18 Proton Electrons and Neutrons PEN
Protons Protons are positively charged subatomic particles that
found, along with neutrons, in the nucleus of the atom. Protons,
along with neutrons, make up most of the mass of the
atom. Although the positive charge of the proton is equal to the
negative charge on the electron, one proton has as much mass as
around 1840 electrons. The elements on the periodic table are
arranged in order of increasing number of protons.
Atomic Number The number of protons in the nucleus of an atom is called its atomic number. The
atomic number, which is given the symbol Z, is what determines the identity of an element. All atoms of
the same element have the same number of protons and the same atomic number. Atoms of different
elements, by definition, will have a different number of protons and therefore, different atomic
numbers. Elements with the atomic numbers from 1 to 112 have been identified so far. One of the
numbers found in each elemental box on the periodic table will be the atomic number. Unlike the mass
number, the atomic number is always a whole number.
Neutrons The neutron is a neutral particle that is found in the nucleus of most atoms. Although the
neutron has no charge, it does contribute to the mass of the atom. Each neutron has a mass of about
1.67495 x 10-24 grams, or 1.0087 u. The most common type of hydrogen, called protium, has no
5.19 Atomic Mass
Atomic Mass The mass of an atom is found in the nucleus. The mass of a proton or a neutron is
approximately 1 u (atomic mass unit). It would take around 1840 electrons to equal the mass of one
proton. For this reason, the masses of the electrons are not considered when calculating the mass
number of an atom. The mass number, which is given the symbol A in elemental notation, consists of
the total number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of the atom.
Atoms are made up of 3 types of particles electrons
, Protons
These particles have different properties. Electrons are tiny, very light
particles that have a negative electrical charge (-). Protons are much
larger and heavier than electrons and have the opposite charge,
protons have a positive charge. Neutrons are large and heavy like
protons, however neutrons have no electrical charge.
PEN Homework
element: _________________
element: _________________
# protons: _______________
atomic #: ________________
# neutrons: ______________
mass #: __________________
element: _________________
# protons: ________________
# electrons: _______________
element: _________________
element: _________________
# protons: _______________
atomic #: ________________
average # neutrons: ________
# electrons:_______________
element: _________________
# protons: ________________
# electrons: _______________
element: _________________
element: _________________
atomic #: _______________
atomic #: ________________
mass #: ________________
# electrons:_______________
element: _________________
element: _________________
atomic #: _______________
atomic #: ________________
mass #: ________________
# electrons:_______________
element: ________________
# protons: ________________
# electrons: _______________
element: ________________
# protons: ________________
# electrons: _______________
5.20 Millikan Oil Drop Experiment
Millikan carried out a series of experiments between 1908 and 1917 that allowed him to determine the
charge of a single electron, famously know as the oil drop experiment.
He sprayed tiny drops of oil into a chamber. In his first experiment, he simply measured how fast the
drops fell under the force of gravity. He could then calculate the mass of the individual drops. Then he
sprayed oil drops and applied an electrical charge to them by shining X-rays up through the bottom of
the apparatus. The X-rays ionized the air, causing electrons to attach to the oil drops. The oil drops
picked up static charge and were suspended between two charged plates. Millikan was able to observe
the motion of the oil drops with a microscope and found that the drops lined up in a specific way
between the plates, based on the number of electric charges they had acquired.
5.21 Trends in the Periodic Table
Reactivity Trends Activity in the Periodic Table
(Chemical Properties)
(Physical Properties)
State of Matter
Metal or
Phase of Matter
Liquid or
Periodic Table Review Questions
1. Arrange the Group I metals in order of reactivity from most reactive to least reactive.
2. Is the same trend seen in the Alkaline Earth Metals, which was more reactive Ca or Sr?
3. Compare the reactivity of Na, K & Ca, in water. Which group is more reactive ( I or II)?
4. What is the trend in reactivity seen within the family 7 of the periodic table?
5. For metals what is the trend in reactivity seen within the same family of the periodic table?
6. Which would be the most reactive metal in the periodic table? ______ nonmetal?_______
7. Which metal is a liquid at Room Temperature? ____________nonmetal?_____________
8. What is the trend in reactivity seen within the family 8 of the periodic table? __________
9. Why are the noble gases so “noble”? ________________________________________
10.Complete the following by labeling the periodic table on the next page.
a. Label Group A 1 – 8 and Group B
b. Label Solids, liquids, and gases
c. Label s, p, d, and f sections
d. Label Non metals, metals, semi-metals LINE
e. Label alkali, alkaline, transition, halogens, and noble families
If Potassium reacts violently when exposed to water, why don’t we blow up when we eat a
What atomic theory would support bioluminescence?
Would element could the angler fish in NEMO’s be?
What wavelength would it emit?
Draw the Bohr model of the element