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. __________ Date:
The Greek World
Chapter 10-Section 1
1. Persia became an
the Great.
2. The Persian Empire grew stronger under _ _ _ _ _ _ __
3. The Persians fought
twice in the Persian Wars.
Define the following key terms.
1. cavalry:
2. Persian Wars:
Exp Iamw
h1y th e f o II owmg peop e are 1mpo rt an.
1. Cyrus the Great:
2. Darius 1:
3. Xerxes 1:
Answer the followmg questions.
1. Who created the Persian Empire?
2. How did Darius I change Persia's political organization?
3. Why did Darius and Xerxes want to conquer Greece?
4. Describe the empire of Cyrus the Great.
5. Why did peoples conquered by Cyrus the Great seldom rebel?
6. How did Persia's roads help improve the empire's organization?
7. Why did Persia want to invade Greece?
Fill in the chart below with the following information: Battle-list the major
battles of the Persian War; Armies-who fought in each battle; Winnerw h owon; Resu It-wh at happene d as a resu It o f eac h battl e.
Name:--~--------- Date:
The Greek World
Chapter 10-Section 2
1. The ______ built a military society to provide
2. The ______ admired the mind and the
in addition to
physical activity.
3. Sparta and Athens fought over who should have _______ and
influence in Greece.
Define the following key terms.
1. alliance:
2. Peloponnesian War:
A nswer th e f o II owmg ques f 1ons.
1. What was the most important element of Spartan society?
2. Why did girls in Athens receive little education?
3. What happened after the Peloponnesian War?
4. How long did Spartan men stay in the army?
5. How did the army affect life in Sparta?
6. What skills did rich Athenian boys learn in school?
7. How might the government of Athens have influenced the growthof its
educational system?
8. Which city-state won the Peloponnesian War?
9. Why did many city-states form an alliance against Athens?
Use the graphic organizer below to compare and contrast life in Sparta and
Athens before the Peloponnesian War.
...___Military _ __.
+---- Women --·~
Name:---~-~----~ Date:--~~_....,...- Period:-~...,..,.......~
The Greek World
Chapter 10-Section 3
1. Macedonia conquered
in the 300's BC.
2. Alexander the Great built an empire that
much of Europe,
Asia, and _ _ _ __
3. The Hellenistic
formed from Alexander's empire blended
Greek and other _ _ _ _ __
Define the following key terms.
1. phalanx:
2. Hellenistic:
Explain why the following people are important.
1. Philip II:
2. Alexander the Great:
Answer the followmg questions.
1. How was Philip II able to conquer Greece?
2. What steps did Alexander take to create his empire?
3. What king conquered Greece in the 300's BC?
4. What territories did Alexander the Great conquer?
5. Why did Alexander destroy Thebes?
6. Why do you think Alexander named so many cities after himself?
7. What three kingdoms were created out of Alexander's empire after his death?
Fill in the chart below with the 4 major accomplishments of Alexander the
Alexander the
Name:----~------ D a t e : - - - - - - Period: _ _ __
----------------------------------------------------------------------The Greek World
Chapter 10-Section 4
1. The Greeks made great ________ to the arts.
2. The teachings of
, Plato, and Aristotle are the basis of
modern - - - - - 3. In
, the Greeks made key discoveries in _ _ __
medicine, and engineering.
Define the following key term.
11. reason:
Exp Iam
. w hty th e fo II owmg peop e are 1mpo rtan.
1. Socrates:
2. Plato:
3. Aristotle:
5. Hippocrates:
Answer the following questions.
4. Euclid:
1. What were some forms of art found in ancient Greece?
2. What did ancient Greek philosophers like Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle want to
find out?
3. What advances did Greek scientists make in medicine?
4. What two types of drama did the Greeks invent?
5. Why did Greek columns bulge in the middle?
6. How did studying the human body help Greek artists make their statues look
7. How did Socrates teach? What is this method of teaching called?
8. Why do some people call Greece the birthplace of the Western world?
Fill in the chart below with at least one contribution each person made to
the arts and sciences.