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Immunohistochemistry in dermatology
Immunhistochemistry refers to the process of detecting antigen (e.g. protein)
in cells of tissue sections by binding to antibodies specific to antigen in
biological tissue
Indirect method
Direct method
A cell stained by fluorophore ( Immune H.
Direct immunofluorescence of pemphigus vulgaris with granular deposit in the
intercellular Ig G in the epidermis.
Indirect immunoflourescence showing intercellular deposits
of IgG in pemphigus vulgaris
Direct immunoflourescence showing IgG band at basement
membrane of bullous pemphigoid
Direct immunoflourescence using IgG on a case of
systemic lupus erythematosus.
Direct immunofluorescence using anti IgA
antibodies in a case of Henoch Schonlein purpura
Direct immunoflourescence of dermatitis herpeitiformis with granular deposits
of IgA at dermo-epdermal junction with suprapapillary accentuation
Direct immunoflourescence showing raged fibrin band at
basement membrane zone in lichen planus
Immunoflouerscent findings
Direct immunoflourescence findings in other diseases in dermatology
Common antigen distribution in different
component of normal skin Ind J Dermat. 56: 629, 2O11
Common antigen distribution in different component of normal skin
Some of the common antigens detected by immunohistochemical analysis
Indian J. Dermat. 56: 629, 2O11
Some of the common antigens detected by
immunohistochemical analysis
Indian J. Dermat. 56: 629, 2O11
Interleukines are substances produced by leukocyte & other cells in the
body & help the immune system to fight infection & cancer. They act
as hormone regulators. However, more research is needed in area of
defining cytokines & hormones .
They are group of cytokines ( secreted proteins or signaling molecules) that were first seen to be expressed by white
cells (leukocyte) The function of immune system depends in large part on interleukin, The majority interleukins are
synthesisized by CD 4 T lymphocytes as well as through monocytes, macrophages & endothelial cells.
Interleukin 1 Autoinflammation & the skin
Modulation of auto immunity
Central nervous system injury induce immune defeciency
Nature reviews Neuroscience 6: 775, 2OO5
The human skin as endocrine gland
PTHrP: parathyroid hormone related peptide ; CRH: corticotropin releasing hormone ;ACTH: adrenocoticotropic
releasing hormone ;a-HSH: a melanocyte stimulating hormone ;atRA: all-trans retinoic acid;; IGF-1 : insulin like growth
factor -I ;IGF-II: insulin growth factor –II; IGFBP 3: insulin growth factor binding protein-3
Hormones 3:9 . 2OO4
The human skin as hormone target
PTHR / PTHrPR :Parthyroid hormone receptor / parthyroid hormone related peptide receptor ;YSHR: thyroid stimulating hormone receptor
;CRH- 1R and -2R: corticotropin releasing hormone receptors type 1 and 2 ;MC -1R, 2R, 5R: Melanocortin receptors type 1, 2, 5 ; VPAC 2:vasoactive popypeptide receptor type 2; NYR: neuropeptide y receptor ; CGRPR: calcitonin gene related polypeptide receptor ; 5 HTR: 5
Hydroxy treptamine receptor;PAR: proteniase activated receptor ;GR: glucocorticoid receptor;AR : androgen receptor ; PR: progesterone
receptor; THR: thyroid hormone receptor ;ER ,a, b: estrogen receptor type a, type b; RAR: retonoic acid receptors;RXR; retenoic x receptors
VDR: vitamin D receptor; PRAR : perexisome proliferated related receptors.;