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Design and Development of IGBTBased Pulse Voltage Generator for
Insulation Testing
Yatong Yu
A thesis
presented to the University of Waterloo
in fulfillment of the
thesis requirement for the degree of
Master of Applied Science
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, 2009
©Yatong Yu 2009
Author’s Declaration
I hereby declare that I am the sole author of this thesis.
This is a true copy of the thesis, including any required final revisions, as accepted by
my examiners.
I understand that my thesis may be made electronically available to the public.
With the desire for energy conservation and lower costs, the application of pulsewidth modulated (PWM) voltage source converter (VSC) drives has grown at an
exponential rate. However, due to their high switching frequency and high dv/dt,
increased dielectric stresses and thermal stresses are applied to the insulation system
of the motors, which may lead to the failure of the insulation. In order to test the
performance of the motor insulation under the above complex stress conditions, an
IGBT-based pulse voltage generator which can produce high voltage square wave and
PWM waveforms has been successfully developed in this research.
The generator consists of IGBT switches and other wave shaping components. The
special cascade connection circuit design enables the generator to produce the stable
high voltage square wave and PWM waveforms. A microcontroller-based trigger
signal generator is used to trigger the power electronic switches in the generator. In
order to avoid false triggering from electromagnetic interference (EMI), optical fibre
cables are used to connect the trigger signal generator to the switches which are
located in a high electric potential area. The generator can produce square wave and
PWM waveforms with a peak voltage up to 15 kV and with a switching frequency of
600 Hz to 6 kHz. The fundamental frequency of the PWM waveform is 20 Hz to 1200
Hz, the rise time is less than 200 ns, and the pulse width can be varied up to several
A 4 kVrms form wound model stator coil was tested under different voltage
waveforms: power frequency, exponential decay pulse, square wave, and sinusoidal
pulse-width modulated (SPWM) waveform. Infrared images and the maximum
temperature rise of the coil under different electrical stresses were recorded. The
results show that both the square and SPWM voltage waveforms cause a significantly
higher temperature rise than the power frequency and exponential decay pulse voltage
waveforms. Since the actual VSCs generate transients similar to those of the square
and PWM voltage waveforms, it is recommended that the stator coil insulation be
analyzed using PWM voltage waveforms in order to simulate actual conditions.
I am grateful to my academic supervisor, Dr. Shesha Jayaram, for her help, support,
and guidance throughout the duration of this work.
I would like to thank my readers Dr. Edward Cherney and Dr. Magdy Salama, for
their valuable comments towards my work.
I would like to thank Dave Messervey, and Ramtin Omranipour along with the
research group at GE, Peterborough, Canada for providing coil samples.
Thanks my friends of the high voltage group: Dr. Ali Naderian, Dr. Isaias Ramirez,
Dr. Fermin Espino-Cortés, and Dr. Saeed Ul-Haq for helping. I would also like to
thank other past and present members of the HVEL group, include: Gowri, Emad,
Chitral, and Ganesh for their company during these years.
Thanks to Murched Ajami, Jin Hyun Chang and other under graduate research
assistants for their contribution to the work.
To my loving daughter Jessica
To my loving wife Wei Huang
To my mother and mother-in-law
Table of Contents
List of Tables
List of Figures
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Adjustable speed drives
1.2 Stator insulation system
1.3 Enhanced electrical and thermal stresses by PWM-VSCs
1.4 Review of insulation test of rotating machinery
1.5 Previous designs of power electronic based pulse voltage generator
1.6 Thesis object and organization
Chapter 2 Cascade Connection Design for Generation of High Voltage
Square and PWM Waveforms
2.1 Mechanism of high voltage square pulse generation
2.2 Cascade connection and switch selection
2.3 Improved cascade connection design
2.4 Trigger and control system
2.5 Structural design of the generator
Chapter 3 Trigger Signal Generator Design
3.1 Hardware design
3.1.1 Microcontroller PIC16F877A and its auxiliary circuit
3.1.2 Interlock and buffer circuits
3.2 Firmware
3.2.1 Square wave signal generation
3.2.2 SPWM wave generation
3.3 The output waveform of signal generator
Chapter 4 Simulation and Experimental Results of the IGBT-Based
Pulse Voltage Generator
4.1 Simulation results
4.1.1 Case study one: a comparison of a series connection and
a cascade connection
4.1.2 Case study two: the load range of the generator
4.1.3 Case study three: testing with inductive load
4.2 Experimental results
4.2.1 Open circuit waveforms
4.2.2 Test with different test objects
4.2.3 Insulation test under different voltage stresses
Chapter 5 Summary, Conclusions and Future Work
5.1 Summary and Conclusions
5.2 Suggestion for Future Work
List of Tables
2.1: Characteristics of the Toroidal Transformer....................................................30
3.1: PIC Microcontroller Chip I/O Port and Pin Assignments...........................35
3.2: OPTION_REG setting……………………………………………………..….43
4.1: Maximum Switching Frequency of Generator with Different Test Objects
4.2: Maximum Switching Frequency of Generator with Different Test Objects
paralleling with a 5kΩ Resistor …………...……..………………...59
4.3: Rise time and Fall time of the Waveform with No Load Connected
4.4: Equivalent Capacitance and Resistance of Test Objects.........................63
4.5: Diversity of Voltage Waveform with Different Test Objects.................66
4.6: Parameters corresponding to the test voltage waveforms......................67
4.7: Coil surface temperature rise.................................................................70
List of Figures
Fig. 1.1: Progress of power electronic devices ................................................................ 3
Fig. 1.2: Development history of motors and drive systems ............................................... 4
Fig. 1.3: Current sourced converter with PWM rectifier and inverter ........................... 5
Fig. 1.4: Voltage sourced converter with diode bridge rectifier and PWM inverter..... 6
Fig. 1.5: Structures of random-wound and form-wound motor insulation system………6
Fig. 1.6: A Typical PWM voltage waveform measured at a motor terminal .................... 8
Fig. 1.7: A 20-stages Marx circuit………...................................................................... 11
Fig. 1.8: Modular pulse power generator …………..……………................................ 13
Fig. 2.1: Basic circuit for high voltage square wave and SPWM wave generation… 18
Fig. 2.2: Summary of power electronic components capabilities................................. 19
Fig. 2.3: A comparison of a series connection and a cascade connection....................... 21
Fig. 2.4: A possible worst switching situation of a cascade connection ........................... 22
Fig. 2.5: Topology of the improved cascade connection...................................................... 23
Fig. 2.6: Charging process............................................................................................... 24
Fig. 2.7: Discharging process.......................................................................................... 25
Fig. 2.8: Block diagram of trigger and control system....................................................... 26
Fig. 2.9: Detailed internal schematic of TD351............................................................ 27
Fig. 2.10: Local drive circuit ........................................................................................ 28
Fig. 2.11: Connection of power supplies for local drive circuit................................... 29
Fig. 2.12: Typical 5 MBd interface circuit..................................................................... 30
Fig. 2.13: Waveform stage.............................................................................................. 31
Fig. 2.14: A photograph of the IGBT-based pulse voltage generator............................... 32
Fig. 3.1: Schematic diagram of the trigger signal generator.................................................34
Fig. 3.2: Diagram of the microcontroller chip PIC16F877A.............................................. 36
Fig. 3.3: Wire diagram of the keypad................................................................................. 38
Fig. 3.4: Block diagram of LCD………......................................................................... 38
Fig. 3.5: Flow chart of the main program........................................................................... 40
Fig. 3.6: Block diagram of timer0 and the prescaler.................................................... 41
Fig. 3.7: Flow chart of timer0 interrupt service routine............................................... 42
Fig. 3.8: PWM wave at CCPx output............................................................................. 44
Fig. 3.9: Block diagram of CCP module....................................................................... 45
Fig. 3.10: Block diagram of Timer2 module................................................................. 45
Fig. 3.11: Waveform triggering signal generator….................................................... 47
Fig. 3.12: Square wave output signals of the microcontroller.................................. 48
Fig. 3.13: PWM wave output signals of the microcontroller................................... 48
Fig. 3.14: Block diagram of bipolar square wave and PWM wave generator………49
Fig. 4.1: Simulation circuit of the generator………................................................. 51
Fig. 4.2: Comparison of series connection and cascade connection........................ 52
Fig. 4.3: Voltage waveforms at different points in series connection under normal operation
Fig. 4.4: Voltage waveforms at different points in cascade connection under normal operation
Fig. 4.5: Voltage waveforms at different points in series connection with one switch remains
open......................................................................................................................................... 54
Fig. 4.6: Voltage waveforms at different points in cascade connection with one switch
remains open............................................................................................................................54
Fig. 4.7: Equivalent circuit of a dielectric insulation material.............................. 56
Fig. 4.8: Voltage waveform on a test object of 500pF equivalent capacitor at a switching
frequency of 2kHz.................................................................................................................... 57
Fig. 4.9: Voltage waveform on a test object of 500pF equivalent capacitor at a switching
frequency of 4kHz ................................................................................................................... 57
Fig. 4.10: Maximum frequency vs. equivalent capacitance of test object……..…….. 58
Fig. 4.11: Test with inductive load............................................................................ 59
Fig. 4.12: Test with 2mH Inductive Load................................................................... 60
Fig. 4.13: Test with 2H Inductive Load...................................................................... 60
Fig. 4.14: Voltage and current waveforms with no load connected............................ 61
Fig. 4.15: Test objects..................................................................................................... 62
Fig. 4.16: Voltage and current waveforms when tested with a cable termination......... 63
Fig. 4.17: Voltage and current waveforms when tested with a sample bar.................... 64
Fig. 4.18: Voltage and current waveforms when tested with a motor coil....................65
Fig. 4.19: Temperature measurement setup...................................................................... 67
Fig. 4.20: Four types of test voltage waveforms….................................................... 68
Fig. 4.21: Infrared image and surface temperature and profile under 60 Hz power
frequency voltage...................................................................................69
Fig. 4.22: Infrared image and surface temperature and profile under exponential decay
pulse..................................................................................…………. 69
Fig. 4.23: Infrared image and surface temperature profile under Square wave voltage
…..……………………………………………………………………………... 69
Fig. 4.24: Infrared image and surface temperature profile under SPWM voltage
………………………………………………………………………………..... 70
Fig. 4.25: Resistance-frequency curve of different insulation materials..…71
Fig. 4.26: Frequency spectrum of the SPWM Wave................................................... 72
Fig. 4.27: Frequency spectrum of the square wave voltage........................................ 73
Fig. 4.28: Frequency spectrum of the exponential decay.......................................... 73
Chapter 1
Industrial motors are the largest end users of electricity in modern society. In
North America, about 70% of the electricity consumed by industry is used to power
motors. Over the past 20 years, induction motors have dominated the motor market,
and about 90% of industrial motors are AC induction motors [1]. To a large extent,
this dominance is due to tremendous gains in the technology and packaging of signal
and power electronics during this period, which have resulted in smaller and less
expensive adjustable speed drives (ASDs), sometimes called variable speed drives
An adjustable speed drive basically consists of a rectifier, a DC link, and an
inverter, which converts the 60Hz AC from the utility power source to the AC of a
selected frequency. Such power electronic-based ASDs for medium and high voltage
induction motors emerged in the early 1980s. The first medium-voltage ASD was a
current source converter (CSC) type, in which a reactor was used as a DC link to
provide a DC current. Since the current source converter ASDs are bigger, less
efficient and have a higher cost than voltage source converter (VSC) ASDs, they are
being replaced by voltage source converter ASDs in a wide range of applications. In
voltage source converter ASDs, capacitors are used as a DC link to provide a constant
DC voltage.
High-speed power electronic switches, such as gate turn-off thyristors (GTOs),
insulated gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs), metal-oxide-semiconductor field effects
transistors (MOSFETs) or integrated gate commutated thyristors (IGCT) rectify the
DC voltage to square-wave pulses with an adjustable pulse width, in which the
fundamental frequency of the output voltage can be adjusted by changing the trigger
signal of these switches. This combination of signal and power electronic techniques
has overcome the shortcomings of the induction motor with respect to speed control.
The applications of induction motors fed by voltage source converters have therefore
significantly increased over recent years and now dominate the market. However, the
new pulse width modulated (PWM) voltage source ASDs provide a more complex
voltage waveform to the motors than the power frequency sinusoidal voltage
waveform; thus, concerns about the adverse effects of such drives on the motor
insulation has increased as the applications of drives based on PWM voltage has
The PWM voltage waveform consists of a group of voltage pulses with a fast rise
time and varying pulse widths. Several studies have shown that the PWM voltage
waveform causes enhanced electrical and thermal stresses on the motor coil [3, 4, 5]
that leads to premature stator damage or failure. Unfortunately, the motor
manufacturing industry has neither test standards nor test facilities that addresses the
issue of enhanced stresses caused by solid state switching drives. Suitable testing
equipment is therefore needed for the qualification and acceptance of electrical
insulation systems in motors fed by ASDs.
The main objective of this thesis is to design and develop an IGBT-based pulse
voltage generator that can produce high voltage square wave and PWM waveforms
for qualification and acceptance testing of electric rotating machines fed by voltage
source converters. The following sections in this chapter provide background
knowledge about the adjustable speed drives, the structure of motor insulation
systems, and the enhanced electrical and thermal stresses caused by the PWM voltage
waveforms. A review of updated industry-standard insulation test methods and
previous designs of high pulse voltage generators are also presented.
1.1. Adjustable speed drives
The development of adjustable speed drives has dependent strongly on the
development of power electronic components. Fig. 1.1 shows the progress of power
electronic devices in the last half-century. The era of power electronics began with
the invention of the first commercial thyristor developed by General Electric (GE) in
1958 [6]. These semiconductor devices were originally designed for use in
communication systems. Since then, the development of power electronic devices and
their associated circuits has led to steady improvement in the ratings of thyristors and
their operating frequency, eventually resulting in the extension of their application to
motor control systems and power systems.
Fig. 1.1: Development of power electronic devices [6].
Fig. 1.2 shows the development history of motors and their power electronic drive
systems. From the late 1950s to the early 1980s, high-power thyristors have been
used as controllable rectifiers to control the speed of DC motors. By 1975, the first
turn-off semi-conductor component was developed; since then, various types of highvoltage, high-power, and high-speed power electronic controllable switches have
been developed and made available on the market, including MOS-controlled
thyristors (MCTs), MOSFETs, GTOs, IGBTs, and IGCTs. These revolutionary power
electronic elements, combined with modern communication signal techniques, has led
to the arrival of the variable frequency converter, which can be used as an adjustable
speed drive for all types of AC motors.
drive system
Fig. 1.2: Development history of motors and drive systems [6].
Power electronic-based adjustable speed drives can be classified into two main
categories [8]: CSCs and VSCs. In current source converters (Fig. 1.3.), the DC term
is a regulated current, and DC inductors are selected to provide the current source.
The immediate output is a pulsed current whose fundamental component is
controllable in magnitude, phase angle, and frequency through the adjustment of a
modulating signal. Output capacitive filters are required in order to eliminate current
harmonics from the output current. Thus the voltage and current applied to the motor
are quasi-sinusoidal, which is less harmful to the motor insulation system. However,
because of the heavy and bulky DC-link choke and the possible occurrence of
resonances between the capacitive filter and the motor inductances, current-source
converters are less frequently used in industrial applications. The main applications of
this type of converter are in active power filters and high-power AC motor drives in
which the motors are fed with a long connecting cable.
Fig. 1.3: Current source converter with PWM rectifier and inverter [49].
On the other hand, in VSCs (Fig. 1.4), capacitors are used for the DC-link rather
than the heavy and bulky DC-link choke to provide a constant DC regulated voltage.
The output voltage of a VSC is a chain of pulsed voltages, and the local average
voltage (the average voltage per switching period) of each pulsed voltage in the chain
is controlled by the IGBT switches. In a SPWM converter, which is one of the most
commonly used in motor drives, the local average voltage of the output voltage is a
sinusoidal waveform (also called a fundamental component). Because VSCs are
smaller, lower cost, more reliable, and more efficient than CSCs, they have
dominated the motor drive market. The main disadvantage of VSCs is the generation
of high dv/dt transients and high frequency harmonics, which may cause enhanced
electrical and thermal stresses on the motor insulation system and thus results in
premature failure of the motors.
DC link
AC power
Fig. 1.4: Voltage source converter with diode bridge rectifier and PWM inverter.
1.2. Stator insulation system
The design considerations for a motor insulation system include both electrical
properties and mechanical properties, such as dielectric stress, resistance to partial
discharge, corona protection, desired thermal class, and durability [10]. Motor stator
insulation is a kind of laminated insulation, which contains multiple layers of
insulation made of various materials; conductive layers such as conductive tape for
slot corona protection; and stress grading coatings. Fig. 1.5 shows both structures of
random-wound and form-wound stator insulation systems.
Fig. 1.5: Structures of random-wound and form-wound motor insulation system [28].
The innermost layer is enameled magnet wire coating. In form-wound medium
and high voltage motors, several insulation tapes may be needed to cover the magnet
wire in order to enhance the turn insulation level. The turn insulation has two
purposes: to insulate between turns and to provide good adhesion between the
conductor and the impregnating resin. Sometimes the turn insulation may contain
conductive additives in order to decrease the partial discharge (PD) activity close to
the conductors.
Moving outward from the turn insulation, the next layers are the ground wall and
slot insulation and the phase insulation layers. The ground wall and slot insulation
provides electrical insulation between the motor winding and the motor core. The
phase insulation separates the wire bundles of the different phases in the core slot and
coil overhang. Both serve as electrical insulation as well as mechanical protection.
For medium and high voltage motors, the slot portion of the coil is wrapped with
layers of conductive armour tape. The main function of this low-resistance layer is to
provide a good contact between the coil and the core, eliminating possible partial
discharge (PD) and hence the erosion caused by the PD. They also provide protection
against vibration damage. The conductivity of the armour tape is constant at about 102
to 10-5 S/m, thus avoiding short circuiting of core laminations and Eddy current [50].
At the end of the coil, which has a rated voltage above 4.16 kV, layers of voltage
stress grading material is used to force the electric field uniform, preventing the
occurrence of slot discharges due to sharp changes in voltage or the concentration of
the electric field.
1.3. Enhanced electrical and thermal stresses by PWM-VSCs
PWM converters work with switching frequencies of up to 20 kHz. A PWM
voltage waveform is a chain of square pulsed voltage with pulse widths varying at a
specific mode in one fundamental cycle. Fig. 1.6 shows a typical PWM waveform
recorded at the terminal of a motor stator fed from a PWM-VSC. The continuous
strikes of fast transient voltage clearly increase the electrical and thermal stresses on
the insulation system of the motor coil. These problems result from the PWM
waveform, which can be characterized according to its varying pulse width, rise time,
fall time, peak value, and switching frequency.
Fig. 1.6: A typical PWM voltage waveform measured at a motor terminal.
The high repetition rate pulse voltage with high dv/dt transients causes increased
dielectric loss [14,15], space charge injection or charge accumulation in the insulation
[16], and higher partial discharge activity [17, 18]. All these parameters have a
negative effect on the insulation system of the motor and result in additional heating
within the motor insulation system, causing a general or local temperature rise.
Enhanced thermal stress is thus applied to the motor insulation system, which may
lead to failure of the motor.
Additionally, the enhanced thermal stress on the insulation system of the motor
may be caused by the high frequency harmonic content in the PWM voltage
waveform. As mentioned before, the motor insulation system is a laminated structure
that contains multiple layers of insulation composed of various materials, conductive
tape for the elimination of slot discharges, and semi-conductive stress grading
coatings. Each of these materials has its own characteristic frequency response; some
insulation materials are sensitive to high frequencies, some of them are not so
sensitive to high frequencies.
When the multiple sinusoidal voltages of the various frequencies of PWM
waveforms are applied simultaneously to the motor insulation system, some of the
frequency-sensitive materials in the laminated insulation system generate more heat
under the high frequency harmonic stress. Additionally, in a laminated insulation
system of motor coils, the diversity of the frequency response characteristics of the
materials also changes the voltage distribution along the insulation layers. The
voltage distribution under a high frequency harmonic is not the same as the voltage
distribution under a power frequency voltage, which is strategically designed. Some
layers in the laminated insulation system, such as the conductive armour layers, may
be subject to increased voltage drop and therefore generate more heat, which results
in a local temperature rise.
In summary, the insulation system of a motor that is fed by a voltage source
converter is not exposed to the traditional power frequency sinusoidal voltage, but
instead to a more complex voltage waveform, which may cause increased voltage
stress and thus a higher level of thermal stress on the motor insulation, resulting in the
premature failure of the motor. The increased stresses caused by PWM-VSCs are a
function of the varying pulse width, rise time, fall time, crest value, and switching
frequency of the PWM waveform and also of the impedances and frequency response
characteristics of the feeding cable and the coil.
1.4. Review of insulation tests for rotating machinery
Insulation tests are designed to evaluate the condition of the electrical insulation
in the design, qualification, acceptance, and maintenance of rotating machinery. The
current test methods in IEEE and IEC standards [19-28] include an insulation
resistance/polarization index measurement, a high potential test, a voltage-endurance
test, a turn insulation test, and a high repetition rate impulse test. These tests are
briefly described as follows:
• Insulation resistance/polarization index measurement [19]: Insulation resistance
measurement has been used for more than half a century to evaluate the
condition of electrical insulation. With the carefully maintained record of
periodic measurements, accumulated over months and years of service, this
easy method is valuable as a measure of some aspects of the condition of the
electrical insulation, such as contamination, absorbed moisture, or severe
cracking. However, since the insulation resistance is not related directly to the
dielectric strength (unless the defect is concentrated), it is impossible to show
clearly that the insulation system of a motor is acceptable. Further, this index
measurement is not sensitive to internal insulation defects.
High potential test: In this test, a voltage higher than the rated voltage is applied
to the test object for a specified time (usually 1 minute) for the purpose of
determining the dielectric strength of the insulation system. The high potential
test can use a power frequency source, a direct current source, or a very low
frequency. According to the IEEE standards for stator coils, the power
frequency AC test voltage is 1000 Vrms plus twice the rated voltage.
Alternatively, the DC test voltage is 1.7 times the power frequency AC rms test
voltage; the very low frequency AC test voltage is 1.63 times the power
frequency AC rms test voltage.
• Voltage-Endurance test [25, 27]: The voltage duration test is designed for the
stator coil of large motors and generators. An AC voltage higher than the rated
voltage is applied to the stator coil for a long time (250 or 400 hours).
• Turn insulation test: Turn insulation tests are designed for testing the dielectric
strength of turn insulation under transient voltage stress. Experience has shown
that turn insulation failure can be caused by steep-front surges such as lightning
strikes and breaker operations. Thus, in IEEE Std 522-2004, the recommended
test voltage is one that has a frequency several orders of magnitude above the
power frequency.
• High repetition rate impulse test: In IEC technical specification 60034-18-42, a
repetitive impulse or a sinusoidal voltage at a frequency above 1000 Hz is
recommended for evaluating the performance of an insulation system in
rotating electrical machines that are fed by voltage source converters. This
technical specification attempt to address concerns about the enhanced stresses
caused by solid state switching devices.
1.5. Previous designs of power electronic based pulse voltage generator
A variety of techniques have been used to overcome the voltage limitations of
power electronic switches and to achieve the high voltages needed by using relatively
low voltage switches. The most common approaches are either connecting the
semiconductor switches directly to the load, or connecting them to the load through
signal or series-connected pulse transformers.
Kim et al. introduced a type of Marx circuit in order to generate a high voltage
pulse power supply [37]. They claimed that their design can produce up to 200 kV
pulse voltage with a repetition rate of up to 1000 pulses per second (PPS). The rise
time of the pulse voltage is less than 1 µs, and the pulse width is up to 4 µs.
Fig. 1.7 shows the topology of the 20-stage Marx circuit described in their paper.
Each stage is made of an IGBT stack, two diode stacks, and a capacitor. When the
IGBT stacks are off, the capacitors (C1~C20) are charged by a common DC source
through an inductor (L1). If the IGBT stacks are turned on at the same time, the
charged capacitors are simultaneously switched into a series configuration, delivering
a pulse voltage to the load. In this transient moment, the inductor (L1) acts as an
isolator to separate the DC source from the high voltage output of the generator.
Fig. 1.7: A 20-stage Marx circuit.
Although this approach can successfully produce a high voltage pulse at a specific
repetition rate, it can not be used to generate high voltage square and PWM
waveforms due to the following limitations.
One limitation is the pulse width. As previously mentioned, an inductor is
used to isolate the DC source from the high voltage output at the moment
when the IGBT stacks are turned on. According to the characteristics of the
inductor, the inductor can isolate only transient voltage. If the IGBT stacks
remained on for a longer period, or in other words, if this Marx circuit
produced a wider pulse, the inductor would short-circuit, which might damage
the DC source.
Another concern about this Marx circuit is the risk of an unsynchronized
switching operation problem. Because this circuit is actually a series
configuration, the simultaneous operation of the switches is critical. If one or
more switches in the IGBT stacks fail to operate simultaneously, all the IGBT
electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) should therefore be designed precisely,
which means higher cost and lower reliability.
Redondo et al discussed a modular pulsed generator based on low voltage
MOSFET switches and step-up pulse transformers [39]. Their generator produces up
to 15 kV / 1 A with a 5 µs width at a 10 kHz repetition rate and a pulse rise time of
less than 1 µs. A total of three individual stacked modules are used in the generator,
each consisting of a modified forward converter that drives a step-up pulse
transformer. The secondary side of the transformer in each module is connected in
series with the one in the following module. The concept of the circuit in the
generator is shown in Fig. 1.8.
The advantage of this generator is that it can produce a high pulse voltage by
using low voltage MOSFET switches without any risk of switch failure. However,
because pulse transformers are used in the generator to boost the voltage, the output
waveforms are distorted due to leakage inductance and the residual capacitance of the
transformer coils. The pulse width is also limited by the transformer for the same
reason. Another disadvantage is that the MOSFET driver circuits are supplied by
batteries, which limit the continuous operation time of the generator. Therefore,
although this approach provides a safe method of generating a high voltage pulse
using low voltage power electronic devices, it can not be utilized to build a test
facility that can generate high voltage square wave and PWM waveforms.
Fig. 1.8: Modular pulse power generator.
1.6. Thesis objectives and organization
A critical consideration in the design, manufacture, maintenance, and evaluation
of a rotating machinery insulation is that any insulation test that is used should reflect
the actual operating conditions to which the rotating machines are exposed when they
are operating. As discussed and reviewed, the motors fed by power electronic-based
voltage converters are affected by increased electric and thermal stresses due to
varying pulse widths, a fast rise time, a high switching frequency, and the impedance
of the feeding cable and motor coil. Until now, most insulation test methods and test
facilities are traditional, which have been derived from the initial design of rotating
machinery in which the motors are operated at a single power frequency. Thus, the
difference between the test conditions of the motors and their actual operating
conditions is highly significant. The current test methods and facilities are not directly
related to the motor’s dielectric strength under a PWM waveform and therefore
cannot evaluate the performance of the motor insulation system effectively.
Current laboratory research has utilized fast repetitive exponential decay waves
and single high frequency sinusoidal waves and has attempted to analyse the
premature failure mechanism of motor insulation fed by a PWM voltage waveform.
Although the results have shown that fast repetitive exponential decay or high
frequency voltages have a negative impact on the motor insulation system, these
factors may be only part of the problem. In fact, the failure mechanism of the motor
coil is a result of a combination of a number of factors [34]. The fast repetitive
exponential decay type of pulsed voltage or single high frequency sinusoidal
waveforms are not the exact voltage waveforms which the motors are exposed to
when they are fed by voltage source converters. These test waveforms contain only
one or part of the adverse factors, not all of them. The accuracy of the evaluation
results obtained by using these voltage waveforms is therefore highly dubious.
To improve the insulation system of large high voltage form-wound motors,
motors should be tested with a voltage waveform similar to the waveform under
which the motors are operated. This requirement would also be suitable for
qualification and acceptance tests of electrical insulation systems.
The main goal of this thesis is thus to design and build an insulation test apparatus
capable of generating high voltage square and PWM waveforms for the purpose of
testing rotating machinery and other power system equipment insulation. The
objectives of this thesis are therefore as follows:
Design and build an IGBT-based pulse voltage generator capable of
generating high voltage square wave and PWM waveforms. The peak
value of the output voltage is up to 15 kV, which is suitable for insulation
tests on motors rated to 13.8 kV (phase-to-phase). The rise time of each
pulse in the waveforms is about 200 ns.
Simulate and test the performance of the IGBT based pulse voltage
generator with different loads.
Compare the insulation performance of a form-wound coil under different
voltage waveform stresses.
Accordingly, the thesis is organized as follows:
Chapter 1 reviews background knowledge about adjustable speed drives,
motor insulation systems, the enhanced stress caused by PWM voltage
waveforms, current insulation test methods, and previous pulse voltage
generator designs.
Chapter 2 discusses the design of the main circuit and structure, including
the mechanism of waveform generation, component selection, local IGBT
switch driver circuits, cascade circuit design, the optical fibre signal
transmission channel, and some structural insulation issues.
Chapter 3 introduces the design of microcontroller-based square wave and
PWM waveform trigger signal generator, including hardware and
Chapter 4 presents the results of the simulation based on PSIM software as
well as the experimental results produced by utilizing the generator on a
variety of test objects. The insulation tests on a 4 kV motor coil with
different waveforms and an analysis of the results obtained are also
provided in the chapter.
Chapter 5 presents a summary of the conclusions and offers suggestion for
future development and applications of the high voltage pulse generator.
Chapter 2
Cascade Connection Design for Generation of High Voltage
Square and PWM Waveforms
This chapter presents the main circuit design of the IGBT-based pulse voltage
generator. The generator consists of 10 stages connected in cascade; each stage can
generate square and PWM waveforms independently. When the operations of all
stages are controlled simultaneously, a high voltage square or PWM waveform is
2.1 Mechanism of high voltage square pulse generation
Both square and PWM waveforms can be described as a chain of square pulses.
The rise time, fall time, and pulse width determine the maximum achievable
repetitive frequency of the pulse chain. The basic circuit for high voltage square wave
and PWM wave generation is shown in Fig. 2.1. In Fig. 2.1(a), Rcon represents the
equivalent resistor of the connecting wire which is very small. R1 is the wave shaping
resistor, C1 is the DC link capacitor, and Ctr represents equivalent capacitor that is the
combination of residual capacitance of the wave shaping resistor and the load
First, the capacitor C1 is charged to voltage V1. When the switch turns on (Fig
2.1(b)), Ctr is rapidly charged by the capacitor C1, and the voltage across Ctr increases
fast, thus the rising part of a square wave pulse is formed. During the turn-on period,
the voltage VOUT can be expressed as:
VOUT ≈ V1{1–exp[–t×(C1+Ctr)/RconC1Ctr]}
Since C1>> Ctr, the rise time of the square pulse is mainly determined by Rcon and
When the switch is on, capacitors C1 and Ctr discharge through resistor R1 as
shown in Fig 2.1(c). The crest part of the square pulse is formed in this period. The
voltage VOUT in this period can be expressed as:
VOUT ≈ V1exp[-tW/R1(C1+Ctr)]
where tW is the on-time of the switch SW1. If tW is much less than R1(C1+Ctr), the
pulse width can be mainly decided by the on-time of the switch SW1.
When the switch is off as shown in Fig 2.1(d), the capacitor Ctr discharges through
R1. This forms the falling part of the square pulse. The voltage VOUT can be expressed
as the equation (2.3). The equation shows that the fall time of the square pulse is
determined by R1Ctr.
VOUT ≈ V1exp(-t/R1Ctr)
Fig. 2.1: Basic circuit for high voltage square wave and PWM wave generation.
With the properly selected values of resistors the capacitors, a square voltage
pulse can be generated by turning the switch on and off. If the capacitor is charged
from a stiff DC source, a square wave or a PWM wave can be produced by
continuously turning on and turning off the switch in a prescribed mode.
2.2 Cascade connection and switch selection
Fig. 2.2 shows the capabilities of some power electronic devices that are available.
The power transistors MOSFET, GTO, IGBT, and IGCT are some of the fast
switches that can be used in the generation of high voltage square wave and PWM
waveforms due to their high voltage rating.
Fig. 2.2: Summary of power electronic components capabilities.
Because the majority of high voltage power electronic switches are also designed
with correspondingly high current ratings, the cost of these high voltage switches are
very high. Since high current capacity is not required for insulation testing, it is
economical to build the generator based on the components that have relatively low
voltage and low current ratings, and consequently, lower in cost.
A low cost discrete IGBT switch (IXMH16N170) is selected for building the
IGBT-based pulse voltage generator in this research. This IGBT switch is
manufactured by IXYS Inc. The voltage and current ratings are 1700V and 16A
respectively. The typical turn-on time is around 93ns, and the typical turn-off time is
490ns. So theoretically, the maximum switching frequency can reach 1.7 MHz which
is far higher than the operating frequency required for the motor insulation testing.
One way to enhance the voltage handling capability of low voltage switches is to
connect low voltage switches in series, as shown in Fig 2.3(a). Although a lot of
applications of this method are reported to be successful [29, 37], the possibility of
non-uniform voltage distribution along the chain of switches can not always be
avoided. The non-uniform voltage distribution in the series connection could be
caused by two reasons.
One reason is that the steady-state and transient characteristic of each individual
switch in the chain may not be identical due to variations that come about during
manufacture. Therefore, the switches take a different share of the total voltage in the
steady-state. For the same reason, the switches in a series chain may not turn-on and
turn-off at the same time during switching transients even if the gating signals are
applied simultaneously to all the switches. In order to equalize voltage sharing of
series switches, in its steady-state as well as during switching transients, external
shunt RC circuits are need on all switches in the chain. However, the use of these
circuits may lead to distortion of the generated waveform.
The second reason is that the non-synchronized operation of the switches may be
caused by the difference in gate driving signal circuits and the electromagnetic
interference on these circuits.
Failure to simultaneously turn-on or turn-off all the switches may cause damage to
the switches in the series connection. This comes about when a switch in the chain
closes later than the other switches; or if a switch opens earlier than other switches,
the total output voltage appears across the out of phase switch, resulting in a damage
of the switch. Hence, as soon as the switch fails (permanently short-circuited in most
cases), the remaining switches must be able to withstand the total voltage that
otherwise would be shared by all switches, which may lead to failure of other
switches in the series connection.
A good solution to eliminate the risk of switch failure in the series connection is to
utilize the cascade connection as shown in Fig 2.3(b). The cascade connection
consists of several isolated stages which are similar to the circuits shown in section
2.1(see Fig.2.1). Each stage consists of a DC source, a switch, a diode, and a low
inductance wave shaping resistor. The outputs of all stages are connected in cascade.
As mentioned in section 2.1, each stage can generate waveforms independently by
turning on and turning off the switch. If the switches in all stages turn-on and turn-off
simultaneously, the total output voltage is the sum of the voltage of all stages. For N
stages, the peak value of the output voltage can be theoretically N×V1, where, V1 is
the voltage of the DC source in each stage.
(a) Series connection
(b) Cascade connection
Fig. 2.3: A comparison of a series connection and a cascade connection.
In the series connection, every switch works simultaneously to share the high DC
source voltage V, hence, synchronized operation is critical. Whereas in the cascade
connection, the generator is divided into several independent stages and each IGBT
switch operates at the stage voltage V1 (=V/N), which is in the range of the rated
voltage of the switches. Thus, for the cascade connection, synchronized operation is
not as important as the series connection. The unsynchronized operation only affects
the value of the output voltage, but do not cause failure of the switches.
Fig. 2.4 shows the worst case scenario caused by an unsynchronized operation. As
shown in Fig. 2.4, assuming that one switch is open while other switches are closed.
The load current bypasses the wave shaping resistor of “open switch” stage through
the free-wheeling diode D3. In this case, the voltage across the switch can be
expressed as: VSW = V1 + VD3, where VD3 is the forward voltage of free-wheeling
diode D3. Since VD3 is very low, which is less than one volt, the voltage across the
switch is still in the range of its rated voltage, So, no switch will be damaged. The
only problem caused by the unsynchronized operation is that the total output voltage
would decrease from N×V1 to (N-1) ×V1.
Fig . 2.4: A possible worst case of switching situation in a cascade connection.
2.3 Improved cascade connection design
As mentioned in section 2.2, the cascade connection can eliminate the risk of
failure of the switches in generating high voltages. However, in the cascade structure
shown in Fig. 2.3(b), each stage in the generator needs a separate DC source and
these DC sources have to be isolated from each other, which increases cost, and the
control circuits for all these DC sources are complicated. In order to lower cost and
increase reliability, an improved cascade connection is designed based on the original
cascade connection described in section 2.2. Fig. 2.5 shows the topology of the
improved cascade connection design. In this new design, the DC sources in the
original cascade connection are replaced by capacitors. Instead of a common high
voltage DC source to charge the capacitors in all stages, and a second IGBT switch
SW2 in all stages is used to control the charging of the capacitors (C1). The function
of switch SW1 in the new design is the same as that in original design, Fig. 2.2.
Fig. 2.5: Topology of the improved cascade connection.
Therefore the total operation of the generator is divided into two processes;
namely, charging and discharging, which are alternatively controlled by two groups
of the switches, SW1 and SW2.
During the charging process, switches SW1 in all stages are off, and the switches
SW2 in all stages are on; the capacitors C1 in all stages are charged in parallel by the
common DC source as shown in Fig. 2.6. Because the charging circuits designed for
each stage are the same, each stage has the same charging time constant τC , where τC
= RC×C1 , and RC is the internal resistance of the DC source and connecting wires.
Fig. 2.6: Charging process.
During the discharging process, the switches SW2 in all stages are off, and the
switches SW1 in all stages are on. The capacitors in all stages are discharged through
the wave shaping resistors as shown in Fig. 2.7. As described in section 2.2, if the
IGBT switches SW1 in all stages turn-on and turn-off at the same time, the total
output voltage at the load side is the sum of voltage across R1 in each stage.
Fig. 2.7: Discharging process.
Both charging and discharging processes are controlled by a microcontrollerbased trigger signal generator. In order to avoid short circuiting of the DC source, the
charging and discharging operations must run alternatively; for example, when the
switches SW1 are on, the switches SW2 should be off, and vice versa. Thus, two
trigger signal groups, which are used for driving switches SW1 and switches SW2
respectively, must be interlocked from each other.
2.4 Trigger and control system
The block diagram of the trigger and control system is shown in Fig. 2.8. The
trigger and control system of the generator consists of a microcontroller-based trigger
signal generator, local drive circuits, and trigger signal transmission channels. The
trigger signal generated by the trigger signal generator is divided into two interlocked
signals; one signal is to control the operation of switches SW1 to produce the desired
waveform, and another signal is to control the operation of switches SW2 to charge
the capacitors in all stages. Two op-amp buffers are used to amplify the interlocked
signals and drive two groups of optical cable communication channels and each group
contains 10 optical channels.
The function of the trigger signal generator is to generate square wave or PWM
waveform trigger signals, determine the running mode and operation sequence, and
provide a control interface for waveform parameter setting. A microcontroller chip is
selected for the purpose. The trigger signal generator and its auxiliary circuits
including the buffer circuit and the interlock circuit are introduced in Chapter 3.
Fig. 2.8: Block diagram of trigger and control system.
The local drive circuits amplify the trigger signal to a high level that is required to
operate the IGBT switches and drive the IGBT switches successfully into the “on” or
“off” state. These local drive circuits are very important. The characteristic of the
local drive determines the characteristic of the IGBT switches.
TD351 is an advanced gate driver for IGBT, which is made by
STMicroelectronics. It can provide up to 1.7A sink and 1.3A source drive currents
[30]. Fig. 2.9 shows the detailed internal schematic of TD351. The input of TD351 is
compatible with optical-couplers and pulse transformer. The input voltage is
internally clamped at about 5 to 7 volts. When connected to an open collector opticalcoupler, the resistive pull-up resistor can be connected to either the reference output
voltage pin VREF or to the voltage supply.
Fig. 2.9: Detailed internal schematic of TD351.
Fig. 2.10 shows the schematic of the local drive circuit. The signal from the fibre
optic receiver is fed into an optical couple, TLP250. Then the output of the optical
couple is connected to the input pin of IGBT drive, TD351. The gate on-state voltage
value is +12V, and the gate off-state voltage value is -12V. The gate resistance is 15
Ω. Thus, the approximate maximum drive current is [(12+12)/15] = 1.6A, which is
within the operating current range of TD351.
Fig. 2.10: Local drive circuit.
Each stage of the high voltage generator has two IGBT switches; hence, two local
drive circuits are needed in each stage to drive the two groups of switches SW1 and
SW2. Because the electric potential of every stage is not the same, the stages must be
isolated from each other. In this design, isolation transformers are used not only to
provide power to each drive circuit in each stage, but also to isolate each stage. The
connections of the power supplies for each drive circuit are shown in Fig. 2.11. The
isolation transformers are connected in cascade. The low voltage DC sources, which
supply the local drive circuit, are therefore isolated from each other. There are two
chains of cascade connected isolation transformers in the design, which are used to
provide local drives for IGBT switches SW1 and SW2.
Fig. 2.11: Connection of power supplies for local drive circuit.
To decrease size, toroidal transformers are selected for the isolation transformer in
the generator. The parameters of the transformer are shown in Table 2.1.
Table.2.1: Characteristics of theToroidal Transformer
Isolation level (V)
The trigger signal transmission channels provide a communication connection
between trigger signal generator and the local drive circuits of each IGBT switch.
These channels also isolate the electromagnetic sensitive trigger signal generator from
the local drive circuits which are located at high voltage potential. Thus, the ability to
shield against the electromagnetic interference (EMI) is enhanced.
Optical fibres are used as trigger signal transmission medium. The communication
channel interface connection is shown in Fig. 2.12. The communication channel
consists of an optical transmitter, an optical receiver, and an optical fibre. The
transmitter transforms the electrical signal to an optical signal and the receiver then
transforms the optical signal to original electrical signal again. The transmitter is
connected to the trigger signal generator, and the receiver is a part of local drive
circuit. The signal rate of the channel is 5MBd and the maximum propagation data
delay of the optical channel is 145ns.
Fig. 2.12: Communication channel interface circuit.
2.5 Structural design of the generator
The IGBT-based pulse voltage generator consists of ten waveform generating
stages connected in cascade. Since each stage is working at a different potential, the
stages need to be insulated from each other.
In generator structural design, all components in one stage, which are at same
potential, are installed on a fibreglass board, see Fig. 2.13. The fibreglass board is
made of glass epoxy laminate that has extremely high strength and excellent electrical
insulation. The dielectric strength of the board is 550 vpm(Volts/mil) or
In order to generate a good waveform with a controlled fall time, low inductance
resistors are selected for wave shaping. Four resistors are connected in parallel to
match the high energy generated in wave shaping. Each resistor is 600W rated, over
the operating temperature of -55° to 150°. The inductance of each resistor is less than
80nH. The heat sink is designed to transfer heat to the ambient to keep the
temperature within the specified maximum.
Driver Circuit
DC Source
Driver Circuit
DC Source
Wave shaping
Fig. 2.13: Photograph showing waveform generating stage.
Ten waveform stages are mounted together forming a multi-storey structure. Each
stage is mounted over another and supported by an aluminum U-channel, see Fig.
2.14. Because the metal supports are mounted on high insulation strength fibreglass
board, the stages are insulated from each other. Any electrical or signal related
connections between the stages are connected through isolation transformers or
optical fibres.
Cascade Connected
Voltage Booster Circuit
Optical Fiber
Trigger Signal
Fig. 2.14: Photograph showing the IGBT based pulse voltage generator.
Chapter 3
Trigger Signal Generator Design
In Chapter 2, the design of the main circuit and structure of the IGBT-based pulse
voltage generator is discussed. When the gates of the switches are triggered by either
square or PWM waveform trigger signals, high voltage square wave and PWM
waveforms are produced. In this chapter, the design of the trigger signal generator is
As an insulation test apparatus, the IGBT-based pulse voltage generator needs to
have multiple functions and a flexible control mode to match different insulation test
requirements. The requirements and functions of the trigger signal generator can thus
be described as follows:
• It can produce square wave and PWM waveform trigger signals according to
different settings: the frequency of the square wave and the switching
frequency of the PWM waveform needs to be adjustable.
It provides an interface so that the operator can select the running mode
(automatic or manual, continuous or intermittent), waveform type, and
running time for the test.
3.1 Hardware design
To realize the requirements and functions described, an 8-bit PIC microcontroller
chip PIC16F877A is used as the core control element in the generator. This
sophisticated Harvard architecture-based single integrated computer is low cost, easy
to program, and multi-functional.
Fig. 3.1 shows the schematic diagram of the trigger signal generator. The
generator consists of a microcontroller and its auxiliary circuit, a signal interlock
circuit, a buffer circuit, an input current monitor, and an output for operation of an
RC delay
Fig. 3.1: Schematic diagram of the trigger signal generator.
3.1.1 Microcontroller PIC16F877A and its auxiliary circuit
Fig. 3.2 shows the diagrams of the microcontroller chip PIC16F877A. The main
features of the chip are:
Operating frequency: DC – 20MHz
Flash program memory (14 bit words): 8K
Data memory ( bytes ): 368
Interrupts: 15
Timers: 3
I/O ports: Ports A, B, C, D, E
Capture / Compare / PWM modules: 2
10-bit A/D modules: 8 input channels
Analog comparators: 2
Instruction set: 35 Instructions
Packages: 40 pins
Table 3.1 lists the I/O port and pin assignments of the (micro control unit) MCU
in the generator. The pins and their respective names are selected in order to
minimize the complexity of the program and the hardware setup.
Table 3.1: PIC Microcontroller Chip I/O Port and Pin Assignments.
Port B.0 ~ Port B.7
Port C.7
Port C.6
Port C.5
Port C.4
Pin number
33 ~ 40
Port D.0 ~ Port D.3
Port D.4 ~ Port D.7
Port C.1
Port C.2
Port C.3
Port C.0
Port A.1
Port A.2
19 ~ 22
27 ~ 30
Pins are set to transfer data between MCU and LCD
LCD Enable control line
LCD Read / Write control line
LCD Register Select control line
LED output, on while the output waveform is
Pins are set to read user input from the keypad
Pins are set as keypad scanning output
PWM or square wave output 1
PWM or square wave output 2
Manual switch
Stop switch. Halts the test when the button is pressed
Operation interlock output
Current monitor relay signal input
(a) Pin diagram of PIC16F877A.
(b) Block diagram of PIC16F877A.
Fig. 3.2: Diagram of the microcontroller chip PIC16F877A.
PORTC is an 8-bit wide, bidirectional port. The 8 pins (port C.0 to port C.7) of
PORTC are multiplexed with an alternate function for the peripheral features on the
chip. Setting the Port/Peripheral selection registers permits port C.1 and port C.2 to be
set in normal input / output pin mode, capture module input mode, compare module
output mode, or PWM module output mode.
In this design, ports C.1 and C.2 are set as the normal output when the square
wave is generated. The status of the port pin is controlled by the firmware. To
generate a bipolar square waveform, the output of port C.1 is set to be opposite to the
output of port C.2. When port C.1 is high, port C.2 is low, and vice versa. The
differential of the two port pins is a bipolar square wave.
When the generator is set to generate the PWM waveform, both port C.1 and port
C.2 are set as the PWM module output. Two independent two-level unipolar PWM
waveforms can be generated at port C.1 and port C.2. To generate a three-level
bipolar PWM waveform, the fundamental components of these two output signals are
phase shifted by 180° with respect to each other. The differential of the two outputs is
the three-level bipolar PWM waveform.
As an operational safety consideration, the discharging switch SW1 is designed to
be normally closed, whereas the charging switch SW2 is designed to be normally
open. Thus, when no waveform is being generated, the trigger signal of SW1 is
always high, and the trigger signal of SW2 is always low.
Port C.0 is set as the “stop” signal input. When the stop button is pushed, port C.0
is pulled high, and the generator stops generating the waveform and trips the power
supply of the IGBT-based pulse voltage generator.
Port C.3 is set as the manual “start” signal input. In manual mode, when the start
button is pushed, port C.3 is pulled high, and the generator begins to generate the
desired waveform.
A 4×4 keypad is used to input the settings. Fig. 3.3 shows the wiring diagram of
the keypad. The keypad is connected to PORTD. The columns are connected to port
D.4~D.7 as column scanning output. The rows are connected to port D.0~D.3 as row
input. Each active row has a 10 kΩ pull-up resistor connected to Vcc.
Port D.4
Port D.5
Port D.6
Port D.7
Port D.3
Port D.2
Port D.1
Port D.0
Fig. 3.3: Wiring diagram of the keypad.
A 2×16 intelligent liquid crystal display (LCD) module is selected for displaying
the orders, settings, and status of the generator. A 14-pin access is provided, including
8 data lines, 3 control lines, and 3 power lines. The block diagram of the LCD is
shown in Fig. 3.4. Pins 1 and 2 (Vss and Vdd) are the power supply lines. Pin 3 is
connected to a variable voltage supply and it is used to alter the contrast of the
display. Pin 4 is a register select control (RS) line that is connected to port C.5. When
this line is low, data bytes transferred to the display module are treated as commands,
and the data bytes read from the display indicate their status. Setting the RS line to a
high level permits character data to be transferred to and from the display module. Pin
5 is a read/write control line connected to port C.6. This line is pushed low to write
and pulled high to read. Pin 6 is the enable line, which is used to initiate the actual
transfer of the commands or character data between the module and the
microcontroller. Pin 6 is connected to port C.7. Pins 7 to 14 are the 8 data buses
connected to port B of the microcontroller.
Fig. 3.4: Block diagram of LCD.
3.1.2 Interlock and buffer circuits
As mentioned in chapter 2, each stage in the main circuit (Fig. 2.5) needs two
IGBT switches, and the trigger signals of these two switches must be interlocked to
avoid a short circuit in each stage. Thus, the trigger signal generated from the
microcontroller (port C.1 or C.2) is divided into two interlocked trigger signals in the
interlock circuit of the generator; one used to drive SW1 and the other to drive SW2.
As shown in Fig. 3.1, “and” gate and hex inverter chips are used to realize the
interlock function. To eliminate possible signal overlap due to interference, an RC
delay circuit is designed in order to insert a “zero gap” between the two signals. Both
SW1 and SW2 are in the off state during the period of the “zero gap”. A RC delay
circuit is used to adjust the duration of the “zero gap”.
The waveform signals are then sent to the buffer circuit. The circuit includes 4
buffer units. Each buffer unit amplifies the power of the waveform trigger signal and
drives ten waveform trigger signal channels. These waveforms are transformed into
light signals by the optical transmitters. Optical fibre channels transmit the trigger
waveforms to local IGBT switch drives to control the IGBT switches in the improved
cascade connection circuit.
3.2 Firmware
The software for the square waveform and PWM waveform trigger signal
generator is written in the assembly language of the PIC microcontroller. Fig. 3.5
shows the flow chart of the program. The program has two subroutines: the square
mode cycle subroutine and the PWM mode cycle subroutine. These two subroutines
can be selected through the keypad.
Main Program
Fig. 3.5: Flow chart of the main program.
3.2.1 Square wave signal generation
Timer0 module timer/counter is used for square wave generation. Timer0 has an
interrupt function that can generate an interrupt service routine at a set time to change
the status of the waveform output at port C.1 and port C.2 (pins 16 and 17, Table 3.1).
Once Timer0 is set to timer mode, the TMR0 register increments every instruction
cycle time multiplied by the prescaler value. Timer0 interrupt is generated when the
TMR0 register overflows from a set value to 00h. Fig. 3.6 is a block diagram of the
Timer0 module and the prescaler that is shared with the watch dog timer.
Fig. 3.6: Block diagram of Timer0 and the prescaler.
Fig. 3.7 is the flow chart of the Timer0 interrupt service routine, which is designed
for square wave generation. In the interrupt routine, the interrupt flag is cleared, and
the TMR0 is set to a given value according to the desired frequency.
When the frequency is set higher than 38 Hz, the product of the data in the TMR0
register and the data in the Timer0 prescaler register OPTION_REG determines the
interval time between two interrupts. Because the status of the waveform output pins
(pin 16 and 17 of the microcontroller) is changed from high to low or from low to
high in each interrupt service routine, this interval time is half the cycle time of the
square waveform. Thus, the frequency of the square waveform can be calculated as
fset = fosc /[2×4× (TMR0) ×(OPTION_REG )]
where fset is the frequency setting, and fosc is the frequency of the crystal oscillator.
Accordingly, if the frequency setting and the frequency of the crystal oscillator are
known, calculating the initial value of register TMR0 and the value of register
OPTION_REG is straight forward.
Fig. 3.7: Flow chart of Timer0 interrupt service routine.
To obtain enough resolution for a variety of square wave frequencies, the data in
the prescaler register OPTION_REG is set according to the range of the setting
frequency, as shown in Table 3.2.
Table 3.2 OPTION_REG setting
Frequency range
38Hz ~ 76Hz
76Hz ~ 152Hz
152Hz ~305Hz
305Hz ~ 610Hz
610Hz ~ 1220Hz
1220Hz ~2441Hz
2441Hz ~ 4883Hz
4883Hz ~ 9700Hz
The data in the TMR0 register is calculated from
(TMR0) = fosc / [8×fset ×(OPTION_REG )]
When the frequency setting is lower than 38 Hz, the cycle time of the square wave
is longer than the maximum interrupt interval time, which is 256×256×8×TOSC (cycle
time of the crystal oscillator). Therefore, according to equation (3.2), the value of
(TMR0) would be larger than 256, the TMR0 register would overflow. Thus, another
register (F number) is needed to comprise a 16-bit register with TMR0 register in
order to store the result of equation (3.2). In the calculation of equation (3.2), the
integer quotient is saved in F_number, and the remainder is saved in TMR0. In this
case, the prescaler rate is fixed at 256, and the interval time between two interrupts is
determined by the values in F_number and TMR0 registers. The setting frequency is
expressed as
fset = fosc /[8× (F_number) × 256×256 +8× (TMR0) ×256]
3.2.2 PWM wave generation
Two Capture/Compare/PWM (CCP) modules are used to generate two
independent PWM waveform signals. Each CCP module contains a 16-bit register
that can operate as either a 16-bit capture register or a 16-bit compare register or a
PWM master/slave duty cycle register.
When in PWM mode, the CPPx pin (pin 16 or 17) produces a PWM output with a
resolution up to 10 bits. The PWM output, which has a time base (period) and a
specific time when the output stays high (duty cycle), is shown in Fig. 3.8.
Fig. 3.8: PWM waveform at CCPx Output.
Fig. 3.9 shows a simplified block diagram of the CCP module in PWM mode.
The Timer2 module is used as the PWM time base in PWM mode. Timer2 is an 8bit timer with a prescaler and a postscaler as shown in Fig 3.10. PR2 is an 8-bit
period register in the Timer2 module.
Fig. 3.9: Block diagram of CCP module.
Fig. 3.10: Block diagram of Timer2 module.
The PWM period is a function of the data in the PR2 register and the value of the
Timer2 prescaler (T2CON<1:0>). The PWM period of the PWM wave for the CPPx
output can be calculated using the following formula:
PWM period = [(PR2) +1] ×4×Tosc × (Timer2 Prescaler Value)
The switching frequency of a PWM waveform is defined as 1/ [PWM period]. For
a sinusoidal PWM waveform, the switching frequency of the PWM waveform is the
product of the fundamental frequency and the frequency modulation ratio.
The fundamental frequency (fs) and the frequency modulation ratio (mf) can be set
through the keypad. Thus, the PWM period is determined as following equation.
PWM period = 1/(switching frequency)
= 1/[( fundamental frequency)×(frequency modulation ratio)]
If the value of the Timer2 prescaler is preset in the microcontroller chip, the PWM
period can be specified the value of (PR2).
The PWM duty cycle is determined by (CCPRxL:CCPxCON<5:4>) and the value
of the Timer2 prescaler (T2CON<1:0>). The maximum resolution of the duty cycle is
10 bits. If the value of the Timer2 prescaler is determined, the PWM duty cycle can
be specified by the CCPR1L (or CCPR2L for PWM2) register combining with
CCP1CON <5:4> (or CCP2CON for PWM2) bits. The following formula is used to
calculate the PWM duty cycle according to the data in these registers:
PWM duty cycle
= (CCPRxL:CCPxCON<5:4>)×Tosc× (Timer2 Prescaler Value)
In the Timer2 module, the value of the PWM time base register TMR2 increases
from 00h until it matches the value of PR2; once (TMR2) equals (PR2), a PWM
interrupt routine is launched. In the interrupt routine, TMR2 is cleared, and the duty
cycle of the next PWM cycle is specified through rewriting the data to
CCPRxL:CCPxCON<5:4> from a pre-calculated discrete fundamental sinusoidal data
In the general purpose data memory area (SRAM) of the microcontroller, 50 bytes
are specified as the pre-calculated discrete sinusoidal data form area for storing a half
cycle of discrete sinusoidal data. Each discrete sinusoidal datum occupies two bytes,
which is 16 bits. The size of the sinusoidal data form is flexible and is determined by
the frequency modulation ratio (mf). A Taylor series is used to calculate each datum
in the sinusoidal data form. The Taylor series of the sine function is expressed as
sin (x) = x – x3/(3!) + x5/(5!) – x7/(7!) + … = ∑{[(-1)n x (2n+1)]/[(2n+1)!]}
where -π < x < π . n is the positive integer = 1,2 3,….
The error of the formula (3.7) to calculate sine function is less than
[(-1)n+1 x (2n+3)]/[(2n+3)!].
If setting xp = (π/ mf) × (2p-1), p = 1, 2, 3… mf/2, where mf is the frequency
modulation ratio and p is the positive integer, the discrete Taylor series expression of
the sine function is expressed as:
sin (xp) = xp – xp3/(3!) + xp5/(5!) – xp7/(7!) + … = ∑{[(-1)n xp (2n+1)]/[(2n+1)!]}
= ∑{[(-1)n((π/ mf) × (2p-1)) (2n+1)]/[(2n+1)!]}
The discrete fundamental sinusoidal data form can be derived by calculating each
sin (xp) at each discrete xp using equation (3.8). The size of the half-cycle sinusoidal
data form in memory area of the microcontroller is 2× (mf/2). Another half-cycle
sinusoidal datum is easy to calculate from the half-cycle sinusoidal data form.
The PWM duty cycle in each PWM period is then calculated from
PWM duty cycle (at p cycle) = ma× sin (xp) × PWM period
where, ma is defined as modulation index. In this thesis, the ma is fixed at 0.87.
Once the PWM duty cycle in each PWM period is calculated, the data for
CCPRxL:CCPxCON<5:4> in the pre-calculated discrete sinusoidal data form can be
then calculated through the equation (3.6).
3.3 The output waveform of signal generator
Fig. 3.11 shows a photograph of the microcontroller-based trigger signal
Output Channels
Fig. 3.11: Photograph of the waveform trigger signal generator.
The signal generator has two PWM output channels; PWM1 and PWM2. Each
channel can produce a unipolar square wave or a PWM waveform. For the square
wave signal, the two channels (1 and 2 in Fig. 3.12) are set to be opposite to each
other. The difference between these two output signals is a bipolar square waveform,
in which the peak value is twice the value of each channel (M in Fig. 3.12). For the
PWM wave signal, the fundamental signals of these two output channels (1 and 2 in
Fig. 3.13) are phase shifted 180° with respect to each other. The difference between
these two output signals is a three level bipolar PWM waveform (M in Fig. 3.13).
Fig. 3.12: Square wave output signals of the trigger signal generator.
Fig. 3.13: PWM wave output signals of the trigger signal generator.
To generate a high voltage bipolar square waveform or a high voltage three-level
bipolar PWM waveform, two improved cascade connection circuits (Fig. 2.5) are
needed. The two output channels of the trigger signal generator are used to trigger
these two circuits. The differential voltage of these two improved cascade connection
circuits is a high voltage bipolar square waveform or a high voltage three level
bipolar PWM waveform. The block diagram of high voltage bipolar square wave and
PWM waveform generator is shown in Fig. 3.14.
Fig. 3.14: Block diagram of bipolar square wave and PWM wave generator.
Chapter 4
Simulation and Experimental Results of the IGBT-Based
Pulse Voltage Generator
This chapter presents the PSIM simulation results based on the PSIM software,
and experimental results using the IGBT-based pulse voltage generator described in
chapters 2 and 3. The PSIM simulations compare the performance of the series
connection and the cascade connection and analyze the influence of the load on the
output voltage waveforms. In the experimental tests, the performance of the generator
was tested with different loads, such as a cable termination, a motor coil, and a coil
sample bar. A 4 kV form-wound motor stator coil was tested with power frequency,
exponential decay pulse, square and SPWM voltage waveforms, all with the same
peak values. A discussion on the surface temperature rise caused by these voltage
stresses is also presented.
4.1 Simulation results
Simulation software (PSIM) was selected in order to simulate the performance of
the generator. The simulation can provide a theoretical understanding of the cascade
connection. Due to the component limitation of the PSIM student version, a sevenstage generator was used in the simulation. Fig. 4.1 shows the simulation circuit, in
which 7 waveform stages are cascade connected. Simulated oscilloscopes were used
to record the total output voltage waveform (V8) and the voltage waveforms at each
switch (V1-V7). All IGBT switches were triggered by a common PWM trigger signal
generator. Each stage was supplied by independent 1500 volts DC sources, and the
DC sources were isolated from each other. Three cases that could occur under real
operation conditions were studied using the simulated circuit.
Fig. 4.1: Simulation circuit of the generator.
Study Case 1: A comparison of a series connection and a cascade
As mentioned in chapter 2, the main advantage of the cascade connection is that it
can overcome the problems associated with series connected switches that may fail
due to the unsynchronized switching operation. These problems are usually caused by
electromagnetic interference from both inside and outside the generator. Fig. 4.2
shows two generators with different connection structures, namely, series and
cascade, where both generators are connected to the same load. Under normal
conditions, the switches in both connection structures run simultaneously. The output
waveforms and the voltage waveforms at each stage of the two connection structures
are almost the same, as shown in Figs. 4.3 and 4.4.
(a) Series Connection
(b) Cascade Connection
Fig. 4.2: Comparison of series connection and cascade connection.
Fig. 4.3: Voltage waveforms at different points in series connection under
normal operating condition.
Fig. 4.4: Voltage waveforms at different points in cascade connection
under normal operating condition.
However, when some of the switches lose synchronism, the conditions of the two
connection structures are totally different. In the simulation circuits shown in Fig. 4.2,
the trigger signal of one switch (SW4) in both generators is connected to ground in
order to simulate the worst case operation. One of the switches in both connection
structures fails to close and remains open for several cycles, while the other switches
operate normally. The total output voltage waveforms and the voltage waveforms at
the switches for both connection structures are shown in Figs. 4.5 and 4.6,
Fig. 4.5: Voltage waveforms at different points in series connection with one
switch remaining open.
Fig. 4.6: Voltage waveforms at different points in cascade connection with
one switch remaining open.
As shown in Figs. 4.5 and 4.6, when an unsynchronized operation problem occurs
in the series connection, the total output voltage (V8) drops significantly. The peak
value of the output voltage drops from 10.5 kV in normal conditions (Fig. 4.2) to only
52 V in an unsynchronized condition (Fig. 4.5). Whereas, when the same
unsynchronized problem develops in the cascade connection, the peak value of the
output voltage drops from normal 10.5 kV to 9.0 kV, which is shown in Fig. 4.3 and
Fig. 4.6. The voltage drop is exactly equal to the voltage of one stage.
The voltage across the switch (SW4) in the series connection is almost 10.5 kV,
which is much higher than the rated operation voltage of the switch, as shown in Fig.
4.5. This voltage may damage the switch. As soon as one switch in the series
connection is short circuited, all switches in the series connection may be damaged
because the remaining switches must withstand the total high voltage which normally
would be shared by all the switches. On the contrary, no such problem occurs in the
cascade connection. Although the voltage waveform across the switch (SW4 in Fig.
4.6) in the cascade connection is seriously distorted, the peak value of the voltage
across the switch is still within the range of the switch’s operating voltage. Thus, the
switch is safe from damage that might occur. Therefore, the whole generator has zero
risk of failure due to unsynchronized operation.
The comparison of the simulation results for the two connection structures
theoretically confirms that the cascade structure is a more reliable way to generate
high voltage waveforms by using low voltage rated IGBT switches. The cascade
connection structure avoids the unsynchronized operation problem that may cause
damage to the switches in the series connection structure and therefore is safer, more
reliable, and less costly.
Study Case 2: the load range of the generator
The equivalent parallel circuit representation of dielectric materials is shown in
Fig. 4.7(a). The equivalent resistor of insulation materials is in the range of tens of
MΩ to several GΩ, and the range of equivalent capacitance is from tens of pF to
several nF.
(a) Equivalent circuit
(b) Dielectric insulation
Fig. 4.7: Equivalent circuit of a dielectric insulation.
It is clear that the test object has a significant influence on the wave shape of the
pulse voltage produced by the generator, especially when connected to a load with a
large capacitance. The wave shaping resistors (R1 in Fig. 2.5) in the generator are
selected to minimize this influence to a certain tolerance. These wave shaping
resistors are connected in parallel with the load in the circuit. Based on the waveform
generation mechanism in chapter 2, the rise time, the pulse width, and the fall time of
the waveform are predicated by the values of Rcon, C1, R1 and Ctr. The sum of the rise
time, pulse width and the fall time determines the cycle of the square wave, so, Rcon,
C1, R1 and Ctr determines the highest switching frequency of the generator.
Considering most insulation materials and commercially available pulse
capacitors, the value of C1 is chosen to be 2 µF. For ten stages, the total capacitance is
0.2 µF, which is much higher than the capacitance of most test objects. So, C1 can be
neglected in calculating the rise time. The rise time is determined mainly by the
product of Rcon and Ctr. Since the value of Rcon is very small, the rise time can be
limited to less than several hundred nanoseconds.
The fall time is determined by n×(R1//Rload)Ctr, where n is the number of stages in
generator. Since R1 is parallel to the load, the smaller the value of R1, the less the
influence caused by the load. However, low resistance causes high power
consumption and low efficiency, and the pulse width will decrease with a smaller
value of R1. In this thesis, the value of the resistance used is 5 kΩ.
In the simulated circuit, the equivalent circuit model of a parallel combination of a
resistor and a capacitor is used to imitate the any test object. Since n×R1 (50 kΩ) is
much smaller than the equivalent resistance of test object (MΩ to GΩ), the load
resistor can be neglected in the simulation. Figs. 4.8 and 4.9 show the voltage
waveform at the test object which has an equivalent capacitance of 500 pF. As the
frequency increases, the low part of the wave is “chopped” because there is not
enough time available to decrease the voltage to zero.
Fig. 4.8: Voltage waveform at a test object with a 500 pF
equivalent capacitor at a switching frequency of 2 kHz.
Fig.4.9: Voltage waveform at a test object with a 500 pF equivalent
capacitor at a switching frequency of 4 kHz.
The maximum switching frequency that the generator can produce on different
loads, before the waveform chops, is shown in Table 4.1. Fig. 4.10 shows the curve
of maximum frequency vs. the equivalent capacitance of the test load.
Table 4.1 Maximum Switching Frequency of Generator with Different Test loads.
Equivalent Capacitance of
Test Object (pF)
Maximum Switching
Frequency (Hz)
6000 7000
8000 9000 10000
Fig. 4.10: Maximum frequency vs. equivalent capacitance of the test object.
As shown in Table 4.1 and Fig. 4.10, due to the long decay time, the maximum
switching frequency that the generator can produce with a large capacitive load is
very low. In order to decrease the decay time and increase the switching frequency
for a large capacitive load, an auxiliary external resistor can be connected parallel to
the load providing additional path to discharge the load. Table 4.2 shows the
maximum switching frequencies for different loads when a 5 kΩ resistor is connected
in parallel with the load. The disadvantages of this method are high energy
consumption and low output efficiency.
Table 4.2 Maximum Switching Frequency of Generator with Different Test Objects paralleling with a
5kΩ Resistor.
Equivalent Capacitance
of Test Object (pF)
Maximum Switching
Frequency (Hz)
Study Case 3: testing with inductive loads
The simulated circuit for testing with an inductive load is shown in Fig. 4.11. A
500 Ω resistor is connected in series with the load in order to limit the output current.
Fig. 4.11: Test with an inductive load.
Fig 4.12 shows the waveforms of the output voltage, the switch voltage, and the
output current when the load inductance is 2 mH. Fig. 4.13 shows the waveforms
when the inductance of the load is 2 H.
Fig.4.12: Test with a 2 mH inductive load.
Fig. 4.13: Test with a 2 H inductive load.
When testing a low inductance load (2 mH), the output waveform is not a SPWM
wave but a bipolar exponential decay waveform (Fig. 4.12). The exponential voltage
pulse occurs at each IGBT switching period. When testing with a high inductive load
(2 H), the test voltage waveform is a superimposed waveform consisting of a
fundamental sinusoidal waveform and PWM wave (Fig. 4.13). In both cases, the
voltage at the switch is still a PWM waveform with a peak voltage of 1500 V, which
is within the operating voltage range of each stage.
4.2 Experimental results
4.2.1 Open circuit waveforms:
Fig. 4.14 shows the open circuit output waveforms of the generator. The rising and
the failing parts of the waveform are also shown in Fig. 4.14. Table 4.3 lists the rise
time and fall time of the waveform at different peak values of the output voltage.
(a) Square Wave
(b) SPWM Wave
(c) Rise time
(d) Fall time
Fig. 4.14: Voltage and current waveforms with no load connected.
Table 4.3. Rise time and fall time of the waveform with no load connected
Peak Voltage(kV)
Rise time(ns)
Fall time(µs)
As evident from Table 4.3, the rise time and fall time remain at almost the same
level for different peak values of the output voltage.
4.2.2 Tests with different test objects
Three typical test objects were selected for testing: a sample motor coil bar (13.8
kV rated voltage), a cable termination (14 kV rated voltage), and a motor stator coil
(4 kV rated voltage), see Fig. 4.15. The equivalent capacitance and resistance of the
test objects, which are measured at different frequencies, are listed in Table 4.4.
(a) Sample Bar
(c) Coil
(b) Cable termination
Fig.4.15: Test Objects.
Table 4.4 Equivalent capacitance and resistance of test objects.
Test object
Sample bar
Cable termination Test: The output waveforms of the generator when tested
with the cable termination as its load are shown in Fig 4.16. The oscillation and
overshoot at the front part of voltage waveform and the current waveform can be
(a) Square Wave
(b) SPWM Wave
(c) Rising Part
(d) Falling Part
Fig.4.16: Voltage and current waveforms when tested with cable termination.
• Sample bar test: Fig. 4.17 shows the waveforms with the sample bar as the load.
The oscillation and overshoot at the front part of voltage waveform and the current
waveform are significantly greater compared with the open circuit waveform shown
in Fig. 4.14.
(b) SPWM Wave
(a) Square Wave
(d) Falling Part
(c) Rising Part
Fig.4.17: Voltage and current waveforms when tested with a sample bar.
Coil test: A 4 kV form wound motor stator coil was tested with the generator;
the output waveforms are shown in Fig. 4.18. As shown in the voltage and current
waveforms, the durations (up to 20µs) of voltage and current oscillations are longer
than all the other tests.
(a) Square Wave
(b) SPWM Wave
(d) One Pulse of a Voltage Waveform
(c) Rising Part
Fig. 4.18: Voltage and current waveforms when tested with a motor coil.
The upper waveforms show different responses for the various objects tested with
the generator. These variations are due to the different parameters and characteristics
of the test objects. The parameters of the test objects combined with the parameters of
the connecting cable result in different shapes of the voltage and current waveforms,
especially in the waveform fronts. Table 4.5 lists the parameters of the waveforms
that were obtained from tests with different objects.
Table 4.5 Diversity of voltage waveform with different test objects.
Test Object
No Load
Sample Bar
Form Wound
Rise time (ns)
Fall time (µs)
Maximum Voltage
Amplitude (%)*
Duration (µs)
* The maximum voltage overshoot amplitude is defined as [Vmax/( Vmax- Vtop)]×100%,
where Vmax is the maximum voltage of the waveforms and Vtop is the top voltage of the
waveform (the value of the flat part).
4.2.3 Insulation tests under different voltage stresses
A 4 kVrms form-wound model stator coil (Fig. 4.15(c)) was tested under different
voltage waveforms; namely, power frequency, exponential decay pulse, square wave,
and SPWM wave. The middle part of the coil was clamped with two metal plates to
simulate the motor core slot and the test voltages were applied between the coil
terminal and the grounded metal plates.
In the test, a FLIR-SC500 infrared camera with an emissivity spectrum between
7.5 and 13 µm is used to measure the surface temperature of the coil. The temperature
image is displayed in a 320×240 pixel array. The sensitivity of the detector is 0.07 K
at a temperature of 303 K and with an accuracy of 2 K over 273 to 773 K. The
emissivity calibration was conducted on the sample at room temperature with a
thermocouple reading as a reference. Fig. 4.19 shows the test setup for temperature
Fig. 4.19: Temperature measurement setup.
The four types of test voltage waveforms are shown in Fig. 4.20. The test
waveform parameters corresponding to the four test voltage waveforms are given in
Table 4.6.
Table 4.6 Parameters corresponding to the test voltage waveforms.
Test voltage used →
Maximum voltage →
Frequency or
repetition rate →
Rise time →
Fall time →
decay pulse
Square wave
60 × 50Hz
(a) Power Frequency Voltage
(b) 3 kHz Exponential Decay Pulse
(d) 50×60Hz SPWM Wave
(c) 3 kHz Square Wave
Fig. 4.20: Four types of test voltage waveforms.
The infrared images and surface temperature profiles on the surface of the coil at
different stresses are shown in Figs. 4.21 - 4.24. Table 4.7 shows the maximum stable
temperature rise of the motor coil under different voltage stresses, as mentioned
Fig. 4.21: Infrared image and surface temperature profile under a power frequency
voltage of 60 Hz.
Fig. 4.22: Infrared image and surface temperature profile under an exponential
decay pulse.
Fig. 4.23: Infrared image and surface temperature profile under a square wave voltage.
Fig.4.24: Infrared image and surface temperature profile under an SPWM voltage.
Table.4.7 Coil surface temperature rise
Maximum temperature rise (°C)
Power frequency
High repetitive
exponential decay pulse
Square wave
The above test results indicate that the temperature rise on the coil surface varies
significantly depending on the type of voltage waveform used, although the peak
values of these voltages are the same. From Table 4.7, it can be seen that the highest
temperature rise is caused by the SPWM waveform showing a 15 °C rise above the
ambient. The second highest temperature rise observed is for the case of the square
wave, with a 14 °C rise. The high repetitive exponential decay pulse causes only a 3.5
°C temperature rise. Almost no temperature rise was detected in the case of the 60 Hz
power frequency test.
It is difficult to predict the effects of a specific parameter, like rise time, or pulse
width, on the observed temperature rise under square wave and SPWM wave due to
the limited availability of a test data. However, it is easy to see that the stress due to
these waveforms can be significantly severe compared to the other two voltage
waveforms. The following paragraphs provide a possible explanation of the
temperature profiles observed.
The peak value of the voltage overshoot produced by transient is a function of rise
time, the pulse width, as well as the natural resonant frequency of the circuit. The first
two are determined by the voltage source, and the latter one is determined by the
impedances of the connecting cable and the coil. In the case where the pulse width
matches the natural resonant frequency of the circuit, the overshoot reaches a
maximum value that is considerably high in amplitude, and hence, the maximum
dv/dt. As a result, the internal partial discharges can be triggered and cause a high
temperature rise [33, 34].
Another factor that contributes to the significant temperature rise is the
characteristics of the materials in the laminated insulation system of the motor. Some
materials are sensitive to frequency, while others are not as sensitive. Fig. 4.25 shows
the resistance-frequency curves of the two tapes used in the motor insulation system.
The synthetic resin bonded mica tape (solid curve in Fig. 4.25), which is frequently
used in making motor ground wall insulation, is sensitive to frequency. The curve
shows that the tape resistance decreases significantly with an increase in frequency.
In contrast, the conductive tape (dashed curve in Fig 4.25), which is used as a corona
protector in the slot, is not sensitive to changes in the frequency. The resistance of
conductive tape remains the same with the changing frequency.
resistance-frequency curve
Mica T ape(MΩ)
Conductive T ape(Ω)
Fig. 4.25: Resistance-frequency curve of different insulation materials.
Fig. 4.26, Fig. 4.27 and Fig. 4.28 show the frequency spectra of various voltage
waveforms used in this study. The frequency spectra of the SPWM, the square wave,
and the exponential decay pulse were obtained at a sample rate of 1MS/s. Compared
to those of the exponential decay pulse, the harmonic components around the
switching frequency and its multiples of the SPWM wave are significantly different.
In Fig. 4.26, the spectrum is almost continuous in the high frequency area when
compared to high frequency area of exponential decay pulse, Fig. 4.28. When these
high frequency harmonic voltages are applied to the insulation system, the dielectric
loss of frequency dependent insulation materials increases; thus, the heat generated
due to dielectric loss can increase. When these high frequency harmonic voltages are
applied to the insulation system, the dielectric loss of frequency dependent insulation
materials increases; thus, the heat generated due to dielectric loss can also increase.
Additionally, the frequency response characteristic of different materials also
changes the voltage distribution along the insulation layers in a laminated insulation
system for motor coils. For some high frequency harmonic components in the applied
voltage, a higher voltage is distributed at the conductive layer of the ground wall
insulation, which results in an increase of heat generated by the conductive materials.
Fig. 4.26: Frequency spectrum of the SPWM waveform.
Fig. 4.27: Frequency spectrum of the square wave voltage.
Fig. 4.28: Frequency spectrum of the exponential decay.
In summary, because the square wave or the SPWM voltage waveforms have
varying pulse widths, faster rise time (200 ns as opposed to 500 ns for the exponential
decay pulse), and higher frequency harmonic contents, the temperature rise caused by
the square wave or the SPWM waveform is significantly higher than that produced by
the other voltage sources. The fast repetitive exponential decay type pulsed-voltage
[28] or the specific high frequency sinusoidal waveforms that are currently used to
test the insulation performance do not reflect the actual conditions to which the VSC
fed motors are exposed when in operation. Thus, these sources are not suitable for the
qualification and acceptance tests of electric motor insulation systems fed by power
electronic converters.
Since the square and SPWM voltage waveforms generate transients and enhanced
stresses similar to those of the actual VSCs, it is recommended that square and
SPWM voltage waveforms be used as a test source for the qualification and
acceptance test of electric motor insulation systems fed by power electronic
Chapter 5
Summary, Conclusions and Suggestions for Future Work
5.1 Summary and Conclusions
In recent years, pulse width modulated voltage source converters (PWM-VSCs)
have dominated the market for motor drives. This is due to their compact size, high
reliability and high efficiency. However, the PWM-VSCs cause enhanced electrical
and thermal stresses on the motor insulation system resulting in premature failure of
rotating electrical motors. The literature shows that the enhanced electrical and
thermal stress is a result of a combination of factors, which include variations in pulse
width, rise time, fall time, crest value, switching frequency of the PWM waveforms,
and the impedance and frequency response characteristics of the feeding cable and the
Unfortunately, within the motor manufacturing industry there is a lack of
standards and proper insulation test facilities that can sufficiently deal with the
enhanced stress caused by adjustable speed drives. Some tests are performed with
high repetition rate exponential decay pulses or high frequency voltages. The results
of these tests reveal their negative impact on both the motor insulation and the stress
grading coating. However, in practice, the motor insulation is exposed to more
complex waveforms than the high repetition rate pulses with an exponential decay or
high frequency sinusoidal waveforms. It is necessary to test the insulation using a
voltage waveform of similar complexity.
An IGBT-based pulse voltage generator has been developed in this work. The
generator can produce high voltage square wave and SPWM waveforms, which are
similar to the voltage waveforms feeding the motors when they are in operation. Low
voltage IGBT switches (IXBT16N170) are selected for use in the generator. The
generator consists of several stages connected in cascade; each stage is made of IGBT
switches, a capacitor, and a wave shaping resistor. This special cascade connected
structure allows the generator to operate in a stable condition. A microcontroller
based trigger signal generator is used to drive the power electronic switches in the
generator. The control strategies of the firmware in the microcontroller make the
generator flexible. In order to avoid the EMI problem, optical fibre cables are used to
connect the microcontroller-based trigger signal generator to the switches, which are
located in a high electric potential region.
The PSIM simulations compared the series connection and the cascade
connection, and analyzed the load range of the generator in the project. Three types of
test objects were selected to test the performance of the generator.
In order to test the motor insulation performance, a 4 kV form wound coil was
tested under different voltage sources, namely, power frequency voltage, high
repetition rate exponential decay pulse voltage, square wave, and SPWM waveform.
Surface temperature rise were measured by an infrared camera during the tests.
The following conclusions can be drawn from the research presented in this
• An IGBT-based pulse voltage generator has been successfully developed. It can
generate both square wave and SPWM waveform with a peak value up to 15 kV
peak. The switching frequency range for both waveforms is 600 Hz to 6 kHz, and
the fundamental frequency range of SPWM waveform is 20 Hz to 1200 Hz. The
rise time is less than 200 ns. The pulse width can be varied from a few
microseconds to several milliseconds.
• The simulations and experimental tests show that the cascade connection enables
the generator to overcome the problems related to voltage division and
synchronization of switches, which normally exist in a series connected structure.
• The improved cascade circuit design, which is based on “charging in parallel and
discharging in series”, is utilized in the generator. The peak value of the output
voltage can be boosted to several times of the common DC source input voltage, as
a result of the design.
• A microcontroller-based trigger signal generator is used to generate the trigger
signals for IGBT switches. The firmware of the microcontroller enables the
generator to produce different waveforms with the same structural topology. In
addition, the test mode can be set through a keypad in order to satisfy the
requirements for both standard and special tests. The modes include automatic test
and manual test, long-term continuous aging tests, and cyclic aging tests with an
adjustable time interval.
• The use of optical fibre cables to connect the microcontroller-based trigger signal
generator to the switches, which are located in a high potential region, helps avoid
the EMI problem.
• Based on the test results with a 4 kVrms form wound stator coil obtained under
different voltage waveforms, it is concluded that both the square and SPWM
voltage waveforms cause a significantly higher rise in temperature than the power
frequency and exponential decay pulse voltage waveforms. The highest
temperature rise is caused by the SPWM voltage waveform, which can be
attributed to the high dv/dt transient voltage and the significantly complex high
frequency harmonic content. Thus, it is recommended that the stator coil insulation
be analyzed using SPWM voltage waveforms as they are similar to the waveforms
generated by the VSCs.
5.2 Suggestions for future work
With regard to future work on the IGBT-based pulse voltage generator and the
insulation test on rotating electrical machines fed by power electronic converters, the
following directions are proposed:
• With the widely increasing applications of power electronics as well as modern
communication signal techniques in power systems, modern electrical apparatuses
are no longer operated under the stress of the power frequency sinusoidal voltage,
but rather under that of a more complex voltage waveform. Accordingly, test
facilities and equipment should be developed that match these changes and
guarantee the safety and reliability of power systems. Based on the technique
presented in this thesis, a multi-level SPWM voltage source or other voltage
waveform related to power electronics can be developed as a next step toward the
end goal: the development of a multi-functional, flexible, and power electronic
technique-based high voltage test facility.
• In IEC60034-18-42 “Qualification and acceptance tests for partial discharge
resistant electrical insulation systems (Type II) used in rotating electric machine
fed by voltage converts” [28], the recommended test waveform is a high repetitive
exponential decay pulse. However, in this research, tests show that the temperature
rise on the 4 kVrms coil surface is significantly higher when tested with a square
wave or a SPWM waveform than that tested with a high repetitive exponential
decay pulse. More insulation tests should be performed on different coils with the
IGBT-based pulse voltage generator and other sources in order to indicate which
voltage waveform is most suitable as a standard qualification and acceptance test
voltage for electrical insulation systems (Type II) used in rotating electric
machines fed by voltage convertors.
• Future applications of the IGBT-based pulse voltage generator can be developed in
other areas, which include nero fibre spinning, food treatment, and fault location
on transmission lines, high voltage cables, or large motors.
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