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World History I –SOL 6
1 What geographic feature did Hannibal cross to
invade the Italian peninsula?
A The Atlantic Ocean
B The Himalayas
C The Alps
D The Sahara Desert
5 Which number on the map was the location of the
capital of the ancient Roman Empire?
2 This timeline describes the life of —
A Marcus Aurelius
B Augustus Caesar
C Marc Antony
D Julius Caesar
3 Before the creation of the Twelve Tables, written law
A To prevent patricians from abusing their positions
B To decrease the power fathers held over their families
C To eliminate slavery based on debt
D To decrease the power consuls had over society
4 Which characteristic is associated with both the
Roman and the Greek cultures?
A The rule of emperors
B An army of legionnaires
C Polytheistic religion
D Bicameral legislature
6 Which number on the map marks the location of this
7 Which god kept the same name when adopted from
Greek mythology by the Romans?
A Venus
B Zeus
C Juno
D Apollo
11 What best replaces the question mark?
A Representative Government
B Citizenship Rights
C Social Structure
D Trade Policies
8 Which number marks a province of the Roman
9 Which list places these events in the correct
chronological order?
A 1, 2, 4, 3
B 2, 4, 3, 1
C 3, 1, 2, 4
D 4, 3, 1, 2
10 Which action best completes this diagram?
A Control of price levels
B Adoption of uniform currency
C Prohibition of money lending
D Limitation of economic regulations
12 What was the purpose of this structure?
A To make travel easier
B To carry water
C To practice a religion
D To defend a city
13 Which city was an obstacle to early Rome’s control
of the Mediterranean region?
A Athens
B Carthage
C Alexandria
D Corinth
14 How did Rome’s military conquests affect the
economic and social structures of the Roman Republic
A Slavery became important to Rome’s agricultural
B Soldiers deserted to join enemy armies attacking
C Trade routes fell into disuse throughout the Republic.
D The Republic adopted a monotheistic religion.
15 These statements describe characteristics of the
early –
A Buddhists
B Muslims
C Zoroastrians
D Christians
16 Whose codification of Roman law has strongly
influenced Europe laws of today?
A Marcus Aurelius
B Constantine
C Augustus Caesar
D Justinian
17 which number shows where Roman civilization first
18 One characteristic of the Pax Romana was
widespread –
A Cultural decline
B Economic prosperity
C Political conflict
D Social equality
19 Which choice belongs in this diagram?
A Patricians in section 1
B Plebeians in section 1
C Consuls in section 2
D Emperors in section 2
World History I –SOL 6
1 What geographic feature did Hannibal cross to
invade the Italian peninsula?
A The Atlantic Ocean
B The Himalayas
C The Alps
D The Sahara Desert
5 Which number on the map was the location of the
capital of the ancient Roman Empire?
2 This timeline describes the life of —
A Marcus Aurelius
B Augustus Caesar
C Marc Antony
D Julius Caesar
3 Before the creation of the Twelve Tables, written law
A To prevent patricians from abusing their positions
B To decrease the power fathers held over their families
C To eliminate slavery based on debt
D To decrease the power consuls had over society
4 Which characteristic is associated with both the
Roman and the Greek cultures?
A The rule of emperors
B An army of legionnaires
C Polytheistic religion
D Bicameral legislature
6 Which number on the map marks the location of this
7 Which god kept the same name when adopted from
Greek mythology by the Romans?
A Venus
B Zeus
C Juno
D Apollo
11 What best replaces the question mark?
A Representative Government
B Citizenship Rights
C Social Structure
D Trade Policies
8 Which number marks a province of the Roman
9 Which list places these events in the correct
chronological order?
A 1, 2, 4, 3
B 2, 4, 3, 1
C 3, 1, 2, 4
D 4, 3, 1, 2
10 Which action best completes this diagram?
A Control of price levels
B Adoption of uniform currency
C Prohibition of money lending
D Limitation of economic regulations
12 What was the purpose of this structure?
A To make travel easier
B To carry water
C To practice a religion
D To defend a city
13 Which city was an obstacle to early Rome’s control
of the Mediterranean region?
A Athens
B Carthage
C Alexandria
D Corinth
14 How did Rome’s military conquests affect the
economic and social structures of the Roman Republic
A Slavery became important to Rome’s agricultural
B Soldiers deserted to join enemy armies attacking
C Trade routes fell into disuse throughout the Republic.
D The Republic adopted a monotheistic religion.
15 These statements describe characteristics of the
early –
A Buddhists
B Muslims
C Zoroastrians
D Christians
16 Whose codification of Roman law has strongly
influenced Europe laws of today?
A Marcus Aurelius
B Constantine
C Augustus Caesar
D Justinian
17 which number shows where Roman civilization first
18 One characteristic of the Pax Romana was
widespread –
A Cultural decline
B Economic prosperity
C Political conflict
D Social equality
19 Which choice belongs in this diagram?
A Patricians in section 1
B Plebeians in section 1
C Consuls in section 2
D Emperors in section 2