Download 1. Ohm`s Law states that the voltage across a conducting material is

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1. Ohm’s Law states that the voltage across a conducting material is directly proportional
to the current flowing through it, that the constant of proportionality is called as (
(a) resistance
(b) capacitance
(c) inductance
2. If a resistor R in a circuit that some current I flowing through it and the power will be
absorbed (
R2 I
(b) RI
(c) RI
3. To define the current pass through a branch in
circuit, that (
) must be given.
(a) a value
(b) a direction
(c) both (a) and (b)
Figure 1.1
4. In Fig. 1.1, the numbers of node, branch and mesh are (
(a) 4,5 and 4
(b) 4, 6 and 3
(c) 4,5 and 3
5. The circuit showing as Fig. 1.2, if the total current I is
known, then the current I2 pass through the resistor R2
will be (
(a) I  R1 I
(b) I 2  R1 I S
(c) I 2  R2 I S
R1  R2
R1  R2
Figure 1.2
6. In Fig. 1.2, the two resistors connected in parallel and
take values as 10Ω and 15Ω, then combining them in
equivalent may be (
(a) 25Ω
(b) 12.5Ω
(c) 6Ω
7. Three branches connect in a node and the currents
labeled in Fig. 1.3, if known as I1=7A and I2=5A, then the
current I should be equal to(
(a) 2A
(b) -2A
(c) 12A
Figure 1.3
8. The electric circuit shown in Fig. 1.4, if the resistance of R is
increased, then the voltage V across the resistor will be
(a) decreased
(b) increased
(c) unchanged
9. A voltage source will be composed a resistor and a voltage in
solid value. They are should be connected in (
(a) series
(b) parallel
(c) either (a) or (b)
10. Superposition principle is suitable for (
(a) linearity
(b) nonlinearity
) circuits.
(c) both above
Figure 1.4