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Date 01 02 2011
[email protected]
These articles describe a concept for gravitation that holds for all atomic
elementary structures, all conventional bodies of matter, dark matter, and dark
energy. It suggests a structural formation of particles within all atomic
structures that gives rise to the evolution of the elements in a structured order
and the generation of gravity waves from within every Proton in every Atom.
The disruption of these waves produces what appears to be a monopole force of
gravitational attraction, from all bodies of elementary matter.
A clear definition is suggested for the three different type of mass and how each
is generated, even though their summated values may be identical.
It describes how Neutron star gravity differs from conventional gravity yet still
appears to register on conventional gravity meters.
Gravitation from dark matter is explained with a description of how the
generation of gravity ceases when the criticality of attraction is reached and a
Big Bang Event ensues. Dark energy is explained with a suggestion of how it
always will be in existence as background gravitation and how it evolves.
The speed of the Planets in their solar trajectories is linked in proportionality to
their linear distance from the Sun with due note made to the extreme radial
speed of gravitation through the trajectory of Mercury and its orbital precession.
The cyclical universe is proposed, suggesting the controller of matter
throughout the universe is gravitation even though its control is chaotic, but
absolute. Relativity was introduced to resolve many of the problems associated
with gravitation but it poses more questions than it resolves. The logic of
mathematics is truly a wonderful and absolute proof justifying man’s
observations, but if that proof is based on a false assumption then the logic
becomes meaningless. Gravity generates Mass, Gravity attracts negative charge
and charge particles, therefore Mass is affected by motion through gravitation,
as are all electromagnetic waves.
Relativity gives us an approximation to an understanding but understanding
gravitation and mass is needed to finally bring the truth of how gravity is
generated and how mass is affected.
General relativity is the theory of gravitation published by Albert Einstein.
It is the current description of gravitation providing a unified description of
gravity as a geometric property of space and time, or space-time.
Many predictions of general relativity differ significantly from those of classical
physics, especially concerning the passage of time, the geometry of space, the
motion of bodies in free fall, and the propagation of light. Examples of such
differences include gravitational time dilation, lensing, redshift, and time delay.
Man needs to finally understand fully the nature of Gravitation, its affects upon
Mass, and the effects of gravitation and mass upon all electromagnetic waves.
It is hoped within these articles to explain an alternative view which reconciles
Newtonian Physics with the misunderstandings introduced by relativity in its
many forms.
Gravitational force.
Magnetic force.
Active, Passive, and Inertial Mass.
Atomic Structures.
Dark Matter
Dark Energy
Time Dilation. ( apparent )
It is intended to resolve many of the above issues using the new concept for
1. The laws of physics are the same for all observers in uniform motion relative
to one another
2. The speed of light in a vacuum is the same for all observers, regardless of
their relative motion or of the motion of the source of the light.
3. Relativity of simultaneity two events, simultaneous for one observer, may
not be simultaneous for another observer if the observers are in relative
4. Time dilation moving clocks are measured to tick more slowly than an
observer's "stationary" clock.
5. Length contraction: Objects are measured to be shortened in the direction
that they are moving with respect to the observer.
6. Mass – Energy equivalence: E = mc2, energy and mass are equivalent and
7. Maximum Speed is finite no physical object or message or field line can
travel faster than the speed of light in a vacuum.
The development of general relativity began with the equivalence principle
which states that free fall is inertial motion. This resulted in Einstein’s proposal
that space-time is curved. He devised the Einstein field equations which relate
the curvature of space-time with the mass, energy, and momentum within it.
Some of the consequences of general relativity are:
1. Clocks run more slowly in regions of lower gravitational potential, this is
called Gravitational Time dilation.
2. Orbits precess in a way unexpected in Newton's theory of gravity
Observed in the orbit of Mercury and binary pulsars.
3. Rays of Light bend in a gravitational field.
4. Rotating masses "drag along" the spacetime around them; a phenomenon
termed frame dragging.
5. The Universe is expanding, and the far parts of it are moving away from
us faster than the speed of light.
Overview of concept
This concept for gravitation describes the only action that can generate what
appears to be a monopole force of gravitational attraction from within all bodies
of matter.
Within all protons, with or without electrons in orbital trajectories, the protons
two up quarks and one down quark oscillate by repulsion between the two up
quarks and their attraction to the one down quark empowered by the strong
force mediated by gluons. This produces two gravity waves at identical
frequencies, generated from the up quarks at the extremities of their movement.
These two gravity waves, at identical frequencies with opposing directional
phase potentials, interfere with all other gravity waves to produce disrupted
pulses of gravitation with a positive potential bias emanating outwards from all
bodies of matter.
Each proton generates two orbital trajectories, spin up, spin down, only one of
which can be occupied by an electron. This is because the negative charge
displacement of one electron debars a second electron by repulsion.
The resulting disrupted gravitational waves appear as a monopole source of
positive pulses emanating from the centre of all bodies of matter attracting all
negative charge particles in all bodies of matter, and photons in the more
negative half cycle of all electromagnetic waves at any frequency. These pulses
of disrupted gravity waves attract all negative charge and charge particles,
electrons, down Quarks, neutrons, photons etc. They also repel all positive
charge and charge particles, protons, up quarks, and gravitational pulses. These
forces develop into an equilibrium of force when acting between bodies of
matter in space.
The disruption of gravity waves is caused by interference resulting in a
reduction in the charge potential of gravitational pulses, these individual pulses
of gravitation have such low positive potentials they may never be monitored
The gravity wave cycle within the Proton
At the up quarks closest position the two gravity waves generate their lowest
charge potential. As the up quarks repel outwards, the two wave potentials
increase. This is the positive phase of the two gravitational waves attracting the
electron out of its trajectory.
This follows with a rapid decline in potential as the negative potential from the
stressed coherence of the two waves force the two up quarks back toward the
down quark, together with the attraction from the down quark, and the
restraining effect of the strong force.
This is the negative phase of the two gravity waves repelling the electron out
into its trajectory. Wave coherence occurs momentarily between the two gravity
waves generated within the Protons, these become stressed, with greater
attractive force, when the two up quarks are at their maximum distance. This
reaction produces a similar effect to that envisaged from the strong force.
The formation and structure of quarks within the nucleus of Protons and
Neutrons is critical for the development of the Atomic Elements and the
generation of Gravitational Force.
The structure of quarks in the nucleus of all atoms is an assembly within protons
and neutrons comprising up and down quarks, arranged in parallel similar to
batteries connected in parallel but in this case with three terminal connections.
These sub-atomic particles are arranged with the protons two positive up quarks
and the one down quark, connected by attraction to the neutrons 2 down quarks
and 1 up quark, etc, etc, along the length of parallel type connections.
The charge potentials from the quarks within the protons and neutrons
accumulate in two directions from the centre point outwards.
The neutron produces waves of charge but at extremely ineffective potentials,
confined within the protons positive potentials.
The neutrons quark group provides attractive charge stability along the length of
the proton connections which would become unstable without this attractive
The above is based on the following suggestion for the atomic element
Atoms appear to be structured with two similar ends, and 7 types of electron
s shell carries 2 electrons
p shell carries 8 electrons
d shell carries 18 electrons
f shell carries 32 electrons
g shell carries 32 electrons
h shell carries 18 electrons
i shell carries 8 electrons.
To achieve the appearance of an atom evolving from a centre-point outwards it
is suggested that the configuration from a centre-point would be.........
4i – 9h – 16g – 16f – 9d – 4p – 2s – 4p – 9d – 16f – 16g – 9h – 4i
The above structures build 1s/2s/1p/2p/3p/4p/5p/6p/7p/8p/1d/2d/3d/4d/ etc, etc,
sequentially and only in that specific and structured order.
Each addition requires a Proton, and a Proton cannot be added until a Neutron is
in place as repulsion will otherwise hold them apart.
Structurally all atoms are bound together like a battery set with three terminal
connections. See table of atomic sequences, and sketch of atomic structures.
These structures and structure sequences clearly show why every Proton
generates two gravity waves with a positive bias at the extents of the Up Quark
They also clearly show why a Neutron is required to join with a Proton before
another Proton can join the atom sequence. As the sequence grows so the
energy builds from the centre-point of the structure outwards, and the mass of
the structures increase.
At increased energy levels additional Neutrons can be attracted in parallel to
Neutrons within the structure creating the isotopes of Atoms.
This concept describes the only means that what appears to be an apparent
Monopole force of Gravitation can be generated.
Atomic elementary structures are most complex, their evolutionary
development from within both extremes of temperatures and of gravitational
confinement result in clearly defined structures of Protons and Neutrons whose
ultimate complexity has yet to be realized by Man. The order by which atoms
are constructed is quite precise, beginning with the simple Protium atom with
just one Proton and one Electron in one of the two trajectories.
The way the quarks configure is that they collect rather like an attractive battery
set attracted together through three terminal connections rather than two.
e.g. Proton U – D – U to Neutron D – U – D to Proton U – D – U etc,.
It is notable that the Proton always forms the atom base as it is the only atomic
component with the capacity to generate positive waves that will capture and
maintain an Electron in one of the two trajectories.
In a matrix of atom structures the second unaccompanied trajectory could be
considered the positive “ hole “ within all atomic structures, with too little
energy to capture or retain an Electron in a trajectory, but sufficient energy to
retain an Electron in an outer position.,
Once formed atom structures are free to disassociate, to de-structure from their
original form through changing energy density, or external force or pressure.
This results in energy emission, ionization, or breakup into other elemental
structures or formation of new structures, but with the same basic substructures.
The equilibrium of force between two bodies of matter is reached when the
attractive disrupted pulses of positive potential force from gravitation from each
body of matter for the others negative charge and charge particles balances in
equilibrium with the repulsive force between the disrupted pulses of positive
potential between both bodies of matter.
The repulsion between the positive potentials is always greater than the
attractive force for the negative potentials.
The structure of matter and the properties of its internal charge stresses need to
be considered before defining the properties of Mass. Bodies of matter
consisting of Protons attracting Electrons into trajectories produce stress
relationships between the Quark charged particles within the Protons and the
Neutrons, the Protons and Neutrons themselves, and the Electrons in their
trajectories and the free electrons within the structure. These charge stresses are
also strained through bonding with any molecular partners. Mass in any body of
matter should be considered therefore to be composed of unequal charges
inextricably interlocked together moving or oscillating under stress.
Protons in any body of matter generate two gravity waves, which after
interference with other gravity waves result in pulses of gravitational potential
with a positive elementary charge bias. These pulses of gravitation attract all
external negative elementary potentials, electrons, down quarks, and photons in
the more negative phase of electromagnetic waves. This attraction towards
external negative elementary potentials stresses the relationship within the
Protons and their respective electrons and sub-atomic particles in that active
body of matter. This attraction by disrupted gravity waves with a positive
potential bias from a body of matter would be termed active gravitational mass.
Active gravitational mass is gravity having an attraction for, it is proportional to
the up quarks in the protons within that body of matter. It is determined by
measuring the acceleration of a body of known mass in free fall within that
gravitational field of attraction.
The transfer of this active attractive force would be immediate
Electrons in any body of matter are constantly attracted to their respective
Protons. All negatively charged electrons, and down quarks in any body of
matter are also passively attracted to external forces of gravitation that have a
positive elementary charge bias. This external attraction stresses the relationship
between the electrons and the down quarks, and the charge generated within
their respective Protons in that body of matter. It also stresses the charge
relationships within their respective neutrons in that body of matter. This
attraction is termed passive gravitational mass. Passive gravitational mass is
having an attraction to gravity; it is approximately proportional to the total
number of electrons and down quarks, in that body of matter. Passive
gravitational mass is determined by dividing an object’s known weight by its
free fall acceleration.
The transfer of this passive attracted force is immediate
In this section it is suggested that inertial mass is not quite identical to either
active or passive Mass. If an external force ( not gravity ) were to be applied, its
effects would be transferred to the negative charged Electrons at point of
application. ( like pushing a sponge ) This force would be transferred
throughout the body of matter from one elementary sub-atomic particle to the
next, Electrons to Protons, Neutrons, Quarks, and Electrons etc. The effect
would be to increase the stress relationship between the charges generated
within all of the Protons and their respective Electrons. The force of stresses
when an external force is applied is termed inertial mass.
Inertial mass is being repelled from. ( approaching electrons in another body of
mass ) Inertial Mass is determined by applying a force to an object and
measuring the acceleration that results from that force.
The transfer of this force would not be immediate
It should be noted that there is no equivalence between Inertial and
Gravitational Mass.
Gravitational Mass directly and immediately affects all particles within the
Atom both by repulsion against positive particles and attraction towards the
negative particles, to create the property of Gravitational Mass.
Inertial Mass transfers its energy through the body of matter from negative
Electron particles at the periphery through the body of matter from particle to
particle either negative or positive, over a finite period of time.
The forces on a body of known mass are generally used to determine
Gravitational force, or Gravitational constant. However this presumes that the
particles generating the attractive force in body of matter A are attracting the
same particles in body of matter B and visa versa. It is however the following
that would be more accurate.
In conventional Proton generated gravitational forces
Positive pulses from body of matter A attract negative particles and repulse
positive pulses of gravitation in body of matter B
Positive pulses from body of matter B attract negative particles and repulse
positive pulses of gravitation in body of matter A
In Neutron Star generated gravitational forces
Negative pulses from body of matter A ( this would be the Neutron Star ),
attract all positive particles, and positive pulses of gravitation from body of
matter B
Positive pulses from body of matter B attract all negative particles, and negative
pulses of gravitation from body of matter A
The above is one of the reasons for the intense gravitational force emanating
from Neutron Stars apart from the extremely high density of Neutron Stars.
Much of our current understanding of atom structures developed historically
from alchemistry developing into chemistry and through into nuclear fission,
and fusion whilst trying to understand the inner workings of the atom.
From Mendeleyev and our periodic table of elements, came an understanding of
atomic and molecular structures, followed by the basic understanding of
components and sub-atomic particles within the atoms.
Graphic models of atoms began to be developed showing the possible electron
paths, and concepts for the inner structure of the atoms themselves.
Atoms appear to be structured with two similar ends, and 7 types of electron
s shell carries 2 electrons
p shell carries 8 electrons
d shell carries 18 electrons
f shell carries 32 electrons
g shell carries 32 electrons
h shell carries 18 electrons
i shell carries 8 electrons.
To achieve the appearance of an atom evolving from a centre-point outwards it
is suggested that the configuration ( as above ) from the centre-point outwards
would be....
4i – 9h – 16g – 16f – 9d – 4p – 2s – 4p – 9d – 16f – 16g – 9h – 4i
Consider that the structure builds 1s/2s/1p/2p/3p/4p/5p/6p/7p/8p/1d/2d/3d/4d/
etc, etc, In that specific and structured order.
Each addition requires a Proton, and a Proton cannot be added until a Neutron is
in place as repulsion will otherwise hold them apart.
Atoms are bound together like a battery set with three connections, in this case
with Proton Quarks ( Up – Down – Up ) bound to Neutron Quarks ( Down –
Up – Down )
The Proton has 2 Positive Up Quarks oscillating about 1 Negative Down Quark
this attracts
A Neutron with 2 Negative Down Quarks oscillating about 1 Positive Up Quark
this attracts
A Proton with 2 Positive Up Quarks oscillating about 1 Negative Down Quark
this attracts
A Neutron with 2 Negative Down Quarks oscillating about 1 Positive Up Quark
this attracts
A Proton with 2 Positive Up Quarks oscillating about 1 Negative Down Quark
this attracts…Etc, Etc,.
Thus Atom structures build as follows 2 Up Quarks attract 1 Down Quark to evolve a Proton.
A Neutron can be attracted to this Proton by attraction
A Proton can be attracted to a Neutron by attraction.
A Neutron can be attracted to a Proton by attraction.
A Proton can be attracted to a Neutron by attraction.
A Neutron can be attracted to a Proton by attraction
A Proton can be attracted to a Neutron by attraction.
A Neutron can be attracted to a Proton by attraction.
A Proton can be attracted to a Neutron by attraction.
Atom becomes 1s
Atom becomes 2s
Atom becomes 2s / 1p
Atom becomes 2s / 2p
Atom becomes 2s / 3p
A more detailed description is shown on Evolution of Atomic Structures.xls
The above is a very crude description of how atomic structures build their
energy from a centre-point outwards. It certainly is not quite that simple, for
imbalance can occur with more Neutrons added between some of the elements
(isotopes) after the initial atom structure has developed, however the Proton
structures still can only follow in the sequence as described in Atomic
Stuctures.xls. Atom structures are built in the structured order as described, with
Protons adjacent to at least 1 Neutron, at raised energy levels more than 1
Neutron can be maintained between the Protons creating the isotopes of atoms,
this can only take place after the initial atom structure has developed,
A better visual understanding is shown in the sketches..
All atomic elementary materials, and negative charge and charged particles, are
ultimately attracted into and become entrapped by the intense force from within
Dark Matter. For Dark Matter to attract all negative charge and charge particles
it must generate Gravitational force from Protons. Protons need an Electron to
be attracted by Gravity, or they need to be adjacent to negative potentials.
Atoms need Electrons and Neutrons to exist. The intense gravitational force
from Dark Matter de-structures bodies of matter. The first particles to be
attracted out from atom structures would be the last to be added i.e. Neutrons at
the highest atomic level. This would be followed progressively by the Neutrons
in the lower levels. The remnants of these structures would be the original
Protons still retaining their Electrons, still generating gravity waves these would
be disrupted by interference to produce pulses of gravitation with a positive
potential bias. The negative charges and charge particles attracted and absorbed
by Dark Matter would exist within its core possibly as negative charge plasma,
this would consist of all photons, and possibly de-structured Electrons, and
Down Quarks. It is this negative charged core that “ directly “ attracts the
remnant Protons around the core of Dark Matter generating gravity as waves
becoming disrupted by interference. The intensity of gravitation from Dark
Matter is generated by the extremely high density of absorbed material and destructured atoms both as bodies of matter and as negative charge and charged
particles, Dark Matter could be termed the Graveyards of the Universe.
Elementary matter attracted into Dark Matter becomes de-structured as negative
particles are attracted out of their bonds., leaving the positive charged Protons in
the peripheral layers of dark matter still generating an ever increasing density of
gravitation. Ultimately a point of criticality is reached and the down quark is
attracted out of its bond within the nucleus of the Proton and in that region of
Dark matter gravitation ceases creating the beginning of another Big Bang event
with the cataclysmic release of energy from within to begin again the creation
and evolution of atomic elementary material.
The cessation of gravity within Dark Matter can also be caused by collision
with another body of matter, or dark matter, disrupting the structure of the
Protons generating gravitation.
Dark Energy is a gravitational force appearing to attract and accelerate bodies of
matter outwards at an increasing rate. Its generation comes from within Protons
devoid of electrons in trajectories at the outermost parts of our known Universe.
At the time of the Big Bang, Protons would have been one of the first of the
components of Atomic elementary structures to be formed. Devoid of electrons
they would be generating gravity waves, which would be disrupted by
interference into pulses of gravitational force, with a positive charge bias. They
would repel each other away from the intense energy still generating gravity
waves, but unable to encounter or attract electrons into trajectories. These
Protons, one of the first of the particles to be released during the Big Bang
would continue outwards away from the intense activity, not attracted by bodies
of evolving atomic elementary material having a positive charge, and repelled
from each other by the same positive charge, yet generating a gravitational force
which to a degree held them together as individual particles by its attraction for
the down quarks within the Protons, as compared to an attraction for down
quarks and electrons in complete atomic elemental structures. Ultimately these
free Protons were destined to the far extents of the newly evolving bodies of
matter within the Universe, and are now responsible for the acceleration of
known bodies of matter outwards.
Albert Einstein called gravity a distortion in the shape of space-time, otherwise
known as the fourth dimension, and is the reasons for positional anomalies in
space flight. Basic physics states that if there are no external forces at work, an
object will always travel in the straightest possible line. Accordingly, without an
external force, two objects travelling along parallel paths will always remain
parallel. They will never meet. But the fact is they do meet. Particles that start
off on parallel paths sometimes end up colliding. Newton's theory says this can
occur because of gravity, a force attracting those objects to one another or to a
single, third object. Einstein also says this occurs due to gravity -- but in his
theory, gravity is not a force, It's a curve in space-time.
This was mainly because man could not quantify the external effects of
gravitation, it was and is immeasurable. According to Einstein, those objects are
still travelling along the straightest possible line, but due to a distortion in
space-time, the straightest possible line is now along a spherical path. So two
objects that were moving along a flat plane now move along a spherical plane,
and two straight paths along that sphere end in a single point.
Still more-recent theories of gravity express the phenomenon in terms of
particles and waves. One view states that particles called gravitons cause objects
to be attracted to one another. Gravitons have never actually been observed,
though. And neither have gravitational waves, sometimes called gravitational
radiation, which supposedly are generated when an object is accelerated by an
external force:
The theories developed by Einstein and many of his followers are correct to a
high degree, the theories were formed and based on the observation of
phenomena and not necessarily on observed and measured fact, What we have
are a set of formula that work for most cases but are based on false assumptions.
Time is not the factor involved in the apparent spatial distortion across the
Universe, MASS is.
In the Hafele Keating experiment the clocks on the Aircraft travelling East to
West were speeding up and the clocks on the Aircraft travelling from West to
East were slowing down. It should be noted that the clocks change their speed
because their mass changes, because gravitation through and acting upon the
clocks has changed, and not because the curvature of space-time has affected
them. The aircraft traveling from west to east would pass through Radial
gravitational pulses from the Sun that pass through the Sun facing side of Earth
faster than the earths movement in its trajectory plus its air speed. The radial
speed of disrupted gravitation from the Sun must be the same as or greater than
the speed of Earths orbital speed at its centre of gravity in order to maintain
Earths trajectory and spin. The aircraft traveling from east to west would pass
through Radial gravitational pulses from the Sun that pass through the Sun
facing side of Earth faster than the earths movement in its trajectory plus its air
speed. The difference between the gravitation affecting both aircraft would be
their airspeed differential approximately 1000 mph plus the differential between
the suns radial gravitational speed through Earth less Earths rotational speed at
the equator.
In the Gravity Project B experiment, four gyroscopic spheres were mounted in a
chamber aboard a rocket, and carried through various trajectories around the
polar areas of Earth at a height about 500 miles. As expected they
gyroscopically aligned their spin angularly in alignment around the curvature of
Earth. Not because of the curvature of space-time, but because the Suns radial
motion of disrupted pulses of gravitation around the Earth and passing over the
Polar region cause the gyroscopes to spin in alignment to their force upon the
mass of the Spheres. This is due to the linear and radial movement of the Suns
gravitational pulses through the spheres faster on the outgoing side and slower
on the incoming side of the spheres causing radial spin and alignment towards
their direction. The resultant measurements would be extremely difficult with
respect to absolute precision because of the disrupted effect within the
gravitational pulses moving around the Earth.
Einstein was brilliant in adapting mathematical formulations to represent how
gravity acted throughout the Universe. The formulas are correct in most respects
because disrupted pulses of gravitation do create what appears to be a curvature
in the motion of mass and energy throughout the Universe. Disrupted pulses of
gravitation have a minute positive potential bias which attracts all negative
charge and charge particles including Photons, Electrons, Down Quarks,
Neutrons etc,. Gravitation also repels all positive charge and charge particles,
Protons, Up Quarks etc,. Both of these actions result in an Equilibrium of Force
between the attraction and repulsion of Bodies of matter throughout the
Universe. Both of these actions also generate what we measure as Active and
Passive Mass, but not Inertial Mass for it is affected by an external force and not
just Gravitational force.
Man may never be able measure, monitor or record the individual pulses of
gravitation, though he may be able in the future to display gravity waves as
generated from within all Protons, though they will have infinitely small charge
and extremely high frequency.
The concern throughout this work has been to try and explain the issues listed
below that man as yet does not understand or comprehend.
Relativity has served its purpose well, but we now need to clearly and
unequivocally define the above issues and define them in simple terms.
Gravity has an attraction for and repulsion against all matter. Matter is
composed of both negative and positive charge particles. Therefore disrupted
pulses of Gravitation must have a charge potential, and it must be positive
otherwise atomic elemental structures could not capture and retain an Electron
in a trajectory around the Proton.
Time is not relevant to speed, and speed does not affect Time.
Mass does affect all timing mechanisms that comprise Mass, and Mass is
affected by speed through gravitation.
Disrupted pulses of gravitation are dispersed throughout space in varying
densities and they impact on all matter generating the property of Mass.
They arise within the core of all matter increasing in density and force towards
the periphery.
Thereafter their force diminishes as they emanate outwards into space.
These positive disrupted pulses of gravitation could be considered as the decay
energy from within all atoms structures as their energy diminishes over billions
of years.
Any charge or mass passing through this gravitation will experience a change in
mass affected by this dispersion of gravitation throughout space.
Current definitions, formulae, and mathematical proofs are not in doubt, they
were developed based on actual measured statistics and are accurate to a high
The problem is that we do not understand Magnetic force, we cannot
comprehend its origin or nature, yet its measure and effects are clearly defined
and proven. It may be we need to take a new stance, a different viewpoint and
consider if this magnetic force can have its foundation in another missing link,
the force of Gravity.
This new concept suggests the origin of magnetic force could be the same force
that generates the waves capturing and maintaining electrons in trajectories
within all atomic structures. These positive biased waves radiating from all
Protons are randomly aligned through all bodies of matter attracting all negative
atomic and sub-atomic particles including Photons in the more negative phase
of all electromagnetic waves at any frequency. Some of these electron
trajectories can be re-aligned if subject to external forces, such as moving
electrons, magnetic fields, shock, vibration, or high temperature. The force
generating the electron trajectories from within the nucleus of all Protons is
extremely strong at short range guaranteeing the capture and retention of an
electron. This force if aligned into a semi-polarised state with other atomic
structures would result in an extremely high attractive force at close range,
attracting all polarised waves, dependent on the direction of polarity, plus all
negative atomic charged particles. This aligned force would be directional and
with similarly aligned forces, will attract strongly at close range in one direction
and repel them in the other.
Gravitational force would remain intact and unchanged both from within the
body of matter and the force reacting from outside of the body of matter.
The polarization of Gravity waves from within Protons can generally only take
place in trajectories that can be re-aligned with respect to adjacent trajectories.
This appears more prevalent in the higher energy trajectories such as Iron,
Nickel etc. Some of these trajectories appear outside of other trajectories with
an appearance almost like a hoop, or tyre.
These trajectories can re-align without changing the structure. These aligned
trajectories would produce aligned directional waves which could attract other
similarly aligned waves in adjacent material. This is what we term magnetic
force. This force can attract and move free electrons towards a North Polar
region. When electrons are attracted to move they move with a helical motion in
the direction of their spin, clockwise or anti-clockwise.
This radiates a helical rotational set of high frequency negative waves at 90
degrees to the direction of movement. That is really 90 degrees radially to
direction of movement.
Thus polarized gravity waves can attract and repel polarized gravity waves.
Polarised gravity waves can move free electrons which can move with helical
motion in the direction of their spin. These two factors give us magnetic
induction from polarized gravity waves, ( magnetic force ) and electromagnetic
induction from the spin helical movements of electrons through conductors.
Every atom generates two positive gravity waves from within every Proton.
These are disrupted into pulses of gravitation with a positive potential.
They attract all negative charge and charge particles.
They repel all positive charge and charge particles.
This generation of gravitation is produced from within every Proton in
every atomic elementary structure. Their positive potential is as infinitely
small as the Universe is large, it is unlikely Man will never have the
capacity to measure them individually.
Their combined force can bend and distort electromagnetic waves, hold
intergalactic objects of mass and charge in place, yet be so precise as to
hold planetary bodies of matter in a position of equilibrium within their
orbital trajectories maintained by that gravitational force itself.
The power of gravitation is beyond man’s comprehension !
More Neutrons can exist between each Proton
creating isotopes
4i 9h 16g 16f 9d 4p
4p 9d 16f 16g 9h 4i
A Proton evolves creating a structure
A Neutron can be attracted to a Proton by attraction
A Proton is attracted to the Neutron by attraction
A Neutron can be attracted to a Proton by attraction
A Proton is attracted to the Neutron by attraction
A Neutron can be attracted to a Proton by attraction
A Proton is attracted to the Neutron by attraction
A Neutron can be attracted to a Proton by attraction
A Proton is attracted to the Neutron by attraction
A Neutron can be attracted to a Proton by attraction
A Proton is attracted to the Neutron by attraction
A Neutron can be attracted to a Proton by attraction
A Proton is attracted to the Neutron by attraction
A Neutron can be attracted to a Proton by attraction
A Proton is attracted to the Neutron by attraction
A Neutron can be attracted to a Proton by attraction
A Proton is attracted to the Neutron by attraction
A Neutron can be attracted to a Proton by attraction
A Proton is attracted to the Neutron by attraction
A Neutron can be attracted to a Proton by attraction
A Proton is attracted to the Neutron by attraction
A Neutron can be attracted to a Proton by attraction
A Proton is attracted to the Neutron by attraction
A Neutron can be attracted to a Proton by attraction
A Proton is attracted to the Neutron by attraction
A Neutron can be attracted to a Proton by attraction
A Proton is attracted to the Neutron by attraction
A Neutron can be attracted to a Proton by attraction
A Proton is attracted to the Neutron by attraction
A Neutron can be attracted to a Proton by attraction
A Proton is attracted to the Neutron by attraction
A Neutron can be attracted to a Proton by attraction