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„ Virus is the biggest danger
for life on the earth “
Joshua Lederberg
„ Virus is bad news
pack up into the protein“
Sir Peter Medawar
Manová Kateřina
Trachtová Štěpánka
What are viruses?
Viruses are parasitic entities, consisting of
nucleic acid molecules with protective coats,
that are replicated by the enzymatic
machinery of suitable host cells.
They are the least particle
of live substence
Start of virologie
- at the end of the 19 century was
discovered the first virus – Tobacco
mosaic virus by Dmitrij Iwanowsky in
- Tobacco virus was isolated by Wendell
Stanley in 1935
- Loeffler and Frosch confirmed viral
origin of foot and mouth disease
Basic attribute of viruses
- the
size of virus is 30 - 400 nm
- by the nucleic acid we distinguihs DNA and RNA
- beyond host cells
viruses aren´t
- virouses aren´t own
metabolic apparatur
- consits of a nucleic
acid molecule
endcased by a protein
Phase of infection
virus gets on the host
the virus DNA or RNA
penetrates into the cell
RNA is copied into DNA
of cells
the cell being produce
new virouses
after take it out of cell is
her wall dissolved
new viruses are
released and attacked
neighbouring cells
Viruses can infect plants, bacteria and
animals.Each viral species has a very limited
host range that is, it can reproduce in only a
small group of closely relate species.
Virus of plants
Tobacca mosaic virus
It was the first virus to be
discovered and isolated.
Tabaco mosaic virus causes left
mottling and discoloration in
tobacco and many other plants.
T.M.V is a helical virus with spiral
helix RNA (a).
Human and
animals viruses
Infectious diseases are produced from different of
mikroorganismus. In the first place viruses and
We distinguish by scale of infection :
- local infection
- epidemic
- pandemic
DNA virus :
- herpes – cold
- chicken pox
- smallpox
- polyomyelites =
infantile paralysis
RNA virus:
- cold
- influenza
- encephalites
- rubella – German measles
- measles
- mumps
- hepatitida A, B, C, D, E
- rabies
- foot and mouth disease
- ebola
Influenza virus
pain headache, joint
high temperature
Way of disseminate:
air – droplet
Incubation period :
24 – 72 hours
It is annual epidemics, one
of which was recorded by
Hippocrates in 412 B.C.,
are occasionally.
Danger of flu is often
disapraged. Influenza virus
is animal virus too and is
transmited on person.
Influenza virus
In this century was relived
ever 4 variant of
influenza viruses. They
all cause of pandemie.
Only one witness
to Spanish flu 1918 –
blocks with tissue slides
and death notice
1918 – 1920 Spanish flu
30 milion lives were lost
1957 – Asian flu
1968 – Virus Hong- Kong
1977 – virus of Russian flu
Expresses: individual
Way of disseminate:
AIDS – Acquired
all bodies liquids
immune deficiency
sexual intercourse
Incubation period :
individual – some years
Year of identification: 1983
Agent : HIV virus – Human
immunodeficiency virus
T4 lymphocyt infect
of HIV – virus
( blue formations)
AIDS is the mortal illness
with a long incubation
period. Virus HIV attack T4
lymphocyt – cells make up
In the world are infected 40
milion people today. In the
Czech republic are infected
500 – 600 persons every
Ebolla - haemophilia temperature
pain headache
diarrhoea, vomiting
internal bleeding
Way of disseminate:
all bodies liquids
Year of identification:
Incubation period :
death up to 3 days
Agent : filovirus Ebola
At first Ebola was
desoribed in Kongo
(Zair) and was named
after local river.
SARS – acute syndrom of respiratory tract
the first global epidemic of century
Expresses: heavy inflammation of
Way of disseminate:
air – droplet infection
Year of identification:
2002 - 2003
Incubation period : some hours
Agent : coronaviridae SARS
- SARS comes from east Asia
- the most often occurrence :
Hong Kong, Singapur,
China, Canada
- SARS is bird flu
- cause of illness is
coronaviridae which is
transmited from bird to
- on the surface has protein
- this protein produce
- danger is high variability
herpes, cold sore
- opar
chicken pox, smallpox
- plané neštovice
polyomyelites, infantile paralysis - dětská obrna
- rýma
influenza, flu
- chřipka
rubella, German measles
- zarděnky
- spalničky
- příušnice
- vzteklina
- projevy
- krvácivost
inflammation of lungs
- zánět plic
střevní potíže
internal bleeding
vnitřní krvácení
Acquired immune deficiency syndrome
získané selhání imunity
Human immunodeficiency virus
Biochemistry – Donald Voet