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Science 30 Assignment 1.1.1 The Heart (22 Marks)
1. Match the following parts of the heart. Place your answers in the blanks provided.
Enter the roman numerals in order in the following blanks. (6 marks)
_____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____
Match each function with the appropriate structures listed. Place your answer in the blanks
provided. (6 marks)
collects deoxygenated blood from the body
maintains the proper direction of the blood through the heart
iii. receives oxygenated blood from the lungs
iv. sends deoxygenated blood to the lungs
sends oxygenated blood to the body
separates the left and right halves of the heart
a. _____ any heart valve
b. _____ aorta
c. _____ pulmonary artery
d. _____ pulmonary vein
e._____ vena cava
f. _____ septum
Decide whether each statement is true (T) or false (F). Place your answer in the blank space
given. (4 marks)
a._____ All arteries carry oxygenated blood and all veins carry deoxygenated blood.
b._____ The heart rate increases as a person who was initially at rest starts exercising.
c._____ The flow of blood in the body is due to a back-and-forth motion caused by tidal forces.
d._____ The “lub-dub” heart sound that a doctor hears through a stethoscope comes from the
heart valves.
There is a difference in the action of the heart chambers during the processes of systole and
diastole. Describe this difference. Show your work (3 marks)
An athlete has a stroke volume of 85 mL per heartbeat and a heart rate of 64 beats per
minute. Calculate, in litres, the volume of blood pumped over one year. Show Your Work (3