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Describe the two versions of Rome’s creation – legend vs.
Explain 3 ways that geography impacted Roman
What is a republic?
How did Ancient Greece impact Roman civilization?
THINKER: After they established a republic, the Romans
promised never to have a king again, but tyrants will
eventually come to power. How? Why were individuals
able to come to power even though this went against
their promise of a republic?
Is the U.S. a republic or democracy?
• Democracy is a form of government in which the
people decide policy matters directly--through
town hall meetings or by voting on ballot
• A republic is a system in which the people choose
representatives who, in turn, make policy
decisions on their behalf
Is the U.S. a republic or democracy?
Unit 1 Exam & Reminders
Your unit 1 test is during block #2 next week!
Period 2: Wednesday 9/24
Period 7: Thursday 9/25
There are three portions of the test: 50-point multiple choice, 10point vocab maching and a 20-point short answer.
 Content will cover all early civilizations from Egypt - Rome
 Completed study guide is also due on the day of your unit test
 All late work from unit 1 is also due on test day!
 For the short answer portion, you will be given three prompts –
pick the one you want to answer.
 Explain the event in detail with correct format, mechanics, and
historical understanding.
Roman Republic:
Conflict and Crisis
{ Roman Republic: 509BC – 30BC
The Early Republic
Tyrants and corrupt
kings in power
 In 509B.C., Tarquin the
Proud was overthrown
 Romans declared they
would never again be
ruled by a king!
 Established a new
government called a
republic: power to the
Roman Expansion
Punic Wars: 264BC-146BC, series of three wars
between Rome and the North-African city
state of Carthage.
Both wanted control of western
Mediterranean……. Why?
Rome was victorious and captured all cities
from the Mediterranean to Spain to Asia
Carthaginian General Hannibal crossing the
Alps during the Second Punic War.
Romans attack
on Carthage
Romans attack
on Carthage
The Republic in Crisis
• Usually military
expansion makes a
country stronger and
more powerful, but it was
different with Rome.
• After the Punic Wars,
Rome will go through a
series of revolts that puts
the Republic in crisis……..
Why? How would military
expansion lead to
unhappiness and revolt
amongst the citizens?
The Republic in Crisis
Rome’s military conquered multiple countries
with no regard to their way of life/culture 
 Roman officials overtaxed residents  REVOLT!
 Wealthy Romans used slaves to work their land –
this put small farmers out of business
 Putting down these revolts cost Rome a lot of
troops, money, and resources.
In the 50’s BC, Julius Caesar, took over the government
and named himself dictator.
 Expanded empire to Gaul (France)
 Gave jobs to unemployed, public land to the poor, and
citizenship to conquered peoples.
 Some Romans loved Caesar for his reforms, others saw
him as a tyrant who meant to end the republic and
make himself king.
 On March 15, 44 BC, Caesar was assassinated by a
group of government officials.
Caesar’s Assassination
March 15, 44BC Caesar was to appear at a meeting of the Senate.
As he arrived, the group of conspirators gathered around him
pretending to show support.
Cimber approached him to sign a document and pulled him down by
his shoulders then Casca stabbed him in the neck
Within moments, the entire group (including Brutus) was gathered
around him on the steps of Senate stabbing him.
Around 60 men participated in the assassination and Caesar was
stabbed 23 times
His last words were “You too, Brutus?” as he realized his best friend
was involved in the plot
Brutus and his followers marched through Rome shouting “People of
Rome, we are once again free!”
Caesar’s dead body lay on the Senate floor for three hours
In the following chaos, Augustus Caesar led a series of 5 civil wars
which ended with the reformation of the Roman Empire.
Ancient Roman Society: Jigsaw Read
You are now going to complete a jigsaw read about Roman society
How it works:
You will be divided into groups of 4
Each group member will be assigned a different reading about an aspect of
Roman society.
(Early republic, society, women, & gladiators)
You will start by reading your specific handout and completing your portion
of the worksheet.
Once your group is done, you will meet and teach the rest of them about
your topic.
As you teach, they will fill in the remainder of the worksheet.
These are your notes for the section!
What were the differences between Patricians and
 How did the Romans keep their government
 What is a republic?
 How was the Roman army structured?
 How could Roman rights of citizenship be acquired?
 What rights did Roman citizens have?
Picture Squares….. possibly
You are going to read a handout that addresses the four main
points of Roman civilization.
 For each aspect, you are going to write three sentences that
encompass the main idea of that section.  SUMMARIZE!!!
 After you write your description, you must draw a picture the
corresponds with that same topic.
 20 points! (5 points per square)
 Make sure you actually read the section since this will be your
only notes for the Early Roman Republic.
 Let’s do the first one together!
 Topics: Patricians & Plebeians, Government, Army, Citizenship