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Life Long Learning Academy
Winter 2014
Rise of the Roman Empire
Instructor: Daniel Stephens
[email protected]
The Founding: The Founding of Rome, The Roman Kings, The
Founding of Roman Religion, Military, and Government, and the fall of
the Roman Kings.
The Republic: Establishment of the Roman Republican, The 12 Tablets,
The houses of Government, Defeat of the Etruscans, The Gallic
Roman Expansion: Rome’s military re-structure, The Samnite Wars,
The Latin League, Moving out to take Italy, Pyrrhic victory, and Masters
of the Boot.
Rome Conquers the World: The Punic Wars, Hannibal Barca, Cannae,
Scipio Africanus, and “Carthage Must Be Destroyed,” Rome Colonizes
Africa, Rome takes Greece and Persia, Roman government in the
territories, what it meant to be a Roman citizen.
The Republic Begins to Crack: Roman Civil War, extending
citizenship, Lucius Cornelius Sulla, Sulla vs. Marius. Sulla purges
The First Triumvirate: fallout over Sulla’s dictatorship, the rise of
Crassus, Pompey, and Caesar, The Spartacan slave rebellion, Caesar
goes to Gual. Vercingetorix and Alesia. Pompey vs. Caesar.
Death of the Republic: The second Roman civil war. Pompey dies in
Egypt, Caesar and Cleopatra, unrest in Rome, Caesar’s assassination, the
Third Roman Civil War, the Rise of Octavian and Anthony.
The Rise of the Empire: War that erupts between Anthony and
Octavian, Anthony and Cleopatra, the battle of Actium, The death of
Anthony and Cleopatra, Julian Caesar Augustus.
Bibliography Bédoyère, G. d. (2006). The Romans for Dummies. West Sussex: John Wilet & Sons, Ltd. Hill, D. (2007). Ancient Rome. Bath, UK: Parragon Chartist House. Nardo, D. (2002). The Rise of the Roman Empire. Dover: Grfeenhaven Press. PhD., J. F., & Drummond, A. P. (1993). The World of the Romans. New York: Oxford Universoty Press. Potter, D. (2007). Emperors of Rome. Quercus.