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The Roman Republic
The Romans Create a Republic
I. The Beginnings of Rome
A. Legend has it that Rome was founded in 753 B.C.
The Romans Create a Republic
B. Geographic features included:
1. It was located on the Tiber River
2. Rome was surrounded by very fertile soil and it had
a mild climate.
The Romans Create a Republic
3. It was close enough to the ocean for trade, but far
enough away to protect from sea invasion.
The Romans Create a Republic
C. Three groups of people the Latins, Greeks and the
Etruscans formed Roman society.
1. Latins – They were shepherds and the original
settlers of Rome.
The Romans Create a Republic
2. The Greeks – They brought colonies to Italy along
with their culture.
3. The Etruscans – These people were skilled
metalworkers, engineers and they had a written
The Romans Create a Republic
D. Roman religious beliefs came from the Etruscans
and the Greeks.
The Romans Create a Republic
II. The Early Republic
A. The Roman monarchy was deposed and a republic
was set up in 509 B.C.
The Romans Create a Republic
Roman society was divided into two groups.
1. Patricians – They were aristocratic landowners who
held most of the political power.
The Romans Create a Republic
2. The Plebeians – They were common farmers,
artisans and merchants who made up the majority
of population.
The Romans Create a Republic
3. The struggle for political power forces the Senate
(composed of patricians) to allow the plebeians to
elect their own assembly called Tribal Assembly.
The Romans Create a Republic
B. The Twelve Tables were a written law code. This
establishes the idea that patricians and plebeians
are protected by the same laws.
The Romans Create a Republic
C. The Romans claimed to have had a balanced government.
1. Consuls were the leaders of Rome. There were two; one
commanded the army, the other the government. They
each had limited power.
- Ruled for one year
- One could veto others plans
The Romans Create a Republic
2. The Senate was both the legislative and
administrative bodies in the Republic. Membership
was for life and it provided stability for Rome.
The Romans Create a Republic
3. The assemblies (Centuriate-patrician and Tribalplebeian) were the more democratic elements of
The Romans Create a Republic
4. A dictator would be appointed in times of crisis.
- Power lasted for 6 months
- Chosen by the Consuls
- Elected by the Senate
The Romans Create a Republic
III. Rome Spreads its Power
A. The Roman army consisted of all citizens that
owned land. They were formed into legions and by
The Romans Create a Republic
B. The legions organizational and fighting skill led to
military greatness.
C. Rome had subdued all of Italy by 256 B.C.. Romans
were very lenient toward conquered people and
this made it easy to make allies.
The Romans Create a Republic
D. Romans were expert traders. Its central location
made it a commercial powerhouse.
The Romans Create a Republic
E. Rome clashed with Carthage over trade and they
fought three wars with Carthage called The Punic
The Romans Create a Republic
1. The First Punic War 264-241 B.C. – Rome won Sicily
2. In the Second Punic War a Carthaginian general named
Hannibal almost conquered Rome. In 202 B.C. Hannibal is
forced to go to North Africa to defend Carthage from attack.
The Roman general Scipio the Elder defeats him.
The Romans Create a Republic
3. The Third Punic War 149 -146 B.C. – Rome is jealous of the
wealth of Carthage and still angry over the destruction of
Italy during the second war and it destroys Carthage. 50,000
people are sold into slavery.
Rome has now won complete control of the Mediterranean Sea.
HW: TA 6 B
Read pages: 160 – 165
Copy and Define Terms (5) page: 165
Copy and Answer Questions 11 & 12 page: 184