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Assignment #2. Due at 8:30 am on November 2nd.
This assignment covers chapters 4, 5, 6. We may not get all the way through chapter 6.
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or
answers the question. Fill the answer in on a bubble sheet with PENCIL. Erase mistakes
well. Do not hole punch, or damage your bubble sheet. Do not write class notes, phone
numbers etc on the back of the bubble sheet. Put your name and student number on the
bubble sheet. The TA hand-marked the assignments of those that did it in pen or
holepunched the sheets, BUT she will NOT do this in the future. Any work that is done in
pen, or a holepunched sheet will result in a mark of zero. There will be a small number of
blank bubble sheets on Dr. Ivanco’s office door in case you accidentally mutilate yours.
For true false questions, A)True and B) False.
Please be sure to be in class (on time) to hear updates about your midterm#2. Updates will
be provided on the exam in class and you MUST be there to get them.
1)Ronald Melzack's neuromatrix theory of pain is based on the reality that
A)the gate-control theory does not explain why some people do not experience pain.
B)people often experience pain with little or no physical cause.
C)pain radiates out from the central axis of the body and downward from the head.
D)every painful experience has emotional as well as physical consequences.
2)The fact that people automatically use the context to help decide between different meanings of
ambiguous words in sentences supports the idea that
A)processes that operate below the level of consciousness can affect behavior.
B)language processes are not capable of being consciously influenced.
C)Freud's concept of repression is valid.
D)rational beings have access to all of the activities of their own minds.
3)Why do researchers study performance if they are really interested in whether an organism has
A)It doesn't matter what they study, since performance and learning are identical.
B)Learning cannot be directly observed.
C)Performance changes before learning has occurred.
D)Only performance involves a change in behavior or behavior potential.
TRUE/FALSE. Write 'T' if the statement is true and 'F' if the statement is false.
4)On a fixed-interval schedule, a reinforcer is delivered for the first response made after a fixed
period of time.
5)Imagine that you are observing one of Pavlov's early experiments on classical conditioning. After
a dog is placed in a harness, what is most likely to happen?
A)A tone will be presented, followed by a bell.
B)If the dog makes an orienting response, he will be given some food.
C)The dog will be given electric shock whenever he barks.
D)A tone will be presented and the dog will be given some food.
6)A tennis player has learned that a "lob" shot is likely to be successful whenever her opponent
has run to the net. The sight of her opponent at the net is a ________ that sets the occasion for a
lob shot.
A)secondary gain B) three-term contingency
C)conditioned response D) discriminative stimulus
7)Suppose your nephew's parents have forbidden his viewing of television shows that depict
violent acts, preferring that he watch shows with prosocial themes. He knows you are familiar with
the impact of television on learning and hopes that you can intercede on his behalf. Based on the
research, you can honestly tell his parents that
A)viewing television violence does not bring about increases in aggressive behavior.
B)viewing television violence leads viewers to underestimate the occurrences of real-world
C)there has been little psychological research on the behavioral impact of viewing television
D)viewing television violence may bring about a reduction in both emotional arousal and distress
at viewing violent behavior.
TRUE/FALSE. Write 'T' if the statement is true and 'F' if the statement is false.
8)Learned behavior does not include changes that come about simply because of physical
9)A child is bitten by a barking dog while delivering a newspaper to a house. The next day when
he sees the house he feels anxious, even though the dog is no where in sight. The CS in this case
is the
A)pain the child feels when remembering being bitten by the dog.
B)barking dog.
C)pain the child feels when bitten by the dog.
D)sight of the house.
10)Covering your ears when you find yourself in a room that is too noisy is an example of
________ conditioning; wearing earplugs that reduce sound intensity before going into a room that
you know will be too noisy is an example of ________ conditioning.
A)escape; avoidance B) operant; classical
C)avoidance; escape D) classical; operant
11)In which form(s) of conditioning is the CS presented after the UCS?
A)delay B) trace
C)trace, backward, and delay D) backward
12)A girl classically conditions her dog to blink by blowing into her dog's eyes just after saying
"blink!" Unfortunately, her parrot overhears the procedure, and says "blink" all day long when the
girl is out. When she returns, the girl says "blink" to her dog, but he does not blink. It appears as
A)extinction has taken place.
B)the dog's behavior has generalized.
C)the dog is now under the parrot's control.
D)spontaneous recovery has occurred.
13)When people take drugs repeatedly in the same setting, the body responds with
countermeasures intended to reestablish homeostasis. In the language of classical conditioning,
these countermeasures to the drug are the ________ and the setting in which the drug is taken is
the ________.
A)conditioned stimulus; compensatory response
B)unconditioned stimulus; unconditioned response
C)unconditioned response; conditioned stimulus
D)conditioned response; unconditioned response
14) In a video clip on memory you learned that
A) memory is always correct
B) memories are malleable
C) memories are malleable particularly when other information is provided
D) memory is better after pasta
15) In a study quoted in your text, the women who went to the clinic for undergoing treatment for
breast cancer, reported that they felt
A)lower levels of depression.
B)lower levels of postinfusion fatigue.
C)higher levels of postinfusion fatigue.
D)higher levels of preinfusion fatigue.
16)To assist in his experimental analysis of behavior, Skinner invented a device known as the
operant chamber. This apparatus was designed to allow researchers to manipulate
A)the consequences of an organism's behavior.
B)an organism's level of motivation.
C)an organism's state of mind.
D)the amount of planning behavior that was required of an organism.
TRUE/FALSE. Write 'T' if the statement is true and 'F' if the statement is false.
17)Imagine that you are a salesperson whose salary will be determined solely by the number of
items that you sell each week. Since some weeks are better for sales than others, your pay will
most likely follow a fixed-ratio schedule.
18)The research of Robert Rescorla strongly confirmed Pavlov's belief that classical conditioning
only requires the pairing of the CS and the UCS.
19)Responses acquired under schedules of partial reinforcement are less resistant to extinction
than those acquired with continuous reinforcement.
20)In the study of Edward Wasserman and his colleagues that is described in the textbook,
pigeons were presented with photographs of people, flowers, cars, and chairs, and taught to
respond by pecking keys of different colors. This research was important because it demonstrated
that the pigeons
A)were capable of generalizing on the basis of cognitive similarity.
B)were responding exclusively on the basis of perceptual similarity.
C)could learn a complex task by applying blind trial-and-error solutions.
D)showed marked preferences for people in their response choices.
TRUE/FALSE. Write 'T' if the statement is true and 'F' if the statement is false.
21)The technical term for sleep disorders involving nightmares is somnambulism.
22)Which of the following statements most closely represents J. Allan Hobson and Robert
McCarley's activation-synthesis model of dreaming?
A)Dreams originate with an unconscious wish or motive.
B)Dreams result from neural signals in the brain stem that stimulate areas of the brain's cortex.
C)Latent content is more important than manifest content in the interpretation of dreams.
D)A dream will occur only if a person has an unresolved conflict or problem.
23)All of following are symptoms of insomnia EXCEPT
A)frequent arousals during sleep. B) sleep during the daytime.
C)delayed onset of sleep. D) early morning awakening.
24)Studies of dream content confirm the fact that content of dreams shows a good deal of
A)discontinuity with the dreamer's desires.
B)continuity with dreamer's waking concerns.
C)continuity with the dreamer's fantasies.
D)discontinuity with the dreamer's waking concerns.
TRUE/FALSE. Write 'T' if the statement is true and 'F' if the statement is false.
25)One day you see a notice for research on consciousness being conducted with the SLIP
technique. It is quite possible that the researchers will be studying speech errors such as
26) Daily changes in arousal levels, metabolism, body temperature, and hormonal activity are
influenced by the day and night time cycle known as a(n) ________ rhythm.
A) circadian
B) diurnal
C) annual
D) biannual
27)The small adjustment that is necessary to help people synchronize the human internal
"pacemaker" with a 24 hour cycle is brought about by
A)the consumption of food.
B)the changes in temperature that are associated with night and day.
C)exposure to sunlight.
D)the rods and cones of the eye.
28)When researchers studying healthy older adults looked to see whether there was a relationship
between sleep efficiency and longevity, they found that
A)there was no relationship between sleep efficiency and longevity.
B)those individuals who spent the highest percentage of bedtime asleep died at the earliest ages.
C)people who spent the highest percentage of bedtime asleep lived the longest.
D)the most important factor was the time at which people went to bed, not sleep efficiency.
29)Research on hypnosis has generally supported the conclusion that
A)all individuals are equally hypnotizable by a skilled hypnotist.
B)being hypnotized involves turning personal control over to another.
C)hypnosis is not just a kind of "placebo response."
D)hypnosis is generally ineffective in the control of pain.
TRUE/FALSE. Write 'T' if the statement is true and 'F' if the statement is false.
30)When someone asks you who won the World Series last year, you have to think a moment
before giving the correct answer. Psychologists who study consciousness would say that the
information was one of your preconscious memories.
31)Sigmund Freud described dreams in all of the following ways EXCEPT as
A)"the royal road to the unconscious."
B)"uncensored visions."
C)"everynight madness."
D)"transient psychoses."
32)A poll carried out by the National Sleep Foundation suggests that:
A)Everyone gets 6-7 hours of sleep
B)Everyone gets 2-3 hours of sleep
C)Everyone gets to sleep whenever they get the time to do so
D)Everyone gerts 20 hours of sleep
33)Often combined with cataplexy, ________ is a sleep disorder characterized by periodic sleep
during the daytime. It should not be confused with ________, a sleep disorder in which the person
stops breathing while asleep.
a) narcolepsy; sleep apnea
b) sleep apnea; narcolepsy
c) REM sleep; narcolepsy
d) REM sleep; sleep apnea
34)You see a story on television about a woman who stops breathing hundreds of times during the
course of the night. Without being told you should realize that this woman suffers from a condition
that is technically known as
A)sleep apnea. B) cataplexy.
C)oxygen deprivation disorder. D) narcolepsy.
35)People have about ________ periods of REM sleep each night, and these periods ________ in
length with each sleep cycle.
A)ten; decrease B) four to six; increase
C)ten; increase D) four to six; decrease
TRUE/FALSE. Write 'T' if the statement is true and 'F' if the statement is false.
36)If you hold a pencil at arm's length and slowly move it closer to your face, the ciliary muscles
change the thickness of the lens of the eye to permit variable focusing on the pencil. This process
is known as convergence.
37)In an experiment on attention that is described in the textbook, researchers attempted to create
visual displays that would put goal-directed selection and stimulus-driven capture into competition.
The findings suggest that
A)it is not possible to design a task in which stimulus-driven capture and goal-directed selection
compete directly.
B)goal-directed selection is sufficiently powerful to consistently withstand the effects of stimulusdriven capture.
C)at least in some circumstances, stimulus-driven capture wins out over goal-directed selection.
D)the perceptual system of humans is organized so that changes in the environment are
automatically ignored.
38)Pastel colors, like beige and mauve, have intermediate amounts of
A)hue. B) color. C) brightness. D) saturation.
39)A friend of yours has just returned from participating in a research experiment. You ask what it
was about, and your friend begins to explain that a "shadowing" procedure was used. You should
immediately realize that the experiment involved
A)physical strength. B) dichotic listening.
C)learning. D) personality measurement.
40)A superhero in a comic book boasts that his senses are so well developed that he can see a
candle flame at night at a distance of 30 miles, hear the tick of a watch at 20 feet, detect by tasting
the presence of one teaspoon of sugar in 200 gallons of water, and smell whether one drop of
perfume has been sprayed in an area equivalent to a three-room apartment. The only claim that
sounds extraordinary is that he can
A)smell the perfume in an area the size of a three-room apartment.
B)see the flame from a candle at a distance of 30 miles.
C)taste the presence of a teaspoon of sugar in 200 gallons of water.
D)hear the tick of a watch at a distance of 20 feet.
41)The basic taste qualities are
A)bland, spicy, rancid, and tart.
B)simple, complex, and interactive.
C)temperature, texture, and chemical composition.
D)sweet, sour, bitter, saline, and umami.
42)Hair cells are to hearing as ________ are to the sense of smell.
A)papillae B) saccules
C)olfactory cilia D) olfactory bulbs
43)If you are like most people, you will be LEAST sensitive to pressure originating from the
A)fingertips. B) tongue. C) back. D) face.
44)Even though you have been especially careful looking for spelling errors in your paper, your
teacher has circled several typographical errors. Your inability to catch these errors is best
explained by
A)component recognition. B) perceptual set.
C)spatial integration. D) bottom-up processing.
45)One of the reasons that opponent-process theory was preferred over trichromatic theory was
that it provided a better explanation for
A)the greater likelihood of males to have color blindness.
B)the fact that the inability to distinguish yellows and blues is less common.
C)the existence of complementary afterimages.
D)why some people see no color at all.
46)Which item is NOT related to the vestibular sense?
A)saccule B) semicircular canals
C)utricle D) papillae
47)You perceive radio static as noise because it
A)has a fundamental frequency.
B)is composed of simple structures of fundamental frequencies and harmonics.
C)contains many audible frequencies.
D)contains frequencies that are systematically related to each other.
48)Donald Broadbent believed that the mind had a(n) ________ capacity to attend to incoming
information, and that a "filter" mechanism selected certain information ________ the input's
meaning was accessed.
A)unlimited; after B) limited; before
C)unlimited; before D) limited; after
49)People who get motion sickness easily typically find that it is quite common when the signals
from their ________ system conflict with those from the ________ system.
A)visual; auditory B) kinesthetic; auditory
C)visual; vestibular D) kinesthetic; vestibular
50)Which of the following terms does not belong with the others?
A)brightness B) hue C) frequency D) saturation