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* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Problem 3.3 Use nodal analysis to determine the current Ix and amount of power supplied by the voltage source in the circuit of Fig. P3.3. I V Ix 9A 2Ω 8Ω + _ 40 V 4Ω Figure P3.3: Circuit for Problem 3.3. Solution: At node V , application of KCL gives V V V − 40 =0 −9 + + + 2 4 8 1 1 1 40 V = 9+ + + 2 4 8 8 7V = 9+5 8 V = 16 V. The current Ix is then given by Ix = V 16 = = 4 A. 4 4 To find the power supplied by the 40-V source, we need to first find the current I flowing into its positive terminal, I= V − 40 16 − 40 = = −3 A. 8 8 Hence, P = V I = 40 × (−3) = −120 W (The minus sign confirms that the voltage source is a supplier of power.) c All rights reserved. Do not reproduce or distribute. 2013 National Technology and Science Press