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Chapter 4
Text pages 88 - 119
Electric Current Flow
The flow of electrical current through a wire is similar in concept to the flow of
water though a pipe…
• A greater force will make a larger current flow
• If a larger wire is used, there is less resistance & more current will flow
• The equation that describes current flow in an electrical circuit is called
Ohm’s Law
• If voltage (force) gets larger, current gets larger
• If Resistance gets larger, current gets smaller
• Current (amps) =
• I = V/R
Voltage (volts) / Resistance
Computer Systems
• PROCESSOR – Heart of the computer
- Place the program is stored
- Information given to a computer
- Screen display or hard copy
Computer Input Devices
Keyboard & Tapes
Light/Touch Sensitive Screens
Hard & Floppy Discs
Optical Character Reader
Speech Recognition
Mouse & Light Pens
Computer Output Devices
• Video Monitor
(Cathode Ray Tube Screen)
• Printers -- Hard Copy
(Dot Matrix, Laser, Ink Jet)
• Audio Output
(Tones, beeps, music, voice)
Types of Computers
• Micro-Computers
(cars, appliances & computers)
• Minicomputers
(used by small companies & individuals)
• Main-Frame
(used by universities, large companies and agencies)
• Supercomputers
(used for research)
• Operating System
(Allows user to control & access memory, printer
& peripheral devices – MSDOS, Windows)
• Applications Program
(Tells computer to carry out specific tasks –
Games, Word Processing, Car Engine Control
• Programming Languages
(Pascal, Basic)
Ch 4 Assignments
Group 1:
• Use these notes and “Living with Technology” text
book to complete the Chapter 4 Work Sheet, Q’s &
– * Do Q’s 3 & 7 on page 115.
– Define the following Terms:
– Complete Ch4 Worksheets (T/F, Multiple-Choice, Fill-in-Blank)
Group 2:
• Complete DC Circuit Quest (See assignment page)
• Pass in