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Pierce College Program Review
Approved by the Pierce College Academic Senate November 17, 2008
Department or Discipline:
Date submitted:
Contact person:
Theatre Arts/Technical Theatre
Gene Putnam, Chair
Pierce College Program Review is intended to be a reflective process that builds
on the extensive information gathered for the Annual Academic Program Plans
and lays out the program’s major directions for the future.
I. Purpose of the Program
Describe the need that is met by the program. For CATE programs only, show
that “the program does not represent an unnecessary duplication of other
vocational or occupational training programs in the area.” (Place your response
in the expandable text box below.)
Theatre Arts is a discipline for everyone. The value of Theatre in education is
greater today than at any other time since its inclusion in the curriculum.
Students can examine contemporary, emotionally charged topics including family
values, sexuality, politics and violence. However, unlike passively watching
these in today’s media, the students have a teacher or director at hand to guide
and explore these topics with them using dramatic literature as a catalyst.
Theatre Arts above all others is most concerned with the human personality. The
acting process requires an ability to step outside of self and value the perspective
of another human being. This skill is perhaps the most important reason for the
role of Theatre in education.
Theatre is also unique because it is highly collaborative. It is created by and for
groups working together without ethnic or gender discrimination.
Individual self-expression is reinforced and validated by Theatre. Participation in
classroom and outside activities encourages students to more fully understand
and express their full range of emotions.
Theatre provides students with a concrete experience in language, psychology,
sociology, and many other disciplines that are played out onstage or behind the
scenes. The theatre artist doesn’t simply study theory, but actualizes it, breathes
life into it as a visual, tactile, and aural experience.
Theatre often provides the bridge between the theoretical and the actual, and
Pierce College Program Review Template, Approved September 2008
provides the students with a wide range of knowledge that allows for the type of
intellectual improvisation needed to face these times.
Even in this current economic climate there are many skilled jobs in the
entertainment industry.- especially in the Los Angeles area-that are not as visible
as acting, but more widely available. Some of these occupations include agents,
casting directors, producers, production assistants and publicists. In the
Technical theatre Areas there are designers, costumers, property technicians,
electricians, scenic artists, painters, and riggers, Board and follow spot operators,
box office and front of house personnel, theatre managers and artistic directors
and we can go on and on. Colleges and universities do not generally offer
training for many of these jobs, but virtually everyone working in any phase of
“the business” has a solid background in theatre. There are far more chances
for employment in these technical and behind-the-scene occupations than for
actors, and far fewer clamoring to break in. There are even areas where the
demand for talent exceeds the supply! The study of Theatre Arts is an essential
first step that will help open many doorways in our stjudents professional and
personal life!
II. Progress Made Toward Past Departmental/Discipline Goals
Summarize the progress the department/discipline has made toward achieving
its goals during the past six years. Discuss briefly the quality, effectiveness, and
strengths of the program as reflected in its Annual Academic Program Plans.
Show the relationship between the program goals, the mission of the college, the
district strategic plan, and the impact on student development. (Place your
summary in the expandable text box below.)
The Department is continually working on achieving it’s goals, and although we
haven’t achieved 100% success, significant progress and growth has taken place
within the Department.
We succeeded in the attaining of all our Course SLOs and Department SLOs in
2007. We are still working on the development of uniform assessment tools and
their outcomes and this semester we are pushing hard to at least partially
accomplish this goal, by assessing the outcomes, describing the results,
formulating plans based on results. We met with our SLO coordinator and have
formed an assessment plan for TA 270 Beginning Acting, TA 271\273
Intermediate/Advanced Acting and TA 100 Introduction to Theatre classes, to
assess for Spring 2010 semester.
The forming of a well-organized and full-time community support group wel are
working on. Unfortunately formulating a well-organized plan of attack falls upon
those with the least amount of quality time. We need to recruit an outside
member of the community to spearhead this project.
Connecting with high schools in a technical theatre recruitment program is not
moving very fast and coordinating with academic outreach has not materialized,
Due to the small size of our department and faculty members teaching,
designing, and directing responsibilities.
Through the last six years our Department has successfully met our goal for
cultural diversity by emphasizing it in our acting curriculum and by staging
several plays emphasizing this diversity.
After continued efforts over several semesters we still in the process of enacting
a one act play program, student Award’s Night, and Drama Club.
Due to economics participation in the American College Theatre Festival has
been curtailed.
Touring shows for outreach has also been curtailed but may be revived when the
PAB Renovation begins in Winter 2011. This will be an important means of
continuing our production program once our main theatre is shut down.
The Department continues to come up with innovative ideas in publicity,
production visibility and audience building. This has lead to greater attendance
and recognition of our production program, and continued building up of our
season subscription base.
We continue to work closely with the Encore to recruit members of this valuable
resource for ushers/ concessions and other needed assistance for Department
productions. We also join every summer w/ Encore in sponsoring at least one
performance of the summer musical each year, to benefit both Theatre Arts and
Plans are finally being formulated for the “move out” of the PAB during
renovation that will take place in Winter 2011. The plan will be to do the
renovation in two phases so the Department will be able to continue its
production program in the Dow Arena Theatre.
We successfully completed our 17 unit Technical Theatre Certificate in Spring of
The certificate has a technical theatre and a costume option.
The Department because of cuts has not been able to expand the TA 230 Acting
for Camera class. We have added additional equipment and are still exploring
ways to include technical theatre students in the course.
Through the FFRC our Department hired a new technical Theatre instructor in fall
2009 to replace the current Technical Director upon his retirement. The possible
retirement of another professor within our Department will also be critical. This
professor directs productions and also designs costumes for her own and other
directors in the Department, as well as a variety of classes from academic to
technical. The position was submitted to the FFRC but was given a position of
17 on the priority list. Since additional hiring is not likely to take place for a while
this will curtail our production program, and Technical Theatre Certificate
Program In a critical way. Adjunct faculty will be difficult to find to direct one of
the two shows each semester, virtually shutting down our production program
critical to our students and our community.
NOTE: The relationship of all of all of these objectives and goals to the College
Mission statement, strategic goals and plans are all listed in the previous
AAPP’s. Please refer to those.
III. Trend Analyses/Outlook
Using the information already gathered in the AAPPs (e.g., enrollment and
outcomes data; student learning outcomes assessment and analysis; input by
advisory boards; existing articulation agreements; labor market trends; and
insights gained from conferences, journals, and discussions with colleagues),
summarize the major trends, challenges, and opportunities that have emerged in
the discipline since the last program review.
As applicable, please address the breadth, depth, currency, and cohesiveness of
the curriculum in relation to evolving employer needs and/or transfer
requirements, as well as other important pedagogical or technology-related
developments. (Place your summaries in the expandable text box below.)
We are glad to report that enrollment has increased significantly this past spring
and fall 2009. This is especially true within our technical theatre courses. The
addition of up-to-date technology and an additional technical theatre instructor
has contributed to this success. According to all the resources accessible to the
Department career opportunities are still available in the entertainment industry.
However, the current economic situation has severely limited the number and
extent of those opportunities. We are looking beyond the current conditions and
planning for a surge in the job market once the economic situation is on the
mend. We work very closely with the members of our Advisory Board to keep as
current as possible on the job market, current trends, equipment and resources
that are available in the industry. Currently the curriculum does not meet all of
the needs of students entering the job market. Additional staff and faculty
training and /or the acquisition of specialized faculty will alleviate this defect.
The addition of a Technical Theatre Certificate (Spring 2007) is a step in the right
direction. However this certificate needs to be updated to include curriculum in
digital sound and its effects training. For the need to be addressed a specialized
trained technician or faculty member will need to be brought on board.
The Department has increased the number of transfers, and majors within the
Department, as well as those pursuing the completion of our new certificate.
IV. Long-Term Department/Discipline Goals and Action Plans (Aligned With
the College Educational Master Plan)
Describe the long-term plans for changing or developing new courses and
programs, other actions being taken to enhance student success, and the need
for professional development activities and other resources to implement
program goals.
As mentioned previously we would like to expand our technical theatre program
and technical theatre certificate by including a sound digital technology
component. The Department is involved in the visionary stage of a new Digital
Arts facility. For our Department to play a significant role in developing an interdisciplinary curriculum with their Departments sharing this facility we must
expand our own curriculum. This will give the students involved in this interdisciplinary curriculum the maximum educational opportunities.
We would like to continue to expand our Acting for Camera program by
continuing to expand the offering, obtaining more equipment and as stated above
work n technical theatre students into the curriculum. All of this of course would
be preparing for our interdisciplinary curriculum and expansion into the new
Digital Arts facility (3-5 years away).
As mentioned previously, we need to continue our efforts in the area of technical
theatre recruitment even though we are aware that FTS has to be kept under
control. The Department will again approach academic outreach for assistance.
RoZsa Horvath, who is in contact with local high school counselors will work to
Bring them together for a tour of our facility. We will then follow up with their
assistance to bring students here as well.
As stated above, the Department will explore additional ways to organize a
community support group, focusing on a community member as the lead
Participation in ACTF (American College Theatre Festival) has not been
possible over the last few years because of the distances the students have to
travel (out of state) and the cost involved in moving scenery, staff, etc. It is
hoped that when the economic situation improves and the Festival is held locally
or at least in our state that we will be able to participate in this activity as we have
successfully in the past. This Festival is a unique opportunity for students to
compete in various areas of Theatre Arts and to creatively communicate with
students from other colleges and universities. There are prestigious awards,
scholarships, and an active recruiting service for college entrance and job
The department is currently working with CATE (VTEA) to update and improve
our Technical Theatre Brochure. WE are also working on an overall Department
DVD for marketing and promotion.
The department will also develop a Department Brochure outlining our classes,
certificates, staff and faculty. It will include pictures and bios of staff and faculty.
The brochure will also serve as a tool in orientation of new students to the