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Chapter 15 Lesson 3
Portugal Leads the Way
Henry the
• Since Middle Ages, Europeans craved
luxury goods from Asia
• Merchants from England, France, Spain,
and Portugal wanted an Asian sea route
• Portuguese, with help from the
government, were first to succeed
- Prince Henry opened school for
navigators, mapmakers, and shipbuilders
- also sponsored explorations, so became
known as “the Navigator”
• Sponsor: person who gives money for an
Portugal Leads the Way
• Henry the Navigatorʼs school made
advances in technology
• Caravel: ship designed for long voyages;
with square and triangular sails
• Portuguese sailors used the Greek
astrolabe to find a ships' latitude
• Astrolabe—measures the angle of stars
above the horizon
Portugal Leads the Way
• By 1460, Portugal had trading posts along
the African west coast
developed profitable trade in gold, ivory,
and slaves
In 1488, explorer Bartolomeu Dias
rounded Africaʼs southern tip
Vasco da Gama extended Diasʼ route; he
sailed east to India in 1498
Portugal had trading posts in India, and
the Spice Islands
In time, Portugal dominated European
trade with Asia
Columbus Reaches America
First Voyage
• Columbus believed he could reach Asia
faster by sailing West.
• Some people thought this was strange
and both Spain and Portugal rejected it at
• Columbus convinced Spain’s monarchs to
sponsor his plan.
• August 1492 Columbus departed Spain
with three caravels and ten weeks later
reached land.
Columbus Reaches America
• Columbus thought land was India.
• He thought he was greeted by “Indians”
• No trade goods could be found.
• Columbus set up a settlement and
returned to Spain.
Columbus Reaches America
The Treaty of
• Spain and Portugal wanted to protect
their discoveries.
• They signed the Treaty of Tordesillas.
- they drew an imaginary line around
the world.
- Spain could lay claim to the lands to
the west of the line and Portugal to
the east of the line.
Columbus Reaches America
• Spain’s Ferdinand and Isabella sent
Columbus on three more voyages.
• Columbus found many islands, but could
not find a route to Asia.
• The Spanish monarchs lost patience with
• In 1506, Columbus died bitter and lonely
and insisted that he had reached India.
Exploration After Columbus
Circling the
• After Columbus’ voyages, many Europeans sailed
to America.
• Spain sponsored Portuguese sailor Ferdinand
Magellan in 1519.
• Magellan was attempting to be the first person
to circumnavigate the globe.
• Magellan sailed around South America into the
Pacific Ocean.
• He landed in the Philippine Islands and was
killed in a war.
• His depleted crew finished the trip.
Exploration After Columbus
Circling the
• After Columbus’ voyages, many Europeans sailed
to America.
• Spain sponsored Portuguese sailor Ferdinand
Magellan in 1519.
• Magellan was attempting to be the first person
to circumnavigate the globe.
• Magellan sailed around South America into the
Pacific Ocean.
• He landed in the Philippine Islands and was
killed in a war.
• His depleted crew finished the trip.
Exploration After Columbus
• In 1500s, many Spanish explorers went to
America seeking gold.
• Hernan Cortes conquered the rich Aztec empire.
• Within ten years, Spain won control of the entire
• They enslaved many who lived in today’s Mexico
and Central America.
• Francisco Pizarro led the attack on the Incan
empire that killed the Incan emperor.
• by 1535, Spain controlled most of the Incan
lands and had Incan slaves work the mines.
Exploration After Columbus
in the North
• Hernando de Soto explored today’s southern
United States.
• England and France sponsored attempts to find
the Northwest Passage to Asia.
• While looking for the Northwest Passage, John
Cabot claimed the coastal lands in North
• Verrazano’s search for the Northwest Passage
ended at New York Harbor.
• France’s Cartier explored the St. Lawrence River
inland through Canada.
Exploration After Columbus
and New
• Each new voyage and discovery changed the
European view of Earth.
• Maps in the 1500s began showing two the
continents: the Americas
• The Americas were named after mapmaker
Amerigo Vespucci.
• He was the first to explore and map the coasts of
the new continents.
Exit Question:
What mistaken idea about the
world led Columbus to identify
the new world as India?
Why did the monarchs of Spain
doubt that Columbus had
reached India?