Download M06AN3.1.1a Identify a specific integer in a real

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PA Reporting Category: M06.A-N The Number System
PA Core Standards: CC.2.1.6.E.4 Apply and extend previous understandings of numbers to the system of rational
Assessment Anchor: M06.A-N.3 Apply and extend previous understandings of numbers to the system of rational
Descriptor: M06.A-N.3.1 Understand that positive and negative numbers are used together to describe quantities
having opposite directions or values and locations on the number line and coordinate plane.
Eligible Content: M06.A-N.3.1.1 Represent quantities in real-world contexts using positive and negative numbers,
explaining the meaning of 0 in each situation (e.g., temperature above/below zero, elevation above/below sea level,
credits/debits, positive/negative electric charge).
Alternate Eligible Content Code: M06AN3.1.1a
Alternate Eligible Content: Identify a specific integer in a real-world context.
A specific integer
Alternate Eligible Content - Coded
Real-world context
Definition notes:
Integer – A counting number, the additive inverse of a counting number, or zero. Any number from the set of
numbers represented by {…, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, …}.
Intent Statement: Identify/find an integer within a real-world context.
1. Most Complex Level (at the level as written):
 Content target: Given a set of three numerical temperatures, the student will identify the hottest or coldest
 Example: Which number shows the hottest (or coldest)
75 F
-15 F
30 F
2. Mid-Complex Level:
 Content target: Given a set of three numerical
temperatures, the student will identify the hottest
or coldest temperature. Provide visual/object
supports to enhance learning and support the
unique needs of the student.
Example: Give a set of temperatures (3) with
pictures of thermometer & number. Student
identifies which represents the hottest/coldest
temperatures. Which is the hottest (coldest)
-200 F
300 F
100 F
3. Least Complex Level:
 Content target: Given a labeled thermometer the student will show the
location of positive and negative (hottest/coldest) numerical
temperatures. Provide visual/object supports to enhance learning and
to support the unique needs of the student.
 Example: Give student a labeled thermometer, showing a negative
number, zero, and a positive number for the student to identify where
negative numbers would be.
Choose/use language that is appropriate for your student for the
Show where negative numbers are located?
Show where positive numbers are located?
Find zero?
Find a number more than zero?
Find a number less than zero?