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AP World History
Chapter 9 and 10 Quiz
Name: __________________________
Directions: Choose and circle the best response.
1. Which of the following is most correctly seen as a direct continuation of the Roman Empire?
A) Frankish Empire
B) Ottoman Empire
C) Byzantine Empire
D) Holy Roman Empire
2. The significance of the Byzantine Empire included all of the following EXCEPT
A) the empire's ability to survive for almost a thousand years.
B) the importance of the empire's capital at Constantinople as a major urban center.
C) the ability of the empire to spread its cultural and political influence to the Balkans and southern
D) the empire's conquest of the Ottoman Empire and its inclusion of all of the Middle East.
3. Which of the following represents a difference between the spread of civilization in eastern and
western Europe?
A) They produced different versions of Christianity, culturally as well as organizationally separate.
B) Only eastern Europe developed north-south commercial ties.
C) Centralized government and well-organized bureaucracy was more a feature of western Europe than
eastern Europe.
D) Only the East faced the threat of an Islamic invasion.
4. What was the great church built in Constantinople by Justinian?
A) St. Peter's
B) The Cathedral of St. Dimitri
C) Hagia Sophia
D) St. Basil
5. The Byzantine Empire began
A) in the 9th century C.E., with the missionary work of Cyril and Methodius.
B) in the 4th century C.E., with the building of Constantinople.
C) in the 1st century C.E., during the reign of Augustus.
D) in the 5th century C.E., with the fall of Rome.
6. Which of the following was NOT one of Justinian's positive contributions to the Byzantine Empire?
A) The rebuilding of Constantinople
B) Systematizing of the Roman legal code
C) The reconquest of Gaul
D) The construction of Hagia Sophia
7. In the 7th and 8th centuries, what group posed the greatest threat to the eastern frontiers of the
Byzantine Empire?
A) The Sassanid Persians
B) The Huns
C) The Arab Muslims
D) The Russian Empire
8. What emperor became renowned in the 11th century as the slayer of the Bulgars by defeating the
Bulgarian kingdom and restoring Byzantine rule in the Balkans?
A) Justinian
B) Basil II
C) Michael III
D) Ivan IV
9. Which of the following describes a key difference between art in western and eastern Christianity?
A) Art in the Roman church depicts the image of Christ, while Orthodox art does not.
B) Art in the Roman church depicts only a triumphant Christ, while Orthodox art only depicts Christ's
C) Art in the Roman church emphasizes Christ's suffering, while Orthodox art emphasizes Christ's
D) Art in the Roman church depicts figures from the gospels, while Orthodox art depicts only figures
from the Old Testament.
10. Why did Vladimir I prefer Orthodox Christianity to Roman Catholicism?
A) He preferred to avoid the pitfalls of the veneration of icons.
B) He believed that Roman Catholicism implied papal interference, while Orthodoxy embraced the
control of the church by the state.
C) He was not familiar with Roman Catholicism, because the Western form of Christianity had not
penetrated into eastern Europe.
D) He rejected the Roman Catholics' emphasis on the sacraments and the use of the trinity.
11. Which of the following statements concerning the impact of Christianity on polytheistic religions in
western Europe is most accurate?
A) Christianity eradicated all traces of those earlier religions as the new religion became universal in
western Europe.
B) The process of conversion produced a religious blend in which beliefs in magic and supernatural
spirits coexisted with Christianity.
C) Although Christianity made inroads, many areas of Europe retained polytheistic beliefs and rejected
the new religion.
D) Small islands of polytheistic belief remained, but most Europeans converted from polytheistic faiths in
the initial post-classical centuries.
12. Which of the following statements concerning the intellectual activity of the medieval West prior to
the 8th century is most accurate?
A) Classical rational traditions were actively united with Christian mysticism to carve out a new
intellectual world.
B) With the few literate people concentrated in monasteries, little was achieved other than copying older
C) Universities rapidly created a new intellectual climate in which logic was applied to matters of
Christian doctrine.
D) All literacy and contact with the ancient culture was lost in the centuries following the fall of Rome.
13. The system that described economic and political relations between landlords and their peasant
laborers was called
A) manorialism.
B) feudalism.
C) slavery.
D) monasticism.
14. The moldboard was
A) a system of justice common to the manorial regime of the medieval West.
B) a technological innovation, a plow that allowed deeper turning of the soil.
C) a technological innovation, a water-driven mill for grinding grain.
D) the peasant council that determined the division of land and labor in a peasant village.
15. Which of the following statements concerning the three-field rotation system is most accurate?
A) Introduced in the 8th century, the three-field rotation left a third of the land unplanted to regain
B) The three-field system removed more land from production than before by reserving one-third for
C) The three-field system was rapidly replaced after the 8th century by the two-field system that offered
greater flexibility in terms of crop rotation.
D) The three-field system removed fallow fields and replaced them with nitrogen-bearing crops.
16. What dynasty took over the Frankish monarchy in the 8th century?
A) Merovingian
B) Capetian
C) Carolingian
D) Saxon
17. In what year did Pope Urban II call for the First Crusade?
A) 1066
B) 1095
C) 1130
D) 1236
18. The reforming monastic orders founded in Assisi in the 13th century were created by
A) St. Benedict and Clovis.
B) St. Clare and St. Benedict.
C) St Francis and Charlemagne.
D) St. Francis and St. Clare.
19. In the 12th century, what Parisian scholar, the author of Yes and No, utilized logic to examine
ecclesiastical doctrine?
A) Thomas Aquinas
B) William of Ockham
C) Peter Abelard
D) William of St. Thierry
20. Which of the following was a result of the Hundred Years War during the 14th and 15th centuries?
A) Kings reduced their reliance on feudal forces in favor of paid armies
B) An English victory, but only after an invasion of France by Richard the Lionhearted
C) Mounted knights continued their dominance over foot soldiers and archers
D) Major battles resulted in enormous loss of life over the course of the war
21. The puritanical reform movements of the Almoravids and Almohadis arose among what groups of
people in Africa?
A) The Berbers, native desert dwellers of North Africa
B) The Arabs during the conquest of North Africa
C) The Nubians of the early Sudan
D) The inhabitants of the empire of Mali
22. To what extent did Islam successfully penetrate the populations of east Africa?
A) As in Asia, the conversion of the coastal cities led to almost complete conversion of the populations
lying inland.
B) Most clans and the most important lineage groups outside of the east African cities were converted to
Islam in order to participate in trade.
C) Islam penetrated very little into the interior among the hunters, pastoralists, and farmers, and even the
areas near the trading towns remained relatively unaffected.
D) Islam spread from the cities to the hinterland in such a way that eventually the countryside was more
Islamic than were the cities.
23. The Roman Empire
A) tolerated local political and religious diversity.
B) insisted that all inhabitants become Roman citizens.
C) prevented foreigners from trading within the empire.
D) allowed no political participation from its citizens.
24. The Senate of republican Rome particularly represented
A) the landed aristocracy.
B) the emperors.
C) the urban workers.
D) the merchants and businessmen.
25. What was the primary cultural contribution of the Muslims during the Abbasid period?
A) The Muslims were able to recover and preserve the works of the ancient philosophers as well as
transmit ideas and culture from one civilization to another.
B) The Muslims became extraordinarily adept at portraiture, focusing on depictions of Muhammad and
the early caliphs.
C) Although the material culture of the Abbasid period remained poor, Muslims were able to make some
advances in music.
D) Islamic learning was necessarily unique, as they had no access to the ancient traditions of philosophy
and science.
26. “[Clovis] saw it [his army being in danger of destruction] and raised his eyes to heaven, and with
remorse in his heart he burst in to tears and cried: ‘Jesus Christ, whom Cotilda asserts to be the son of the
living God . . . I beseech the glory of thy aid, with the vow that if thou wilt grant me victory over these
enemies . . .I will believe in thee and be baptized in thy name. For I have invoked my own gods, but, as I
see, they have withdrawn from aiding me; and therefore I believe that they possess no power, since they
do not help those who obey them.’ And when he said this, the Alamanni [the Germans] turned there
backs, and began to disperse in flight.”
Gregory of Tours
History of the Franks, mid-to-late seventh century
Based on the quote above, one could infer that Clovis’ conversion to Christianity was primarily a
A) spiritual transformation
B) military surrender
C) political act
D) financial mistake
E) concession to his wife
27. “Each Steward shall make an annual statement of all our income: an account of our lands cultivated
by the oxen which our ploughmen drive and of our lands which the tenants of farms ought to plough; an
account of the pigs, of the rents . . .Of the food products other than meat, two-thirds shall be sent each
year for our own use…and they shall tell us how much is left by a statement, as we have said above; and
they shall not neglect this as in the past; because from those two-thirds, we wish to know how much
. . .Each steward shall have in his district good workmen…”
The above quote exemplifies tenants of which economic system?
A) Manoralism
B) Laissez Faire
C) Feudalism
D) Mercantilism
E) Capitalism
The map above illustrates
A) the Mediterranean region on the eve of the Crusades.
B) Byzantium’s maximum expansion during the reign of Justinian.
C) Islamic territories around 600 C.E.
D) Ottoman expansion on the eve of the fall of Constantinople.
E) All of the above
Short Response: Choose ONE of the following to respond to in a short paragraph.
A) Define manorialism and feudalism. How do they provide the building blocks for medieval political
structure and society?
B) What were the characteristics of feudal monarchy as demonstrated in France and England between
1000 and 1300?
C) What was the political organization of the Byzantine Empire?
D) What were the factors in the decline of the Byzantine Empire?