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Mr. Noble
Multiple Choice Choose the most correct response to the following questions/statements.
The APA, with regard to Psychology, stands for
___ is the scientific study of behavior and mental processes.
___ psychology is concerned with (among other things) effects of drugs on the nervous system, development of the nervous system,
gender differences in brain structure and function.
Industrial and Organizational Psychology involves
___ psychology specializes in diagnosing and treating psychological disorders.
Psychologists use the ___, to collect data, to generate a theory, to explain the data, to produce a testable hypothesis and to
systematically test the hypothesis.
The study of physical and mental growth from birth to old age is which subfield of Psychology?
The APA requires all of the following with regard to ethics in research on humans (per ppt.)…
What is correct regarding guidelines and ethics on animals (per ppt.)?
Experimental psychologists study
“Expectations of the observer that might distort or influence his or her interpretation of what was actually observed” refers to
___ Psychology involves the study of women—and argues that much research is based on all-male samples, that reports of gender
differences focus too much on extremes and ignore similarities, and that Psychologists only study what they consider to be I
Harriet Meltidd Mynd is being studied, in-depth, over a period of one year, with weekly sessions and analysis in order to determine
her readjustment level after release from the state hospital into mainstream society. This most represents which research method?
___ psychologists study anxiety, sociability, self-esteem, need for achievement, aggressiveness.
Gogh Witt DeFlogh, Ph.D. has prepared an extensive questionnaire (for distribution among a random sampling of high school
students), designed to determine the level of caffeine intake among high school students in suburban schools--to identify any trends
in consumption behaviors among adolescents. This most represents which research method?
___ psychologists study how people influence one another--including first impressions, interpersonal attraction, attitude formation,
prejudice and behavior in a group.
___ is a simple form of learning in which a specific pattern of behaviors is learned in the presence of well-defined stimuli
In Ivan Pavlov’s original experiment on classical conditioning, the Unconditioned Response (UR) was
When advertisers pair their products with attractive people or enjoyable surroundings, in the hope that the pairings will cause their
products to cause good feelings, they are using principles from
___ is the process by which experience or practice results in a relatively permanent change in behavior.
According to the excerpt from “The Lucifer Effect,” from what other event--in 2004--did Dr. Zimbardo draw parallels to his 1971
Stanford Prison Experiment?
According to the excerpt from “The Lucifer Effect,” Dr. Zimbardo clearly theorized that…
Negative Reinforcement is
The Skinner Box tested…
According to the article “Ethics and interrogations: Comparing and contrasting the American Psychological, American Medical and
American Psychiatric Association positions,” The APA derives its position from Principle A, “___,” in the Ethical Principles of
Psychologists and Code of Conduct (2002), and from Principle B, which addresses ___.
Based upon your readings, "Give me a dozen healthy infants, well-formed, and my own specified world to bring them up in and I'll
guarantee to take any one at random and train him to become any type of specialist I might select--doctor, lawyer, artist, merchantchief, and, yes, even beggar man and thief, regardless of his talents, penchants, tendencies, abilities, vocations, and race of his
ancestors," is associated with which of the following theorists?
According to the article “It's All in the Upbringing,” when Professor John B. Watson promoted his new ideal--and coined the term
behaviorism--he rejected the idea of consciousness. He labeled ___ views as voodooism. According to Watson, scientists could best
study the human mind by noting what humans do.
(A/An) ___ removes something unpleasant from the environment following a behavior, making that behavior more likely to occur
Operant Conditioning is a
Our awareness of various cognitive processes, such as concentrating, making decisions, thoughts, feelings and perceptions describes
Insomnia affects about ___ Americans.
A Circadian Rhythm/Cycle is
Which stage of sleep is characterized by an increase in heart rate and blood pressure, a near paralysis of the muscles, heightened
brain activity, the highest incidence of dreaming and is known as “Paradoxical Sleep?”
Our urge to daydream peaks about every
Sleep Apnea affects about ___ Americans.
Which stage of sleep is characterized by slow delta waves, the lowest body readings of the cycle, and is the stage during which most
night terrors, sleep walking/talking occurs?
___ is the time in a woman’s life when the function of the ovaries cease, which leads to symptoms including fatigue, memory
problems, irritability, rapid mood changes, hot flashes, night sweats and some possible sleep deprivation.
The effects of Sleep Deprivation (per the PowerPoint packet) include
What is true regarding sleep talking and sleepwalking?
___ most often occur during stages 3 &/or 4. The person generally cannot be awakened easily, if at all, will sometimes push anyone
away trying to comfort them, includes episodes of fright, may sit up and scream, but likely will not recall them the next morning.
What represents a theory, or theories, regarding the purpose of REM sleep?
___ is a sleep disorder characterized by difficulty in falling asleep or remaining asleep throughout the night.
Narcolepsy is a hereditary sleep disorder characterized by
___ dreaming is dreaming while knowing that you are dreaming…may include navigating your dreams.
___ is a sleep disorder characterized by breathing difficulty during the night and feelings of exhaustion during the day.
Which Mnemonic device involves learning pairings between numbers and rhyming items, which will then be paired with the list
you want to memorize? Example: one-bun, two-shoe, three-tree, etc.
___ is the ability to reproduce unusually sharp and detailed images of something one has seen. Also known as Photographic
Memory. Usually due to well developed memory techniques.
Vivid memories of dramatic event, which may occur because of strong emotional content are known as
___ is the process by which new information interferes with information already in memory.
What are the warning signs of Alzheimer’s, per the PowerPoint?
The ability to remember the things that we have experienced, imagined and learned is
What is true about Alzheimer’s?
The process by which information already in memory interferes with new information is known as
___ is the grouping of information into meaningful units for easier handling by short-term memory.
___ proposed the Eight Stages of Development: Trust vs. Mistrust, Autonomy vs. Shame & Doubt, Initiative vs. Guilt, Industry vs.
Inferiority, Identity vs. Role Confusion, Intimacy vs. Isolation, Generativity vs. Stagnation, Ego Integrity vs. Despair.
According to Maslow: ___ is/are characterized by sudden feelings of intense happiness and well-being, and possibly the awareness
of "ultimate truth" and the unity of all things.
What are identified as one of descriptions of Humanist Psychologists?
What are Horney’s Auxiliary Defenses?
Horney’s proposed that neurosis may be significantly caused by a lack of genuine warmth/affection for the child, manifesting in
what way(s)?
Regarding Jung’s theories, the unindividuated man identifies with those personal qualities that are symbolically masculine. He does
not recognize qualities that are symbolically feminine as part of his own personality, but rather casts them onto women. This
Also, according to Jung, people who base their actions on perceptions, either through their senses or intuition are ___ individuals.
What are Horney’s Causes of Neurosis?
The ___ Needs/Level of the Hierarchy of Needs is characterized by: Humans have a need for a stable, firmly based, high level of
self-respect and respect from others. When these needs are satisfied, the person feels self-confident and valuable as a person in the
world. When these needs are frustrated, the person feels inferior, weak, helpless and worthless.
___ , one of Horney’s Auxiliary Defenses, is described as: assuming that self-interest is the only motivation in operation, and
therefore behaving that way oneself.
Matching: Enduring Issues Please choose the most correct description for each item.
Identification Learning
Please select the most correct type of learning/conditioning from the box on the right.
Classical Conditioning
Operant Conditioning
Observational Learning
Matching Schedules of Reinforcement Please select the item from the box below that most correctly matches each statement/condition.
Fixed Ratio
Variable Ratio
Fixed Interval
Variable Interval
Matching Sensory Registers, Short-Term Memory & Long-Term Memory
Please select the most correct level/type of memory from the box on the right.
Sensory Registers
Short-Term Memory
Long-Term Memory
Identification Operant Conditioning
Please select the item from the box on the right that most correctly matches each statement/condition.
POSITIVE Reinforcement
NEGATIVE Reinforcement
Identification Parenting Styles Please select the item from the box below that most correctly matches each statement/style.
Please select the style from the box below that most correctly matches each description.
Matching Types of Memories
Choose the Memory Type from the Box, for their corresponding descriptions below.
According to the PowerPoint and Table 6-2 Types of Memories on pg. 237.
Matching Information Processing Model
Choose the correct steps/labels from the Box below, for their corresponding locations in the chart/model (rectangles & circles) below.
According to the PowerPoint and Figure 6-1 Sequence of Information Processing on pg. 227.
External Stimulus
Matching Personality Theorists Please select the most correct responses from the box on the right.
Alfred Adler
Carl Jung
Karen Horney
Sigmund Freud
Abraham Maslow
Matching Personality Types Please select the most correct responses from the box on the right.
Type A
Type B
Type C
Type D
Matching Jung’s Five Main Archetypes Please select the most correct responses from the box on the right.
The Self
The Shadow
The Anima
The Animus
The Persona
Matching Defense Mechanisms Please select the most correct responses from the box on the right.
Reaction Formation
Matching Adler’s Four Psychological Types
Please select the most correct responses from the box on the right.
Ruling type
Leaning type
Avoiding type
Socially Useful type
Matching Horney’s Concept of Self
Please select the most correct responses from the box on the right.
Actual self
Real self
Despised Real self
Ideal self
MATCHING Biological Basis for Memory
Choose the correct parts of the Brain from the Box below, to match their corresponding functions as indicated on the Brain diagram.