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North Hunterdon – Voorhees Regional High School District
Human Anatomy & Physiology
Common 18-week Assessment Study Guide
Name: ______________________________________________
Date: _________________
Instructions: Fill in the space provided by the letter of the BEST answer, on the answer sheet your instructor
provided for you.
1. Which of the following is not a muscle of the hamstring group?: (5.1.12.D.3)
a. gracilis b. semitendinosus c. quadriceps femoris d. biceps femoris e. semimembranosus
2. The primary muscle used in doing a sit-up is the ___?: (5.1.12.D.3)
a. erector spinae. b. splenius capitis. c. splenius cervicis. d. rectus abdominis. e. brachialis
3. The "kissing muscle" that purses the lips is the ___?: (5.1.12.D.3)
a. zygomaticus. b. procerus. c. buccinator. d. levator labii. e. orbicularis oris.
4. The all-or-none principle states that: (5.3.12.A.3)
a. all stimuli will produce identical action potentials.
b. only motor stimuli can activate action potentials.
c. the greater the magnitude of the stimuli, the greater the intensity of the action potential.
d. only sensory stimuli can activate action potentials.
e. all stimuli great enough to bring the membrane to threshold will produce identical action potentials.
5. Cells that synthesize the organic components of bone matrix are termed: (5.3.12.A.3)
a. osteocytes b. osteoprogenitor cells c. osteoblasts d. osteoclasts e. chondrocytes
6. In response to an action potential arriving from transverse tubules, the sarcoplasmic reticulum releases:
a. acetylcholine b. sodium ions c. potassium ions d. calcium ions e. chlorine ions
7. The most abundant mineral in the body is: (5.3.12.A.5)
a. sodium b. potassium c. phosphorus d. calcium e. sulfur
8. Cells that synthesize the organic components of bone matrix are termed: (5.3.12.A.5)
a. osteocytes b. osteoprogenitor cells c. osteoblasts d. osteoclasts e. chondrocytes
9. Most neurons lack centrioles. This observation explains: (5.3.12.A.5)
a. the ability of neurons to communicate with each other.
b. the ability of neurons to produce an axoplasmic flow.
c. why neurons grow such long axons.
d. the conducting ability of neurons.
e. why neurons cannot regenerate.
10. A ___________ is the rarest and most deadly form of skin cancer.: (5.3.12.A.6)
a. basal cell carcinoma
b. squamous cell carcinoma
c. malignant melanoma
d. pseudostratified hematoma
e. cuboidal carcinoma
11. A herniated disc is caused by: (5.3.12.A.6)
a. loss of annulus fibrosis activity
b. slippage of the fibrocartilage disc
c. ossification of vertebral disc
d. protrusion of the nucleus pulposus
e. transformation of fibrocartilage to hyaline cartilage
12. A muscle that is stimulated so frequently that the relaxation phase is completely eliminated is said to
exhibit: (5.3.12.A.6)
a. incomplete tetanus b. complete tetatnus c. treppe d. wave summation e. recruitment
13. Osseous tissue is better known as
a. cartilage b. fat c. cellulite d. bone e. ligament
14. Functions of the skeletal system include all of the following except:
a. support b. storage c. protection d. blood cell production e. movement
15. Mature bone cells are termed:
a. osteocytes b. osteoblasts c. osteoclasts d. chondrocytes e. osteons
16. In the process of osteolysis:
a. new bone is formed
b. an organic framework is formed
c. the bony matrix is dissolved to release the stored minerals
d. osteoblasts form the osteoid that is later calcified
e. fractured bones repair themselves
17. The type of bone that is adapted to withstand stresses that arrive from a limited range of directions is
called ___ bone.
a. spongy b. trabecular c. compact d. lamellar e. irregular
18. The medullary cavity of the bones contains
a. compact bone b. osteons c. cartilage d. marrow e. periosteum
19. The shaft of the long bone is called the:
a. epiphysis b. diaphysis c. epiphyseal plate d. metaphysis e. lamella
20. The end of the long bone is called the:
a. epiphysis b. diaphysis c. epiphyseal plate d. metaphysis e. lamella
21. The area where the shaft meets the end of the bone is called the:
a. epiphysis b. diaphysis c. epiphyseal plate d. metaphysis e. lamella
22. Bones grow in length from an area known as the:
a. epiphysis b. diaphysis c. epiphyseal plate d. metaphysis e. lamella
23. The outer covering of the bone is known as the:
a. endosteumn b. periosteum c. epimysium d. perimysium e. perichondrium
24. Endochondral ossification begins with the formation of:
a. a fibrous connective tissue model
b. a cartilage model
c. a membranous model
d. a calcified model
e. no model at all, just the presence of osteoblasts
25. The lining of the marrow cavity is called the:
a. endosteumn b. periosteum c. epimysium d. perimysium e. perichondrium
26. Which of the following is not part of the axial division of the skeletal system:
a. skull b. auditory ossicles c. hyoid bone d. pectoral girdle e. vertebral column
27. Which of the following is a function of the axial skeleton?
a. provide an attachment for muscles of the axial skeleton
b. provide an attachment for muscles that move the head, neck and trunk
c. provide an attachment for muscles involved in respiration
d. both b and c
e. all of the above
28. The foramen magnum would be found in the ___ bone:
a. frontal b. parietal c. sphenoid d. occipital e. temporal
29. The suture that forms the articulation of the two parietal bones is the ___ suture:
a. lambdoidal b. rostral c. coronal d. squamosal e. sagittal
30. The suture that forms the articulation between the two parietal bones and the occipital bone is the ___
a. lambdoidal b. rostral c. coronal d. squamosal e. sagittal