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• In early times, Arabs worshipped many gods. That changed, however, when a man named
_________________________ brought a new religion to Arabia
• Muhammad was born into an important ______________ in the city of ______________ around 570
• Once he was grown, he managed a _____________________________________ owned by a
wealthy woman named ______________________, whom he _____________ when he was 25
• Caravan trade made Mecca a ______ city, but most of the __________ belonged to just a few people
• Traditionally, wealthy people in Mecca had helped the ___________.
In Muhammad’s time, though, many rich merchants _______________
the needy
• ______________________ about these changes, Muhammad often
went to the hills to __________ and ____________________
• One day, when he was about _______ years old, he went to meditate
in a cave. According to religious writings, an _____________ spoke to
Muhammad, telling him to “Recite in the name of your Lord who
created, created man from clots of blood! Recite! Your Lord is the Most
Bountiful One, Who by the pen taught man what he did not know.”
• Muslims believe that God had spoken to Muhammad through an angel and had made him a Prophet,
• The messages that Muhammad received form the basis of the religion called _______________. In Arabic,
the word Islam means ________________________________
• Muslims, ________________________________,
believe that God chose Muhammad to be his
• They also believe that Muhammad continued to
receive messages from God for the rest of his life.
Eventually, these messages were collected in the
Qur'an: ___________________________________
Teachings of Muhammad
• There is only _________ God, __________________ (“the God”)
• All people who ____________ in Allah are bound together like members of a ____________
- people who had __________ should use that money to help the ___________
• Urged ________________________ to treat their slaves kindly and ____________________
- people who _____________ their slaves would receive ___________________________
Spread of Islam
• Few___________________ at first; slowly began to
gain popularity, ________________ the rulers of
• After being threatened with _______________,
Muhammad and many of his followers went to
______________ in 622
• Muhammad’s departure from Mecca is called the
_________, or journey; It is so important a date in the
history of Islam that Muslims made 622 the first year
of the Islamic calendar
• Muhammad became a________________ and ________________ leader in Medina. His house became
the first mosque, _______________________________________________.
• Most people in ________________, including the people of Mecca, had __________________
Muhammad as their spiritual and political leader and become __________________ at the time of
Muhammad’s death in __________
Review the importance of Muhammad to Islam at your table for 1 minute
How were Muhammad and Jesus similar?
How were they different?
The Qur’an
• During Muhammad’s life, followers memorized his ____________ and his _________and __________
• After Muhammad’s death, they collected his __________________and wrote them down to form the
Qur’an. Muslims believe the Qur’an to be the _______________________ as it was told to Muhammad
Qur’an - BELIEFS
• The ____________________in the Qur’an is that there
is only _____________, Allah—and Muhammad is his
prophet. It says people must obey Allah’s _____________
• Islam teaches that the world had a definite
____________ and will _______ one day; Muhammad
said that on the final day God will
• Those who have _____________________his orders will
be granted life in _______________. According to the
Qur’an, paradise is a beautiful garden full of fine food
and drink. People who have not obeyed God, however,
will _______________________________
• Like holy books of other religions, the Qur’an describes Muslim acts of ________________,
guidelines for moral ________________and rules for ____________________________
• Some of these guidelines for life are stated explicitly:_________________________ For example,
the Quran clearly describes how a person should prepare for __________
• The Quran also tells Muslims what they should not _______ or _______________ (Muslims are
not allowed to eat pork or drink alcohol)
• Other guidelines for behavior are not stated directly but are stated implicitly:
• For example, the Quran does not expressly forbid the practice of ________________, which was
common in early Arabia. It does, however, imply that slavery should be __________________
• Another important subject in the Quran has to do with
• Jihad refers to the inner struggle people go through in
their effort to _______God and behave according to
__________ ways. Jihad can also mean the struggle to
____________the Muslim community, or, historically, to
The Sunnah
• The Sunnah refers to the way Muhammad ____________, which provides a model
for the _____________ and the way of life expected of Muslims.
The Sunnah ________________________________________________________
• The first duties of a Muslim are the Five Pillars of Islam:
•Pillar 1: _________________________________
At least ____________ in their lives, Muslims
must state their _____________ by saying,
“There is no god but God, and Muhammad is his
• Pillar 2: ________________________________
Muslims must pray ________ times a day: At
each of these times, a call goes out from a
___________, inviting Muslims to come pray
• Pillar 3: ________________________________
Muslims must _______ part of their
_____________ to a religious official. This is
used to help the poor, build mosques, pay debts
• Pillar #4: _____________________________
Muslims fast during the holy month of ________________________; Throughout Ramadan, most
Muslims will not ______ or ___________ anything between _________ and _______________; shows
that ________ is more important than one’s own body
• Pillar #5: ______________
All Muslims must make a pilgrimage to ___________ at least __________ in their lives if they can
Islamic Law
• Together, the Quran and the Sunnah form the basis of Islamic law, or
• Shariah uses both Islamic sources and human reason to ______________ the
__________________ of actions a person or community might take
• All actions fall on a scale ranging from required to accepted to disapproved to
forbidden. Islamic law makes no distinction between religious beliefs and daily life, so
• Shariah sets ___________________for good behavior and _____________________
for crimes -- It also describes ________________ of authority
• Islamic law is not found in one book -- it is a set of _____________ and
_________________ that have changed over the centuries. As a result,
different ideas about Islamic law are found in different Muslim regions