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Kinesiology Exam Review
Appendicular- division of skeletal system
Anatomical Positions:
Superior and inferior
Distal proximal
Lateral medial
Anterior posterior
Superficial deep
Left right
Planes and Axis
Sagitall- splits left and right
Horizontal- sagitall plane
Frontal- splits front and back
Transverse- splits inferior and superior
Antereoposterior- frontal plane
Longitudinal- transverse
Sagitall plane
● Flexion and extension, dorsi flexion and plantar flexion
Frontal plane
● Abduction, adduction, inversion, eversion, elevation, depression, protraction, retracting, lateral bending
Medial and lateral rotation, pronation, supination, protraction, retraction
Types of Bones
Bone Landmarks
Tuberosity (Ischial)
Ball and socket
Fibrous - immovable & partly movable
Ligaments - connect bone to bone, non elastic
Cartilaginous - immovable & partly movable
Synovial - freely movable
Tendon - muscle to bone, little bit of elasticity
Disk/ cartilage - padding, protects the joint
Bursa - moist membrane, eliminates friction between bones and joints
Knee Joint Structure
LCL - limits lateral bending of knee
MCL - limits medial bending of the knee
ACL - restricts hyperextension and movement of tibial head
PCL - restricts displacement of tibia
Newton’s Laws
7 Princeiples of Biomechanics
5 Phases of a Spontaneous Movement
Ex Phys
3 Energy Systems
Anaerobic Glycolysis
Aerobic Oxidative
Cori Cycle
The Cori cycle (also known as Lactic acid cycle), named after its discoverers, Carl Cori and Gerty Cori,
refers to the metabolic pathway in which lactate produced by anaerobic glycolysis in the muscles moves
to the liver and is converted to glucose, which then returns to the muscles and is converted back to
Energy Sources
ATP-CP: Requires Creatine Phosphate and ADP. ADP is phosphorylated with the help of creatine kinase, and
Creatine is recycled.
Anaerobic: Glycogen which is converted into lactate.
Aerobic: Glucose which is converted into Acetyl-CoA and then pyruvate. Used to provide hydrogens for ATP
Vo2 Max
The maximum amount of oxygen your body can utilize during aerobic oxidation. Often used as a test of individual
Lactate Threshold
As its name suggests, the anaerobic energy system does not utilize oxygen to create Adenosine
triphosphate (ATP) and uses glycogen/glucose. Lactic acid is a by-product of using anaerobic metabolism
to create ATP for working muscles.Oxygen Deficit and Debt
Muscle Contraction:
It all starts with an electrical nerve impulse sent down nerve fibre from the brain to working muscles. Each nerve cell
forms a motor unit to make the connection into the muscle fibres.
Myosin heads attach to actin (thin filament) and pull actin toward centre, sliding past myosin (thick filament).
ATP is required to break the bond between myosin heads and actin and reattach the myosin heads further
down the actin
Tropomyosin blocks the binding sites on actin
Calcium ions bind with troponin and pull the tropomyosin into the grooves of the actin which reveal the
binding sites on the actin.
The sarcoplasmic reticulum is an endoplasmic reticulum which transports and regulates calcium ions.
An electrical impulse is sent via motor neurons to the sarcoplasmic reticulum, changing it’s membrane which
causes the release of calcium ions.
Once the electrical impulse of the motor neuron passes the Sarcoplasmic reticulum pumps back the calcium
ions into itself; causing the blocking of binding sites on the actin.
Oxygen Deficit. While exercising intensely the body is sometimes unable to fulfill all of its energy needs.
Specifically, it is unable to intake and absorb enough oxygen to adequately 'feed' the muscles the amounts of energy
needed to adequately perform the tasks the athlete is requesting from the body. In order to make up the difference
without sacrificing the output, the body must tap into its anaerobic metabolism. This where the body goes into a mix
of aerobic and anaerobic energy production. While not hugely detrimental, oxygen deficits can grow to a level that
the anaerobic energy system cannot cover. This can cause performance to deteriorate.
Oxygen Debt. This term describes how the body pays back its debt incurred above after the exercise is over. You
will notice that even after you are done racing you will continue to breath hard. At this point your body is still trying to
repay the oxygen debt that was created when you were working hard. Technically, it is excessive post-exercise
oxygen consumption.