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Name: _____________________________
Hour: ________
The Origins of Hinduism
Early Indo-Europeans were nomadic, and moved from place to place in family groups,
called clans. They were also warriors, and good at fighting.
In 2,000 B.C., they began to migrate, and settle in different parts of Europe and Asia, and
in 1500 B.C. a group called Aryans settled in what is now, the northwest sections of India.
Aryans were herders and lived simply. Over many years they settled all over India. Over time,
they learned from the native Dravidians, how to live in cities, and they taught the Dravidians
about their language, Sanskrit, and religion.
Aryans practiced a social structure that was divided into classes, or Castes. Castes are
social classes that a person is born into, depending on the birthright of the parents. Caste comes
from the mention of Parusha, in the Vedas. The first human (superhuman), his body was
divided, and his head became the Brahmin (the priests), from whom great thinking, and the
rituals are spoken. The arms became the Kshatriya (the warriors), because warrior draws
strength from his arms. His legs became the Vaishya (the farmers, merchants and skilled
tradesmen) because they use their legs for working. The feet became the Shudra (because they
are closest to the ground, dirty, and unskilled labor). A fifth class, the Untouchables, was added,
later. They were considered so polluted with bad karma, as to be “Untouchable.” They did, and
still do, the terrible jobs that nobody else wants.
The early religion of the Aryans was called Brahmanism, drawn from Brahmins, the
name of Aryan priests. Aryans worships all kinds of nature deities (Gods), they sacrificed to
them in large, extensive ceremonies, which could last for weeks, or even months. Their holy
writings were called the Vedas. As time went on, Indians views on religion changed, and their
holy writings changed with them. Over many years, they added to the Vedas, with other holy
Over time, the religion became what it is now; Hinduism. Hinduism grew out of the
ancient Brahmanism. Hindus worship many gods, but they recognize one as the supreme God,
or life force. There are three other central Gods, these are; Brahma, the creator, Vishnu, the
protector, and Shiva, the destroyer. These three are considered part of the one supreme God,
because they represent birth, life, and death.
Hindus believe that people will have many lives. What they do in one life, affects what
they will be in the next life. This is called reincarnation (Samsara). In the Hindu belief system, a
person can accumulate, or release karma (action). Karma comes from the thinking that every
action has an immediate and direct consequence. Karma either weighs a person down, and gives
them a next life that is not so fortunate, or, if they’ve been good, meditative, and healthy (yoga),
they will release karma, and have better life after they leave this one. Eventually, through living
well, and treating others with respect, a person will release all of their karma, and reach full
enlightenment (Moksha), while being released from the cycle of reincarnation.