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Global History and Geography 9R M.Crotty Greece and Rome Study Guide Greece Vocabulary/Individuals: Polis, acropolis, direct democracy, limited democracy, Athens, Sparta, city-state, Golden Age of Greece, Pericles, tragedy, comedy, Sophocles, Aristarchus, Archimedes, Leonidas, Hippocrates/Hippocratic Oath, Pythagorus/Pythagorean Theorem, philosophers, Socrates/Socratic Method, Plato, The Republic, philosopher-king, Aristotle, Persian Wars, Peloponnesian Wars, Philip II, Macedonia, Alexander the Great, Hellenistic Culture Questions/Themes to Consider: 1. How did geography impact the people of ancient Greece? 2. In what ways were Athens and Sparta different? 3. How was Athenian democracy limited? 4. How did Pericles contribute to the Golden Age of Greece? 5. What are the lasting contributions of the Greeks in the fields of architecture, sculpture, drama, science, math, medicine and philosophy during its’ golden age? 6. What were the beliefs of Socrates, Plato and Aristotle? 7. What were the causes and effects of the Persian and Peloponnesian Wars? 8. What is the legacy of Alexander the Great? Rome Vocabulary/Individuals: Etruscans, Republic, senate, consuls, tribunes, patricians, plebeians, Twelve Tables, Punic Wars, Hannibal Barca, dictator, Julius Caesar, Pompey, Marc Antony, Augustus/Octavian (to be covered on Thursday) 1. Describe the structure of the Roman Republic. How did the Latins’ experience with the Etruscans lead them to create a republic? 2. Why were the Laws of the Twelve Tables significant? 3. In what ways have the principles of Roman law influenced the United States? 4. What were the causes and effects of the Punic Wars? 5. Why was there a hundred year civil war in Rome? 6. How was Caesar viewed by soldiers, workers and senators? 7. How did Augustus (Octavian) become the leader of the Roman Empire? (we will cover Thursday) 8. What were the achievements of the Pax Romana? (we will cover Thursday)