Download M06BE2.1.3a Use a 1-step algebraic expression to solve

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PA Reporting Category: M06.B-E Expressions and Equations
PA Core Standards: CC.2.2.6.B.2 Understand the process of solving a one‐variable equation or inequality and apply
to real‐world and mathematical problems.
Assessment Anchor: M06.B-E.2 Interpret and solve one-variable equations and inequalities.
Descriptor: M06.B-E.2.1 Create, solve, and interpret one-variable equations or inequalities in real-world and
mathematical problems.
Eligible Content: M06.B-E.2.1.3 Solve real-world and mathematical problems by writing and solving equations of
the form x + p = q and px = q for cases in which p, q, and x are all non-negative rational numbers.
Alternate Eligible Content Code: M06BE2.1.3a
Alternate Eligible Content: Use a 1-step algebraic expression to solve a real-world problem involving addition or
subtraction of whole numbers.
Alternate Eligible Content - Coded
1-step algebraic expression
Addition or subtraction
(+ or -)
Real-world problem
Whole numbers
Definition notes:
Algebraic Expression: Mathematical number sentence with 1 or more variables.
Variable: Letter or symbol representing missing number
Intent Statement: Solve 1-step mathematical numerical sentence with one missing letter or symbol representing a
missing numerical amount in a meaningful real-world context.
1. Most Complex Level (at the level as written):
 Content target: Solve 1-step algebraic expression using meaningful relevant real world examples
John has $25 in his wallet. He bought a movie ticket for his friend. He now has $20 in his wallet. How much was
the movie ticket?
Solve to find the price of the movie ticket
2. Mid-Complex Level:
Content target: Solve 1-step mathematical numerical sentence with one missing number or symbol using
meaningful real world examples, visual object support, a template and numbers under 10.
John has
in his wallet
. He bought a candy bar
for his
He now has
in his wallet. How much was the
3. Least Complex Level:
 Content target: Solve 1-step mathematical numerical sentence with one missing number or symbol using
meaningful real world examples, visual object support, a template and numbers under 5.
 Example:
Teacher says: John has $5.00 (count the dollars together). He bought a drink at the store. He now has $3. How
much was the drink? (use the visual of the dollars and purchased drink over the money to represent what the drink
cost. Have the student count this amount)
Together, put the three dollars on three dollars in the box
Place the drink bottle images on the remaining dollars and ask the student to count
How much did the drink cost?