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1.2.4 - A healthy, active lifestyle
and your muscular system
You need to know the muscles in the diagram below and how they work when doing physical activity to
create movement.
Remember to try an learn the spellings.
You need to know that muscle contract to cause movement. Because muscle
can only pull when they contract they work in pairs to create a range of
movement around a joint. When muscles work in pairs they are said to be
working antagonistically.
The Bicep and Triceps work as a pair to bend and straighten the arm.
When the arm bends the movement is called Flexion.
When the arm straightens the movement is called Extension.
You need to know the movements that occur in
the body during physical activity and the
muscles that work to create the movements.
You need to know the movements that occur in the body during physical
activity and the muscles that work to create the movements.
Movements of the body
You need to be able to describe, with examples, isotonic and isometric contraction and
explain the difference between them in relation to various sporting activities.
Isotonic contraction - muscle contraction that results in limb movement. i.e.
running a race, kicking a football.
Isometric contractions - muscle contraction which results in increased tension
but the length does not alter, eg, when pressing against a stationary object.
Effects of exercise on the muscular system
You need to know the long term and short term effects of exercise on the muscular
system for the exam.
Short term effects
When you exercise your muscles contract and lengthen (relax) To allow this to happen
the body uses energy to create the contractions. As you exercise your body needs more
energy to keep the body moving.
The body combines glycogen and oxygen in the working muscles to make energy. A
supply of blood is needed to continually replenish oxygen and glycogen stores.
Regular exercise and training help your muscles improve their ability to produce energy
and the blood vessels in the muscles become more efficient so that they can cope with the
process better.
Increase body temperature
Muscle fatigue
Lactic acid
Faster heart rate
Increase carbon dioxide production
Long term effects.
The whole muscular system benefits from regular exercise. This
includes the involuntary muscles (internal muscles around our organs
that keep our body functioning) and voluntary muscles (muscles we
use to create movement). As well as the skeletal muscles
contracting to create movement they are also important to create
stability and maintain good posture. When you train muscles they
become stronger and grow in size.
Increased muscle size - hypertrophy
When you train muscle using the principle of progressive overload, for example with
weights, applies varying levels of stress to the skeletal muscles. As you exercise the
muscles fibres become damaged as they are put under stress. The tiny muscle fibres are
pulled apart. The body repairs these damages when we rest and build the fibres back
slightly stronger. This is why it is important to allow the body time to rest and recover
As muscles repair the resulting increase in muscle mass is known
as muscle hypertrophy. Thicker muscles can contract more
strongly. So regular exercise increase muscle size and strength.
Muscle size,
Muscle strength,
Muscle power (as a result of strength x speed)
Muscular endurance
Increased strength of ligaments
Increased myoglobin
Increased mitochondria
If you stop training then muscle reduce in size again through the principle of reversibility.
This is called muscular atrophy
Rest and recovery
If you do not allow your body long enough to recover properly you could risk injuring
yourself through overuse.
After an intense training session and may take up to 48 hours for the muscle to repair
properly. As your body gets used to training your body can become more efficient at
repairing and it can reduce the time it takes to recover fully.
After an intense training session and may take up to 48 hours for the muscle to repair
properly. As your body gets used to training your body can become more efficient at
repairing and it can reduce the time it takes to recover fully.
Your muscles are made up of protein. By eating a high protein diet you can speed up the
rate at which your body can build and repair muscle; shortening your rest and recovery
Steroids stimulate the body to produce muscle proteins at a faster rate. This also speeds
up the time it takes to build and repair muscles. This is why some athletes use illegal
drugs in sport and take the risks of being caught.
Training regularly also effects the soft tissue that is involved with movement and joints.
Regular exercise improves the strength of tendons (attach muscles to bone) and
ligaments (attach bone to bone). Regular exercise also increases the strength of bones.
All of these benefits have a positive effect on the body as they reduce the chance of
injuries occurring in these areas.
Training regularly produces a firmer looking body and a better posture.
2. Which of the following muscles adduct the upper arm at the shoulder as a
swimmer moves his arms in preparation for a dive from the starting blocks?
(Total 1 mark)
Some elite gymnasts have been found guilty of taking drugs to
improve their performance. If a male gymnast took an anabolic steroid
what aspect of health-related exercise would he hope to improve?
Muscular strength.
Cardiovascular endurance.
(Total 1 mark)
This question relates to the immediate effects of exercise, the effects
of regular training and the long term benefits of exercise.
Read the statements and decide whether A, B, C or D is correct.
Type of effect/benefit
Description of effect
Immediate effect of
An increase in muscle
System affected
Circulatory & Muscular
The description matches the type of effect/benefit AND the
system affected is correct.
Only the description matches the stated type of effect/benefit.
The description matches the system affected, but not the
stated type of effect/benefit.
There are no links.
(Total 1 mark)
Which of the following muscles allows abduction of the arm at the
shoulder during a tennis serve?
Latissimus dorsi
(Total 1
The gymnast in the photograph below is holding a handstand position.
The following statements refer to muscle contractions:
Contraction with no visible movement
Isometric contraction
Contraction with visible movement
Isotonic contraction
The muscles in the gymnast’s body are working to maintain this
position. Name the type of muscle contraction taking place, using A, B,
C or D.
(Total 1 mark)
The following statements all relate to the effects of exercise on the
muscular and skeletal systems.
An increase in muscle size.
Muscle fatigue.
An increase in bone density.
An increase in muscular endurance.
Which of the statements is a short-term effect of exercise on the
muscular system?
Which of the statements is a long-term effect of exercise on the
skeletal system?
(Total 2 marks)
The diagram below shows a performer completing a press up, as part
of his Circuit Training programme. Position A shows the performer
lowering his body to the ground. Position B shows the performer
supporting his body weight in a stationary position.
Position A
Position B
Which of the following statements describes the muscle
movement as the performer lowers his weight to Position A?
Which of the statements describes the muscle movement as the
performer supports his weight at Position B?
(Total 2 marks)
9. What is the role of protein and how does this help the performer?
Advantage to performer
(Total 2
10. (a)
Some elite gymnasts have been found guilty of taking drugs to
improve their performance. If a male gymnast took an anabolic
steroid what aspect of fitness would he hope to improve?
(b) What would happen to the athlete if he was found guilty of taking
performance enhancing drugs?
(Total 2
11. Identify two possible health risks of taking anabolic steroids.
Health risk 1
Health risk 2
(Total 2
12. The performer shown in the Figure below is about to play a shot.
(a) The players arms are ………………………………………….. at the elbow
(b) The muscle that contracts to bring about this movement is
…………………………………………….. …………………………… (1)
Name the muscle that works antagonistically with the hamstrings.
Explain the term antagonistic in relation to muscle action.
(Total 4
The photograph below shows a gymnast on a beam
During her routine the gymnast will use a variety of muscles. Which
muscles are responsible for the following actions?
Abduction of the upper arm at the shoulder in preparation
for a cartwheel
Adduction of the upper arm at the shoulder as she moves
her arms in for a diving forward roll
Pointing of her toes as she walks across the beam
Flexion of the trunk before moving into a handstand.
(Total 4
14. Gymnasts train to improve their performance in their sport.
State one possible effect of regular anaerobic training on the
muscular system
State two possible long-term health benefits of exercise
(Total 3
15. Muscles move the bones they are attached to. Name two of the
muscles of the leg that are used when running.
(Total 2 marks)
16. (a)
What joint action is shown at the elbow of the arm holding the
rounders bat?
Which muscle is contracting to allow this joint action to take
(c) Which muscle is relaxing to allow this joint action to take place?
(Total 3
17. When sprinting, Marvin’s muscles work antagonistically. Complete the
following statements to explain what is happening when he is sprinting.
(a) When muscles work antagonistically, one muscle
................................................and the other muscle
(b) As the muscles work they change the shape of the leg at the
knee. When the leg straightens it is called ............................................. and
when it
bends it is called
(c) The muscles responsible for straightening the leg at the knee are the
............................................................. . The ....................................... bend
leg at the knee.
(Total 6
18. All athletes need to have a proper balanced diet in order to perform at
the best of their ability. Explain why?
(Total 3
19. (a) Explain how voluntary muscles contract?
(b) Give an example of an involuntary muscle
(Total 2 mark)