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Unit 5: Evolutionary Biology
Chapter 12: The Theory of Evolution
• Evolution: The changes that have
transformed life from single-celled organisms
of the past to complex organisms seen today
• Darwin proposed that populations of
organisms change over time in response to
environmental pressures
– These changes occur within a population due to
differences of reproductive success
– i.e. “Survival of the fittest”
Survival of the Fittest
• Organisms that are most fit to survive in their
environment are more likely to have offspring
and pass on their genes
• In 1844, Darwin wrote an essay on his theory
of evolution
• He called the theory “Descent with
• He believed that all organisms were
descended from a single unknown prototype
• Over time, organisms have acquired
modifications that make each species unique
Natural Selection
• Darwin proposed that evolution occurs
through a process called “natural selection”
– There is variation within a population
– Individuals with advantageous traits produce
more offspring
– The unequal ability of organisms to survive and
reproduce leads to gradual changes in a
• There are constraints to the process of natural
– Only works on variations present in a population
– Only affects traits that are passed on to offspring
– Causes changes in a population, not an individual
Evidence to support evolution
• Evolution leaves observable signs as clues to
the past
– Fossils support the theory of evolution
• Help to establish the order of when organisms
appeared, even if now extinct
• Scientists can see how similar organisms have changed
over time
Evidence to support evolution
• Anatomical similarities between species also
supports evolution
– Example: Humans, whales, bats and all other
mammals have similar forelimbs
– Structures are similar, even though they perform
very different functions
– Some organisms possess vestigial structures
• An ancestral structure that has lost its use
• For example, some snakes have the remnants of a
pelvis and legs, suggesting that they evolved from
Evidence to support evolution
• Molecular evidence supports evolution
– Today scientists can compare the DNA and protein
sequences of organisms
– Closely related organisms often have similar
amino acid sequences between certain proteins
– Certain fundamental processes, like cell division,
have been conserved throughout evolution from
yeast, to plants to mammals
Evidence to support evolution
• While evolution is usually difficult to observe,
there are some examples that are easy to see
– Example: English peppered moth population
before and after the Industrial Revolution
– These moths spend much of their time on Birch
tree bark (normally have light colored bark)
– Before the Industrial Revolution, 99% of the
moths were light colored and were difficult for
predators to see and catch
Evolution of the English Pepper Moth
• The Industrial Revolution introduced many sootproducing factories
• The soot coated the birch trees, making them black
• Light colored moths became easy to see
• After the Industrial Revolution, 99% of the moth
population was dark colored
Artificial Selection
• Artificial selection is used in the selective
breeding of domesticated plants and animals
• Examples:
– Farmers breed cows to increase milk production and
generate leaner beef
– Crops are selected for higher yields and for taste
– Flowering plants are selected for their large, showy
– Often, characteristics of organisms can be changed in
just a few generations
• This suggests that the same process could occur
via natural selection
Unit 5: Evolutionary Biology
Chapter 12: The Theory of Evolution
• Macroevolution: Major change over very long
• Microevolution: A change in the gene pool of
a population over a few generations.
– Smaller change
Population evolution
• Evolution: The change in the genetic makeup
of a population over time
• In order for a population to evolve:
– The population must have genetic variation
– Genetic variation: Genetic dissimilarity among
members of a population
– Mutations are a major source of genetic variation
– Also, sexual reproduction contributes to genetic
variation (independent assortment and crossing
Population evolution
Sexual Reproduction
Independent assortment
Sexual Reproduction
(aka crossing over)
Genetic Diversity
Individuals do not evolve
• Populations, not individuals, evolve
• Selection occurs at the level of the individual
• The reproductive success of individuals alters
the frequencies of certain traits within a
population, and the population evolves
Allele frequency
• How is the genetic makeup if a population
• Consider the allele frequency of a single gene
• Diploid organisms have two copies of each
gene (may or may not be identical)
• Allele: alternative form of the same gene
• In a population, the relative number of copies
of each allele may be different
• Allele frequency indicates the amount of
genetic diversity in a population
Eye color
• In humans is determined by 3 genes and
multiple alleles
• To simplify, let’s consider just 1 gene
– bey 2 gene
– B allele is dominant (brown eyes)
– b allele is recessive (blue eyes)
Allele frequency
• How many B alleles?
• How many b alleles?
• How many total?
Allele frequency
9 B alleles
11 b alleles
20 total alleles (= B + b)
Let p = the frequency of the dominant allele
= 9/20
= 0.45
• Let q = the frequency of the recessive allele b
= 11/20
= 0.55
Allele frequency
The sum of allele frequencies always equals 1
0.45 + 0.55 = 1
This is possible because we know the
• However, we don’t always know genotypes
• Can be difficult to distinguish between
homozygous dominant individuals and
heterozygous individuals
Hardy-Weinberg Equation
• Possible to estimate alleles frequencies using
the Hardy-Weinberg equation
• p2+2pq+q2 = 1.0
• This equation can only be used when there
are no selective pressures acting on a
population causing it to change
• i.e. this equation describes a population at
• Population that is not changing is at
• Conditions for equilibrium (not changing):
– Population must be very large
– Mating must be random
– No mutations occurring nor evolutionary
pressures acting on the population
Back to eye color…
• p2 = Frequency of BB genotype (homozygous
• q2 = Frequency of bb genotype (homozygous
• 2pq = Frequency of Bb genotype
(heterozygous individuals)
Is this population at equilibrium?
p2+2pq+q2 = 1.0 (at equilibrium)
p = 0.45
q = 0.55
(0.45)2 + 2(0.45)(.055) + (0.55)2 = ?
? = 1; therefore, the population is at equilibrium
Evolutionary change
• Populations are rarely at equilibrium
• Four pressures that can cause populations to
– Genetic drift
– Gene flow
– Non-random mating
– Natural Selection
Genetic drift
• Genetic drift: Changes in gene frequencies of
a small population due to chance
– In small populations, chance events can
permanently change the populations gene pool or
allele frequencies
Bottle Neck Effect
• The bottle neck effect can cause genetic drift
• Due to an event that leads to a significant
reduction in the population
• Only a few individuals survive to pass on their
genes – alters allele frequencies
Founder Effect
• The Founder Effect: Due to the migration of a
few individuals away from a population
• The new population is established in a new
• The allele frequency of the new population
may be very different from that of the old,
depending on the allele frequency of the
founding individuals
Gene Flow
• Gene flow: The change in a population’s allele
frequency resulting from migration
– Can be due to individuals entering or leaving a
– The frequencies of alleles change when individuals
enter or leave a population
Nonrandom mating
• Nonrandom mating: The
selection of mates on the
basis of a trait or group of
traits, not by chance
Nonrandom mating
• Assortative mating: Form of nonrandom
mating; partners resemble each other
– Although it does not change allele frequencies, it
does reduce the number of heterozygous
– Can lead to inbreeding: Mating between
genetically related individuals; increases the risk
that an individual will be born with a homozygous
damaging recessive trait
Nonrandom mating
• Sexual selection: another type of nonrandom
mating; selection based on the evolution of
traits among individuals of the same sex
– Results from either
• Selection by the opposite sex, or
• Competition among individuals of the same sex
Natural selection
• Natural selection
– Adapts organisms to their environments
– Facilitates evolution by increasing or decreasing
the odds that the organism successfully
• Darwinian fitness: The contribution an
individual makes to the gene pool of the next
generation relative to others
– Difficult to measure
– Therefore, scientists look at “relative fitness”
Relative fitness
• Relative fitness: The contribution of a
genotype to the next generation relative to
other genotypes
• The reproductive success of an individual
ultimately depends on its genotype
• Differences in genotype arise from mutation
– Some mutations are harmful, some have no effect
and some are beneficial
– When a beneficial mutation occurs, the individual
has a reproductive advantage
Natural selection
• When an individual has a reproductive
advantage, the population is not at
equilibrium (Hardy-Weinberg equation does
not apply)
• The population evolves
• Favorable mutations accumulate and persist in
a population
Natural selection
• Natural selection changes allele frequency in
three ways
– Stabilizing selection: Minimizes extreme
phenotypes (example – average birth weights –
higher mortality rates in very small or very large
– Directional selection: Shifts phenotype to one
extreme (often caused by environmental shifts –
example – moth color)
– Diversifying selection: favors both extremes
(example – beak sizes of finches in different
How is diversity maintained?
• What prevents natural selection from
eliminating unfavorable traits?
• Are several mechanisms at work:
– The diploid character of most eukaryotes hides
recessive alleles in heterozygous individuals
– Polymorphism: The co-existence of different
alleles in the same population
• Balanced polymorphism: The coexistence of different
alleles without any change in their frequency
Balanced polymorphism
• How does a balanced polymorphism occur?
• Heterozygote advantage: The reproductive
advantage of heterozygous individuals over
homozygous individuals
– Example: the allele for sickle cell disease is
maintained at relatively high levels in some
African countries
– Heterozygous individuals have the selective
advantage of surviving Malaria
Balanced polymorphism
• In plants, inbreeding often results in reduced
yields and increased sensitivity to disease
• Crossing of two inbred varieties produces
hybrid offspring that are more vigorous than
either parent
• Hybrid vigor: The superiority of a hybrid
– Unfavorable recessive alleles are “hidden”
– Promotes heterozygote advantage
Balanced Polymorphism
• The environment plays a role
• Different habitats
• Drive divergent evolution
• Act to preserve different phenotypes
Balanced polymorphism
• Frequency-dependent selection: A type of
selection in which the frequency of a certain
phenotype determines the reproductive success
of the organism
– Reproductive success declines when a phenotype
becomes too common
– Example: HIV evolves rapidly to avoid immune system
detection and destruction and drug intervention
– When a variant becomes too common it is more easily
recognized by the host’s immune system, or targeted
by drugs
Unit 5: Evolutionary Biology
Chapter 12: The Theory of Evolution
Consider Blood Rh Factor
• When a person receives foreign blood, their
immune system may recognize the blood as
being foreign
• The blood may be recognized because of
proteins and sugars present on the outer
surface of the blood cells
• The molecules are classified into blood groups
• Example: ABO group or the Rh factor group
Rh factor
• The Rh blood group is a very complex blood
group polymorphism
• The molecules in this group are collectively
referred to as the Rh factor
• About 85% of the population posses the factor
and are Rh+
• About 15% lack these molecules and are Rh– Serious complications can arise when Rh- mothers
carry Rh+ babies as the mother’s immune system
targets the babies blood as being foreign
For our example…
• We will simplify the Rh factor down to just
two alleles
– One dominant (A) and one recessive (a)
– AA
– Aa
– aa Rh-
• If population size (N) = 100, the total number
of alleles = 200
• The number of A alleles in a population of 100
people = 120
• How many a alleles?
• 80
• Allele frequency = the number of allele copies
total alleles
• The frequency of A = 120/200 = 0.60
• The frequency of a = 80/200 = 0.40
• In this example, we are given the allele
• It can be difficult to determine allele
frequencies and genotype frequencies based
on phenotype alone
• We can use the Hardy Weinberg formula to
calculate genotype and allele frequencies
Hardy-Weinberg Conditions
• Random mating
• Large breeding population
• No differential migration (when individuals with
specific traits leave the population)
• No mutation of the alleles
• No natural selection
• When these conditions are met, populations do
not evolve and allele frequencies do not change
– The Hardy-Weinberg formula can be used to predict
frequencies of future generation