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Failures in Epithelial Social Networks lead to Pathology and Aging NoelGarcíaMedel,PhD 2017,May26th 1.Epithelia:StructureandFunction Epitheliaisolatetheorganismfromthe environment 2.SocialBehaviorinEpithelia Epithelialcellsrespondtotheir environment Cells interact with their social environment triggering biological events: Ø Proliferation. Ø Scheduled death. Ø Movement. Ø Cell type transitions. Ø Release of substances. Figure 1 from: GemCell: A generic platform for modeling multi-cellular biological systems. Hila Amir-Kroll, Avital Sadot, Irun R. Cohen, David Harel. Theoretical Computer Science, 391, 276–290, 2008. BiologicalRulesdrivingcellbehavior Death by Overcrowding: when the cell contacts with an amount of neighbors overcoming a critical number (4-6 cells), it is set as apoptotic. Contact inhibition: when the cell contacts with an amount of neighbors overcoming a critical number (4-6 cells), the plate and/or a different tissue, its cell cycle is arrested. Death by Isolation: when the cell fail to attach others after a critical number of cell cycles, it is set as apoptotic. PhysiologicalandPathologicalvariantsofBRs Figure 4 from: Computational investigation of epithelial cell dynamic phenotype in vitro. Sean HJ Kim, Sunwoo Park, Keith Mostov, Jayanta Debnath and C Anthony Hunt. Theoretical Biology and Medical Modelling, 6(8), 2009. Figure 2 from: Essential operating principles for tumor spheroid growth. Jesse A Engelberg, Glen EP Ropella and C Anthony Hunt.BMC Systems Biology, 2:110, 2008. BiochemicalbasisforBRs Figure from: Deconstructing p53 transcriptional networks in tumor suppression. Kathryn T. Bieging and Laura D. Attardi. Trends Cell Biology, 2011. P53 miss function Phenotype Fail in Scheduled death BRs Overcrowding (Tumor) 3. Agent-based Modeling: A robust approach to simulate complex processes InteractiveComputationalUnits Figures 2 and 3 from: Tutorial on agent-based modeling and simulation. CM. Macal and MJ. North. Journal of Simulation, 4,151-162, 2010. SynchronizingprocesseswithABM Agent-BasedModeling enablestosynchronizemultiple complexprocesses P1 P2 P1 P2 P3 P1 P2 P3 P3 Sequential Threads ABM Figure 1 from: Introduction of an agent-based multi-scale modular architecture for dynamic knowledge representation of acute inflammation. Gary An. Theoretical Biology and Medical Modelling, 5:11, 2008. 4. Morphogenesis and Homeostasis in the skin: a particular case study EpidermalABMModels Figure 8 from: Development of a Three Dimensional Multiscale Computational Model of the Human Epidermis. Salem Adra, Tao Sun, Sheila MacNeil, Mike Holcombe, Rod Smallwood. Plos One, 5(1), 2010. Figure 4 from: Modeling epidermal homeostasis as an approach for clinical bioinformatics. Niels Grabe, Thora Pommerencke, Dennis Muller, Simone Huber, Karsten Neuber, Hartmut Dickhaus. 2006. Epidermalstructure Figure 1 from: Skin barrier responses to moisturizers. Izabela Buraczewska. Digital comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from Faculty of Medicine 381, 2008. Figure 1 from: Molecular Biology of Keratinocyte Differentiation. Richard Leon Eckert and Ellen Anne Rorke. Environmental Health Perspectives, Vol. 80, pp. 109-116, 1989. Barrierfailsleadingtosystemicsymptomatology Figure 2 from: Epidermal barrier dysfunction and cutaneous sensitization in atopic diseases. Akiharu Kubo, Keisuke Nagao, and Masayuki Amagai. The Journal of Clinical Investigation, 122 (2), 2012. 5. Turn-over Imbalance in Epidermis as putative explanation for the Skin Aging Structuralchangesattheagingskin Figure 3 from: Structural characteristics of the aging skin: a review. Miranda A. Farange and Kenneth W. Miller. Cutaneous and ocular Toxicology, 26: 343-357, 2007. FailuresinBRleadingtoskinaging Photo-aging as overall aging model. Figure 1 from: Solar UV radiation reduces the barrier function of human skin. Biniek, K et al, 2012. PNAS, 109(42): 17111-17116. ResultsonComputationalmodels Failures in Loss of contact-related Biological Rules are being investigated as major cause of skin aging by using computational models: Ø Premature Contact Inhibition and Death by Overcrowding explain loss of cell mass and epidermal thinning in elders. Ø Aberrant cell migration explain dark spots and impairment in wound healing. Ø Loss of interaction with fibroblast feeders from the dermis reduces cell growth at the basal lamina, thus limiting the regenerative potential of the epidermis. 6. Replication-independent injury in Aging DNA NUMTS:MitochondrialDNAinsertionsintothegenome Duringcancer,agingandotherpathologies,mtDNAfragmentsmovetothe nucleusandtheyareintegratedintothechromosomes(Crottetal,2005. Mutat.Res.570,63–70)beingputativecauseof: Ø Breakdown of functional genes or regulatory elements. Ø Epigenetic alterations. Ø Chromosome instability. Fig. 1 from Caro et al, 2010. Mitochondrion. 10, 479–486 Searchingforage-relatedNUMTS DeepExplorationoftheHumanGenometofindnon-germinalmtDNAsequences. The major question: Are NUMTS source of Therapeutic Targets to fight Aging? CRISPR/Cas9-drivenNUMTSclearance NUMTS:MitochondrialDNAinsertionsintothegenome IsitpossibletorevertsenescencemarkersbyeditingNUMTSinvivo? Age NUMTS Clearance ? TheInnoHealthITteam Carolina Pavicic, MSc, PhD student. Cell Automatons theory to model Epithelial Biology. Martin Garrido, MSc. Deep exploration of Human Genome searching for age-related mithocondrial DNA insertions. Marius A. Botos, MSc. Mithocondrial DNA insertions with high relevance in aging. Diana Vega, MSc. Identification of novel therapeutic targets from complex biochemical networks. Eduardo Muñoz, MBA. He pays our salaries.